Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 198 Lu Yuan: The Wandering Planet Project Is A Success, I'll Give You Some Moons To Add

"What's going on? Why is there a big fireball in the sky?! Could it be a meteorite falling towards the blue star?!"

"No! That's not a meteorite. According to our detectors, it's the moon! The moon orbiting around the blue star!"

"What?! That's the moon?! Are you serious? How could it be the moon? How could there be such a fire on the moon!"

"It can't be that God heard our call, so he turned the moon into the sun and brought us warmth!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over! We must be dying, and now we've collectively hallucinated..."

The fire above the moon soared into the sky, and soon everyone in the dark area couldn't help but look up at the sky.

On the newly ignited moon, the stellar meteorites on the surface quickly melted into hot lava under the action of the fusion device inside the moon.

And there is a red that burns like a flame.

It's just that this process didn't last too long. After all the stellar meteorites resumed their activity, the original red light turned yellow-white.

There is hardly any difference from the previous sunshine.

"Alpha, adjust the distance of the artificial celestial body, and use the temperature obtained from the sun shining on the ground as a reference."

In the region of more than 30 degrees below zero, after the moon was successfully ignited, the temperature of the explosion finally stopped falling below.

Even under the influence of the light ratio of the moon, it gradually opened up.

Lu Yuan captured the light emitted by the artificial celestial body through the ground equipment in that area, and can easily determine that the moon is a bit far from the blue star.

Therefore, the temperature scattered on the blue star will also be somewhat low.

Therefore, it needs to pull its position in the direction of the blue star.

"Good master..."

Alpha's voice echoed in the control room.


The moon, which seems smaller than the sun by a large circle, under the control of Alpha, relying on the magnetic field between it and the blue star, it obviously moved closer to the ground.

The distance is roughly as large as standing on the ground and looking at the moon.

"My God! It's the sun! It's really the sun! I'm not dreaming!"

"The temperature has risen! The outdoor air temperature has risen to minus twenty degrees!"

"It's been a long time! We're saved!"

"But we are not out of the orbit of the sun, why does a sun suddenly appear in the sky?!"

"It must be a miracle! A miracle from God!"

The corner of Lu Yuan's mouth twitched.

Am I so godlike?!

But it seems that I have designated the moon as the sun, so for the people in that area, they can indeed be regarded as gods, right?

Otherwise, in another hour, the creatures in that area, the ancient well, would be almost extinct.

"Comrade Lu Yuan, this... this... this...

Looking at the newly baked sun on the screen, Long Lao was immediately dumbfounded.

He knew about the Blue Star insulation plan.

And when Lu Yuan submitted the materials for the planetary engine, the completion notice of the plan had already been sent to his office.


This directly gave Lan Xing the operation to create an artificial sun, which still stunned him.

To know.

This is to create an artificial sun for Blue Star. Unlike the mobile space fortress, the space is very limited.

Therefore, the manufactured artificial sun does not need to be very large, and the materials used do not need to be many.

"This is transformed from the moon. Compared with the artificial sun carried on the mobile space fortress, this modified celestial body saves more materials.

Lu Yuan spoke directly without hesitation.

Elder Long opened his mouth wide and stared at him in disbelief.

It's been a long time.

Long Lao just recovered a little bit.

"You said it was transformed from the moon? Didn't you say it was a heat preservation plan before? 々~!"

Elder Long took a few mouthfuls of fresh air.

Then the voice was trembling, as if standing in the ice and snow, it was about to freeze.

Lu Yuan nodded: "Yes."

"Before, I also thought about building a protective device like a dome energy protection force field, which can be used as a temperature protector for Blue Star.

"However, based on the calculation of the entire Blue Star's area, the human resources, material resources, and even the time it takes to create an energy protection device that can cover the entire planet are astronomical."

"I'm just thinking about how to complete a plan that can provide Blue Star with continuous heat like the sun in the shortest possible time."

"I just discovered an inverter that can reactivate the cooled stellar meteorites, allowing them to undergo nuclear fusion reactions again."

"So I covered the surface of the moon with stellar meteorites, hollowed out a space inside the moon, and built an artificial sky drag control center inside.

"It can easily stimulate the stellar meteorites on the surface of the moon inside, make them reactivate, and then pass through the fusion device to carry out nuclear fusion reaction to emit light and generate heat.

"Plays the same role as the sun."


"There is also a disadvantage in doing this, that is, after the moon solarizes, it can only burn for about 500 years."

"Although it is two hundred years longer than the minimum standard, its sustainable time is still not particularly long."

Said here.

Lu Yuan's voice just stopped.

In the entire control room, except for the few scientific researchers who have known for a long time.

Mr. Long and the military personnel he brought with him were stunned by the shocking news.

They hadn't thought of it at all.

Lu Yuan not only made planet-level engines out one by one, but also completed the plan of the wandering planet brilliantly.

It also directly pointed to the moon, allowing Lanxing to possess an artificial star celestial body in disguise.

Although five hundred years is not a long time.

But this is very precious time for human beings at this stage.

Not to mention other developments.

Just in the following hundred years, even if human beings do not make any progress, they can reach the second blue star with the space carrier developed by Lu Yuan.

Then, through the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device, the link between the two blue stars was carried out, so that Lan Guo once again had a brand new planet of life.

in addition.

The mobile space fortress can also solve the problem of different gravity on the two planets. Although it is time-consuming, five hundred years is enough for all the population on the blue star to complete the transfer.

Even if human beings still haven't found a way to keep the sphere burning, the fire of civilization will not be affected in any way.

"Damn it! 666! You are indeed the chief engineer of our Long Kingdom project! Not only did the blue star transform into a planetary starship, but the moon was turned into a frankly sun."

