Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1448: The fourth realm of heaven

   The energy of the primitive gods made Chu Yuan directly reach the fourth realm of heaven.

   The rewards of system missions also come.

"Ding! The host breaks through the third realm of the heavenly realm, and obtains 300 million fate points, the heavenly healing potion x1, the supernatural power fruit x77536, the heavenly artifact advanced card, the jade clear **** pill x4, the scar of the sky x1, and a random chance to draw x1."

   "Ding! The current branch line has been released, breaking through the Fifth Realm of Heaven!"

   Breaking through this realm, Chu Yuan can be said to be faster than breaking through the third realm.

   The main reason is that his understanding of the true self has long been determined, and he has swallowed the remaining energy of the lord of the sea.

   The true self, cultivate the true self.

   He looked at the Scar of the Sky Splitting. This is a top-notch primitive artifact. At first, it looked like a crystal-like sharp vitality, but it could change the shape of a variety of weapons.

  And different force exerted, can also make the scar of the sky crack show different colors.

  The scar of the cracked sky purely represents killing. "You killed the lord of crossing the sea!"

  The energy bursting out of the morning mirror dissipated completely, and the Lord of Duer was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't take care of it, completely angry, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Chu Yuan firmly.

   He never expected that this action would fall a primitive god.

  Original gods, this is the strongest standing in the multiverse.

   A primitive **** can create a peak power second only to thirty-three days.

   And he lost the lord of the sea crossing the sky this time, as if the pillar supporting the sky broke abruptly, and the sky would collapse. It was more tragic than the loss of a hundred heavenly gods.

   "Cross the sea!" The owner of the disaster roared: "Shenwu, I want to kill you, I will never die with you!"

   He could see that, just now, Shenwu destroyed an extremely powerful primitive artifact, and the power of the primitive **** was still sealed inside, and it suddenly destroyed the lord of crossing the sea.

   This time they were careless.

  If they don't come to Time and Space Island, even if they destroy the Sky City, they will not be able to cross the sea. "I'm not dying long ago."

   Chu Yuan is indifferent.

   Although he killed the lord of crossing the sea this time, the price he paid was also very high, the morning mirror was destroyed, and the sky city was destroyed.

   But the benefits he got are also very huge, he broke through the fourth stage, the improvement of his own strength is much more important than a few artifacts

   boom! The Lord of Difficulties ran endless dark runes, and in his madness, directly attacked Chu Yuan.

"come on!"

   Chu Yuan's aura once again rises, who is fighting between heaven and earth?

   He strode forward to the Lord of Difficulties. He is a peerless emperor, vast divine power and certainty of his true self, so that he did not fall into a disadvantage when dealing with the Lord of Difficulties.

   The power of the two attacked wildly in the space-time island.

   "His strength!"

   The Lord of the Difficulties has wide eyes.

   He can clearly feel the increase in Chu Yuan's strength, which is almost a tens of times surge. Before he shot, he could completely suppress him, but now he can evenly split. "impossible!"

  The Lord of the Difficulties has a terrifying face, black power, a palm covering time and space, evolving infinite calamities, he is like the sky, like an immortal universe in motion.

   Chu Yuan Emperor's Divine Fist also pierced through a brilliant rainbow, shattering countless worlds with one blow, and fought head-on with the original power of the Lord of Distress.

   kill kill kill!

  The Lord of Difficulties carries endless anger. At this moment, he completely appeared. He exterminated the world's mana, controlled time and space, and deprived Chu Yuan of his control of mana.

   Chu Yuan did not back down, leaning forward with a wave of his palm, and the scar of the sky-cracking covered his palm, splitting the power of the Lord of Difficulties.

   "I can't help him!"

   The continuous fights also made the troubled master more and more frightened. At this time, Chu Yuan was no longer something he could suppress.

  The enemy!

  Absolute enemy!

  He is the biggest enemy of God in history except for the ancient source God!

   This enemy is immortal, there must be a disaster!

  Chu Yuan stands tall on the island of time and space, standing tall, peerlessly domineering and looking at the master of the trouble: "What other means are used together, I will continue!"


   The Lord of the Difficulties watched Chu Yuan closely, not knowing what he was going to do.

   "I will remember the hatred of crossing the sea forever, and regard it as the greatest shame of my life!"

   After the Lord of the Difficulty snarled, he actually disappeared directly in front of Chu Yuan.

   He also understands that even if the two fight for hundreds of years, there is no way to win him, and if the fight goes on, if there is an accident on the other side of the battlefield.

   He can't afford it.

   has fallen to the lord of crossing the sea, there can be no more accidents on the other side of the battlefield.

   And the fall of the Lord Crossing the Sea, once this news is delivered, it will cause violent waves in the multiverse.

   He left directly.

   "This attack of crossing the sky will also be resolved."

   After he beheaded the Lord of Crossing, his mana was greatly improved, and it was impossible for Duertian to continue to attack in a short time, and he would be shocked by his methods.

   And this time to be able to kill the lord of crossing the sea, rely on the lord of the sky.

   "Lord of the sky, this time I have destroyed your sky city."

   Chu Yuan also has a model of the Sky City in his hands, using it as a medium to sacrifice and summon the Lord of the Sky’s destiny consciousness.

   "If it is ruined, it will be ruined. I have fallen. The Sky City should have fallen with me."

   The Lord of the Sky has no regrets, but rather calmly said: "The Lord of the Primitive Five Realms, and the Lord of Crossing the Sea is only the first realm. My Sky City kills him, and it is the final destiny as the end."

   The Lord of the Sky is the pinnacle of the original gods. He used his lifetime to build the city of the sky to kill the Lord of Crossing, he didn't feel surprised.

   He also lamented Yu Chu Yuan's determination. "Destruction is for rebirth."

Chu Yuan also said: "Once I succeed in creating the realm of life and death, I will definitely descend upon the great calamity of the next heaven and earth. I can use the power of this great calamity to transform it into the energy for your resurrection. This is your new life, and after your resurrection, Sky City will also usher in its new life and once again appear in the multiverse."

   "Yes, destruction is also rebirth!" The idea of ​​the sky fluctuates violently.

   If he can be resurrected this time, he will go through a life and death catastrophe. For him, it is also the biggest opportunity, and his strength will be greatly increased.

   He is looking forward to the day of resurrection. "Shenwu, you break through a realm this time and have the strength to face the original gods. I can't help but see the day you dominate the heavens."

   The Lord of the Sky desires so much that Shenwu can have the glory of the human world, and he is willing to give his life for the eternal road.

   "It's just a face-to-face confrontation with the primitive gods. It is impossible to defeat them unless I achieve the primitive gods."

   Chu Yuan did not feel complacent because of this, but felt a kind of pressure.

   This time he was actually caught off guard by the Lord of Crossing, and he no longer had the treasure of Sky City, which could kill the primitive gods.

  Without the Sky City, the suppression of the empire’s divine luck will be much weaker.

at the same time.

   At the moment when the Sky City was destroyed, an extremely hidden time and space, suppressed by the power of infinite earth, suddenly felt the destruction of the artifact.

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