Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 99 The Transmission Channel Link Is Successful! The Distance From Blue Star To Mars Is Short

"Report to Master Lu!"

"The No. 2 portal has been loaded, and we can start to go to Mars immediately!"

Liu Xun came to Lu Yuan and reported the loading status of the No. 2 portal.

Lao Zhangye.

"The matter here in the factory will be left to you. The start time of the No. 1 portal must be opened at the end of the countdown."

Lu Yuan simply talked to Zhang Dahai.

Let him start the link function of the No. 1 portal again after an hour.

Because the distance is too far.

In this case, it is impossible for ordinary communication equipment to transmit information.

Therefore, only this primitive countdown method can be used.

"Master Lu."

"Don't worry about leaving the matter here in the factory to us. Lao Zhang and I will definitely guard the No. 1 portal!" Song Kaiming said excitedly.

There is one last hour.

This time the fixed-point transmission channel of the wormhole is about to start trying to connect.

If it works.

This will be a big step in human history!

Lu Yuan nodded.

Turn around and land on the super light particle fighter.

Feeling overweight + weightless.

Even with the hedging and shock absorbing device, it still made him feel limited and uncomfortable.

However, Lu Yuan is fully confident that this will be his last voyage from Blue Star to Mars with a hyperparticle fighter.


"M000 has entered FTL flight and is expected to arrive at the target location in five minutes..."

The voice of the intelligent assistance system echoed in the fighter plane.

Lu Yuan rubbed his temples.

The dizziness caused by overweight and weightlessness when breaking away from gravity has been slightly relieved.

Because it is in the interstellar universe.

The distance between the planets is very large, plus there is no gravitational influence.

Therefore, when riding on a super-light fighter, there will be no feeling of super fast speed.

At least on the level of visual and physical senses, Lu Yuan didn't feel any sense of speed.

On the contrary, the distance of the stars in the distance is too far away, giving him the illusion that the speed of the fighter plane is very slow.


"Closing near the intended target, the super-light particle fighter's deceleration mode is activated..."

The Tachyon fighter came to the starry sky not far from Mars.

With the sound of electronic synthesis, the speed of the fighter suddenly slowed down.

The quantum entanglement engine located at three places on the nose and wing of the fighter jet adjusts the direction and releases the reverse action five.

The speed of the fighter plane is also in this process, and 857 quickly descends from superluminal speed.

A few minutes passed.

Tachyon fighters land on the surface of Mars.

A black metal ball with a diameter of three meters was lying flat in an explosion crater.

Lu Yuan puts on the nano-mecha.

Open the door of the fighter loading cabin, and carry some components of the No. 2 portal from inside.

Liu Xun and Chen Yong quickly followed behind him.

Place the packaged components in the positions selected by Lu Yuan in sequence.

"The terrain here is low, and the area in the middle is relatively wide. The subsequent cooperation with the upper dome device can effectively resist the temperature difference and storms on Mars.

Lu Yuan opened the metal box containing the No. 2 portal components and quickly assembled them in the natural pit.

The area of ​​the entire pit is about hundreds of square kilometers, more than enough for the production line to build an aerospace carrier.

And even if the follow-up space is not enough, there are several larger pits beside it.

At that time, it will be too late to expand.

"Liu Xun, Chen Yong."

"Go get the particle core and place it on the core of the formation to induce haze!

It took nearly half an hour.

Lu Yuan successfully completed the external assembly of the core engine.

This is also a metal device installed in a sphere, and there are some usable transmission pipes outside, as well as a special antimatter capture transmission device.

through these pipes.

The particle engine is connected to the metal portal of the No. 2 portal, and there is a touch-sensitive display screen of about 20 inches beside it.

A lot of sophisticated components.

It's all in a metal box under this monitor.


Chen Yong and the two carried the core of the mass point.

Carefully place in the engine system.

Close the inner and outer metal shells, and the main body of the No. 2 portal can be regarded as complete.

"Alpha, activate the No. 2 short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device."

Lu Yuan locked it himself.

Completely encloses the entire particle core engine.

Coupled with non-marking metal cutting technology.

The moment the entire particle engine is started, the space inside and outside the engine is instantly completely divided.


