Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 617: I am not afraid of death, but you are not afraid

Xuantianxing map!

The first star map of the mysterious soul list.

Zhou Ke and others were still in the drum, and only the green robes knew that it was on Ye Fan.

At this moment, everyone's face changed greatly.

If you can get this star map, one day in the future, it must be a peak of existence!

The emperors took turns and took the first place in the spirit list. The emperor of Jin Dynasty might change hands.

However, the boy also said that there is only one copy of the Xuantian Star Chart!

They have seven people.

For a while, everyone's eyes looked more and more wrong.

"Kill this guy first!" Zhou Ke burst into a drink, and the others reacted instantly.

Ye Fan is not an ordinary person!

Alas, the crowd quickly shot, and various powerful attacks smashed down.

"Da Luo Jingang Hood!"

Little Bailong stood up with both hands, and a layer of gold "color" mask suddenly blocked the sky.

Banging ~

Numerous attacks exploded on it, and the whole mask shuddered violently.

Facing this great force, Xiao Bailong was about to spit blood.

"Spirit Blast, Seal!"

Ye Fan sprayed blue "color" flames with both hands, and added a layer of mysterious ice seal to the outside of this large King Kong mask.

Immediately after that, he used one bullet in both hands, one golden light fell on Xiao Bailong, and the other fell on Feng Yu.

Jin Guang burst, and turned into thousands of slap-shaped Linjia, wrapped around them.

Xiao Bailong was shocked and said, "You gave us this Cambrian Xuanjia, what do you do?"

Ye Fan looked at the sky with a cold smile, and said, "Take care of my wife," and remember, I can't die. "

God is immortal, how is this possible?

Over the sky, Zhou Ke's face was "colored", and a blood sword was drawn from the back, and Ge Ran threw it into the air.

The blood sword was red and red, and it turned into a huge sword with a height of hundreds of meters.


He screamed loudly, and the blood sword slashed down, and the roar was loud!

At about the same time, Lingbaotong, the spirit treasure of Su Yulong, threw down.

The bursting of the Heavenly Pestle is transformed into thousands of small flying swords, and they are killed at the speed of breaking through.

The big man was proficient in some soil-based Taoism, and raised a huge claw all over his body, slamming on the mask.

Even more weird is the inexhaustible dirt and rocks around him.

At the highest altitude, the green robe man looked at the scene coldly, and went down a little.

Alas, the psychic vineman on his body flew and "shot" immediately.

Under the vast greenery, Fujiman's front end cracked fiercely, turning into tens of thousands, sharp like a knife, piercing straight down.

The howling is loud!

Bang Rong ~ Under such an amazing bombardment, the layer of mysterious ice and Vajra hood are faintly broken.

"Okay! Good, you guys make me happy."

"Someday, Ye Fan, I will take you to the West!"

"I'm not afraid of death, I just don't know if you're afraid!"

A flash of lightning rose to the sky and flashed among the crowd, it was Ye Fan himself!

At this moment, he smiled coldly and said, "Send you home!"

Boom ~ Ge Ran, his whole body burst apart, and the essence of the peak of the early days of God turned away unbridled.


This scene happened too quickly, and everyone yelled on the spot.

What a miracle!

The spontaneous detonation in the early days of deification, even in the middle of deification, will be very daunting. If you are too close, that instant energy will swallow people.

Blasting, shocking!

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