Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 846: It’s time to go out.

On the Black Lake!

A young man is in the dark fog and can't see through it, as if it was blocked.

The three giant brothers of a single giant, the look is not very natural, from the black fog to see the problem, the inside contains a breath of heavy water.

On a human race, how can there be a breath of heavy water, very pure, exactly the same.

"Big brother, look at it, the weight of one dollar is decreasing!"

Suddenly, the third child yelled at the water!

One dollar of heavy water is decreasing, and it is clear that it is decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

"Bastard, what is he doing, is it necessary to plunder a dollar of water?"

The binary has been unable to stand up, ready to stop the Terran kid, they are born from a dollar of water, the equivalent of a mother!

At this time, a human race kid is constantly plundering, and even does not see the possibility of being exploding.

The voice just fell, on the Black Lake, a large number of lakes set off a whirlpool, black one-practice heavy water, straight out, and continuously injected into the young people!

The breath of heavy water is even heavier!

"Lin Xiaozi is too abnormal, even refining a dollar of heavy water, into the body, is equivalent to mastering a law force, or a very useful gravity rule!" River crab big demon laugh!

One yuan of heavy water, containing the law of gravity!

A drop of water is worth a thousand pounds!

At this time, after refining and refining the heavy water, the forest began to rotate around Lin Fei, and the misty water in the sky shone.

"Block him!"

Do not stop, our one yuan heavy water, will be consumed by all! ”

Binary and ternary. Communicate one yuan of heavy water, trying to resist the plunder of the Terran boy, but no matter how they suppress, endless whirlpool. The tearing force of the monks is not controlled by them, and the heavy water is falling on Lin Fei as the flowing water.

At this time, Lin Fei is immersed in refining and chemicalization, and he has mastered a heavy water and solemn face. Large black plants, black mountains, emerge!


One yuan sighed and could not stop it!

Heaven and earth treasures, one yuan heavy water, never thought that one day, let a human race kid plunder, not only mastered, but also one yuan of heavy water for their own use, shocking!

One yuan of heavy water is not controlled by them, and they have entered Lin Fei under the guidance of the whirlpool!

Their three brothers only watched. Losing control, even they can't imagine how a human being can be so perverted, it is purely not alive.

One yuan into one yuan!

Two in one yuan, heavy water!

30% one yuan heavy water!


After seventy-one yuan of heavy water, the endless vortex disappeared. Restored to normal!

At this moment, the black lake has become a mass, a large underwater monster, a black pressure, a reduction of one yuan of heavy water, the blow to the monster is not small!

"Kill the Terran Kid!"

"Awful, it is too damn!"

"Da Wang, you must kill the Terran Kid, he is a scourge of the Black Lake!"

The underwater monsters that floated up were noisy. Have to kill the Terran Kid!


Suddenly, on the top of the Black Lake, a heavy hammer was hammered down, and a number of monsters were stunned. It was suddenly dizzy. Can not be separated from the southeast!

Under this light, hundreds of monsters have been smashed!

"I hate to say bad things behind people, and dare to say that I am ruining you!"

On the Black Lake, a heavy fog of water dissipated, revealing a figure behind him. At this time, a smile was hanging, staring at the dry underwater monster on the lake.

"Lin Xiaozi, do you have a heavy water?"

The river crabs are flying up, while watching, they are amazing!

"Bob, really strong, smelling a heavy water on you!"

Lin Fei’s booth opened, and a bunch of water appeared in his hand. He was black, scattered, and moved up and down.

After fainting the past underwater monsters, after returning to normal, once I saw this young man playing the heavy water in his hand, it was full of jealous colors!

"Human boy, now you are satisfied!"

One yuan is in the blood, and the **** lake is plundered by this stinky boy. He wants to restore his original appearance, and he needs less than a thousand years.

Lin Fei smiled, "Satisfied, very satisfied, you are a good person!"

I am laughing in my heart!

After refining and refining one yuan of heavy water, Lin Fei gained great benefits, no less than improving his power.

"Then you are not going to roll!"

One yuan suspects that he will go on again, and will deal with the stinky boy!

"Crab brother, Hu sister, let's go!" Lin Fei greeted them and turned his head to one yuan. "Look at your sincerity, I will tell you, the second answer, cover your eyes with your eyes." Yes, as for the third, the tail of the monster has always been facing down, hahaha!!"

The three figures are turned into a streamer!

"Big brother, why don't you stop them, this is 70% yuan!"

A **** lake, losing 70% of a dollar, is really a big blow, can't accept the result!

The brows of a dollar suddenly wrinkled and sometimes stretched out. It seemed to be thinking about something, and then showed a bitter smile. "It turns out that I really sit down and watch the sky." Turned back to Black Lake!

"Big Brother, what's wrong with you, really don't deal with them?"

The second and third are not reconciled, really not reconciled!

"Idiot, think about it with your head, whether our three shots are opponents!"

There was a voice of a yuan behind them. They were shocked and realized. Yes, the heavy water in the Black Lake was 70% less. How to deal with them three, indirectly affecting their strength!

"Kid, let's put a dollar of water out to see!"

Chaos over the sky!

The crabs can't wait to understand, Hu Mei is a charming smile!

"it is good!"

Lin Fei’s heart moved, and the sky’s one-yuan heavy water rolled out. Although it could not be said to cover the sky, but within a thousand miles, the void collapsed on the spot, and it was a ragged piece!

"There is such a gravity field that is arranged by gravity. It is no less than the cultivation of the law force, and cooperates with your divine power. It is really the right arm. If you are close to you, you will definitely have a headache or even a death!" .

Refining and developing a gravity magnetic field, Lin Fei is quite satisfied, with the divine power, within a thousand miles, will be his own country.

"My gravity magnetic field is equivalent to a few rules?"

"There should be a four-point look, it is already very good." Hu Mei laughed. "In any case, your combat power is on the power of God. You are also pregnant with the blood of the dragon and the beast. It is a pity that you don't take the road!"

Lin Fei glanced, "Do you agree with me to take this road?"

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