
The ground shook as if there was an earthquake.


But the cheerful cry from Zhizhi made people understand the reason.

Three red ground dragons, fat and strong and as huge as hills, rushed over.

In terms of weight, each head weighs at least dozens of tons or even hundreds of tons. It is not surprising that such a huge beast rushes over like a hare, causing such a movement.

The fighting power of each earth dragon is extremely terrifying, and it can easily crash through the battlefield.

It's a pity that the bloodline is not pure enough, so it can only be regarded as a dragon beast, not to mention a sub-dragon, not even a dragonborn. It can only be said that the originally powerful beast has some dragon bloodline.

Zhizhi jumped on the back of one of them. These three earthly dragons were almost her natural relatives and had long been imbued with her blood.

Although Moody, the dragon priest, can still command the other party, if his order conflicts with Zhizhi, the three-headed dragon will definitely obey Zhizhi.

"By the way, do you know why the griffins and dwarves are causing trouble for the adventurers?"Looking at Zhizhi, who was quarreling with the Earthly Dragon in front of him, Lin Feng suddenly remembered something, so he asked.

As a local snake, Moody can at least know some information, right?

"The Griffin King's eggs were stolen and the smell disappeared into the adventurer's supply point, which angered the other party. They wanted to ask us for help some time ago, but we refused!" Moody really knew the inside story and directly told this extremely important news.

If other players asked, they would definitely have to do countless tasks to have a chance to get this news from him, but facing Lin Feng, the source of blood, spoke out without any reservations.

‘The handiwork of a poisonous spider? '

Of course Lin Feng wouldn't think it was the players who did it.

Recalling the initial attack on the basin by a group of gryphons, the Bull Principality seemed to have expected it, and even specially helped to deal with the reconnaissance guard. If it had nothing to do with the other party, he dared to cut off the head and kick it as a ball.

Such an insidious and effective method is indeed like that of the poisonous spider.

After getting this news, it was good news for Lin Feng, because he could make arrangements based on this.

In terms of strength, with the help of the dragon tribe and the improvement of his own strength, he can definitely become a single strength. Although it is the weakest one, his advantage is that he can unite more forces and become a stronger coalition.

Regarding his bold plan, Lin Feng felt that the chances of success were getting higher and higher.

"I want to meet the Griffin King, is there anything you can do?"

He turned to Moody and asked, if you can find a way to resolve the other party's hatred, there is no way to bring the other party into his camp. As long as there are enough benefits, the other party will not mind who you cooperate with. The

Griffin King has wisdom and can definitely do it. If there is no negotiation, then it is truly a fight to the death.

"Yes, but it will be dangerous!", after hesitating, Moody reminded him carefully.

If Lin Feng was an adult dragon, he would naturally not be worried at all, but if he is only a young dragon now, once he is besieged by a massive group of griffons, then Maybe I won't be able to come back.

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about. I'll go to the basin first, and when I come back, you take me to see the other party!", Lin Feng spread his wings, and just when he was about to fly, he suddenly found a strong wind coming.


Zhizhi, who was still on several dragon beasts just now, rushed over and carried Lin Feng on his back. For a while, she was very satisfied with the status of her mount.

Generally speaking, dragon knights were nothing to dragon creatures, because these guys were not very intelligent.

But to the dragon, the dragon knight was an insult to herself, and the knight was nothing. Don't even think about it.

It's just that Zhizhi really likes to let Lin Feng climb on him in an energy-saving manner. If it weren't for the fact that it was not as comfortable as a knee pillow, Lin Feng might have just given in. A flying mobile seat Ride!

In terms of flying speed, the energy-saving posture is naturally far inferior to Zhizhi, so Lin Feng did not struggle and prepared to ride the opponent back to the valley.


Zhizhi quickly flapped his wings, which were almost two meters wide. , catching people is no longer a problem. There is no need to worry about the danger when flying low along the road. If you fly from the air, you are likely to attract a large number of flying monsters to chase you, but flying low along the road will not be a problem.

He walked more than 20 kilometers in an hour, but it only took more than ten minutes to fly. Lin Fei had already returned to the basin using his keen sense of smell, and told the other party directly that he could use the news to make money for himself. A good thing, but also able to find things.

A few hours later!

Lin Feng followed Moody and came to a pillar-shaped cliff area.

Griffins like to build nests in cliff areas, and the nests are visible to the naked eye. Above it, it looked like a honeycomb.

From time to time, a large number of griffins flew out and played in the sky. It seemed like a paradise for griffins.


Old Moody took out a white bone flute and played it, thick and loud.

A dull sound echoed among the cliffs.

A large number of wings flapped, as if the calm water in the pool was broken.

Countless griffons began to gather and circle, forming a wave of lions.

" Griffin Storm", this is also the favorite attack method of the griffin group, which can bring out all its advantages.

A huge and white griffin with a proud and confident look is flying slowly from the rotating griffin storm.

It's the Griffin King whom I met before during the battle in the basin.

"Moody, you violated our covenant and brought other creatures here without permission!", a dull middle-aged male voice sounded from the Griffin King's mouth.

In the world of heroes, after reaching a certain level of strength, speaking is a basic operation, so there is no need to be surprised.

As the king of a clan, the Griffin King will never be weak. For an ace creature, it’s not surprising that it can talk.

"Griffin King, the master is the blood source of our tribe, and is not an outsider!", Moody introduced in a respectful tone. It is obvious that the status of both parties is the same in their own ethnic groups.

"Yeah!"The Griffin King lowered his head, and his sharp pupils locked on Lin Feng, who was many times smaller than him and was still in a state of energy conservation.

If he showed a fighting posture, Lin Feng might have to be smaller than the opponent, because the opponent is indeed too big. , if the appearance was not the same as that of a griffon, no one would believe that the other party was a griffin. Some people believed that it was a large monster.

"Young red dragon, what is your purpose in coming to my territory?"The Griffin King's wise eyes naturally saw through Lin Feng's energy-saving gesture, or in other words, he understood what the energy-saving gesture represented.

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