Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 200 Because Of The Dragon Kingdom, Treasure Island Has Become A Fragrant Bun?

Half a month can be said to be fast or slow.

The work on Lu Yuan's side went very smoothly, without any problems at all.

Whether it is the chip production equipment or the programming of the goddess of justice, an intermediate artificial intelligence assisted by Alpha, everything is going very smoothly.

Since he has mastered the brain wave control system proficiently, the subsequent work of writing programs has become very easy.

Simple programs are written directly by Alpha, who checks and corrects them last.

For more difficult programs and software, he uses the brain wave control pen system to directly generate and modify related codes.

In addition, Alpha will also provide assistance.


The speed at which Lu Yuan writes into an intermediate artificial intelligence system is several times or even dozens of times faster than simply typing on the keyboard!

"This code can be passed, but some revisions are needed to enhance the authority within the Federation. "The important contribution value must be doubled on the original basis.

"in addition."

"Ordinary poor people who want to be promoted to third-class citizens need to pass a ten-year assessment, and conduct a comprehensive assessment from the perspective of character and contribution to the Federation. As long as they pass, they can be promoted to third-class citizens."

"As for second-class citizens, this requires a certain contribution to the Federation, handing in enough rare resources, or entering the mining planet to complete a certain amount of mining tasks.

"As for first-class citizens, the contribution required at least requires first-class merit, or first-class honors to have the opportunity to be promoted."

In the second world.

The drafting of the federal code is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Among them, 90% of the regulations were proposed and finalized by experts in this area of ​​Longguo.

Only 10% of the appearance was discussed by representatives of many countries, and then submitted to Longguo for approval, and finally finalized.

Moreover, the lineup of participating personnel on the Dragon Kingdom side is also unprecedentedly strong.

Five major military regions.

Thirty military departments.

In addition, the national leader and many local representatives discussed and finalized the specific regulations of the code.

"It's not fair! Our people also need the status of federal citizens, even the lowest third-class citizens, how can you give me the status of civilians!"

Ah San was somewhat satisfied with the revised laws and regulations of the Dragon Kingdom, and directly opposed it in the second world.

The representatives of other countries all nodded, saying that this is indeed a bit too unfair.

The people of Longguo have at least the authority of citizen level.

Even Treasure Island has been granted the status of a third-class citizen.

However, they are powerful and big countries, but they only have the status of civilians, and their authority and treatment are much worse than those of third-class citizens.

"Correct a little."

"Although the status of a civilian is the lowest status in the Federation, as long as you work hard, you can obtain the status of a third-class citizen of the Federation in a short time.

"It involves different types of work, the higher the degree of danger, the greater the difficulty, and the shorter the time for you to be promoted to third-class citizens.

"In addition, if the performance is satisfactory and there is no violation of federal regulations, there will be corresponding bonus points."

"Ten years is just a quantifier, it is not the only constant standard."

"If you still send and accept, the Federation can only tell you with regret that you are not welcome here... …

The attitude of the representative of Longguo is very tough.

After all, this is to form a planetary civilization, not a child's play house.

If you don't beat these guys, the probability of subsequent problems will be longer.

Now that the Dragon Kingdom has decided to establish a dragon civilization, it is natural to focus on unifying the outside world instead of wasting disputes among countries within the planet.

Otherwise it would be meaningless.

"Sorry, we were abrupt, we accept this law...

The representative of the beautiful country, after discussing with the old leader of the real world and several senior military officers, finally agreed to this revised code.

Other countries have also accepted this code because of their expressions.

Seeing that the other countries agreed, Ah San's representatives could only accept it passively.

As for giving up joining the Human Federation?

Such a decision is tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone, and there is no chance of winning at all.

Don't talk about Dragon Kingdom.

It is estimated that other empires will try their best to target them and get them removed from Blue Star.

Rather than this.

It's better to join the Federation, so that at least there is a chance to be promoted to a third-class citizen, or even a second-class first-class citizen.

"Today's drafting of the code ends here, and the rest of the supplementary regulations will continue here tomorrow."

