Great God Lei Yuan was beheaded by Chu Yuan's thunderous offensive.

And he also paid the price of his life because of his stupid choice.

This is not in the multiverse. Like Yang Hai, there is the blessing of Fengshentian's infinite aura, and he is indeed deadly aggrieved, and he is ruthlessly beheaded without fully exerting his strength.

And now, his cultivation is not even when the multiverse just broke through the third realm.

After swallowing him, Chu Yuan still did not break through the fourth stage.

Chu Yuan understood that his breakthrough at every step now was very difficult, and the eternal material he needed was vast. It was far from enough to be the fifth realm. He needed more energy, which was assaulted like a beast.

It is precisely because of this difficulty.

Every time he breaks through a realm, his power will grow terribly.

"In the Eternal Killing Array, I got a lot of treasures, but now they all belong to me."

Chu Yuan slightly counted the treasures of the Great God Lei Yuan and threw them all into the system space, which had little effect on him, but they could be used to enhance the strength of the empire powerhouse.

He guessed.

After returning this time, the start of the battle for the sky should have been very fast.

Before that, it is necessary to resurrect the Lord of the Sky, let the world of life and death succeed, and directly capture the sky with swiftness.

The Eternal Killing Array is very huge, killing intent everywhere, Chu Yuan does not move fast, mainly because of the ubiquitous Killing Array.

"Eternal Killing Array."

Chu Yuan's gaze was extremely sharp, as if it penetrated the universe of time and space. With a wave of his palm, he transformed a picture, and the killing array he had experienced on this road was densely presented on it.

"A very sophisticated formation, one by one kills the formation, one by one, draws endless eternal aura, endless, even if no one is in control, it can still operate independently and continuously strengthen its strength."

Chu Yuan was also surprised.

He looked at the void time and space, as if he saw a series of formation patterns. Although he did not study the formation method, he could still see this power.

"Machine! A very mysterious machine!"

Chu Yuan didn't know what the entire Eternal Killing Array looked like, but he understood the Killing Array as an eternal machine, each of which was a part that supported the operation of the machine!

"The eternal temple that has never appeared is the most core part. No matter how much the external eye wears off, as long as the eternal temple exists, it will be repaired. It doesn't matter. But if you want to destroy the eternal temple, you can't even do the seventh stage."

Chu Yuan said: "Absorbed a lot of eternal aura, if all the mighty power erupts, it has already surpassed the strength of the strongest person. I am afraid that only the strongest can do it, that is, the Emperor Zhutian and the Great Panshen. exist."

With a wave of his five fingers, he seemed to have evolved a corner of the eternal killing formation, with countless dense textures, forming a certain kind of special text.

Then, he waved it away.

His comprehension, if you let other strong people see it, you will be surprised, and in a short time, you can comprehend the corner of the eternal killing array.

But Chu Yuan did not immerse himself in it too much.

He has no interest in the formation, no interest at all, he only likes the strongest strength.

And to comprehend the Eternal Killing Array, if he stays in retreat here for millions of years, he can deploy an amazing array of power, but unfortunately he does not have this time to waste here.

"It is enough to understand the operation of some eternal killing formations and integrate them into your own cultivation base."

Chu Yuan smiled slightly.

He continued to move forward, already inside the eternal killing array, and he could feel that although the supreme might have fallen, the entire killing array was still expanding.


Chu Yuan understood that if he could comprehend some of the laws of the eternal killing array, it would be easier to find the bronze temple, the silver temple, and even the rarer golden temple.

"If the Temple of Eternity appears involuntarily, it will be difficult to achieve it by attack, even if it is at the same level as the Supreme Being."

Chu Yuan moved along a line, and the entire eternal killing array was huge.

When he was crossing, he suddenly saw a huge object, like a giant star, like the sky and the earth, dark in color, like the hardest metal, hard to cut.

In that huge object, there are holes one after another, ejecting mysterious aura, which should be passages.

"Zerg brood!"

When Chu Yuan saw this thing, he recognized it at a glance. When he was in the Eternal Forbidden Zone, he had also received a Zerg brood, but it was not huge in front of him, and there was no mother emperor.

In the Eternal Killing Array, he actually saw the Zerg Brood again!

"The eternal breath nurtures all things, the mother emperor can create many zerg races, obey her command, the spiritual power of each mother emperor is extremely vast, can be called the emperor of the soul, and only eternity can eternal such creations. Power, incredible."

Chu Yuan stared at the Zerg brood.

Although the cultivation base can create creatures after reaching the origin of the seventh realm, it is not worth mentioning compared with eternity itself. It is impossible for the seventh realm to create a scary existence like the demon ancestor or dragon ancestor.

"The brood in front of me is bigger than what I got, and I also feel the extremely vast vitality inside. Obviously there are many zerg races."

Chu Yuan's soul mind scanned the past and said, "I don't know, will there be a mother emperor inside."

There is a mother emperor and there is no mother emperor, that is completely different.

If you can surrender the mother emperor, then you have a terrifying army of Chonghai, even Chu Yuan will be very excited.

"It seems that not only I saw the Zerg brood."

Chu Yuan looked down at the Zerg mother nest.

Around the brood, there are already strong people who have begun to enter, all with extremely strong confidence in their own strength.

"The Eternal Killing Array gathers the node array eyes, which is very mysterious. A silver temple appeared before, and the chaotic and confused vitality was shaken, and the traces of this brood were revealed."

"It seems that this brood was very likely born in the Eternal Killing Array, trapped here, and unable to leave."

"I don't know, is there a mother emperor in there?"

"I don't know there is a mother emperor, then it is not something we can seize. She manipulates the sea of ​​horror insects and kills her soul. How many people can withstand her terrible offensive?"

"Yes, if there is a mother emperor, only the epic can surrender."

"However, you see, the brood is a little strange. Some strong people have already entered, but they have not been attacked by the mother emperor. Is there something wrong with the mother emperor at this moment?"

"Perhaps it is possible, but it shouldn't be careless."

"I hope that there is no mother emperor. That mother emperor will breed a large number of zergs, and it needs a huge amount of eternal **** crystals, especially some special zergs need eternal gods to be born."

"Anyway, be careful not to make a big mistake, remember not to be careless."

Some powerhouses began to gradually enter the Zerg brood to explore, not to mention the brood itself, the gods accumulated inside make them tempted.

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