Chu Yuan was indifferent and domineering, his hands were stained with blood, it was the blood of the sixth realm.

This battle is over, and the battle for the sky is over.

The worldly aura spread out, and Chu Yuan at this moment was too majestic for people to look directly at him.

Successfully win the sky, the **** of crossing E will die, and the **** of Yan **** will die!

If the only imperfection is that Long Zu retreats and did not die, of course this is also the reason why Chu Yuan did not break through to the sixth state, otherwise Long Zu wanted to escape absolutely.

But the final result is good.

Shenwutian has been promoted to one of the 33 days.

"He is too strong."

Feng Zu was in a trance, and a world-famous emperor rose up, and his power shook the universe.

You know, this time the first battle fell for two days. Although Yanshentian in the extreme distance has not been completely destroyed, the gods and the original gods are almost all dead, and they are in name only.

But this time, it wasn't the ordinary world that collapsed, it was the strong heaven with the sixth stage.

"This Shenwu God Emperor has risen in the world and has become the greatest enemy of Fengshen Great Emperor!"

Feng Zu had a hunch that in the future, there will be a duel between the two emperors, competing for the protagonist at the peak of the era.

This **** emperor was also very cruel, he refused to accept Yan Shentian's surrender, and directly killed all the strong.

And Shenwu's army is also ending at the end.

"Thirty-three days."

Chu Yuan looked at the sky, he saw the weather that ordinary people can hardly see, an extremely bright sun of the era reached the highest peak of the universe, emitting the most brilliant light.

This is when Shijiyuan's luck has reached the strongest!

"Ding! Overlord completed the main task, promoted for 33 days, gained 20 billion fate points, advanced primitive **** healing potion x1, supernatural fruit x155072, guardian city creation blueprint x1, destruction **** x1, Tianyuan Shendan x5 , Galaxy Ding x1, Immortal Era Cannon x1, Yanghai Tianzun’s Treasure x1, random lottery chance x1."

"Ding! The current main line has been released, dominating the century yuan!"

The day of crossing the Evil has collapsed, and the martial arts are well deserved, and they have been promoted to the greater 33 days.

At the moment the whole world was promoted to 33 days, Chu Yuan clearly felt that the fortune of the century yuan violently converged in the world.

He raised his hands, and although he hadn't been promoted, he could feel the growth of his own strength, too much stronger, with the power of an era, the divine power of heaven and earth.

If he fights this battle as God, it will definitely not be so difficult and will end sooner.

"Era's luck is divided into 33 parts."

In Chu Yuan's gaze, Shenwu was shrouded in the brilliance of luck, and his eyes turned into a map of the universe. There were 33 parts of this infinite brilliance.

And the stronger the world, the more luck that can be divided up.

All the strong are born of eternal power.

Chu Yuan gradually understood why it was difficult to detach from eternity.

Another cannon of the immortal era.

This gun is very powerful, although it is expensive, but the power of each gun is comparable to an epic blow.

He looked at the guarded city, it was a kind of equipment similar to a city, without a strong offensive force, but with a strong guard, it was difficult to break through the six realms, and it was not comparable to an ordinary fortress.

"The city that can be guarded serves as a fortress and is used for the advancement of the front."

Although Chu Yuan won the position of God, he knew that the battle was far from over, the master of this era had not been accomplished, and the strongest of the eternal path had not yet become.

Xinghe Ding.

It is not an epic artifact refined in the sixth realm, it should be a stronger origin weapon, possessing a power of the origin of the universe.

The cosmic energy seems to be just a huge cauldron, but there is a galaxy world in the cauldron, and every big star rises and falls like a universe.

And there are countless such big stars in the Galaxy Cauldron.

"One flower, one world, one tree and one bodhi, with the tripod as the world, carrying the universe."

Chu Yuan looked into the cauldron. The universe in the cauldron was very perfect. Let the creatures enter, and they would immediately multiply and produce an extremely prosperous civilization.

And the universe in the tripod is too big.

Those creatures living in the cauldron, if no one told them, I am afraid that they would really think that the inside of the galaxy cauldron is the real world. I don't know someone is looking at them through the cauldron.

The Galaxy Cauldron is by no means an ordinary artifact of origin. The seventh realm cannot be refined. Only the founder of the gods or the strongest person like Yuan can refine it.

"This tripod is very strong."

Chu Yuan admired.

As for Yanghai Tianzun's treasure, Chu Yuan also knew that he was in the path of eternity, and this Yanghai Tianzun must be stronger than Yun Tianzun, and the treasure left behind was more precious.

He could figure it out through treasure hunting Yun Tianzun.

However, now Chu Yuan had no way to go to the eternal road.

Destroy God!

This is a peerless powerhouse of the sixth stage, extremely powerful, his breath is destructive, infinitely destructive, and can destroy everything.

Thirty-three days of promotion is a milestone progress.

That's why the system would directly reward the peerless powerhouse like Destroyer God, and it happened that his empire lacked the sixth realm, and his appearance greatly enhanced the empire's heritage.

Good, very good.

"Your Majesty, the remnant enemies in the day have been eliminated."

The sword **** reported that his sword was stained red with blood, "Unfortunately, Long Zu ran away, and because of the origin of God's body in the sacrifice of God Du'e, this world has been abandoned, the energy is exhausted, and there is no much value.

Shenwu cleared away the remnant enemies very quickly, beheading all the forces of resistance.

The emperor is iron and blood, and war cannot tolerate any kindness, especially at this critical stage.

"However, although the crossing of the Eternal Heaven itself did not bring us much, the empire has been promoted to 33 days, and we have controlled the luck of an era."

The main way of the earth.

"Long Zu flees, but he is immortal. He is always a great enemy. He was born when Shijiyuan, and he will definitely not give up. He will probably make a comeback and break through the seven realms."

The lord of the sky knows that Long Zu is a great disaster.

There are so many powerful men born in this era, and the dragon ancestors also have great luck. They are the eternal dragon energy, and they will not be defeated.

"I have many opponents, and there is no shortage of him."

Chu Yuan said, "Our war is not over. There will be more cruel wars."

His Di Nian moved, rumbling, Shenwu Tian swallowed infinite energy, eternal light, expanding crazily, to be connected with the area where Du'ertian was.

In the past, it was because of the confrontation and war with Duertian that the heaven and the earth did not expand.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?" The God of War said in blood.

"If I succeed in winning the sky, Zhenyangtian will immediately launch a decisive battle against Hanhaitian. Although Zhenyangtian is not a force of our empire, he belongs to our alliance and wants to help them win the sky."

Chu Yuan gave an order: "Lord of the sky, lord of the earth, you two led a part of the army to immediately support the True Sun Heaven and launch the sky-reception."

"I and the Lord of the Earth can go right away."

The Lord of the Sky said: "The God of Yanshen has fallen. They have no ownership. The empire also needs to send people to receive it. Let us have one more day. However, the road to God of Yan is far away and we need the strong to go.

"I also thought of this." Chu Yuan said, "I will let the Destroyer God go to Yanshentian."

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