Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1332: The shock of Jian Xian Bai Di

The light column rises into the sky and is arranged in a large array of locks!

This is a very high-order array, and the people who make the arrangement are not ordinary people. It is the first sword fairy white emperor.

"It's very unexpected!"

Jian Xian Bai Di came out, sharp eyes have been staring at the Emperor. There was a smug flash in the look. "You can’t think of it, the old man will wait for you in the overseas world!"

At this moment, Jian Xian Bai Di is indeed very proud.

In order to deal with the Emperor, it took a lot of time, and today I can finally get what I want.

Lin Fei is really unexpected!

This accident is not a shock, but finally someone can vent.

"Ha ha ha!" Lin Fei suddenly laughed.

This smile, Jian Xian Bai Di very dislike, because the imagination of the Emperor did not show a scared expression, which is different from the previous imagination.

"What are you laughing at?" said Jian Xian Bai Di. "The old man has already locked the air in this cloth. With your strength, I will break through this big battle. Today, you are not able to fly. You were the last time you escaped. This time. You don't even have to think about it!"

Lin Fei clap his hands, "The lock is big, I like it too much!"

This weird move, Sword Sinuo Baidi feeds the frown, always feels something missing, and my heart doesn't know why it rises badly. The performance of Emperor Tian is different from the last time.

In any case, take the Emperor and say.

Jian Xian Bai Di is also afraid that night dreams are not good for himself.

"The slick tongue, the old man will suppress you first!" Sword fairy Baidi snorted, five fingers and one catch, five high-capped Jianshan banged down, cut a large piece of void.

Five Jianshan were cut down!

This is a secret technique of the sword fairy Bai Di.

Five elements Jianshan!

Very overbearing secret attack!

After the last lesson, Jian Xian Bai Di took all his shots and shot a large array of locks to prevent the emperor from escaping. On this kind of territory, he occupied an innate advantage.

Lin Fei Shi unfolded three heads and six arms, and six arms extended to the five swords. The fists saw the meat and squatted on the five sword mountains.


The sword gas was cut on the arm of Lin Fei, and the sound of gold and iron was blown, and it became a piece.

On the six white arms, a mark was not left.

"Old things, you are old. Secret technology does not work!" Lin Fei laughed, six arms smashed five Jianshan, shot toward the sword fairy Bai Di.

"It's useless!"

After the sword fairy white emperor flew out a **** long sword, this is the Tianwei sword of the sword fairy Baidi, a sword made, Tianwei came. Sting to six arms.


With the attack of Tianwei, Jian Xian Bai Di stabbed his arm one by one.

The sword stabbed up, as if stabbing on a hard slate, the silk did not move, the force could not enter, but was numb by the arm of the other's hard arm.

"Old things, you are really old!"

Lin Fei's six arms are constantly being beaten down. Front, back, left, all-round attack.

"The old man is not old, the old man is the first sword fairy!"

Jian Xian Bai Di was furious, but he was the first sword fairy. He was actually called a old thing by a younger generation, and he was able to get it. The sword suddenly changed.


The strange sword was bombarded on Lin Fei’s arm, and the power was increased by more than ten times.

Jian Xian Bai Di used the second-order power, the sword attack's offensive became more fierce, within the scope of the lock, the sword is residual, densely intertwined.

"It's useless!"

Lin Fei used six arms to attack Jian Xian Bai Di, and the offensive was getting faster and faster. The opening and closing of the big, combined with the attack of the second-order power, Jian Xian Bai Di was quickly injured.

Jian Xian Bai Di is not seriously injured, and there is a body care supernatural power. It’s not a good kill. It’s hard to imagine that the progress of Emperor Heaven is so great.

"How is it possible, this is only forty years, the body of the Emperor is actually so strong that even the second-order power of the old man can not be broken, the old man does not believe!"

Jian Xian Bai Di could not accept this result. In the past, the emperor who was chased and escaping was actually so strong that even his sword would not be broken.

"Wind and sword!"

The Jianxian Baidi sword changed again. The sword was turned into a drop of rain. The fingers were thick and thin, and they slammed down and instantly shrouded Lin Fei in the attack range.


Lin Fei was allowed to squat on the body of the rain, and his body was slightly shocked.

"Old things, when you killed two of your disciples, you chased all the way, today I am in front of you, missed today, you have no chance!" Lin Fei smiled.

Incorporating three hundred gods, Lin Fei’s body is so powerful that it’s not like words.

The sword of Bai Xian Bai Di can not cause actual damage.

Lin Fei looked at the face of Jian Xian Bai Di's constantly changing face. Don't mention how good it is. You also have a day when you are wronged.

Jianxian Baidi was mad, and the swordsmanship that had been used less frequently did not cause damage to the Emperor. It gradually raised a sense of powerlessness. Forty years, it was more powerful than himself, and it was a joke.

“Do you really want to use the top of the world?”

After the swordsman Baidi swordsmanship was all over again, the six arms were always attacking themselves, and they were not subject to any harm at all. The ear was also ridiculed by the Emperor.

This made Jian Xian Bai Di unable to stand, and understood why the reason why the Emperor was so calm.

Dare to "qing ren" home has not put yourself in the heart.

"The old man does not believe, you can stop the attack of the top of the strange things!" After all the means of Jian Xian Bai Di used it, I know that it is impossible to defend the heavens, the defense of the people is too strong, and the sword is strong. not open.

At this time, Jian Xian Bai Di is finally ready to use the top of the world.

It is a treasure that has been obtained from the dangerous land. The rumor is that it is the treasure that is dominated by the refining. It has the power of terror and is enough to kill the Emperor.

In order to kill the Emperor, the sword fairy Bai Emperor did not care so much.

Let it continue, the man who lost will be himself, and Jian Xian Bai Di has no choice.

"Old things, now it's my turn!"

Lin Fei suddenly took back three heads and six arms, and a sword fell on his hand. It was the original true sword that died. From the bottom up, a sword stabbed out, and it was light and fluttering. It looked like no power.

But this sword is full of danger in front of Jian Xian Bai Di, and the pupil is also discolored.

Jian Xian Bai Di is the first sword fairy!

The power of this sword is far beyond the swordsmanship of his own.

Emperor Tian must have a big chance in the ancient sea!

Jian Xian Bai Di suddenly realized, otherwise there would be no such overbearing swordsmanship. With his knowledge, he could not see the route of this move.

With a wave of hand, Jian Xian Bai Di took out a green leaf and crushed it on the spot. A green light was in front of him, and the whole person retreated.

Can't fight!

Jian Xian Bai Di was so helpless for the first time.

A good prey suddenly turned into a tiger.

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