
At this time, Lin Feng swallowed his saliva and felt that his eyes were red.

With such a large number of drawings, even the first-order lair drawings, which are the least difficult to harvest, are definitely not easy to obtain. The time, energy, and resources consumed to obtain them are completely astronomical.

But now, as long as he captures the nest, he can instantly harvest a large number of nest drawings, including drawings of the core nest. It would be strange for him not to be jealous.

He glanced at the situation in the Bull Principality.

Now the opponent is in an all-out war, and the balance of victory is tilting towards the opponent. The most important thing is that the knights running along the main road, with no monsters around at this time, are slowing down and stopping.

It was obvious that the knights were preparing to stop and turn around, and then return to the battlefield.

Once they charge from behind, the Bull Principality's army will naturally win. The frontal attack is to put enough pressure on the defenders to gather them, and at the same time, they have no energy to pay attention to the rear.

"Lilith, leave this to you, I will take the dragon beast and snake demon team to deal with those knights!" Even if Lin Feng wants to dismantle the nest, he still understands that it is not time to just get benefits. If those knights really charge, then this battle will be GG.

"Yes, my lord!"Lilith could naturally see the situation on the battlefield. After responding, she led the army to rush towards the next target, the dwarf village that was as tall as a hill. There were already a large number of third-level dwarves waiting there.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng and Zhizhi jumped on the top of the dragon beast together.


The three earth dragons moved their short legs, which were thick and strong, like stone pillars, and began to rush towards the knight.

12 units of snake monsters The earth-moving dragon, which was about a hundred tons, swam behind him, but at a much slower speed.

Even the Miracle Lord Road with the bonus of the rules was easily crushed.

In other words, this main road was not. If the road is built with ore resources, it cannot be broken by the walking dragon. As for not flying, it is naturally because there is no way to see the gryphon and Pegasus in the sky outside the Miracle Territory. During the fight, no one flew into the Miracle Territory?

Forbidden air!

One of the most important functions of the Miracle Territory's city wall is to either destroy the city wall or destroy the lord's heart on the altar.

It was also because of the forbidden air effect that Lin Feng's previous plan to use his flying advantage to steal the house failed. Otherwise, he could have parachuted to the altar to seize it.

The Miracle Territory had at least a kilometer radius, and those knights rushed here. It was not far from the area where Lin Feng was, so he came here specifically to intercept. If it were far away, the day lily would be cold by the time he arrived.

Naturally, the news here would not be hidden from the Bull Principality.


Shar's charming face was so cold that she could almost scrape off a layer of ice.

Because she never expected that the other party would strike first. This kind of thing is usually her patent. She didn't expect to encounter it today. This kind of thing.

Lin Feng naturally knew about the loopholes in the contract, so he would not hesitate to launch an attack instead of seizing the altar.

"No need to hold back!", Shar gritted his teeth in a vented manner.


The sound of metal collision sounded, and a troop covered in metal armor appeared, with a shield on the left and a sword on the right.

The Crusaders, an eighth-level unit!

The Crusaders can be said to be very powerful in the castle camp. The famous eighth-level unit has great advantages in both attack and defense. Together with these two characteristics, it makes this unit powerful and famous:

Body of Steel (reduces piercing physical damage by 30%) and double slashing (when attacking). There is a half chance of triggering an additional attack)

Although it is only a change from level seven to level eight, in addition to the changes in attributes, there are also two more abilities.

It is the combination of these two abilities that makes the Crusaders ranked. Among the top ranks of all eighth-level soldiers.

Of course, the strongest eighth-level soldier is the Vampire King. This is a throne that cannot be touched, because the blood contract ability is a bit too overwhelming.

The army that just attacked retreated. Change to the directly affiliated troops.

During the previous battle, except for the knights, the others were all affiliated to the affiliated heroes. It was considered deliberate by Shar to use the authority of the commander to reduce the losses of the army and let the affiliated heroes act as consumables.

It can only be said that Shar, as a poisonous spider, is really strong in terms of the talent of commander.

And when the Crusaders entered the front line, a group of soldiers wearing sacrificial robes, hiding their faces, put their hands together. Pray. Buzz!

Golden light falls from the sky, covering the Crusaders who are entering the battlefield.

This is the tenth-level core unit, which is the ability of the monk's advanced priest.

The effect is very simple.

Thirty percent of the unit's attributes (attack, defense, damage, movement, duration ten minutes, the target level must not be higher than itself, each unit can support ten units, once a day) because it is a unit effect, so Lin Feng specially remembered Next.

This is a weakened version of the heroic spell prayer.

The original version is more domineering.

It is said to be weakened because the real prayer is based on multiples in terms of enhancement, and there is no level limit, so it is said to be weakened.

But even if it is weakened, it is definitely a terrifying blessing.

Think about it, a 30% increase in all attributes can completely change the unit, and the duration is as long as ten minutes.

The Crusaders after the blessing can see it.

It has become a super eighth-level unit, and its combat effectiveness has completely improved.

The Crusader rushed into the battlefield, like a hot knife piercing cheese, instantly speeding up the advance several times.

If it weren't for the unicorn beast's special ability, it would be directly.

The priest's long-range attack opened the way.



A dense rain of arrows pierced the sky and shot towards the dead tree guard.

Even though the attack power of the sharpshooter was far inferior to that of the monk and the priest, he was not affected by the forbidden magic aura.

Rows of dead tree guards fell to the ground under the double attack of arrows and Crusaders.

As a large army coming to compete for the Miracle Territory, the Bull Principality naturally has many trump cards in its hands.

At least it can deal with the lone ones without relying on knights.

There was no pressure on the unicorn beast and the unicorn herd.

On the other side, Lin Feng found that his prey had changed.

Instead of adjusting their formation, the knights chose to move forward, preparing to escape from the city, and the griffon troops were moving forward.

Flying at full speed around the edge of the city wall, preparing to fly over to meet him

‘How could I let you escape! '

Since he chose to take action, how could Lin Feng return empty-handed?

"Zhizhi, let some big guys crash over there!", he ordered to Zhizhi who wrapped his wings around him and held him with his claws.

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