Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 626: Ye Fan does n’t exist


Su Yulong completely "forced" in the void, his back faintly cold.

All this was just a few breaths away, and one of his men was half dead.

Ye Fan, who was still chased by the whole world, how could he suddenly be so powerful?

Su Yulong's loss of Tongtian Ji is tantamount to losing his greatest support.

Feng Yu Yao Ji looked at this scene, her mouth slightly raised, but she was smirking.

She did not expect that not only did she die, but she became extremely powerful.

Not even in her heyday!


Boom ~ Ye Fan directly used this goods as a mallet and smashed several deep pits.

This person has long lost his breath!

唰 ~ Su Yulong saw that the situation was not right, and immediately turned into 遁 guang burst and "shot" and fled.

Ye Fanshen was cold and smiled, "Escape, can you escape?"

"In the hands of my great demon Ye Fan, no one can escape."

Bang ~ a thunder, he Ge Ran turned into a thunderbolt and "shot" out.

The thunder wing has the blessing of the power of thunder and lightning. However, even the green robe people can't catch up in the middle of the transformation.

Su Yulong looked back, and the face that was scared suddenly became "white," and immediately offered some kind of blood sacrifice.

Damn it!

How could he "force" him to run away with burning blood, what kind of ghost and evil?

The **** front suddenly accelerated, Ye Fan frowned, Ge Ran volley created a space barrier in front of Su Yulong.

Uh ~

With a loud bang, Su Yulong slammed into it sturdyly, and suddenly "forced".

Alas, this collision almost crooked the neck, and the whole head was buzzing! I rely!

What the **** is that?

Su Yulong wanted to vomit blood on the spot. It felt so difficult to live in his hands.

Om ~ Ye Fanshen appeared above his head and said coldly, "You originally planned to let go of your Su family, but you did not know how to cherish it!"

Su Yulong gritted his teeth and sneered, "The owner is realizing the divine power. By then, you will all have to die!"

"Is it divine?"

Ye Fan dismissed a smile, and a divine power in the palm of his hand condensed into a lightsaber, saying: "Since you like divine power, let it take you on the road!"

Uh ~

The lightsaber broke out and killed ~

Su Yulong's "color" changed greatly, and immediately what was thrown out formed a defensive shield wall.

However, how could the ordinary defense be the opponent of space magic?

Instantly the phantom of the lightsaber passed through his brows, all the defenses disappeared.

Ye Fan reached out and grabbed, a space ring flew on its own.

As for the body, he didn't let it go, and put it in the gourd to feed the spirit bug.

The spirit worms of other people are all eating "medicine" or something. He is better off, and he feeds them directly into the gods.

A moment later, Ye Fan blasted and returned. After a brief look at their injuries, they grabbed them in the void.

Uh ~

The Cambrian Xuanjia on the two turned into a "Golden Mang" burst and "shot" back.

"Xuan Jia was not damaged this time, but it's going to be refined after going back!"

With a helpless sigh, he crouched down and healed as a little white dragon.

Seeing this, Feng Yu demon Ji sneered, and said, "He has a tense vein, and his breath is long gone.

Ye Fan pouted his lips and said proudly: "That is what you can't save. In my hands, even if he is a dead man, I will capture his soul."

"But then again, if I cured you, would you be my" woman "?"

Feng Yu Yao Ji: "Dentist!"

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