"The No. 2 portal has been activated, the particle core has been activated, and the energy output is stable..."

"The link signal was not found. The wormhole fixed-point transmission channel failed to be established. Please confirm that the No. 1 portal has been opened before trying again...."

touch screen.

A series of characters jump.

But now it is two minutes away from the time agreed by Lu Yuan.

Therefore, the No. 2 portal that has been activated cannot search for the location information of the No. 1 portal on the blue star.

Lu Yuan is not in a hurry either.

He raised his hand and looked at the countdown on the nano-mecha carrier.

One point fifty-nine.

One point fifty-eight.

One point fifty-seven.

In Factory 106 on the other side.

At this moment, Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming were also staring at the countdown timer that had been set.



Fear and worry.

Various emotions were entangled in the hearts of the two of them.

Let Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming have an illusion that seconds are like years.

"Countdown: 10..."




The final ten-second countdown begins.

Zhang Dahai raised his trembling hand and placed it on the option of the wormhole fixed-point transmission channel link.

The moment the countdown reaches zero.

He hurriedly moved towards the virtual button under his finger and pressed it hard.


"The search link signal is starting, please wait patiently for a long distance...

"Special reminder: Do not manipulate the touch panel during the search process, so as not to cause search failure and other situations..."

Electronically synthesized sounds echoed across the Curry.

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming clenched their fists subconsciously, their palms involuntarily dripping with cold sweat.

Even the whole warehouse curry side.

The researchers who are busy with other things can't help but gather their eyes and attention here.

on Mars.

Chen Yong and Liu Xun near the No. 2 portal are similar.

The two stared at the control panel, constantly rotating the search animation.

I couldn't help but close my breath.

Only Lu Yuan's face was relaxed, and he seemed a little impatient with equality.

"Such a small distance needs to be so far away. If it reaches more than one light-year, then it should not be longer?"

He frowned.

Lu Yuan complained softly.

But as soon as his voice fell, he touched the search screen on the screen, and the search was completed.

At the same time, an electronically synthesized voice also sounded inside Lu Yuan's mecha: "The search is complete, and the No. 1 short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device was found, with a distance of 67 million kilometers [Do you have a link?"


Lu Yuan confirmed.

"The link establishment starts, the initial link takes a long time, please wait patiently..."

The electronically synthesized voice continued to prompt.

at the same time.

Some bright currents spread from the direction of the particle engine to the metal theme of the metal portal.

The central area of ​​the portal.

The space of Mars in the rear began to distort and become blurred.

Liu Xun and Chen Yong stared at the No. 2 portal, their hearts beating wildly in their chests.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The space in the middle of the entire No. 2 portal was filled with the current coiled on the metal portal.

Blue, red, gray, and even black substances are constantly entangled inside.


"The connection of the transmission channel is completed, the current channel is running stably, and the communication channel based on the fixed-point shuttle device of the wormhole is completed, and information exchange can be carried out across spaces...."

When the entire No. 2 portal is completely stabilized, the color of that space has become extremely black like a black hole.

Even light cannot be refracted (agec).


106 factories.

The moment Zhang Dahai and others completed the establishment of the transmission channel, their hearts were beating like an imperial engine, and they couldn't stop at all.

Transmission channels that can span space.

They have only seen this stuff in scientific imaginations and science fiction movies.

Unexpectedly, it really appeared in front of their eyes today!

"Old Zhang, is this really a space transmission channel?"

Song Kaiming swallowed hard, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth: "I...... I don't know, but judging from the passage area in the middle of the metal portal, maybe, because it is really connected to the No. 2 portal on Mars.

This cannot be said to subvert science.

Instead, the scientific imagination is directly irradiated into reality.

at this time.

Lu Yuan stepped forward, picked up an Iding Stone from the ground, and threw it into the entrance of the No. 2 portal.

There was a snap.

Inside Portal 1.

Almost at the same moment, an identical stone fell out.

It shocked Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming who were in shock.

"Is this... Iding Stone?"

Zhang Dahai picked up the stones that rolled down at his feet.

Song Kaiming walked to the back of the No. 1 portal and took a look at the situation there.


There is only one metal wall.

That is.