All the people on Longguo's side had triumphant smiles on their faces.

Sure enough, these guys didn't dare to collide violently with them like before.


"Long Kingdom is the discrimination of Chiguoguo! After all, we are also a technological power on Blue Star, and we can't even get the status of federal citizens!"

The code drafting meeting ended, and the leaders of various countries left one after another.

Pretty country.

Several senior officers felt very aggrieved.

Especially the follow-up citizen assessment, it will definitely not be that easy.

Moreover, according to the federal laws and regulations formulated by the Dragon Kingdom, civilians are not allowed to enter the Dragon Kingdom and engage in more important jobs.

That is.

After the establishment of the Human Federation, the important areas and important tasks are all in charge of the people from the Dragon Kingdom.

After people from other countries join the Human Federation, there is no way to fully integrate into the Dragon Kingdom.

"It's not that we don't have a chance, the federal code is still being drafted, and the identity has not yet been fully confirmed.

"We may be able to join Treasure Island and obtain a citizenship in advance. Although it is only third-class, we are still citizens, not civilians...

An officer spoke.

The eyes of the others lit up instantly.

The status and treatment of citizens are not comparable to civilians.

Just get citizenship.

Their travel will not receive any restrictions, and they can also have the right to travel and reside in some parts of the Dragon Kingdom.

And after reaching the retirement age, you can also get a thousand points of federal allowance in the union every month.

Although they don't need it.

But this is all perks that only federal citizens can enjoy.

in addition.

Citizens and children born to citizens are also citizens.

As for orphans without father or mother, civilians are taken care of collectively by orphanages. Although citizens are also taken care of by welfare, they have a monthly subsidy of 1,000 dragon coins.

Until one reaches the age of 18, the school is also provided by the federal government, and no additional tuition fees are paid.

The Commonwealth does not intervene, and the regional consul will make arrangements for related work.

to be honest.

The work arranged by the regional governor will be borne by the region itself, and the federal headquarters, that is, the Dragon Kingdom will not provide additional help.

As for the existing financial resources.

According to a certain ratio, the currencies of various countries and the Federation Dragon Coin will be exchanged.

It will not carry out any confiscation and confiscation.

And criminals will also get a chance to enter the mining planet to mine, so as to obtain meritorious service and obtain the status of federal civilian in advance.

That's right.

It is civilians.

No matter what the crime is, after being released from the federal prison, the authority and identity of the relevant personnel will directly change from citizens to civilians.


If it is not a crime, this code can not be used as a reference.

"I suddenly remembered that there was something else to do, so I went back first..."

"The soup in my house is still boiling, and I haven't turned off the fire yet, so I'll go back first."

"Someone just came to my house, and my wife is not here. I need to go in to receive..."

Many senior officers.

Collectively leave the conference room.

The guy who ran to the end, because he was so excited, almost didn't fall and eat shit.

On the contrary, the officer on the other side who made the opinion just now looked at the backs of those guys in a daze, and it took a while to come back to his senses.

"Wait! There's something wrong with my family too!"

In a blink of an eye.

The entire conference room was empty, leaving only an empty conference room.

The same scene is constantly happening in other countries.

Most of the leaders of the empire, like bee chrysalis, frantically rushed towards Treasure Island.

"Beautiful, why did you come to Treasure Island?"

"Old Zhan? Aren't you here too?"

"We are here for tourism, and we heard that the scenery of Treasure Island is beautiful in this season, so we came here.

"Coincidentally, we are the same. I feel that the scenery here is very clear, so I plan to come here for vacation..."

The meeting between the leader of the beautiful country and the fighting nation.

People on both sides played sloppy eyes directly, tacitly saying that they came here for tourism.

The same goes for people from other countries.

Even if you come to the immigration office on the Baodao side, if you encounter it, you will come here for a stroll and see what the folk customs here are.

It's completely like a face that doesn't blush and a heart that doesn't beat.

The relevant departments on Baodao were also in a daze, and some didn't understand what was going on.

Although many people from other countries came to join Treasure Island before, trying to round up and join Dragon Nation.

