This is a picture of the past.

Chu Yuan knew that their result was that they failed in the path of eternity, but it did not prevent him from watching.

He walked into it, and this weird scene was like a person walking into the world of movies, listening to them, listening to them, but he was a transcendent existence.

"The road ahead is the path of eternity. Breaking the path of eternity will bring eternity to my age, but I can tell you that throughout the ages, no one has ever achieved true eternity. They have all failed!"

The look of existence like the ruler of the era is extremely solemn.

"We have no retreat. The last moment has arrived. There are only two choices before us. One is to abandon our era. There is no doubt that the original **** will die. Even the original **** will fall for half of the time, and we chose this way. We will never cross the path of eternity again!"

An ancient strong man has the power to smash the world with his hands and feet.

Chu Yuan was right next to him, and he could sense that his strength was greater than that of the God of Crossing Evil, one of the strongest in the civilization of an era.

"And the path of eternity will be wiped out if you fail to pass it."

Another ancient powerhouse.

"This is a difficult choice."

Their era has come to an end, when it is time to choose.

Give up the era, only a few people may survive.

But it also means that there is no hope anymore. Without the power of era civilization, it is almost impossible to break into eternity.

"A choice from an era."

Chu Yuan listened to them.

"Let’s give an order, instead of struggling, it is better to make a vigorous breakthrough, even if it is destroyed, it will not hesitate!"

Many powerful people roared, their eyes were red, and only a few people could survive without breaking, and the existence of the entire era would perish.

Those who survive will become lonely and lose hope.

And even if it survives, it is just a period of time, and it will not be truly eternal, or it will be destroyed.

"I don't want to succumb, even if I die, I have no regrets, even if there is a dead end ahead, I am willing to use my blood to dye red, go to my life to blow away!"

The dominant existence of that era stands at the forefront.

"Death without regrets!"

Throughout the epoch, all the strong were roaring, and along with the strongest, they bombarded their power, burned the essence of life, and bombarded the front of the eternal road.

"Break through, you must break through!"

The look of the Greedy Lord was crazy.

At this moment, he has integrated into this era, forgetting himself, and bombarding with their power.


Their power bombarded the front and their power attacked, creating a path of blood, a path containing light and hope.

"The battle within the eternal road."

What Chu Yuan saw was nothing but nothingness, and he couldn't know what scene was in the Eternal Road, and he knew that what the pre-Eternal powerhouse saw was different from him.

The eternal road is the greatest secret of heaven and earth.

Even if the power of time and space is great, it is impossible to record the picture of the eternal road, only the image of the strong in this era can be left.

"go ahead!"

The strongest walks ahead, he is opening the way, suffering the greatest backlash.

Every step forward on the path of nothingness, an invisible force of terror is scattered.

These strong men fell one by one and turned into dry bones on the road.

The blood dyed this path of nothingness red.

Chu Yuan seemed to have followed them. The vast world and the path of eternity were opened up. He saw that in the path of eternity, the horrible backlash caused the strong men of this era to fall one by one.

But they have no regrets.

Some people walked and fell down without knowing what force they encountered.

"Is the road ahead the end?"

They drove this way for a long time, and many strong men fell.

The strongest stood in the front, and there were not many people following him.

"Whether I can succeed or not, in this one move, even if I die, I have been brilliant and brilliant!"

The strongest is looking straight ahead, his majestic and majestic, the power of the entire era has gathered on him, opening up the world, there is no way ahead, then make a way out.

"The last moment." Chu Yuan said silently.

He is about to see the last brilliance of this civilization.


With the earth-shattering sound, a passage was pierced in front of it, an endless brilliance, hope in the dark.

They rushed in, and the primordial gods fell in one deity, but they did not hesitate to know that there was no retreat when they got here.

Finally, they came to an end after paying a huge price.

The strongest person is also exhausted at the moment. He took the last person into it, "Has eternity been obtained? Has my era succeeded?"

But just for an instant, there was surging power coming out of this channel.

"Impossible, I won't be defeated... Is the eternal road really just a legend? It can never be successful, no, I want to make a way to survive in despair!"

"No! Isn't this an endless road, there is no light, no hope, all darkness, my struggle will eventually end like this!"

The strongest roared.

"Ask who in this world can have eternity? I can only go here, I am exhausted, endless end, forever endless..."

The strongest man made his final voice.

No one knows what kind of picture he saw in the end.

"I won't lose, I won't lose!"

The lord of greedy demons is already crazy, his **** body emits black light, and his whole person is feathering.

"wake up!"

Chu Yuan shouted.

The lord of greedy demons was drunk and woke up suddenly, his face pale, and his body was sweaty: "Divine Emperor, I have merged into that era, and I will almost disappear with them. There is nothing in front of me, there is nothing, as if Eternity cannot come true, it is all fantasy!"


Like the end of the movie, the terrifying power in the eternal road is dying out the last power in this era.

Boom! Chu Yuan's body was surrounded by a vast expanse of brilliance, annihilating the power of the times. At this moment, and at the most dangerous time, it is extremely likely to die with this universe.

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

Suddenly, outside the image, an old man in black appeared. He saw Chu Yuan through time and space. Without warning, he blasted out a force, causing the backlash of Time, Space and Sea.

Such as treacherous waves.

The waves of the sea of ​​time and space are churning.

This strong man is very sinister.

He could see that Chu Yuan was immersively watching the demise of the ancient The time bombardment, the backlash of time, space and sea and the soul of the destruction of civilization were shocked. It is very likely that he will be buried here.

"Time and Space!"

Chu Yuan stood majestic in the waves, his will was extremely firm, he was not disturbed by the vision of the era's destruction from beginning to end, he was just watching like a passenger.

The power of the time and space gate formed the most powerful guardian.

He does not move like a mountain, eternal true self.

"Even to withstand the backlash of time, space and sea, this Shenwu God Emperor is not easy. He is comprehending the destruction of the ancient era, and he is able to become a firm true self. His will is too strong. This person is very powerful and not inferior in combat power. For primitive gods, it’s no wonder that there has been a lot of noise in the multiverse recently."

"It's a pity."

Seeing that Chu Yuan really didn't move, this powerful man also made a pitiful sound and disappeared immediately.

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