Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 937: Hardened in blood and fire

The Feathered God Army retreated, orderly and calmly, slowly withdrawing.

Fighting on the battlefield is by no means aggressive, but must consider many factors.

Zhao Ge knew that if the fight continued, this group of people would besiege like hungry wolves, eating the corpses, to their disadvantage, only to retreat and seek opportunities to fight again.

The war in the land of reincarnation will not end so soon.

In the future, there will be opportunities to play with them slowly.

"The Feathered God Army has retreated!"

Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene. The Shenwu Empire resisted the ferocious offensive of the Feathered God Army.

There was a **** mess on the battlefield. Although the battle was not defeated, the Shenwu Empire still suffered heavy losses. The living people converged on the bones of their robe, and it was clear that there was no undead in the war.

And the living will be stronger.

They were not afraid. Although there were a lot of deaths and injuries, they also severely frustrated the spirit of the feathered gods, killed many soldiers of the gods, and made the black battle armor more **** and bloody.

At this moment, they also stood fiercely on the battlefield.

Chu Yuan watched all this.

He had never expected that those onlookers would block the Feathering God Army.

These people, if they defeat the Feathering Gods by themselves, they will come over and take advantage without hesitation.

But Yuhua Shenchao left calmly and would not go forward.

This is the disadvantage of forcibly putting together, if you command so many powerful people, none of them can escape.

"Find a foothold."

Chu Yuan ordered the army to leave here temporarily.

"Clan elders, the Shenwu Empire is powerful. It fought head-on and was not defeated by the opponent. Look at their soldiers, brave and belligerent, not inferior to the warriors of my barbaric domain."

The strong of the barbaric domain watched the Shenwu Empire retreat from a distance.

"The Shenwu Empire has also become famous in World War I, injecting a powerful force into the land of reincarnation."

An old man with a sturdy dress and white hair.

"Clan elder, my Barbaric domain and Shenwu Empire are also considered friendly, don't you go to visit the Shenwu Great Emperor now? The situation here is complicated, and there are no alliances that are easy to provoke."

The strength of Shenwu Empire refreshed their cognition time and time again.

Especially this time, let the Barbarians know that the Shenwu Empire is very strong and can definitely become their companion in the land of reincarnation.

The situation in this battle is complicated, and if you don’t unite, you will become cannon fodder.

"Don't go for the time being, the Shenwu Empire has just gone through a battle, and the loss is not small, wait until they have a foothold, then visit."

The barbaric domain elder said, he is very wise, knows when to see and when to not see.


The environment of the land of reincarnation was complicated. Chu Yuan led the fleet to find a place shrouded in chaos, where wind and thunder flashed, and there was always squally rain.

The army is stationed here for repairs.

"Qing Qing, how do you feel about this battle."

In the hall, Chu Yuan sat down and asked everyone.

"It's very powerful and difficult to fight. Shenchao's soldiers and horses are well-trained. This time we seem to have withstood their attacks, but our damage is many times theirs. Fortunately, our gods and soldiers are brave and tenacious. , If you change to someone else, you might have broken down long ago."

Lu Qianfu said truthfully.

He commanded the Shenwu Soldiers for so many years, and he naturally knew the gap with Yuhua Shen Dynasty.

"The King of Valor is reasonable, but this is only one. The Emerging God Dynasty has often fought against the major forces for so many years, and they have a lot of experience in combat. Although the soldiers and horses of our empire are well trained, they have never fought against these forces. , The loss is inevitable."

Bone God Dao: "Except for the beginning, the imperial soldiers and horses were not inferior, and the will was stubborn. This place is a place for training and should be a soldier of a hundred battles."

"A soldier of a hundred wars." Chu Yuan nodded.

The biggest advantage of the Shenwu Empire is its strict military discipline, tenacious fighting spirit, undaunted fear of death, and extremely fierce fighting.

"However, it is undeniable that Feathering God is very strong."

Xia Han spoke, and said: "It is only one of them that is fighting with us, not the most elite, and there are more at the same time fighting against the misty forbidden area, but this is also our advantage. After this battle, we will fight with God. The gap between North Korea will also be leveled."

"The princes are justified. The empire must strengthen itself in battles, sharpen it in blood and fire, recognize its own gaps, and work hard for it."

Chu Yuan nodded.

If you don't pull the army into the land of reincarnation, you will always be the flowers in the greenhouse.

It is good to have pressure, but only when there is pressure can you have the will to strive for progress.

"Your Majesty, the Barbaric Domain is immortal, and the Divine Rune Sect is immortal. See you."

Someone reported at this time.

"The people from Barbaric Domain and God Rune Sect are here."

Chu Yuan was not surprised, smiled and said, "Announce them into the hall."

"I have seen Emperor Shenwu."

The sturdy white-haired old man salutes, his cultivation has reached the immortal third heaven, and he is the principal of the barbaric domain in the land of reincarnation, saying: "The old man Beiming Fengye has long heard of the great emperor's prestige, and he has a chance today. Come to see you here."

Although Barbarian Region had visited Shenwu Empire in the past, it was not worthy of Beiming Fengye to meet in person, but now he is fully qualified.

"It's too polite." Chu Yuan smiled: "I have also heard about the deeds of the God of War in the barbaric domain. I also want to discuss the universe change with the theory of the God of War when I have the opportunity."

"The God of War is not in good condition, and I don't know if there will be a chance to recover. My Barbaric Domain is here to capture more artifacts so that the God of War will still exist, but the God of War is still there. He can burst out stronger than at his peak. Combat power."

Bei Ming Fengye did not conceal the situation of God of War, on the contrary, he also revealed a message to the outside world.

If the God of War becomes mad and sublimates as much as possible, it will be no problem to cut a few Immortal Triple Heavens.

Many people know this news.

And the more you admit it so generously and tell the world not to force the God of War to fight you, the more people will be jealous. After all, there are a few who will fight a half-dead, but terrifying war **** after the outbreak.

"I also have no choice but to join this battle."

The immortality of this divine rune sect is an acquaintance of the old Chu Yuan, who was saved in the land of desire before, called Ge Shan.

He showed a bitter expression, if the Divine Rune Sect did not participate in the war, it would be destroyed by others, and they also had a deep cooperation with the Divine Martial Empire. This time we saw Divine Martial Power and naturally hoped to help them.

Chu Yuan knew the purpose of their visit.

It's nothing more than seeing that they are strong, and they can't unite with the strongest forces in Misty Forbidden Land, and they are likely to be regarded as cannon fodder.

Shenwu is powerful and does not occupy a dominant position. It is the good teammate of the joint ~ Beiming Fengye is here this time, hoping to hunt for immortality, seize immortal matter, and maintain the existence of the **** of war in the land of reincarnation. .

"The world is changing. In this land of reincarnation, the fall of immortality is also the norm. We also need your assistance around me. We are strong when we are united, and we are weak when we are divided. We also have many plans here, which are difficult to implement with the power of one country."

Chu Yuan said: "In the land of reincarnation, our goals are the same."

Everyone is smart, Bei Ming Fengye, Ge Shan all smiled at each other, they all understood the meaning of Emperor Shenwu.

The Great Emperor Shenwu wanted to do something great in the land of reincarnation, and he also needed a few allies around him, and they were just the best allies.

But they will gladly accept this kind of cooperation.

Indeed, the battle in the land of reincarnation is too cruel, with their strength, if they don't unite, they will be killed by the strongest.

Bei Ming Fengye couldn't help thinking that it would be great if the Savage Territory God of War could unscrupulously explode peerless combat power.

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