Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1808: In the Holy Land of Truth

"The emperor is going to the Holy Land of Truth? For the Magic Book!"

The soul of the Heavenly Demon God Book shook, and said: "The Holy Land of Truth is extremely powerful. There is an ancient powerhouse of truth. Although the truth is hard to come by, there are still many nine-level powerhouses in the Holy Land who are the real overlords."

"The Holy Land of Truth is very strong, and the most mysterious thing is truth." Duan Qingshan also said.

"This time I go to the Holy Land of Truth, whether or not I can get the magic book, the most critical point is whether you can find the accurate whereabouts of the magic book, so I can get it."

Chu Yuandao.


Heavenly Demon God Book said: "Demons and demons, the power of demons, there are the same and different. I and the magic book are good friends. The new mansion was born at about the same time. His frontal combat strength is stronger than mine. As long as I go Once I am in the Holy Land of Truth, I can feel his position and summon it, but I am worried..."

"You worry that the mansion of the magic book has been wiped out by the holy land of truth." Chu Yuan said.

"Exactly, I am most worried about this. The Holy Land of Truth is too scary. What they say is the truth. They have turned themselves into a rule-like existence. It has been so long, and it is very likely that the divine residence has been wiped out."

Sky Demon God Book worried.

"It's useless to think too much. Go to the Holy Land of Truth first."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

With his current strength, he couldn't go anywhere on the eternal road, and he didn't pay attention to the many dangers. At the moment, under the guidance of the Heavenly Demon God Book, he went to the Holy Land of Truth at the fastest speed.

The Holy Land of Truth has existed for too long.

There is a **** of origin in that holy place.

Although these Origin Gods were all updated, they still maintained an extremely powerful strength, and in every epoch, they were powerfully powerful.

"Emperor, we have reached the Holy Land of Truth!"

The Heavenly Demon God Book looked at the Holy Land of Truth at this time, and his expression was extremely cold. If it hadn't been for their pursuit, it wouldn't accidentally fall into desperation.

But if it weren't there, it wouldn't see Chu Yuan, and it would see great feats.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, and he immediately saw that this holy place of truth is huge and vast, and the light is extremely dazzling within the eternity of nothingness, allowing people to see it across hundreds of millions of time and space.

The Holy Land of Truth does not have only one plane like the Ten Thousand Seas plane.

But beyond a huge main plane, there are stars shining, and each of these stars is a world.

Especially in the main holy city, there are many temples of truth, and only those who have reached the origin are qualified to open a temple.

Chu Yuan's gaze fell on the most eye-catching temple, radiant, magnificent, majestic, and the shining light of truth is like the eternal and immortal color, filling this holy place with the brightest color.

That is the temple opened by truth.

Some people say that the ancient truth has gone through many eternal calamities, sublimating itself again and again, allowing itself to remain immortal, and to live forever in the path that it has opened.

But in short, if the light of truth is immortal, truth is not dead.

And when he looked again, the entire Holy Land of Truth was too prosperous, with countless strong people, some of them weak, and some powerful, the aura of origin.

The road to eternity is full of dangers and the laws of the jungle, but in the Holy Land of Truth, it is peaceful and prosperous, a good place for cultivation, without fighting and fighting.

The creatures living in the sanctuary of truth are lucky.

"Eternal power." Chu Yuan slowly said.

he knows.

The strength of such a powerful person as Truth is much stronger than that of the Nine Realms.

Chu Yuan also knew the reason why they could live longer.

When they reach the level of truth, because of the eternal road, they have also opened up a path to eternity, and in their own path, they can counter the eternal calamity.

Open up the eternal way, the eternal way, such a strong person is called the eternal level.

Of course, they are not truly eternal, but they can exist for a very long time.

"The emperor, how do we find the magic book, it must be in the holy land!"

Heavenly Demon God Calligraphy.

"All of you are in my time and space."

With a wave of Chu Yuan's hand, the Heavenly Demon Book of God turned into a book, imposing the power to impose a seal.

He went directly into the Holy Land of Truth alone.

After all, the Holy Land of Truth is not an ordinary force. Although Chu Yuan is not afraid, he also understands that if too many people enter, so many Origin God powers will definitely attract the attention of others.

As for using eternal time and space to hide yourself.

He is not afraid of other people, but is afraid of leaving the truth of power, so he is not as good as going in directly and grandiosely.

Although he is confident, he is not blindly confident, this eternal power must have left extremely powerful means.

Entering the Holy Land of Truth, Chu Yuan's brows moved, and the whole world was too bright. A breath of breath was the rolling power, which was transformed by the great array of truth into eternal energy of truth.

"Similar to the mythical energy in the nine-fold day of myth."

Chu Yuan knew that if he absorbed this energy all day, his cultivation speed would be very fast, but there was too much truth in this energy.

You are a person from the Holy Land of Truth and there is no problem. After all, you practice this Dao, but if you are an outsider, if you absorb too much of this energy, you will become like a dragon in the ancestor of the dragon and become a holy land creature.


When Chu Yuan came here, he saw that the whole world was too prosperous. It didn't seem to be on the eternal road at all. It was also because the Holy Land of Truth didn't care about others coming here, but wanted to join the Holy Land more.

In the same way, the immortal sacred place must also contain immortal energy.

"Sky demon, how do you feel about the magical book?" Chu Yuan asked.

"It's hard to sense, but the more this happens, I know that the magical book must have been suppressed by the Holy Land of Truth. It is very likely that the divine residence has been destroyed and a new **** was born!"

The Heavenly Demon Book is in Chu Yuan's sleeve robe.

"I give you strength and let you feel."

Chu Yuan blessed his strength.

"But the emperor, if you bless me, my breath is likely to leak out. After all, I can sense the magic book, and it can also sense me, which may be detrimental to the emperor."

Heavenly Demon God Calligraphy.

[Option 1: Give up the magic book, leave the holy land of truth, get 2 million destiny points, random origin of the gods x1. 】

[Option 2: Continue to sense the magic book, get the magic book, get 2 million fate points, random special artifact x1. 】

"Sky demon, you can do it boldly. With me, everything is fine. It doesn't matter if you expose your identity, I am here."

Chu Yuandao.

"I understand The Heavenly Demon Book has understood the emperor's purpose.

The emperor is not afraid of the Holy Land of Truth at all, it needs to do what it takes to take the initiative to introduce the Magic Book.

Right now, he didn't think about anything else, he was also playing tricks and began to pretend.

And Chu Yuan was walking in the Holy Land of Truth at this time, but in this calm and prosperous world, he could not see any disharmony.

He saw that in the Holy Land, a large army was escorting a large number of prisoners back victorious.

"Put these prisoners in a cage, control them, let them absorb the eternal breath day and night, and condense the eternal crystals for us. Killing them is too cheap, and we must squeeze the greatest value out."

A group of people shouted.

"There is an aura of immortality, a prisoner captured in a battle with the Holy Land of Immortality."

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