The world is not peaceful, there is fighting everywhere.

"Long Shentian disappeared!"

At the same time, Long Shentian disappeared unexpectedly, a huge dragon, with cold eyes scanning the universe, he displayed boundless dragon power, unexpectedly turned Long Shentian into a dragon ball.

Then the dragon swallowed the dragon ball and flew in the direction of Duertian.

This is the deity of Long Zu.

It is his second incarnation, the Chaos Dragon.

In order to destroy Shenwu, Long Zu also went all out and dispatched the strongest strength.

"Are you all ready?"

Crossing the sky.

The solemn atmosphere is as heavy as mercury. Although three days of union, no one dares to despise the power of Shenwu.

God Du'er has sharp eyes, wearing a jet black robe, a powerful artifact clothing, holding a magic weapon, facing Longzu and Yanshen God.

"Everything is ready. Almost all of my Yanshentian powerhouses are here."

Yanshen God nodded.

To destroy Shenwu, you must use the strongest power, as long as he is still alive, who dares to attack Yan Shentian.

"My ancestor is also ready."

Long Zudao.

He seems to have deployed the strongest force to help Emerald this time, but in fact he is also helping himself. All three parties have calculations, but they all have the same purpose, to destroy Shenwu and divide his mystery.

It can't be delayed any longer.

"Okay, declare war on Shenwu, the army is ready to crush the border and ignite war."

Duertian mainly declared war on Shenwu.

Boom boom!

The terrifying flames of war burned from time and space, and Chu Yuan was sitting in the divine dynasty. At this moment, he also felt the infinite power of the three-day powerhouse, turning into a majestic sea of ​​energy, crossing time and space, collapsing from the sky.

"The battle for the sky has begun!"

Chu Yuan's gaze containing time and space swept the front.

"The army of the empire, march out, a battle for the sky, a battle to destroy the sky!"

Chu Yuan held the infinite avenue, controlling the cycle of heaven and earth.

Standing at the highest point of the empire, a war note flew out, directly within the bounds of the world of Duertian, for them to see.

The battle book unfolded, and words appeared one after another, meaning that Shenwu launched the sky-recovery, not their attack.

Rampant, domineering!

When God Du'e saw this book of war, he tore it directly with a palm. The **** and martial emperor was too presumptuous, and he had to attack on his own initiative to improve his morale in this way.

"He wants to fight, then fight!"

The three-day strong went to the front lines of the war in a dense number.

In Shenwu.

"The battle for the sky, the empire will last forever!"

Countless empire warriors shouted, fighting infinitely, for thirty-three days of promotion for Shenwu, and for the eternity of the empire, they must use their lives to defend.

Although I know that many people will fall in this heaven-squatting battle, as long as the sky-squatting success is successful, huge benefits will be gained.

Once it fails and the empire collapses, no one will exist anymore!

"The battle for the sky, the empire will last forever!"

Chu Yuan's brilliance was too sacred, with thousands of mighty powers in one body, and the sound swept through, even the master of the earth, the group of powerful men who belonged to the human world and heaven, was also shaken and joined the shouting.

"I will lead you to the sky!"

Chu Yuan was holding the Divine Martial Sword, which was the empire's Divine Sword of National Destiny, and suddenly swiped downwards, and the dense warships flew up, and countless troops turned into a torrent to rush out.

The empire's battle for glory begins at this moment.

Many eyes are on this battle.

Although the battle of heaven has happened many times in the multiverse, this time it was extremely vast, involving many powerful sixth-level masters, and it was launched by the world-renowned Shenwu God Emperor.

The fighting spirit is boiling.

"Shenwu's battle for the sky has begun!"

During the true sun days, the true sun **** also felt this terrible war intent. Although he did not move, he was terrifying the Hanhai **** and Beimingfeng in the vast sea days.

Once Shenwu succeeds in seizing the sky, then he will immediately launch it.

"In troubled times, Shenwu is going to win the sky."

In the Ten Thousand Dao Heavens, Yi Tianzun is still sitting opposite the old Dao. The chessboard in front of them has evolved into a battlefield of heaven and earth, simulating a battlefield of battle.

"Fengshentian is also launching an offensive. The nearest five and thirty-three days to Fengshentian, as well as the second **** master, Dugu **** and demon, prison and other powerful people, the Fengshen Great Emperor cannot let them I was besieged, and the war began."

As the old way said, his expression was extremely calm.

"Also you can still have peace of mind."

Yi Tianzun shook his head.

"Be quiet, we will see how the situation changes."

The old way is too calm.

At this moment, the Great Heavenly Ship was headed, followed by many warships in the rear, advancing mightily towards the front line, and finally stopped at the edge of the space-time island.

Du'er, Dragon God, Yanshen, and the three-day powerhouse also stopped on the other side.

This collision between the two sides will be placed on the island of time and space for a decisive battle.

It hasn't really fought, but the aura of the two sides have collided together, rumbling against each other.

"There are many means."

God Yanshen saw Shenwu's battleships and those giant guns ready to go, his face was also very cold. He didn't know how such battleships were built, but he could feel their power and terror.


Du E, God Yan, and Long Zu stood at the forefront of the army. The sky broke and the earth swept through everything. The dazzling eyes pierced fiercely and fell on Chu Yuan.

Not long ago, this emperor had to rely on the ancient source of God to protect him, but now he has confronted them by his own strength.

His growth rate is scary.

"This battle is not easy to fight."

God Ferry stared at the opposing army.

That fighting spirit, unyielding mind, and majestic aura converged into a billowing torrent. The army trained by Shenwu was too well-trained, as if it were a **** or a monster, pressing them crazily.

He also knew that if they wanted to defeat the opposing army this time, they would have to pay a huge price for three days.

"There are many strong ones."

Long Ancestor's huge dragon body was entrenched between the heavens and the earth. He swept away the endless Chaos Thunder Tribulation, and said: "No matter how great the price is this time, Shenwu will be destroyed!"

"Warriors of the empire, that is the great enemy of the empire, crossing E, God Yan, and Dragon God for three days."

Chu Yuan also looked at the opposing force's army, and did not say much to the opposing party. After all, it was useless to say more. What he wanted to do was to launch a war and completely destroy the opposing party's vital power.

"Destroy them!"

The morale of the empire warriors is The hands holding the weapons are hot, and the blood in the body is boiling.


Chu Yuandao, the crucial battle for heaven is about to start,

With the armies of both sides converging on the edge of the battle line, that infinite power is not an ordinary battle in the world, but a duel of the peak powers of the multiverse.

The Fengshentian side was already fighting.

The Shenwu Empire is also fighting.

"Fight." God of Du'er said.

Chu Yuan came directly to the forefront of the army, looked down at the universe, and waved the Shenwu sword. This time he went out with the power of the entire empire, but he would not give the opponent any chance.

The horn is already blowing, the drum of war is already beating, the army is already advancing...

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