Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1322: Forbidden land of the four major families

Duanmu Huangzi can't think of someone faster than himself!

Reappeared from the Sword Mountain.

The Duanmu Prince has been eyeing here and has always wanted to be the first to climb the Sword Mountain and gain the benefits of the Sword Mountain.

But when the Duanmu Emperor was full of confidence, an outsider appeared, directly surpassed himself, boarded the Jianshen Mountain, and took away the so-called benefits.

The Duanmu Prince was not stimulated.

Since the black man went up, Duanmu Huangzi kept attacking and spent a lot of time and energy. He went to Jianshen Mountain as he wished, and did not stop for a moment and went straight to the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, it is still a late step.

The other side is down!

Under the anger of Duanmu, the sword stopped the other side, no matter how they had to hand over the benefits of Jianshen Mountain.

"Step aside!"

Lin Fei has no impression of this arrogant young man in front of him.

On the mainland of the sword, Lin Fei did not put anyone in his heart. If he really cares, it is four strong people. Perhaps they will let Lin Fei be jealous.

As for anything else, I will ignore it.

Duanmu Huangzi has always been used to pride. On the mainland of the sword, who dares not to give himself a face, not to mention, Beijun is his own territory, and he is taken advantage of by an outsider, and this tone cannot be swallowed.

"You don't hand it over, the Emperor himself does it, see you give it!"

Duanmu Huangzi does not think that the other side has any big head.

The other side is also a step in the realm of Xiandi, what is fearful.

call out!

The long sword on the hand of Duanmu Huangzi directly cuts the throat of the other party at an angle. Under such a distance, there is no fear that the other party can avoid it.

"Get out!"

Lin Fei didn't want to waste time on such things. The slender fingers slammed into a bullet and slammed on the sword of Duanmu's prince. The long sword was deflected and the other hand slammed down.


Duanmu Huangzi is quite confident in his own sword.

Whoever wants to cut a sword, encounters a powerful force, and almost takes the long sword of the unstable hand. The other party's slap in the air, hit his proud face and flew him out.

Lin Fei took a shot and flew to the other side, and did not stop to fly below.


"The young man in black is out!"

"Is it fast, is it so fast?"

The people who are still struggling are unable to keep their eyes wide open.

I can understand everything on Jianshen Mountain so quickly. I don’t think it looks like a good look. Many people show the look of envy and jealousy.

"Bad boy. You stand for me!"

Lin Feigang was under the pressure of the sword, and a sword was shining. There were dozens of changes in a sword, and all the way to the other side was instantly blocked.

"Is this not the Duanmu Prince?"

"Did the two have something happening on it?"

Countless people are shocked!

The Duanmu Emperor is from the royal family and is powerful on the mainland of the sword. Most people do not give face. Some people even saw this black man dying in the hands of Duanmu Huangzi.

The catch up is the Duanmu Prince.

It’s a shame to be shot by a slap in the palm of your hand. It’s never been a shame since it’s been so big. This is a huge blow to the Duanmu Prince.

Lin Fei’s face was heavy, and he had already been merciful. He dared to shoot himself. It’s just something that doesn’t know how to live and die. Is there a talented person who has a virtue?

Jianguang came on the scene.

Lin Fei slammed his fists up and picked up a wave of waves, crushing the sword.

"Don't give your face a shame, provoke the Emperor, and break you down in seconds!" Lin Fei broke his attack and slammed a swearword and rushed out of the sword.

"Damn. Dare to use the words of the emperor as a whisper!" Duanmu Huangzi was furious and angry. What is this guy coming to, not taking his own words as one thing? "In the North County, the prince can decide your life and death in one sentence!" ”


Lin Fei flew to the next place.

Knowing that it is the swordsmanship left by the master, Lin Fei pays more and more attention. The heavens and the kingdoms, the masters rarely see one, all of them are ghosts.

Now Lin Fei does not want to miss any chance.

The dominating swordsmanship is still very helpful to himself.


There was a black team in front of him, and his body was smothered. There are a hundred people in total, and everyone has the same equipment.

"It is him, the emperor ordered the person to be arrested!"

One of the hundred people said a faceless expression.

"catch him!"

Hundreds of people directly launched a combined attack and turned into a black long whip. When the air slammed against Lin Fei, the void broke open.

The power of this whip has reached the level of two-level attack on the Emperor.

"World projection!"

Lin Fei’s eyes flashed a touch of cold light. Before he let go of the man, he was already merciful. Now he is also moving to arrest himself, which makes Lin Fei very unhappy.

Not bad, then kill it!

Although it is the continent of the sword, Lin Fei is not afraid of it.

Some people keep thinking about sending death, Lin Fei will not be polite, how much to pack.

