"Close your green eyes, don't affect my performance! In addition, knock down a shout and say 666 ~" Ye Fan whispered, and took out Jiumu Ding in one hand silently.

Little dumplings: woohoo ~

What made the rat yell six or sixty-six without opening the eyes of the mouse? You ca n’t go to heaven?

"Ding ~ The anger value from the small group, the star power +100."

Ye Fan frowned. Why was this girl angry again?

Do n’t you have a “force” in your heart?


Outside, King Liu and others stood with a stern expression on the end of the canyon, in front of the rock.

"Isn't there a special meow door?" Even the lines are the same as Ye Fanyi's "touch."

"Waste, what do you know!" Liu Fa shouted angrily, and said again, "The ancient ruins here have already been laid out by Qimen Jiajia. There seems to be no door, but the door is right in front of you."

After that, he kicked a little brother forward and said, "You try first!"

That little brother :. . . You are so bullish, how dare you try?

Just like Ye Fan, the moment he touched the rock wall with his fingertips, a vast force swallowed him directly.

This wall eats people!

Wow, a few men in black took a few steps back and hid behind Liu Fa.

King Liu Fa: ...

"A few of you with mental retardation, this is just ordinary Qi Men Jia Jia!" He said helplessly.

I just waited and waited, without seeing that guy coming out.

In other words, after the disciple was sucked into the passage, the place where he entered was completely black!

Although the warrior could perceive things a few meters near his body, the sudden darkness made him also "force" down.

In the darkness, the two green lights "shot" like ghost fire.

Nima, what the **** is this special meow?

At the moment when the green light appeared, the wind blew from the top of his head, and a blue "color" big tripod slammed him down, instantly smashing him into a mess.

Ye Fan took another shot to the back of this guy.

That disciple: ... how is this special? How can you hide behind

What a puppet to play with?


"Ahem, 200,000 points in hand! Sometimes make money, he's that simple!"

"Touching the corpse" is a good code of conduct.

Little dumplings :? ? ?

"Master six six six ~ ~" It always felt in his heart that it was dangerous to follow this guy.

Soon, the second one, the third one ~

Uh ~

"Six or sixty six"

King Liu Fa watched his staff decrease one by one, always feeling weird.

"Wait, I'll come first!" He flashed forward, a burst of black gas exploding all over his body, and it instantly condensed into a black armor.

In the passage, Ye Fan quickly put away the Jiumu Yaoding, and fled to the depths of the passage.

Small group: "Why don't you fight?"

Ye Fan: "Triple ichthyosaurs, beat a dog?"

咻 ~ King Liu Fa flashed out in the passage. At the place of sight, there were four corpses with smashed flesh and blood.

My Zinima!

He exploded on the spot, roaring: "Who is it? Get out of Teme!"

What a peculiar thing, Lao Tzu's person died so unclearly?

"Ding ~ Anger from Liu Chuanxiong ~"

The golden “color” dragon shadow on the other side of the channel caught Liu Fa ’s attention. He strode ten feet in one step in an instant, several times faster than Dragon Shadow!

However, every dish exploded.

There is a hidden weapon!

King Liu Fa stopped for a moment and pressed one hand in front of the void, an energy enchantment flashed.

Bang Bang ~ These hidden weapons were crushed one after another, bursting into a sour taste.

It ’s kind of like ~ Pull it out ~

Well, there is no such thing as stinky tofu ~

King Liu Fa's face was all black, the other party ran away and threw a slap at you? ?

Hey ~ I ’m so upset!

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