Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 639: Robbed the Desolation King another day


It's just a big pit!

Mobai wanted to cry without tears at this moment. He had never seen such a brazen person.

It's too shameless to burn the war on someone else's woe!

Moreover, those Warcraft determined that Ye Fan was here, and suddenly bombarded wildly against the mask.



"Ding ~ Depression from Mobo +++"

Ye Fan fled for three hours, then slowly landed on the edge of a lake, relieved in his heart.

"How's it going, you two?"

Little White Dragon :. . . .

Feng Yu Demon Ji: "I won't have someone for you every time!"

Ye Fan collected all the things he snatched, and then asked: "The barbaric **** just seemed to be a very big gate!"

"The disciples of the Deity of the Gods of Sects are scattered in more than 300 counties, and they have at least a thousand powerful gods.

Moreover, it is rumored that there are still strong men in the late deities. "Feng Yu Yao Ji said.

Hey ~ Ye Fan has a black line on his face, so isn't he causing trouble again?

Alas, it ’s uncomfortable, so I ’ll take it to the next day.

If the two knew his thoughts at the moment, they would probably vomit blood on the spot.

Why did the gods grab it? Is that where you can grab it? Thousands of powerful gods are enough to destroy a county.


In the depths of the barren purgatory, over the huge lake surrounded by mountains, the physical body of an old man was hovering steadily.

Below the lake, the surrounding mountains, from time to time, a little bit of heaven and earth vitality instilled in him.

The old man was full of flesh and blood, like a dead body.

However, even if he was guarded here, even the birds did not dare to leap over the entire Great Lake.

Other creatures, if they smell his breath, will flee.

Guardian of Canglong Tiangong, Qingxuzi!

Om ~ Qing Xunzi Ge Ran opened his eyes, and a golden "color" flame was burning deep in the pupil.

"You little Phoenix, ran in again."

"This time, the old man must draw your phoenix blood." Qing Xuzi smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand, and the curtain of water below the Great Lake emptied.

There are three figures in the water curtain, flying in the air. On closer inspection, these three are Ye Fan.

Ge Ran, the young man in the white robe noticed something, and rushed down.

Alas, a shadow was taken up, and it was a green flying insect.

"Hum! I didn't expect anyone to watch me, so you just listen to me."

"No matter where you hide, I will dig you out and rub it on the ground!"

Five fingers together, the green "color" flying bug disappeared.

At the same time, the image in the water curtain on the side of Qing Xuzi disappeared instantly.

"His ~ This is a little bit terrible, but in the eyes of the old man, you are still an ant."

The surface of the lake suddenly shook violently, and an astonishing roar came out, saying: "You are a jerk, you will not let me go."

When Qing Xuzi listened to this, Ge Ran laughed loudly and said, "You only have a residual soul as the evil dragon. How can you not let me go?"

"Just waiting for your dragon egg to burst, and the day of Jinlong's birth will be the time when this place will be promoted."

"Don't hurt me!" The dragon soul roared endlessly.


Three days later, three light rays quietly descended over the lake.

Feng Yu demon Ji swept around and sneered, "Qing Xu old thief, the Lord of the Court came to you for debt collection!"

"Blood Phoenix is ​​coming here, this seat should be grandly greeted!" The cold voice sounded.

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