A phantom mountain squat down!

Dealing with them with the world projection is really overkill!

Every virtual shadow of the mountain fell down, and everyone's face was white, falling directly from the sky, and the attacking array immediately broke.

"No, this is the world projection!"

It’s too late!


Hundreds of people fell from the sky without a breath.


"All dead?"

Duanmu is also ready to wait for good news, and the result is a bad news.

Your own guards are all dead!

The Duanmu Prince almost suspected that he had misunderstood that his escorts were all-in-one equipment, and that the strength of the martial arts could reach the level of two steps.

But such a **** was killed.

All died in the world projection?

This lower wood emperor has changed color!

"How is it possible, the world projection is the most difficult to cultivate, who is the guy? How can it be cultivated into a world projection." Duanmu Huangzi's face changed. "It is not reconciled to let him leave." He, if you can get the world projection method, it would be better!"

Duanmu Huangzi’s eyeballs immediately had a way.


After Lin Fei killed them, they rushed to the next place, and no one was shot during the period. Easily come to another Shenshen Mountain and watch the records above.

This swordsman mountain is still a mystery.

Mystery is very powerful!

Can be cultivated to the three-step Xiandi level!

There are not many people here, and the swords that are distributed are under pressure. Few people can stand it.

On this Shenshen Mountain, Lin Fei sat for ten days, and he was included in the seventh place, ready to go to the last place. I heard that the place was prepared for the four-step Emperor.

Lin Fei is more interested in this place.

The secret technique of the three-step Emperor is very strong. Lin Fei doesn't look at the eye very much. He still looks forward to the secret of the last Jianshen Mountain. What is it like?


"There is news!"

The Duanmu Prince has been lobbying his master for the past few days.

The Araki Swordsman is actually a royal family. The generation is relatively large, and the apprentices are all disciples of the royal family. Most of the foreigners are named disciples. Today they are three-step emperor. On the mainland of the sword, they like to call it the three-step sword fairy.

It took a long time, and Duanmu Huangzi said that he had moved his master.

"Going to the mountain?"

When Duanmu Huangzi was lobbying the master, he had arranged for people to find the whereabouts of the black man.

The black man was not cleaned up, and the Duanmu prince couldn’t calm down. He is young and talented. When he meets an unnamed guy, he is stronger than himself, and he has a flaw in his heart.

"Our people found that he went to the mountain of God, as if to study the secrets of the four steps of the Emperor." The reporter reported that "As for the accomplices, there is no discovery for the time being!"

The Duanmu Prince snorted. "Hey, God Mountain is also a place you can go. That place is controlled by the descendants of the four great powers. Except for their people, outsiders can't get in, maybe they don't need to be shot, and the descendants of the four strongmen will He killed the spot. I thought I was invincible!"

If the other party is going elsewhere, Duanmu may have a way to go to Shenshan, the most mysterious place on the mainland of the sword. Even the royal family does not dare to cross the line.

On the mountain of God, there are four steps of the swordsmanship of the Emperor. If you cultivate, the strength can be improved several times. Over time, the descendants of the four strong men and their strengths are getting bigger and bigger, completely laying the influence of the four families. force.

"Hey, this prince is going to have a look at the miserables of that guy. You can't kill him by yourself, but you can pay some price and get him from the hands of the four family!"

The Duanmu Prince is still very concerned about the things on the mountain of Jianshen.


"The last place should be the mountain!"

Lin Fei is very fast, and the whole person is like a streamer.

Searching for the memory of Rosen Xiandi, Lin Fei knows that the last place is called Shenshan.

There was a sword between the land, and Lin Fei knew that he had come to the right place. This is the most famous on the mainland of the sword, and almost no one knows no one.

On this Shenjian Mountain, every time there is a record, some powerful secret magical powers will be recorded. In addition, there will be some records of experience and the masters left behind.

This is more precious than any mysterious magical power.

"There are people who stop, the front is already the forbidden land of the four major families, and outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter, and the offenders are innocent!"

Seeing that it was approaching, the void was fluctuating, and eight black-clad people with tight parcels appeared in the sky, and the sharp eyes swept over.


Those people swept away, their eyes turned into a phantom, and a huge ‘kill’ word flew out, containing terrible killing swords and stopping in the sky.

This is the next Mawei!

Give the person trying to enter a horse.

In general, people from the four major families warn that everyone will leave without interest and will not break into this place.

Someone who had never known life and death tried to rush in, broke through the outer part, and met the master inside. He was killed in the inside and hated Jiuquan. Over time, no one would do this.

The influence of the four major families on the mainland of the sword is too great!

This giant is moving hands and feet, no one can survive under the four major families.

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