Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 302: Elizabeth dog left

Ye Fan said that the bull was "forcing" to coax, but the man in black was indifferent.

The woman smiled mercilessly and said, "Report your name, and you will be on the list of dead people in the cult."

Ye Fan: Hehe ~

"Listen, my name is Elisabeth-dog left!" He thought casually.

Man in black:? ? ?

Woman: What the **** is this cat? Are the names of people in Hanxian Realm so weird?

"I care about your dogs and cats, and those who block me will die!" The woman growled and slammed into the void.

Om ~ A white, miserable ghost claw flashes, and the wind is strong around.

As soon as the evil spell of the cult came out, the sky over the canyon was dim.

"Huh! Boss can shoot him with one palm, and see if he dares to be arrogant?"

"Dare to stop our meditation, deserve to be shot dead!"

"That big tripod is good. It should be OK to take it back to boil water."

Several people in black sneered, killing one more, and they could get an extra bounty!

Ye Fan didn't even look at the paw, and said, "Only a few of your dregs, do you want to kill your dog?"

"Do not ask in this realm, what is Grandpa Dog left for!"

So, is the dog famous?

His backhand was shot with a single palm. The nine-colored "color" palm shadows instantly overlapped, but that was the superposition of nine powerful powers.

Boom ~ A bang, the bone claws were easily crushed. The woman's face "colored" was startled, and she took a few steps back.


How is this possible?

Tianyu Realm is an angry catfish dragon realm, this special meow is unprecedented!

It is estimated that the woman is also "forced". According to the cognition since her birth, the heavenly realm is impossible to resist the power of ichthyosaurs.

Isn't this dog too weird?

But at that moment, a dragon "groan" sounded, and the guy turned into a dragon shadow and disappeared.

"Ah ~ 噗 ~"

Alas, seven or eight men in black, before they screamed, were wiped with sharp swords on their necks, one by one straight on the ground.

The woman blew up on the spot, killing seven or eight Tiandi disciples in an instant, not even hers!

At this moment, she felt the chill from the bottom of her heart.


The moment she set off, a cold voice sounded behind her: "No one can escape in front of my dog ​​left!"

Han Sensen's sword intention has pierced the leather coat behind the woman, "Lu" sheds blood.

"I ~ don't kill me, this is my task!" The woman swallowed and said.

"Give you a chance!" Ye Fan said lightly.

"Meditation requires a lot of blood to supplement the strength of the teaching. These children are the best materials for refining blood."

"I gave you a chance!"

Listening to this, the woman shuddered, her head shuddered, and said, "There is also Tian Lanzong, in cooperation with our cult, intending to swallow Jialan Academy for Tian Lanzong.

This time, there is a team and the strongman of Tian Lanzong, who went to the secret palace of Yanlong to search for treasure. Everything has been told to you!

As long as you let me go, I can do anything. "After that, the woman deliberately stood up.

She didn't believe that this guy didn't want to face his gorgeous appearance?

But she was wrong!

Bing Han's sword intention penetrated into the woman's heart instantly.

"Just your beauty," color ", also wants to seduce" confused "my dog ​​left? Oh!" Ye Fan dismissed.

woman:. . .

Alas, the blood of the corpse on the ground makes children see badly.

Ye Fan thought about it, took out Zijin swallowed gourd, and collected all the corpses.

"Where are you from, boys? Brother Gou left you home!"

Children opened their eyes one by one, and found that the bad guys were gone, only the big brother's sunny handsome face, how good!

"Brother, are you a god?" The girl asked again.

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