Three forces straddling time and space, bombarding from the other end, turned out to be an attack from the sixth stage of the three deities.

Chu Yuanshen pierced fiercely and saw three figures. They were actually God Du'er, God Yan, and Dragon Ancestor. At this most critical moment, the deadliest blow came to him.

Since Chu Yuan broke through the Primordial God that day, these three powerhouses have gone on the path of eternity, and now they have returned to the sixth stage, and they have obviously gained tremendous luck.

They actually returned shortly after Chu Yuan returned to the Multiverse.

Originally, they wanted to launch a destructive attack on Chu Yuan with the strength of the sixth realm, but the news of his battle outside the realm also spread, asking them to immediately change their strategy and make a new plan.

Seeing the vision of the world of life and death, they felt that this was the best time to destroy Shenwu, using the power of eternal rules to severely weaken them.

"Du'er, Yanshen, and Longzu have all become the sixth stage!"

"Is this the change in luck brought by the arrival of the peak of Century Yuan?"

"Shenwu can still resist this time?"

They don't question the strength of Shenwu, but at this moment, the eternal rules have already condensed the strongest blow. Coupled with the offense of the three sixth stages, this force is too fierce and can hardly be blocked.

The powerhouses of the empire are also angry. These three powerhouses are really despicable.

Especially the Lord of the Earth, the most crazy voice erupted, if the world of life and death fails, what will the Lord of the Sky bring to life.

But Chu Yuan didn't care.

He had known for a long time that the three powerhouses would attack at this time.

Chu Yuan's stalwart divine power gushed out, exploded with a world-famous aura, facing the attack of three divine powers, showing his terrifying strength, unexpectedly three consecutive palms cut off these three powers.

"I want to fight back!"

The three powerhouses also bombarded with stronger power once again, and the rumbling, boundless sea of ​​energy was drowning over.

At the same time, the final blow from the eternal rules also came.

This power is shaking the earth, the world seems to have turned into nothingness, it is the power that obliterates the return to eternity, and even the sixth stage will be obliterated.

Thousands of mighty powers in one body, all the strong people of the empire have concentrated their power on the **** emperor, and Chu Yuan is alone in the face of such a terrible attack.

His infinite power suddenly condensed to an origin.

This origin seems to be the power of all origins.

"So you want to resist our strength?"

The three powerhouses are murderous.

But when the turbulent power bombardment came to Shenwu!

Boom! The infinite eternal divine light burst out from Chu Yuan's body, and this original point unexpectedly swelled infinitely, and all the power was swallowed in!

At this moment, the moment of time stopped, as if plunged into eternal silence, everything, all fluctuations, converged in the realm of life and death.

"what happened!"

A powerful person made a puzzled voice, unable to believe what happened to his eyes. What power did the Shenwu Divine Emperor just kill, which dispelled the eternal rules.

Like the fluctuations of the Big Bang, the explosion at the origin is like recreating reincarnation, which brings true success in the world of life and death.

Boom, also in an instant, a scene that was originally nothingness, suddenly there was an extremely bright divine light bursting out.

The world of life and death was achieved at this moment, and merged with Shenwutian.


The Lord of the Sky also uttered a fierce drink. The moment he succeeded in the world of life and death, he broke free from the rules of life and death, and was once again between heaven and earth.

"The feeling of life."

The Lord of the Sky appeared in Shenwu at this time, and was no longer the phantom condensed from the previous destiny consciousness. There was blood flowing in the body, and real mana was surging endlessly.

"Ding! The current side mission to shape the world of life and death has been completed, and you have obtained tens of billions of fate points, the original healing potion x1, the supernatural fruit x155072, the original artifact advanced card, the Tianyuan Shendan x5, the life and death **** x1, the life and death coffin x1, Random lottery chance x1."

At the moment of achievement in the world of life and death, extremely generous side rewards were issued.

Chu Yuancha took a look.

This God of Life and Death is a powerful and special artifact. It not only emits the light of life and death, but it can also brand one's life into the God of Life and truly possess a second life.

In other words, even if you are completely destroyed, you will not really die, even if you encounter the obliteration of the Origin God, you will not die, and the God of Life and Death will die for you.

Life and death is not the most important thing.

Especially the coffin of the God of Life and Death is the most against the sky.

This coffin of the God of Life and Death is just a coffin. Seen from the outside, it is the deep color of dark death, depriving it of all life.

But inside, it turned out to be the sacred light of life recovery.

The existence of life and death.

Chu Yuan saw its effectiveness in an instant.

No matter how badly you are injured, as long as you still have a breath and lie down, it will reverse the law of life and death for you and revive you, even if the strongest go in.

This was horrible against the sky. Although Chu Yuan had a primordial healing potion, he couldn't save the sixth level and above.

But this is not the most terrible.

The Coffin of Life and Death can evade the eternal catastrophe.

If you destroy the coffin of the God of Life and Death, you can resist an eternal catastrophe, which means you can live an extra era.

And whenever the eternal calamity comes, lying in the coffin of the **** of life and death, the continuous breath of life will reverse life and death, and it will be easier for you to survive the eternal calamity again and again.

Eternal calamity, even if it is just a little bit, is pursued by countless strong people.

There is also an even more terrifying effect. Lying in the coffin of the God of Life and Death, closing oneself at the price of a deep sleep, isolating the eternal rules, can make the world think that you are dead, and not for the eternal calamity.

Of course, you can't show up. After you show up, there will still be a terrible catastrophe.

If this divine coffin is passed to the path of eternity, I don't know how many strong people will go crazy.

Such as the Great Emperor, it is difficult for him to get through this era of tribulation, but if he has the coffin of life and death, his life will continue for about four or five epochs again.

The usefulness of the coffin of life and death is terrible.

Only the existence of such a mysterious system will be rewarded.

Chu Yuan's divine body shook again, looking at the world of life and death, a breath of life and death entangled and circulated, the power of the original point was shattered.

At this moment, he received the power after the achievement of the world of life and death, the waves of the world's big explosion, rolling like tides, and the violent energy impact, raising his realm to the original fifth realm.

"Ding! The current side mission to break through the original fifth stage has been completed, with 5 billion fate points, the original magic healing magic fruit x155072, original artifact advanced card, Aurora Sea x1, Tianyuan Shendan x3 , Random lottery chance x1."

In the fifth realm, he broke through at this moment, using the power of the world to explode when he achieved life and death.

In this situation, he is truly striving for hegemony in the multiverse.

The surging peerless power gave him the power to truly suppress some primitive sixth realms, and to compete in the great world.

If he is becoming God, with the blessing of God's luck, his strength will be even more terrifying.

He understood that the thirty-three gods actually represent the power of the breath of an era, divided into thirty-three eternal and unchanging strands, as if the pattern formed at the beginning of this era.

With a wave of his palm, an ocean swept out, and the infinite auroral power, extremely sharp, was the Aurora Sea.

"Thirty-three days of promotion and hegemony should also begin."

Chu Yuan's gaze, spanning time and space, has locked onto Longzu, crossing E, and Yanshen!

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