The Eternal Road, a place with a strong eternal atmosphere.

In Chu Yuan's eyes, there seemed to be a spiral formed here, twisting, and violently swallowing the eternal breath, like the eyes of the sea, it was indeed a rare and precious place.

This is the nest of the black gold king snake beast.

In the nest, there are eight crocodiles with a body that is more than a hundred feet long, each of which is not as powerful as the black gold king snake beast, but there are many crocodiles.

"There is indeed the breath of an eternal god."

Chu Yuan's soul sensed, and his eyes shot out two flashes of lightning that pierced the sky in an instant, and a big hand shrouded the sky, and the sky and the earth were rendered bright.

Eight crocodile beasts roared and rushed out.

But how powerful is Chu Yuan's strength, every part of his body is emitting eternal divine light, sweeping everything, these eight crocodile beasts are not his opponents at all.

Bang bang bang! Soul shock, the supernatural power of destruction contains the shock of the soul, directly killing these eight crocodile beasts.

The Black Gold King Snake Beast screamed in excitement, it immediately rushed over, raised its head, and swallowed the next one gruntingly. It was obvious that its breath was growing rapidly.

"Master, the eternal fetish is here, but I dare not open it, but I can't resist the eternal aura that erupts, and I will be bombarded to death."

The Black Gold King Snake Beast respectfully said.

Indeed, eternal breath is a good thing, but it is also highly toxic, just like water. An adult is naturally not afraid of small puddles, but also afraid of roaring floods.

"I'm here."


Chu Yuan was fearless.

The hand of his emperor directly penetrated into the spiral, and in an instant there was a sound of ups and downs, such as the eruption of a mountain torrent, and the huge waves hitting him, the eternal breath was too strong.

But Chu Yuan did not waver for a while, he formed a black hole vacuum domain.

On the contrary, this surging force slapped over, Chu Yuan instantly refined, but instead his own cultivation base improved.

"Eternal fetish!"

Chu Yuan grabbed something directly.

This thing is only ten feet in size, and the whole body is the color of glass, and there is a bright light. Although it is not big, the energy of that eternal breath is extremely energy.

This is a small tower.

In preparation, it is a fetish similar to a small tower, not artificially refined, but a special force.

Eternity does not have any attributes, but it can give birth to any attributes, no matter what element or Taoism it is, it is born of transformation within eternity.

It's like, eternity is a piece of white paper? You can paint any color on white paper.

What is the unity of all dharma, the unity of all paths, etc.? In the end, we must return to eternity? And to control everything means to control eternity.

"Eternal fetish? Can be integrated into the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower, making it hopeful to be promoted to an epic artifact."

Chu Yuandao.

The Ten Thousand Realm Heaven Tower was the supreme primitive artifact rewarded by the system when he became a **** of heaven? Although it is the best, it is not an epic artifact after all, and its power is always limited.

This tower is the Zhentianshen Tower, which is of great significance.

Even if it becomes one of the thirty-three days in the future, the Ten Thousand Realms Sky Pagoda will suppress it for one day.

He keeps going? Didn't waste time? Yu Chuyuan said that he is short of time. After confirming the Taiyi Tianzun this time, he will return to the Multiverse.

A lonely road? At this time, he was accompanied by the Black Gold King Snake Beast.

It's a pity that the Black Gold Snake Beast does not belong to the original century? It can't follow him back to diversity.

"Walking through these nodes, passing through a place called the Eternal Killing Array, is about to reach the Nine-layer Abyss Realm."

Chu Yuan waved his hand to evolve the path of eternity, and the planes opened up on the road were like road signs everywhere, leading him forward.

Although he has a teleportation door, Chu Yuan chose to go all the way, and his purpose was to go for eternity ahead of time, which would be of great benefit to him, perhaps allowing him to reach the four primitive realms faster.

When it comes to the fourth stage, even the sixth stage can be evenly divided with them.

Along the way, Chu Yuan gained more and more insights. He saw too much mystery on the eternal road, and no matter how much he heard, sometimes it was not as true as he saw when walking on the road.

All kinds of insights should converge into an epic torrent.

Just as Chu Yuan was on the path of eternity, there was an island-like plane shrouded in clouds. It was originally a quiet and peaceful place, but at this moment it was subjected to terrifying power refinement and flames everywhere.

"Bone Demon, you are trying to force us to death, we are fighting with you!"

In this small island, there are still a large number of creatures, the strongest of which are the three powerful masters of the original five realms, they are angry and red eyes.

He practiced quietly and peacefully on the island, but suddenly suffered a disaster.

"Haha, just with the three of you, you dare to bravely fight with this seat, don't struggle, your existence is to let this seat consume your eternal matter and seize all wealth!"

There was an overwhelming wave of waves. Outside this small island, there was a black flag, sweeping out raging flames, wave after wave, to refine the island.

That Old Demon Huagu is a cold old man, but his cultivation base is as high as the sixth level.

Although the owner of this small island has three fifth realms, there is a chasm-like gap compared to the sixth realms, which is insurmountable.

"What to do, if it were not for us to incorporate a large number of eternal fetishes in the plane ~ we have realized an eternal defensive array, which has long been broken by this old demon, but if this continues, He is refining, we can't hold on for too long."

One person said anxiously.

The plane is where they stand, and they have incorporated too much eternal matter over the long years.

"We can't stop him. Even if we work hard, we are not the opponent of the Old Demon. He has survived thirteen eternal calamities, and how many have we survived?"

The three of them have made friends, and jointly opened up a plane to support the progress on the eternal road.

"Damn it, when the century yuan passed halfway, all the giants were all out to act, saving enough power for the eternal catastrophe, and we were targeted by this old demon!"

"During this time, the Old Bone Demon has destroyed many small planes!"

"Bullying the soft and fearing the hard! On this eternal road, the weak can only let it reap!"

There is endless sadness in their hearts. In fact, their strength is not weak, and they can become a hegemon in the multiverse.

It's a pity that they don't belong to the original century, so putting them on the path of eternity is nothing at all.

"Harvest you and go to the next plane!"

The Bone Demon is ferocious and ferocious. He has no hope for the so-called eternity. The years have obliterated his ambition, and the fourteenth eternal calamity will soon be ushered in. He has little hope of getting through without harvesting.

Yun Tianzun can spend twenty-nine.

But the old demon of the bone-transforming man couldn't stand the thirteen eternal calamities, and he could see the gap.

Bang bang bang!

The entire plane is collapsing, the vitality is madly spreading and disintegrating, the bone-changing old demon seems to be harvesting crops, and the strong in the plane is his crop.

"The cruel corner of the road to eternity."


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