Although the royal banquet was over, the shock did not end.

Da Wu has a strong background and can resist the strong Profound God, even if the Profound God forces want to covet Da Wu's wealth, they have to see if they can swallow it.

At this time, in the extremely remote void, two people were standing here.

One person was the Prince Moyuan. He gritted his teeth and said, "Dongchen Profound God, has it failed? Please move the Dongchu Divine Sword and failed to break his imperial city. It's hateful, what kind of power is that Dawu? Hard to deal with!"

"Don't worry, this Great Martial God is also very interested. This time the Dongchu Forbidden Land has to deal with Great Martial, it is not for the benefit you gave."

Dongchen Xuan said: "A seven-star dynasty actually possesses an imperial artifact that blocks my Dongchu Divine Sword. It is indeed very interesting. Should I report this matter to the Dongchu Lord first? Look up the origin of that Dawu? "

"Profound God Dongchen, what should we do next?" Prince Moyuan said anxiously.

He couldn't forget the hatred of the ruined country.

"Don't worry, I thought that this great martial artist would not be able to contend with the power of the Profound God level, but now, this matter will be discussed again in the forbidden area in the east, but since you enter the forbidden area, the forbidden area will also keep you safe."

Dongchen Xuanshen waved his big hand and immediately moved.


Inside Dawu Imperial City.

Xiao Yang left after a few days.

He talked to Chu Yuan about the battle between the Holy Heaven Empire and the Qingmu Longevity Empire, and talked about some deployments, indicating that if the Profound God took action against Dawu, he could report the name of the Holy Heaven Empire and even ask him for help.

Chu Yuan just dealt with it politely.

In the end, you must be **** your own. For a dynasty to develop, you cannot rely on others, but you must rely on your own strength.

Xiao Yang was so polite to him because Da Wu had an imperial grade artifact to counter the power of the Profound God, otherwise a seven-star force would really not be able to gain the empire's eyes.

Moreover, Xiao Yang even suspected that Da Wu was backed by extremely terrifying forces.

Chu Yuan didn't click on it, and let them fix it on their own.

The more brain supplement, the better for him.

From this incident, he also saw that the Holy Heaven Empire was under great pressure now, otherwise Xiao Yang would not come to Dawu and deliberately test him.

The holy place of refining tools.

Some people interested in refining tools passed with Ouyang Ming.

According to Chu Yuan's instructions, unsecured places were open to them, and some top secret refiner inheritance could even be revealed.

This group of people went to the holy place for refining, part of them went to the holy place of refining as guest officials, and some went directly to the core foundry division.

He is one who has entered the Foundry Division, and he has become a great warrior.

Ouyang Ming has become a **** and has the qualifications to build an imperial artifact. He doesn't care about cultivation. His task is to build an artifact. The part of his cultivation will naturally be promoted by his majesty.

The foundry division is also very busy.

From the land of the six regions, Da Wu now includes the Rainbow Realm, Demon Abyss Realm, and Yuan Ling Realm into his territory, and his army has expanded dozens of times.

The equipment of the ordinary army can be built with drawings.

However, the equipment of the God Army and the Scourge Army are completely different.

"Now that the god-level materials have been delivered, I have selected several imperial artifacts suitable for my great martial arts from the inheritance of the refiner. My colleagues will have to work harder during this period. For the great martial arts, we have to give everything. "

Ouyang Ming assigned the tasks of the Foundry Division.

Ning House.

This is Ning Xiuchen's residence in the imperial city.

"Ning Xiuchen."

Chu Yuan saw Ning Xiuchen.

There are wisps of mysterious laws intertwined on his body.

"How long does it take to break through the Profound God?" Chu Yuan asked.

Da Wu desperately needed a true Profound God to sit in. Only Ning Xiuchen was the closest to this state.


Ning Xiuchen affirmed: "I have understood the law of the Profound God and clarified the path of the Profound God. When I was trapped in that space with the body of a remnant soul, I actually realized the way of the Profound God. Here, your Majesty, the pill No shortage, my cultivation speed is also very fast, during this time!"

"I will supply your pill specifically. I hope you can break through the Profound God as soon as possible. Don't be afraid of failure. I have a potion here. You can try it."

Although it is easy to break through the Profound God, Chu Yuan has a god-level healing potion that can make Ning Xiuchen try boldly.

"The minister understands!"

Ning Xiuchen nodded.

There must be that kind of potion in your Majesty's words. He has nothing to worry about, just hit the Profound God Realm directly.

"I'm afraid I can really hit the Profound God this time, and it's okay even to get into trouble. What am I afraid of?"

Ning Xiuchen murmured as he sent Chu Yuan away.

At this time, he also had a tube of emerald healing potion in his hand.

He really survived a catastrophe this time, and he must have good luck when he arrived in Dawu.

He will be strong with Dawu.

Back to the palace.

Chu Yuan checked the system and found that the fate point was 23050.

He has another chance to draw a random lottery.

"The host opens a random lottery and gets a special artifact to shoot a **** bow!"

Archery Bow: A special artifact, a special artifact with powerful power, can only be used with matching arrows, and cannot be used without arrows.

At this moment, a long bow of destruction appeared on Chu Yuan's body, the color of the abyss, exuding a strong aura of destruction.

On the side of the arching bow, there are a hundred extinguishing arrows to match it!

These one hundred arrows were carved with the pattern of the **** of death, and one arrow shot it, shaking the earth.

Chu Yuan gently pulled the arrow and made a clank sound.

He picked up the arrow again.

"A special artifact that uses the arching bow to urge the energy within the arrow. This arching bow is only a carrier for launching. The real essence is the ten arrows!"

Chu Yuan's eyes are also bright!

He came to an amazing conclusion that shooting a divine bow can hurt the existence of Profound God!

"Okay, very good. I am worried about the lack of trump cards that can threaten the Profound God. This shooting of the **** bow is a surprise from the lottery. Although there are fewer arrows, only a hundred, but as long as it can hurt the Profound God, Will suffice!"

Chu Yuan clenched the bow, wishing to shoot an arrow directly.

There is no shortage of Dawu resources now, and what he lacks is a powerhouse at the Profound God level, otherwise he would not exchange a bottle of healing potion for Ning Xiuchen this time.

"Gather the power of national luck!"

Chu Yuan mobilized the power of national movement to transform the power of pure faith into three strands.

One is on Zhu Fengfeng and the other is on Fang Lei.

And the most majestic one was on Ning Xiuchen's body.

Sitting on the three big realms and the two small realms, the national power of the Chu Yuan Dynasty has long been stronger than the ordinary Seven-Star Dynasty, and several Profound Gods came to them, all of which can be called the Eight-Star Dynasty.

"Zhu Fengfeng has a phoenix egg, and it won’t take long to break through the gods. On Fang Lei’s side, I supplemented him with a lot of laws of the gods. It doesn’t take long to break through the gods. The most important place is still Ning Xiuchen. I hope he will not let me down. ."

Chu Yuan said to himself.

He was also broken for the strength of the Dawu Dynasty.

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