"I will submit to you even if I don't support the wall! Master Lu is simply amazing! Why don't you just call him God Lu in the future! This is another wandering planet, and it's an artificial sun. It's almost like a god!"

"That's right, that's right! Transforming the moon into the sun, let alone do it out of my imagination. "I don't even dare to think about defying it!"

"Lu Shenqiang is invincible!"

"Lu Shen: Warmly celebrate the success of the Blue Star Wandering Planet Project, I'll order a moon for everyone!"

"What's there to add to the fun! Come here, bring me the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, I want to smash a walnut for God Lu

The people on Longguo's side were the most excited.

Salvation succeeded!

Without the participation of the beautiful country, without the help of the island country, and even on the entire blue star, except for the dragon country, no country at all knew about this matter.

"God! This is actually the moon?! Dragon Kingdom actually ordered the moon?!"

fighting tribe.

Everyone in the conference room was dumbfounded.

It's easy to say.

If it really looks like this, their fighting nation dare to say that there is no other country on the entire Blue Star that can be so cruel!

"Boss, it has been confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the Long Kingdom's statement. There is indeed a celestial body in the sky near the Beautiful Country."

"At first it was about the size of the moon, but after a while it became as big as the sun."

"And the temperature in the nearby area is also rising rapidly. After only a few minutes, the surface temperature has already risen very significantly."

An officer put down the communication device in his hand, simply understood the information he collected, and reported it to other people in the meeting room.

And the people over there also took some photos and videos for him.

at the very beginning.

The moon had just been ignited, and many people in that area thought it was a miracle. Regardless of the cold outside, they worshiped in the environment of several degrees below zero.

Thank God for giving them a new sun or something.

"I really didn't expect that Dragon Kingdom's technology has become so powerful."

"But that's good, so there is no need to worry that after the blue star leaves the orbit of the sun, the temperature will drop rapidly, and life around the world will be frozen."

"Now that there is an artificial celestial body at this moment, we don't have to worry about similar situations in a short time."

The leader of the fighting nation gave a heartfelt admiration.


"Dragon Kingdom alone did all this, and we didn't help at all."

"Theoretically speaking, the Dragon Kingdom has such a powerful technology, they should have the absolute ability to complete the national migration plan."

"However, they chose the more difficult Wandering Planet Project, and packed up and took away all the life forms on the entire blue star, even guarding the blue star.

The other people in the conference room also spoke with admiration.

"starting today.

"All the countries on the Blue Star will be reshuffled, and the Dragon Kingdom will become the only superpower with absolute sovereignty on the entire Blue Star.

The leaders of the fighting nation once again set their eyes on the big screen in the conference room.

Now all the countries are bound to the Dragon Kingdom.

All together.

All are lost.

After all, Longguo has mastered the planetary engine, which can control the blue star to navigate in the interstellar universe.

Similarly, the Dragon Kingdom can also control the blue star to hit other sky trees in the universe.


Long Guo also has another trump card in his hands - the artificial sun!

This is necessary for the survival of all plants and animals.

Once the Dragon Kingdom closes the artificial sun, the entire Blue Star will become a completely frozen world for a long time!

the other side.

Pretty country.

The leader's palace over there also held a very urgent meeting on this matter.

"I didn't expect that the technology of Longguo has been so powerful that it can transform the moon into the sun.

"I'm afraid that in the future we can only live under the sun created by the Dragon Kingdom. Without it, not only us, but all creatures on the entire blue star will become extinct."

I propose to respect the Dragon Kingdom in the future, abolish the imperial system, and directly call it the Blue Star Human Federation..."


"I have no opinion..."

All the senior officers of the beautiful country in the chief's palace agreed to the old chief's proposal without hesitation.

Times have changed.

It is no longer respected by force as before.

Although Dragon Kingdom's military force is also very terrifying, but in comparison, the trump card in Dragon Kingdom's hands at this time has become the planetary engine and the artificial sun above their heads at this moment.


Weapons and these are already weak.

As long as the Dragon Kingdom shuts down the artificial sun, the entire Blue Star will be completely silent in a short time.

Even scarier than using (paid) weapons!

And Longguo has mastered the technology in the spaceship, even if the blue star is completely frozen, it will not have any impact on them.

"Then it's decided, we will make contact with other countries immediately, and we must take the initiative in this matter!"

"Compared to the previous conflicts within the planet, we are now on the same boat with only one purpose, to survive in the entire interstellar universe!"

The old leader of the beautiful country quickly began to arrange related matters.

Everyone else stood up.

Around this matter, I started to contact the angry country.

When the leaders of all countries in the world have entered the online meeting room organized by the beautiful country.

The temperature on the blue star has begun to warm up rapidly, and the opportunity is about to reach the temperature of the normal early winter season.

Temperatures are highest near the equator.

On sunny days it can reach over twenty degrees.

The temperature at the two poles is the lowest, probably maintained at around minus 50 degrees.

It's just not the same as before.

Now the blue star has no revolution and rotation, so only the moon revolves around the equator of the blue star.

The north and south poles naturally do not have long days and long nights.

Like normal areas, they also have normal day and night.

It's just that the sunlight is not very sufficient, causing the light to be weaker than the rest.

But this disease will not have any impact on the ecology there.

in addition.

After Lu Yuan's adjustment, the cycle of the moon's revolution around Lanxiang has also changed to 24 hours.

In winter, there is no longer the principle of short days and long nights.

Therefore, no matter which hemisphere it is in, the day and night time of each day are very standard twelve hours.

The sun rises at the same time.

The sun sets at the same time. .

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