This Yiding stone does not belong to Cang Curry.

Just at this moment.

Lu Yuan connected to the ultra-distance transmission channel through the nano-mecha, and made a video call to Zhang Dahai.

"Master Lu!"

The moment he pressed the answer button, Lu Yuan's figure popped up from the satellite phone's screen.

"Old Zhang, has the Iding Stone I threw over just now been successfully transmitted back? Also, is there any problem with its substructure?"

Lu Yuan asked.

Zhang Dahai quickly replied: "Report to Master Lu!"

"The stone has been successfully transmitted back, and the molecular structure we will check right now!"

Lu Yuan nodded: "Although the transmission channel has been established, for the sake of safety, we still need to conduct some tests.

"Prepare according to the classification of living and non-living bodies, and send them from Blue Star to Mars through the transmission channel.

For safety reasons.

Lu Yuan didn't intend to go directly through the space transmission channel and go back to Blue Star.


"I'll have someone prepare it right away!"

Zhang Dahai hurried to make arrangements.

The results of the idinite molecules sent for testing were also quickly obtained.

"Master Lu."

"The Idin stone that passes through the portal has no effect on the internal substances, and the molecular structure is also the same as

It was exactly the same as the one transported back by the superluminous particle fighter plane before.

"very good."

"Then let's carry out the transmission experiment of living organisms, starting with meat."

"In addition, set up a device at the No. 1 portal to collect the pictures and data transmitted by the transmission channel.

Lu Yuan nodded.

Continue to talk to Zhang Dahai through the mecha.

After a few minutes.

The equipment is set up.

A piece of pork belly from the cafeteria is also ready to travel to Mars at this moment.

Lu Yuan glanced at the equipment on the link.

All data are at normal levels.

Zhang Dahai took the pork belly and threw it towards the transmission channel of the No. 1 portal.

When almost touching the light curtain of the transmission channel, Lu Yuan was outside the No. 2 portal, capturing a corner of it through the nano-mecha.


"The analysis of the intelligent assistance system of the mecha is completed, and the time gap between the target portal crossing is 0.01 seconds..."

A reminder from the mecha-assisted intelligent system soon sounded in Lu Yuan's ears.

not far away.

Liu Xun and Chen Yong are completely stupid now.

They could not see the video call between Lu Yuan and Zhang Dahai, nor could they hear the communication between them.

After Lu Yuan threw an Iding Stone, not long after, a piece of pork belly flew out of the portal.

"This... Could this be the wishing door? I just wanted to eat braised pork belly, and it just flew out?" Liu Xun swallowed.

Chen Yong rolled his eyes at him and said, "Are you sure it was created by the Wishing Gate? It wasn't transmitted from Blue Star?!"

"Of course I know, but it's a bit too unbelievable..." Liu Xun showed a wry smile on his face.

The transmission channel linking Blue Star and Mars is really completed!

After Yiding Stone was transmitted to Blue Star through the transmission channel, a piece of pork belly was also thrown over there.

no doubt.

Between the blue star and Mars, a space channel that can complete a short-term span has really been established.

"very good!"

"Through the time of 0.01 seconds, the material structure has not been affected in any way."

"Zhang Dahai, directly start the life body traversal experiment.

Lu Yuan quickly finished analyzing the pork belly in his hand.

The molecular structure is all normal and has not been affected in any way during the transmission process.

Now it is only necessary to carry out a life body transmission.

Confirm that there is no problem.

The portal from Blue Star to Mars can be fully opened and used.


Zhang Dahai's heart was shocked!

Quickly arrange researchers to capture a small white mouse and send it out again through the No. 1 portal.

Song Kaiming next to him held his breath.

His eyes were fixed on the entrance of the portal.

Once the life transfer is successful, the distance between Blue Star and Mars will only be one step away!

"Successful, the target's vital signs are all normal, and the molecular structure and gene sequence are not affected.

After a while.

Lu Yuan's voice rang from the satellite phone.


Everyone in Curry in the safety warehouse was shaking with excitement!

Wormhole fixed-point transmission channel test completed!

It has no effect on the transmission of life forms!

starting today!

The earth and the blue star realize the space link! The distance is shortened to one step!.

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