This Shenzhou decree fell outside the star field controlled by the Shenwu Empire, suspended in the air, with mysterious auras.

The radiance is shining, the glittering light flows, and a supreme fuzzy figure appears. He is in charge of the huge boat and shelters the people in the huge boat through the cosmic reincarnation. It is the master of the other side that has manifested, making people Can't help but worship and fear him.

When light and shadow are projected, there is an indifferent figure, which is the guide from the other side.

"Emperor Shenwu, my lord is merciful. Seeing you is extraordinary, I don’t want you to be destroyed in the great war in the universe, so let me issue a Shenzhou order to personally lead you to the other side of Shenzhou and enjoy the eternal endlessness. Take it, this is your greatness. By chance, Shenzhou welcomes you to the other side."

This figure is just a projection of mana shining from it.

He didn't dare to show up directly, for fear of being destroyed by Chu Yuan.

Hearing what he meant, the Shenzhou order was issued and the envoys took in, as if Chu Yuan was about to be honored by the master of the other side.

"Even directly issued the Shenzhou Order!" Bone God was shocked.

It seems that Emperor Shenwu has been valued by the master of the other side.

Of course, this is not surprising. Chu Yuan suddenly emerged and his record was amazing. Everyone knew that there was a big secret in him, but he was so powerful that it was difficult to deal with it with ordinary methods.

The rise of the Shenwu Empire is not a secret. After all, an empire rises from a weak and humble body, and some things cannot be concealed.

If you want to inquire, you can know.

Especially in these battles where Chu Yuan became famous, the sword he held was even more known to be a terrifying artifact.

The owner of the other side wanted to bring him in. Obviously, this was a fancy to his secret and he was just trying to seize it.

"Of course, if you don't accept it, a large number of envoys will come and invite you to the other side."

This person added.

The so-called "please" means threat. The master of the other side sees the will, and it is necessary for Chu Yuan to enter the other side of the Shenzhou.

"Take it, Shenzhou Order, not everyone is qualified to let our lord issue this order, don't go against the will of Shenzhou Bian."

The person said indifferently.

Chu Yuan didn't answer, but just waved his big hand. The Shenzhou Token was shattered. He didn't even have to think about entering the other shore. He owned the boat and wanted to find their whereabouts easily.


The envoy from the other side of Shenzhou did not expect Chu Yuan to make such a decisive move.

He angrily said: "If you disobey my lord's will, a large number of envoys will soon come, and you will end up worse!"


When Chu Yuan pointed, his projection was also broken.

"The other side of Shenzhou will not give up. A large number of envoys are immortal. Even if it is a fake body, the number is scary enough!"

Bone God is worried.

Shenzhou Bian Xuan appeared at this time, not to compete with the Yuhua Shen Dynasty for dominance in the starry sky, but to annex the strong in the universe.

"I never like to be beaten passively. I prefer to take the initiative and create opportunities in the offensive. The other side has already paid attention to me, focusing on the secrets and wealth of me. It is just right, and I also need a lot of immortal materials, just take theirs. Fake my body to help my cultivation breakthrough."

Chu Yuan's expression was indifferent, "These ambassadors from the other shore are seeking their own death."

He continued to refine immortal matter, in fact, his cultivation level had reached a limit before he was about to break through, but there was still a stronger force that helped him break this limit completely.

Originally, he was still calculating how to hunt down immortality and break through the realm.

And the appearance of Shenzhou's other shore this time just gave him a chance.

Those fakes are of course strong, not afraid of death, and can be reborn on the other side of Shenzhou, but their strength is weaker than normal immortality, just giving him a chance.

If Chu Yuan hunted down other immortals, it would definitely cause backlash, which would be detrimental to the current situation of the empire.

But these envoys who killed Shenzhou Bian will make some people who are unhappy with Shenzhou Bian clap their hands and cheer.

"This is an opportunity."

As Chu Yuan spoke, he had already left the empire and appeared on the edge of the surging sea of ​​bitterness.

Bone God hurriedly followed.

The other side of the Shenzhou often blasted a rainbow light, and the Hongqiao that turned into a guide brought some people in.

Chu Yuan looked at the other side of the Shenzhou and constructed a void of eternal exile, and then sat cross-legged, very patient, like a hunter who catches prey, waiting for the prey to appear.

One month.

Two months.

He sat and waited for three months.

Suddenly his eyes opened, and a stunned light came out. On the huge ship, there was another rainbow light. The light and rain were colorful and brilliant. Within the light, there were several figures who were being led into the other side of Shenzhou.

"Another immortal has been taken to the other side of Shenzhou, and took refuge in them!"

"Since the appearance of the other side of Shenzhou in this era, two or three immortal statues have been attracted."

"Yeah, the universe is in chaos, and it is rumored that the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation is about to begin. These are all immortal deaths, but if you enter the other side of Shenzhou, you can avoid these calamities, but you always have to pay some price to enter the other side."

"I don't want to pay this price. No matter how good the other shore is, I won't go in."


Not everyone is willing to be taken to the other side of Shenzhou, knowing that it is not a real pure land.

But when faced with a place where they could avoid the catastrophe and chaos, they still envied it.

"That is the ancestor of Taixi Zong, he is entering the other side, and there are envoys accompanying him."

Many people are staring here.

This is already the most watched place besides Immortal Time and Space.


At this moment, a person calmly stood up from the sea of ​​bitterness. He held the sword beside him and stared at the catching rainbow bridge. A sword suddenly slashed out, and a supreme sword light slashed directly over it. , Cut off the access road, so that they can not enter.

The sword light illuminates the entire sea of ​​suffering, which is unimaginable.

"Someone is cutting the light from the other side of Shenzhou!"

"There are strong people who have acted on them again, but how can the light of attracting be cut, there have been strong people who have tried to break them before, but they did not succeed, but encountered the siege of the people from the other side, and the end was disastrous!"

These people thought that this sword could not cut through the rainbow light.

But the facts were beyond their expectations.

The moment the sword light was cut away, the infinite time and space were torn apart, the supreme artifact, terrifying, and a shocking scene This rainbow light was actually broken, cutting off the connection from the other side of Shenzhou Gravitational force.

"The rainbow light was broken, the connection was interrupted!"

Those who paid attention here almost swallowed their tongues.

It's unbelievably scary.

"Who is interfering with the other side of Shenzhou!"

"The other side of my Shenzhou boat is our enemy, **** it, eternally degenerate!"

"Envoys, kill this person!"

The strong man on the other side of Shenzhou was furious.

The reason why they were unscrupulous was that they relied on the weird side of the Shenzhou to cut off the power of attracting. In fact, this kind of thing had happened. The emperor, gods and other ancient overlords had used their power to prevent them from receiving.


A figure stepped over directly, piercing through layers of time and space, and appeared in the rainbow light.

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