Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1297: I want to kill

The heart of the devil is very strong!

Ranked 50th among the top 100 emperors!

The erratic body method, the strange knife method, is not a general difficulty!

Lin Fei simply used the refining big array!

Eighteen Hongmeng flew out and mastered a big banner, and suddenly changed.

You are fast, I will suppress your speed!

Lin Fei’s idea is simple!


The eighteen honours are separated from each other, and the strength of each avatar is extremely powerful. Because Lin Fei’s realm is too low, it falls into the realm of outsiders but only two steps.

The layman looks at the excitement.

The insiders are discolored!

Each of the avatars contains the ancient gods of heaven and earth!

Eighteen at least three steps to the peak of the Emperor.

What a big deal!

The avatar is not cultivated by no one, and 18 people are cultivated in one breath. Each strength is exactly the same, which is shocking and taboo!

No wonder the four-step power is being killed.

You are alone, and there are 18 avatars in the heavens.


This is a big pit!

I don't know how many people have been pitted in!


The speed of the heart of the emperor slowed down.

The refining of the sky is not a common formation, but a terrible formation.

The eighteen avatars were motivated together, and the heart was free to move, blocking the ten empty emptiness, and all the power was suppressed on the heart of the emperor, and the speed of the heavens was pushed down.


What Lin Fei wants is that the heart of the emperor slows down.

The attack of the Emperor of the Heart did not slow down!


Another strange knife is pointing to Lin Fei's throat!

"Now it's my turn!"

Lin Fei opened his mouth and rolled his mind to rush to smash the cold light. The six arm electro-optical smashed up and smashed.

The heart of the demon is turned into a black fog!


Removed the power of Lin Fei!

"A sword reincarnation!"

Lin Fei has experience in dealing with the undead.

The huge sword whirlpool is covered in black fog!

The ancient gods roared, and the mouth was biting black fog. The large black fog was torn apart, and the black fog was once again turned into a human form. A knife is on the whirlpool.

This knife is like an antelope hanging corner can be found!

The heart of the emperor rushed out!

Lin Fei is not anxious or slow, shrinking the scope of the refining sky, from a million to 500,000 miles, and then compressed to 100,000 miles, the body of the Emperor is constantly suppressed.

"I see how you show it!"

The demon emperor squats beyond the limit speed of the heavens, Lin Fei is really not good to deal with, when the scope is limited. Speed ​​loses its advantage and there is nothing to threaten.

"Heaven, you are not very arrogant, see me destroy you!"

Lin Fei's six arms fluttered, and the heart of the demon emperor retired, and his body was completely suppressed. In a small area, I really contend with Lin Fei.


The Emperor of the Heart once again turned into a black fog!

This time the black fog is much smaller than before!

Lin Fei took the opportunity to shrink 50,000 miles and suppressed the battle range within 50,000 miles. The Emperor of the Heart was copied from the heavens, only knowing the attack, and Lin Fei was in the middle.


Another sword went out, around Jianguang. A layer of white mist shrouds the black fog into two, and a large black mist evaporates!

Lin Fei has begun to gain the upper hand!


"This day, this guy really insists!"

As the Emperor of the Heart is suppressed, he begins to gain the upper hand.

The 50-pointed Emperor of the Heart can't kill Emperor Tian, ​​the Terran Emperor's Day is really terrible, and the Emperor of Heaven's copy of the Emperor is solved by others!

Everyone knows that when the Emperor of the Heart is dead, the hidden people will shoot!

Let me talk about the fairy light of the heavenly reward!

Xianguang contains the essence of energy. As long as you absorb a little, the strength can be improved a lot!

If you are lucky enough to get a third, you can hit the peak in one breath!

In addition, a series of treasures on Emperor Tian, ​​they are not allowed to be heartless!



After another smashing the body of the Emperor.

This is already the thirty-eighth time!

The Emperor of the Heart has no shape, and it was swept away by Lin Fei’s sword. Earth back to earth!

After killing thirty-eight times in a row, Lin Fei spent seven or eighty percent of his strength.

It’s horrible to have an undead body!

This is just a copy of the Emperor of the Heart, if the Emperor is alive. Lin Fei has killed himself for a hundred times and may not be able to kill each other. The estimate of running is his own.


When the Emperor of the Heart is dead, the heavens are gone, the fairy music is played, and a white multicolored fairy light is lowered!

This is the Tiandao reward Lin Fei!

Lin Fei took a deep breath and the rich fairy light penetrated into the body. The crack on the original itself recovered instantly, more than the reward of the second emperor!

"Emperor, you kill our people in the Qing government, today you will pay for your blood debt!"

The people of Qingfu are the first to start!

The nine elders were the first to deal with the four-step demon emperor.

In the sky, a skyshadow, a long stick with a long length, smashed down the head of Emperor Tian, ​​never give the Emperor any chance of recovery!

"The Scorpio of Qingfu!"

The nine elders dragged the emperor, and a large cyan gourd appeared in the sky. The gourd mouth sucked on the fairy light and rolled into the gourd.

The first work of Qingfu does not mean that others do not shoot.

"This kind of good thing, your youth house is also very interesting to swallow?"

In the void, there was a cold cry, and a black big hand stretched out. The sea was fishing for the moon, and a large piece of fairy light fell to the hand, and another came to **** the fairy light.

"Good things, everyone has a share!"

The strong who hide the void have shot!

Let's divide the fairy light and say it!

The following Emperor, they chose to ignore, even if there is combat power, but also can leave a few points of combat power, it is not enough!

"A group of things that are not dead, the things of the Emperor, you dare to do it!"

Lin Fei laughed at heaven!


Still the same as last time!

Lin Fei opened his mouth and swallowed it. The heavens and the earth were dark. People in the distance saw that someone had a mouth and swallowed all the fairy light. The treasures of the hands were swallowed up!

The huge fairy light swallowed, and Lin Fei sank and fell almost down.

Eighteen avatars entered the body and divided the large pieces of fairy light. Lin Fei underestimated the reward of the heavens, and the fairy light after the diversion was still a huge number.

This swallow, everyone is dumb!

This can be!

The average person has been blasted!

The Qingfu nine elders gritted their teeth and the long sticks were drawn. "You dare to swallow the treasures of our Qing government!"

Just now, Lin Fei went straight to the cyan gourd!

It is no wonder that the Green House is full of anger, and one is not careful to be taken away by the Emperor!

"Hey, you deserve it, things are in the hands of the Emperor, have the ability to grab it!" Lin Feizhen, I am in the hands of a sword, a sword on the long stick, the anti-shock force will fly out the nine elders, the heart "There are too many fairy lights, and they can't be digested in a short time. Today is destined to kill them!"

The fairy light in the body depends on refining, and I don’t know how to be a monkey!

They are the best helpers!

Lin Fei licked his mouth and said, "I want to kill the ring, kill him and let the blood flow into the river and say it!"

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