Chu Yuan looked at this sacred tree, a woman was urging a cauldron, and she was constantly blasting the aura of all things, like the new born lord of all things, controlling the growth of all things.

Every time he receives a breath of all things, he grows stronger in Chu Yuan's meticulous exploration.

"Your Majesty, you are here!"

Yao Ling'er saw Chu Yuan's arrival and immediately put aside his work.

"Ling'er, how is the Tree of Ten Thousand Laws cultivated?" Chu Yuan asked with a smile.

This tree of ten thousand laws is a tree species obtained by Chu Yuan from the relics of King Guiyitian, and it was cultivated by Linger.

"There is the source of all things in the cauldron, tree species grow very well, your majesty, the source of all things is too powerful, and the power of the recovery of all things, after a while, you will be able to harvest the first batch of all kinds of fruits."

Yao Ling'er said happily.

Wanfa fruit has many effects. Every time you harvest ten thousand pieces, it is a special kind of sacred tree in the age of the king. Its greatest function is to let the supreme gods understand the mystery of the half-day Tao.

Yao Ling'er is equipped with the most suitable for her. It is no exaggeration to say that her role is greater than dozens of heavenly gods.

She is the kind of talent who is suitable for logistics in the rear of the gods and is not available.

The ripe harvesting of these fruits in batches will allow the empire to accumulate and cultivate a large number of strong people over the long years.

"I will do everything possible to support you."

Chu Yuan loved his beloved concubine, and said to her tenderly: "In the future, you will no longer do some meager efforts, but the great hero of the gods, the wise helper and right-hand man by my side."

"I can't do it without your Majesty giving me the source of everything." Yao Linger nodded obediently: "I will do more and do my best by your Majesty's side."

"Good." Chu Yuan smiled.

In a flash, a year has passed since the multiverse.

Chu Yuan was next to the officials, and he sat on the majestic throne.

"God of War, during this period of time, the great training of the Shen Dynasty has done a good job and needs to deal with wars that may occur at any time. In addition, Qianfu organizes a contest between the gods and the genius at regular intervals. Now it is the stage of raising soldiers."

Chu Yuan presided over the court meeting.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the minister is now training soldiers and horses."

The God of War nodded.

He is also very anxious. Although he is very talented, with the help of Shenchao resources, he has broken through his origins. This speed is very fast, but he is still not enough in the face of an imminent war.

Chu Yuan could see his anxiety and said, "God of war, you don't need to be impatient. There are no shortcuts to cultivation. You must be down-to-earth. You can only do it step by step. Your way of war is to fight each other in the battlefield. There will be a chance."

"The minister knows." The God of War nodded.

"I can also train soldiers for the **** emperor, in my own way."

Fire Ancestor stepped forward.

He has already died once, and this time he wants to live in another way.

In the first life, he was a lone ranger and walked a lonely road. In this life, he has to practice in the way of integrating into the martial arts.

"Huo Ancestor, you have experienced life and death catastrophe, you should be able to make a breakthrough soon in the next primitive stage." Chu Yuan said.

"It's still close to fire, but it's not far, just a little bit of insight, and you may step out at any time."

Fire Ancestor responded.

"Various competitions within the gods are ongoing."

Lu Qianfu is also returning.

"Your Majesty, although the recruitment order has been issued for several years, the effect has not been good, and there are very few people willing to enter the kingdom."

The Book of Enlightenment also said.

"Don't worry, take your time."

Chu Yuan had long expected this to be the result.

"Also, outside of my Shenwu Tian, ​​Du'ertian is building a battle line to confine the heavens. This is to confine us within Shenwu Tian, ​​not to mention going into the space-time island, even let us go out."

They are not launching a full-scale offensive now, which does not mean that they will not take action to restrict the development of Shenwu.

"Fengtian Front, Xiongguan Fortress!"

Chu Yuan looked cold, and said: "No matter how opponents deal with us, the most important thing is to have a strong army and a strong horse. Since they want to build a fortress, we will satisfy their wishes, and I will let them know that the blockade alone cannot hit me. ."

He is also aware of the construction of a blockade by crossing Ertian.

Attacking now is not very useful, but will be exhausted and even defeated by them one by one.

It is better to let them waste time to build the fortress.

Chu Yuan was waiting for an opportunity, and when their defense line was completed and confident, he would take action and break their blockade in the most shocking way.

Doing so will be a blow to Duertian.

Of course, once the blockade has been constructed, it will require greater strength to break, and it will be more difficult.

But there is no perfect thing in the world.

The goddess Yanran did not send any news to her, indicating that the battle between her and the ancient source **** and them had not ended yet, and at this time she did not know where she was standing in the world.

Chu Yuan was not worried about her safety.

She couldn't be sealed off within the day of Du'er.

And he also faintly guessed that Goddess Yanran's doing so is very likely to lead him to the strongest and buy him more development time.

"She reincarnates in epochs, and her approach is not difficult to understand. She exists in epochs and has helped many people, just to find the last eternity."

After Chu Yuan retired, he looked at the Tianmeng token in his palm.

The reason why the League gave her a token that day was probably because the goddess Yanran helped them.

"The time Goddess Yanran bought for me, I can't waste it."

Chu Yuan was waiting.

Waiting for an excellent opportunity.

And in the gods, his orders were also issued and executed in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, he had fought with many primitive gods of Duertian before, otherwise the face of such a blockade would inevitably hit the confidence of the people.

He did not sit on the emperor seat, but stood still in the Shenwu starry sky.

In the days of Shenwu, it is not a whole continent, but a vast starry sky. Within the starry sky, there are huge land and small universes dotted with various relics.

The Shen Dynasty was built outside by the blockade, and the expansion of the territory was forced to stop.

Portal to the Holy Ghost World.

Chu Yuan placed it in the starry sky, spurred by a wave of mana, and suddenly there was a cross-border power. The teleportation portal did not know where it was leading, and where was the Holy Ancient Spirit World.

Chu Yuan also asked what is the Holy Ancient Spirit World.

But the Lord of the Sky said that he didn't know, and had never heard of it. According to his speculation, the Holy Ancient Spirit World might not be at the 33rd Heaven level of the Multiverse.

Perhaps similar to the time and space where the Lord of the Earth hides.

"Just pay attention to the retreat, it is impossible to achieve the I need to go out and appreciate more changes. After more guesses, it is impossible to know what is behind the portal. I have to go in."

Chu Yuan pondered.

He smiled, instilled strength, urged this door, opened the cross-border passage, and walked directly in.

At present, Duertian is still unable to launch a full-scale offensive, and the Lord Duer is not there. If he does not take this time to strengthen his own strength, how can he deal with all-out war.

As he walked into the portal of the portal, there was a long corridor in front of him.

When he walked to the end, a special rich spiritual energy instantly poured into the divine body.

"This is the Holy Ghost World?"

Chu Yuan looked at the world with curiosity.

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