Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1425: The army that crossed the sky

And when Chu Yuan sacrificed to the tomb of Yin Ling.

In Duertian, in an ancient temple, a **** seat representing status emerges, and powerful beings sit on it.

This is a meeting that only the gods of heaven can attend.

Today, Duertian convened the highest meeting, and everyone above the heavenly path will attend.

"Everyone, you have also seen that Shenwu's national fortune has been strengthened compared to before, raging like a fire. It seems that they have got some treasure, and it has surged to the point where even we can't ignore it."

Wu Shang's eyes swept across the heavenly gods.

"Shen Wu Shen Dynasty, there are many treasures, revealing a kind of weirdness."

A **** of heaven and god: "In addition to the tower that suppresses heaven and earth, there are bound to be other supreme suppressions. I have already felt their threat. If you let it go, it will inevitably be a major disaster!"

"Yes, we must uproot them while they are still weak, and then seize their treasures. It is best to know the secret of the Shenwu Divine Emperor. In this way, I will be stronger when I cross the sky!"

"Yes, send troops to destroy this dynasty and eradicate the threat!"

Everyone can see that there are many treasures of the Shenwu God Dynasty, even if it is thirty-three days of this level, I want to get it crazy, otherwise how can it grow to this point in a short time.

Shenwu is already a big threat now, no matter what, it will become more and more difficult to deal with with the years.

Do it now, of course, will pay some price, but for example, let the opponent grow, and then deal with them.

"No objection, immediately send troops to attack Shenwu Shenchao!"

These gods and gods repeatedly expressed their opinions.


God Du'e appeared on the seat of God.


All gods salute.

"This **** will guard in Du'er Day to prevent the ancient source of God's threat. With the Lord of Crossing the Sea as the commander, I will lead my Crossing Army to attack the Shenwu God Dynasty. This battle will eradicate it!"

The God of Duer ordered it.

He also knew that he couldn't let Shenwu Shenzhao continue to be strong. The kindness to the enemy was cruel to himself.

The tiger in this place can't let him continue to grow.

He had no choice but to take action personally. The threat of the ancient source **** was also great, and he could only let another primitive **** of Duertian lead an army to attack.

"Follow the decree of God!"

They lead.

The war is about to begin.

It is impossible for all the strong to go on the expedition in one day, and they must remain guarded, but even so, the lord of crossing the sea also brought a full 80 gods of heaven and a large army with him on the expedition.

With so many troops, it is already extremely important to deal with Shenwu who is not thirty-three days old.

"The power of Shenwu has caused God to send so many gods and primal gods to attack!"

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Nirvana Sect, he was just a top sect and a small person in the crossing of Eternal Heaven.

As a strong man who had fought with him in the early days of Shenwu, he could never imagine that things would develop to the present situation.

"The army is oppressing Shen Wutian in a positive posture!"

The lord of crossing the sea led his army on the expedition and gathered the strong for a day. How big and mighty their momentum is.

"The army that crossed the heavens is about to attack Shenwu!"

The Lord of Guangyu who received the news was horrified, "Led by the Lord of Crossing the Sea, carrying a full 80 gods of the Heavenly Dao, this time crossing the Evil Heaven is really moving, can Shenwu and the others resist it?"

Where did he dare to move.

Although he has concluded an alliance with Shenwu, it is a good situation, this lineup, the other party has dispatched primitive gods, he simply does not have the courage to go.

And even if he wanted to go, the other heavenly gods in the alliance were not willing.

"Shenwu, now you ask for more blessings, I hope you can resist it."

The Lord of Guangyu said silently.

Shenwu Shenchao.

It is naturally impossible to conceal the great momentum of Du'ertian, and Shenwutian is too close to Du'ertian, and it does not take long for the army to reach Shenwu.

"Du'ertian is going to attack my Shenwu Shenchao!"

Shenwu Shenchao knew about all the strong, there was no fear, but his face was solemn.

It is also clear about the gap with the opponent. Although Shenwu is developing extremely fast, it is unlikely that it will be an opponent in front of it.

"All the big army is preparing for war, without my order, you can't attack at will."

Chu Yuan ordered.

With the primitive gods as the commanding force, the lineup is indeed vast, but he also has counter cards, bursting out of the sky city, and even at the cost of destruction, can kill the lord of the sea.

The **** emperor did not panic, and his soldiers naturally did not panic.

"Huh! No matter what happens when Duertian is killed, they dare to enter my gods and earth, their strength will be severely suppressed, even stronger than in Qi Ming!"

The God of War inspires all soldiers.

At this time, Chu Yuan still didn't panic at all.

The Tomb of the Yin Ling is about to succeed, countless dark thunders are appearing densely, and there seems to be a wave of anger in the world, evolving the calamity of extinction, to kill the existence that provocatively violates the rules.

Life and death is a definite number, and to control life and death, this is against the sky.

"The army that crossed the sky is here!"

The billowing flood was now facing the Shenwushen, they did not enter immediately.


Countless armies are rolling in momentum, appearing like heavenly soldiers and gods. This is an army for a day, and it hasn't been such a large-scale operation for a long time since crossing the sky.

"Shenwu Shenchao!"

The lord of crossing the sea looked at Shenwu.

The magnificent surging national destiny, the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda that suppressed the heavens and the earth, there was an icy killing and killing aura radiating from within.

"The lord of crossing the sea, Shenwu will not give up resistance, they are ready for war."

Wu Shang said.

His face is also very solemn.

"I know the lord of crossing the sea nodded slightly.

He looked at the Ten Thousand Realms Sky Tower, watching from a close distance, he could know the horror of this tower.

"Shen Wu Shen Dynasty has been integrated into Qi Ming, and this tower is suppressed, and I also feel that there are many primitive artifacts inside. Once we attack, we will be greatly suppressed."

The master of crossing the sea said: "Although their gods are far inferior to us, the most threatening one is the divine emperor."

"Huh! What are you afraid of? Just go in!"

The eclipse candle Yin said coldly.

He could not wait to break through the Shenwu God Dynasty.

"Stupid!" Wu Shang shouted.

"Actually, the eclipse candle is right. The only way in front of us is to attack by force. There is no other way. The Shenwu God Emperor will not surrender. He will only fight with me to fight to the death. The damage is inevitable. The important thing is how to reduce or avoid losses."

He looked at Shenwu and knew that this battle was very difficult.

Somehow, there was always a hunch in his mind that Shen Wu Shen Chao possessed an extremely terrifying killer, and he might even pay the price of serious injuries.

He was also very angry.

Who knows that a small Shenwu will threaten Duertian in a short period of time?

"There is only one way, the lord of crossing the sea, attacking Shenwu cannot quickly perish, but can only slowly wipe out their power from the outside world, and use a gradual advancement method to weaken their heaven and earth suppression as much as possible."

Wu Shang gave his opinion.

"Yes, I think so too."

The master of crossing the sea said: "Slowly wear out. Although they are slow, they cannot continue to develop. If they can't stand it, taking the initiative to fight is what we hope, and they dare not leave the gods."

He waved his hand just when he was about to order an attack.

The sky suddenly cracked through millions of cracks, and millions of black divine thunder suddenly bombarded into the Shenwu Shenchao.

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