Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1444: Supreme Primal Artifact

  The vast divine power, overwhelming the sky, just like the violent storm and rain drowning Shenwu, facing such a fierce bombardment, it is extremely costly to resist.

   The offensive of crossing the sky did not give Shenwu a chance to breathe.

   "Look at how the Shenwu God Emperor responds!"

   The Lord Crossing the Sea said fiercely.

   But at the moment these forces came down, the tyrannical will condensed into a huge emperor, and the entire sacred dynasty swallowed endless storms and turned into an all-encompassing suction.

   This billowing energy just fell to Shenwu, it was locked by an overbearing will, swallowed it all, and transformed into imperial energy.

   "Great Devouring Technique!"

   Seeing this swallow, the gods are like the gate of swallowing, and Chu Yuan is more like the master of swallowing the sky.

The Lord of Difficulties frowned and said: "His power to run the divine dynasty, himself and the empire are combined, swallowing our bombardment, turning it into his power, this person's devouring technique is beyond our imagination. "

   swallows the power of others and transforms it into its own energy.

   This kind of control over the swallowing technique is too strong.

   The two primitive gods also frowned. Shenwu was too difficult to get around. It was like a tortoise shell and a hedgehog, hard and with sharp thorns.

   It’s very difficult to deal with no matter how you say it.

   "Lord's Great Devouring Technique."

  Emperor Chuanjie also had bursts of fright.

   At this time, Jiuyou also coldly appeared beside Chu Yuan.

   That Wangchuanhe turned into a long robe and draped it over her.

   She also merged with the gods and the nation, urging the power of the gods and calming the fluctuations.

   Wang Chuanhe's top primitive artifact can change into many forms. With this treasure, Jiuyou can't help her even in the fifth realm of Heaven.

   "Next, Duertian will have more violent bombardment."

   Chu Yuandao.

   Thousands of stars suddenly bloomed with bright light, all of them were condensed natal stars above the Great Exalted, especially the stars of the Heavenly Dao God, the most brilliant.

   These stars intertwined with divine light, which appeared in the sky above the gods, releasing a powerful defense.

   "Shenwu's defense has been strengthened again. The Shenwu God Emperor controls many top primitive artifacts, the Lord of Difficulties, and the power of that tower is likely to be the highest primitive artifact. Our attack is extremely difficult."

   The lord of crossing the sea will not let the army directly rush into the inside of Shenwu, so he will fight now.

   He also knew that the world of Shenwu was by no means an ordinary world, integrated into Qi Ming, there are many top treasures, and the price of direct fighting is too great.

   If they pay too much casualties, it is very likely that they will be profited by the powerful fishermen of other forces, which is not what they want to see.

   "Hmph! The reason why he can exude such a huge swallowing power is that he relies on the treasure, crosses the sea, urges our supreme artifact, and suppresses their power!"

   The master of the difficulties said coldly.

   Whether you are a tortoise shell or a hedgehog, now you are just a turtle in the urn. Under their strong blockade, none of them want to run out, and can only passively accept the attack.

   The supreme artifact to cross the heavens appeared.

  In the universe, this turned out to be a huge object like a wheel of a wheel, showing that the side of the martial arts was pitch black, and countless death runes emerged.

   But on the other side, there is endless light.

   light and darkness, yin and yang and life and death.

  The lord of crossing the sea and the lord of crossing the sea jointly produced a mana, which spins like a wheel of life and death. In an instant, time and space are destroyed, yin and yang are reversed, the universe is recreated, and endless divine power descends.

   It seems that the crossing of the heavens has come.

   In this power, the movement of Shenwu has slightly stopped.

   Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower resisted some of its power.

   "The Ferry Wheel, the supreme primitive artifact!"

   At this time, on the other side of the battlefield, four other people appeared. They were actually Vulcan and they were also paying attention to this battlefield.

   Seeing the horror power released by the wheel of Du'er, his heart was shocked.

   Primitive artifacts are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, just like the division between the forces of heaven and earth.

   Ferry wheel is the supreme original artifact!

   This kind of supreme primitive artifact is extremely scarce between heaven and earth, and the power of 33 days is the treasure of heaven, which is enough to restrain the origin of heaven and earth, and needs to be built with one day's strength.

   Sky City, Wangchuan River, although also extremely powerful and top-notch, it is still a lot weaker in front of the Du'er Wheel.

   And the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower is also the highest primitive artifact, otherwise it would not have such a powerful power.

   As for the human emperor sword, it is very special. It is the power of the humane age condensed by the human emperor with infinite humane beliefs. It is one of the most powerful artifacts in the world and contains the power of the civilized era.

   "This time it is necessary to destroy Shenwu to cross the sky!"

   The Lord of the Illusory Realm said: "As soon as the wheel of ferry comes out, the tower will be overwhelmingly suppressed, and the defense of Shenwu is not as perfect as that. After a long time of attack, there will be loopholes and unlimited expansion."

   "Not bad!"

   Vulcan has been looking for an opportunity to deal with Shenwu, and said: "However, Shenwu God Emperor is not that easy to deal with, I hope they can fight harder."

   "Vulcan, you are so sinister."

   The Lord of Aotian said: "Hey, you want to appear suddenly when both losers are hurt, to share a piece of the pie, get the Vulcan Orb that day, and divide their resources."

   "The four of us are the top gods of heaven. Together, the primitive gods can't help us."

   Vulcan said lightly.

   "Watch the changes, don't participate in the battlefield, wait for the opportunity, one hit will kill."

   The killing king said calmly.

   "I know, I won't go to help Hetian attack, wait until they attack Shenwu first."

   Vulcan is very patient.

   Sky Fire God Orb must be obtained, it is about his breakthrough to the original god.

   and on the battlefield.

   "Crossing the sea, as soon as the ferry wheel came Although they couldn't break through their world immediately, it finally suppressed their defense. Now we can slowly smash the turtle shell."

   The Lord of Difficulties shouted.

   The supreme primitive artifact, this is the supreme artifact that can only be created by God, and it is so vast.

   "Yes, everyone instills strength into the wheel of the crossing, urging the strongest strength, I see how long they can resist!"

   The lord of crossing the sea also shouted.

   But he looked at the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower, his eyes became more greedy, and he was able to withstand the direct attack of the Fue Wheel without breaking down. This was not a normal primitive artifact.

   If he gets it, he will immediately have a strong presence in the primitive gods.


   The infinite power was aroused from the dark side of death, and immediately brought a violent storm, rolling in, setting off a series of explosions in the Shenwu Shen Dynasty.

   If it were an ordinary force, in such a strong attack, it would have collapsed long ago.

   And Shenwu can persist until now, you can know how right their army is to go.

   "Ferry the wheel, suppress me!"

   The Lord of Difficulty yelled again. He manipulated the runner with his big hands, and then saw that the runner was slowly suppressed, shattering the endless time and space, and was about to penetrate the hinterland of Shenwu.

   Ten Thousand World Tower also blasted out the infinite power of the town, all the powers of Shenwu, united with the source of heaven and earth to prevent the fall of the wheel

   The Lord of Difficulty made a proud voice, "Can it be blocked? The huge gap between heaven and earth is enough to make you surely defeated!"

   But at this moment, Chu Yuan made a move that everyone did not expect.

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