This person looked faltering, in a state of hanging old, but the power hidden in his body was more terrifying than the ones that appeared, and a knife in his hand could shatter the sky.

Obviously an old monster in the tomb of God.

However, Chu Yuan also saw that this person could not burst out with the strongest power, otherwise his immortal foundation would suffer severe damage or even fall.

"He appeared." Old Tao muttered to himself: "But why bother to talk about this muddy water, to be kind to others, is to be kind to yourself, look at the old way, I have lived through cosmic reincarnation in this way."

The appearance of this person made blood boundless, and the expressions of the old swordsmen were respectful and fearful.

"Venerable Dao, you are great!" Xue Wujie said.

"The Sword Master is just an old body that can't be used for combat power. You can only linger in the tomb of God. If your movements are too loud, I won't wake up."

Venerable Dao had been watching Chu Yuan all the time when he was speaking, and this person gave him the feeling that he couldn't see through.

"The last blood fetus of the **** was captured by the war **** of the barbaric domain, allowing him to survive a mortal crisis."

Dao Zun slowly said: "This great emperor, if the blood fetus of the gods in front of you is generally not fully mature, now even if you seize them, you will not get the greatest benefit. If you forcibly seize them, you will risk offending the gods. The risk of immortality."

"I don't have time to wait, and it doesn't matter."

Of course Chu Yuan could tell.

The blood fetus of the gods has not yet reached the most perfect state, and he does not have this time to wait.

"it is good!"

When the Sword Master spoke, his knife cut out again, and a bright knife light swept out, shocking the ancient and modern future, there is a kind of indomitable arrogance.

His rickety old body straightened up suddenly, returning to a mighty posture, a terrifying knife intent, and even immortality could be cut in half.

"This is the mad sword of the sword master, the sword master used to slash the immortality back then, to prove his way!"

Xue Wujiang and the others were amazed.

Even if the state of the swordsman is no longer the same, he is still terrifying when he is cut out with this sword.

"Crazy Blade Slash?"

The sword is domineering, but Chu Yuan is even more domineering. With a single sword, the emperor's will, shaking the sky, two equally domineering and boundless forces fought fiercely in the void, and then both were annihilated. No one had any choice. Who.

"The Emperor's Will!"

Dao Zun's eyes are shining.

"Even the sword master couldn't shake him!"

They shocked.

At this time, the swallowing black hole was completely enveloped, and the boundless blood energy was refined into Chu Yuan's body. The Sword Sovereign wanted to make a move, but he felt Chu Yuan's rising momentum, and finally shook his head, making the knife dim again, and did not make another move. .

God's blood fetus swallowed and disappeared.

Chu Yuan left the Shentou directly in front of the Dao Zun people.

"This **** tomb is not simple, it's weird!"

When Chu Yuan was leaving, he looked at the tomb and made such a sound.

"Venerable Dao, just let him take away the blood of the gods and leave?"

Xue Wujiang is extremely unwilling. Every time this god's blood fetus is condensed and perfected, the immortality of these gods will draw blood together. The last time the god's blood fetus was taken away by the **** of war, and this time it was directly taken by Emperor Shenwu. go.

"Don't let him take it away, what else can I do?"

Zun Dao calmly said: "I can't stop him."

"But your sword has been cut through immortality!"

"My sword has been cut through immortality, but that was a very long time. My current state is like a candle in the wind. There is no madness anymore. I can only use the breath of the gods to maintain my balance, unless I try my best to sublimate and restore my peak. Otherwise it cannot be stopped."

Venerable Dao said, "I am too old after all."

"The swordsman."

Xue Wujiang and others were sad.

They all know that Dao Zun had been to the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation, and although he was not dead, he still dragged his remnant body and fell asleep in the tomb of God.

Xue Wujiang said suddenly: "If the sleeping statues in the Shentou awaken, this Shenwu Great Emperor cannot be arrogant. After all, the Shentou can exist forever, and it is also afraid of those horrible existences."

"Do you want to die!"

Venerable Dao suddenly glared at him, "If you dare to wake up the existence of this little thing, it will be you who died, even if the universe is destroyed outside and the era restarts, as long as the imbalance pushes the tomb and breaks the balance, they will not Will wake up."

Thinking of the most terrifying existences, these immortal statues also trembled fiercely.

"It's another era of reincarnation. I wonder who can reach the top this time? It's a pity that my old body has no way to compete."

Dao Zun sighed.


Shenwu Empire.

Chu Yuan returned to his empire after taking the blood fetus of the gods.

This god's blood womb is a treasure, and Chu Yuan is refining.

His immortal body is more complete, and he is not afraid of the so-called immortal catastrophe. The most troublesome thing is that he needs to plunder enough power to transform immortality.

"There is still a lot of immortal energy, unless it is to hunt immortality."

Chu Yuan was murderous, "Only by killing the real immortality can we quickly replenish energy!"

He is already planning to hunt for immortality, but immortality is hard to kill. The last time he killed one in the wish time and space, it was also because that immortality could not escape.

But no matter how difficult it is, Chu Yuan must do it, otherwise, when will it be immortal?

Now he has felt the taste of the pre-war, don't think about being alone, as long as he is in this universe, he will inevitably be swept into it.

"See Your Majesty!"

One day in the thirty-sixth year of Shenwu.

Bone Wind came to Shenwu Empire on behalf of Bone God.

"Master Bone God is already attacking the immortal catastrophe. Your lord said that he will become immortal this time, so he put on an immortal banquet and invites your majesty to participate in his banquet."

Bone Wind said a shocking big news.

"Oh? Is the bone **** going to achieve immortality? Well, the bone **** is immortal in his previous life. Combining the experience of the two lifetimes, there is no shortage of feelings. It has also seized enough resources in the universe. It is indeed time to achieve immortality."

When Chu Yuan heard the news, he was also happy for Bone God.

The Bone God is his most steadfast ally, and once he becomes, even though he is not a person of the empire, it will be of great benefit to the Shenwu Empire.

"I said before that the Bone God will personally celebrate him on the day when he achieves immortality, and will also prepare gifts, Bonewind Messenger, I will let the Empire Messenger follow you first."

What Chu Yuan promised will naturally be Everything will follow His Majesty's arrangements. "

Bone style has no objection.

"The Bone God is very confident this time. It seems that the Immortal Tribulation will definitely be able to break through. This time he will achieve immortality, and the gifts I give out can't be shabby."

Just when he selected gifts and sent envoys first.

Outside the Shenwu Empire, a huge spear pierced through time and space and came crazy.

"Bone God's Great Sky Shattered Halberd!"

Chu Yuan looked at Datian Shattered Halberd abruptly, and then brought it in, "What happened to the Bone God, did it fail to break through immortality!"

"The Bone God has become immortal, but he encountered the siege of Shenzhou's other shore and wanted to seize the immortal matter of his master!"

Datian Destroyed Halberd has tool spirit in it, and it is also a strong one, and said anxiously: "Danger! Urgent! Urgent! Only the emperor can save the master!"

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