But like this.

They were all leaders of the empire, and some of them shocked their jaws!

0...seeking flowers...

They used to be an international joke, but in a blink of an eye, they have become the sweet momos that the leaders of all countries are rushing to join?!


"As expected, those guys are now working hard to join Treasure Island, trying to find himself a third-class citizen status."

"Should we inform Baodao and prohibit them from joining?"

Dragon Country here.

The personnel responsible for the monitoring of relevant aspects directly reported the situation of the leaders of various countries to the sovereign.

"no need."

"Let them join Treasure Island and have the status of a third-class citizen. After all, some imperial leaders have the status of civilians like everyone else. It is indeed too much."

A smile appeared on the king's face.

You can't be too extreme in doing things, you need to give them a chance and thought anyway.

Hit a stick and then give a sweet date, this is the effective way of imperial power.

"Good Lord, I know what to do."

The man nodded.

Then he withdrew from the office where the head of the country was located.

"This level is really interesting. It follows the identity system in science fiction movies, and it can also be used for reference in other aspects."

After that person leaves.

Only then did the lord pick up his phone, turn on the screen, and find the federal hierarchy and some appellations sent over by the code drafting team.

The first is the general public, which can be divided from low to high: civilians, third-class citizens, second-class citizens, and first-class citizens.

Behind it is the federal title that overrides citizens.

And the titles and so on

The ranks are Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess and Duke.

As for the division of military regions, it remains unchanged.

However, the general is against the duke, the subsequent school officer is against the marquis, the lieutenant is against the earl, the non-commissioned officer is against the viscount, and the private is against the baron.

In other words, it is equivalent to a system.

It's just that the title of title is aimed at the level of the non-military region, even if it's just an ordinary person, they can get it after making corresponding contributions and meeting the corresponding conditions.

And above dukes and generals there are grand dukes and marshals.

In addition, there are twelve elders who are equal to it, and the federal commander who is half a step higher.

"For the military regions of other countries, it is reasonable for all personnel to be lowered by one level."

"It won't cause too much commotion."

The king is very satisfied with this information.

After all, it is to establish a human federation in the form of civilization, so naturally it cannot be measured by the previous imperial system.

Afterwards, certain decision-making issues require voting by the twelve elders, marshals, and grand dukes.

Although the power of the federal commander is not low, he can only have one vote.

"However, Comrade Lu Yuan's identity is almost catching up with me, the future commander of the Federation. With the identity of Grand Duke + Twelve Elders, he directly has two votes.

The king couldn't help laughing.

But this is what the kid deserves.

With the power of one person, he drove the development of the entire civilization, and forcibly raised a low-level civilization to the level of an interstellar civilization.

And in the future, under the leadership of that kid, the Blue Star Civilization will have a higher development space.

"By the way, it can no longer be called the Blue Star Civilization, but that boy Lu Yuan asked for it. From now on, our Blue Star Human Federation will be called the Dragon Civilization.

The king had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Interstellar Civilization!

In his lifetime, he could actually see Dragon Kingdom become an interstellar civilization and control the future of the entire planet!

"Ah Chiew!"

On the Mars base.

Lu Yuan suddenly sneezed.

"Isn't it a cold?"

He rubbed his nose, then pulled the quilt subconsciously.

At this time, the Mars base is still at night.

The hesitation sun and nearly half of it was extinguished, and the volume of the sun became much smaller due to the explosion.

The orbit of Mars has gradually moved away from the sun.

Therefore, the temperature on Mars has also received some very obvious effects.

The most obvious of these is that the temperature of the surface during the day has dropped from around twenty degrees to a few degrees below zero.

The temperature dropped by more than 20 degrees at night.

If it weren't for the protection of the energy field supported by the dome generator, the entire Mars base would probably be frozen into a world of January ice at night.

"Keep going to sleep, tomorrow is the time to deliver to the Goddess of Justice, we can't oversleep and be late..."

Glancing at a time projected on the wall.

After Lu Yuan muttered, he fell asleep again after tightening the quilt. .

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