The ground is full of raised graves and tombstones. The dry and dead trees are baring their fangs and claws, like newborn evil spirits, hideous and terrifying.

Yin Hongzhi said with a beaming face: "This morning, Tang Jian went to my office specifically for this matter.

The land here is square in shape, suspended in the center, surrounded by dense black fog.

It's just that Zhang Ning heard it, and now there is a third-level spirit gathering stone, Zhang Jiao is saved, so it doesn't matter.

I saw Tianshen Xi flipped directly in the air, and he was pressed to the ground and couldn't move. The frustration, anger, and hatred were clearly visible on his face.

The streets of Nishitama City were as busy as usual. On the screen on the high-rise building on the side of the street, the sound of advertisements mixed with the sound of horns, making her already anxious heart even more annoyed.

Because the elder handed the square box to her, Meng Nanjun simply took the sachet in her hand and examined it carefully. After looking at it, she put it back into the square box, and then talked about her doubts.

Only a very small number of them cannot be made, and the properties It is the only thing that will be preserved.

It must be said that Chen Yu, who was originally talented, seemed to have a stronger understanding after transforming into a divine body. After a moment, Chen Yu's mind was completely attracted by this strange posture. It can be seen that this is an extremely terrifying attack secret technique, which is powerful enough to defy the heavens.

Xiang Lang was not at ease at all, because now, apart from Zhuge Liang and a few confidants, he was the only one who knew the truth of the war. Zhuge Liang recounted the situation without changing his expression, but Xiang Lang almost bit his tongue.

After Jinlin Ran Yiyu failed to make a full-strength attack, he began to take out his most proud illusion. Although this secret technique is slightly weaker for cultivators of the same level, it is the most effective against low-level cultivators.

"You have to think about it. You can become a source seeker, but don't become a source heavenly master, otherwise your fate will be very unpredictable. "Kaiyang was not as happy as the others about Chen Yu's identity as a source seeker, but warned him solemnly.

"The Starry Fairy Tower is said to be a great immortal body from the Middle Ages that imprisoned countless stars from the outer world and refined them for hundreds of years. If it is fully exerted, it is enough to suppress many warriors!" Tianxuan said with a slight change of color.

A male butler in a black robe next to him immediately greeted him, then walked forward, and then a black light flashed behind him.

He immediately left a residual image and flashed past several black men in an instant.

"What do you think of letting Chen Yu become the new master of Beidou Palace? "Tian Quan asked after a moment of silence.

The tornado suddenly became violent, splitting into two, then four, and then eight... It was an indescribable tornado of destruction. At this moment, the giant relief on the interlayer door slowly opened his eyes and silently watched everything that happened here.

The second-order fire attribute throne, the Lihuo throne, can explode twice in scorching high temperatures, and the second explosion is far more severe than the first.

Desperate for this dynasty called Bei, from the imperial power to the local government, even the military and politics are rotten to the core.

In his eyes, Lin Chuan Apart from being handsome and having a good figure, he has no other special features.

She wanted to push Huo Hechen away, but the man's grip was like a mountain pressing on her.

It still followed its own rhythm, slapping one horse skull and jumping onto another horse head.

Before him and after him, countless sages rushed to the battlefield of the gods and fought against the enemy from outer space, which brought peace to the Yasha world today.

Before Su Yaoyao came through, she failed to pass the tribulation, her divine body fell, and the pain of being torn apart by the thunder had not yet dissipated.

This Taia sword is really good, although it is so Many years have passed, but the sharpness has not diminished at all. What's more important is that the aura emanating from the Tai'a Sword is very powerful.

Chen Jiangyi glanced at the two brothers who could no longer stand up, and a bad thought suddenly came to his mind.

Supporting someone, the speed naturally decreased. Bai Jiang licked his cracked lips and looked up at the sky. The sun was already setting, but it was still very hot.

At this time, Twelve pulled Avi's sleeve and made several gestures to show that she understood Avi's current thoughts. If Avi didn't want to stay here, she could take Avi to find Sare Sha, that way when Doret City falls, they will be safer than other soldiers.

Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh. All the people in Jiangcheng were only a thousand people. This was completely incomparable to the prosperous city of Luotian City. Not to mention the military strength, there was only one Jiang Tian to look at, and the rest were the most powerful Jiang Yang.

Watching Zuo Nan leave with a smile, Luo Ao looked again and found that all the aunts were talking about the daily life that they didn't know how many times they had said, and the uncle had fainted. "Gudong" swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Luo Ao took a wine glass, smelled the fragrance of the fruit, and wanted to drink it.

"Yes! Receive the master's decree! "As the eight generals bowed and thanked, their bodies suddenly split apart, and the eight original bodies and the eight insects separated again, turning into ugly monsters that were neither human nor insect.

Old Demon Xu often selected suitable immortal cultivators from the Demon Prison, and then sacrificed them all to help him practice evil magic.

If one earth-level killer died, the Blood Evil Sect could still make up for it, but if four died, he could not bear the responsibility.

This was the first time that Chen Nan met such an intelligent person, who could recognize the ancient divine insect and the Wujian divine tree at a glance.

Divine power, this is a phenomenon formed by the ability of a cultivator or a demon beast to cultivate a certain ability to the extreme, and then the ability is sublimated and integrated into itself, thus producing a transformation. Among them, the realm where divine power is most likely to appear in the early stage is the Danjie realm.

But at this time, all the guards in the southern sub-city were attracted by the gate that had been sealed, and their ears were attracted by the fierce collision.

The power of Lihuo is not much different from that of Tianhuo, but Tianhuo is more masculine, while Lihuo is more feminine.

In particular, this game has been going on for more than 30 minutes, and this is the critical period of the team battle.

Chapter 300 The Torch Church does not seem to be all good people

Su Xinyan glanced at Su Nian's face, which was obviously angry but he tried not to show it, and smiled secretly in his heart. Want to find out about her relationship with Shengyannian?

Zhu Shengbai lowered his eyes and said nothing. Fu Yuwei looked at him like this, wondering how Fu Yuzhen hooked up with such a thin-skinned person?

In fact, in the final analysis, she wanted to make Zhao Qingshan hesitate, and at the same time expressed her idea of ​​not wanting to cooperate with Zhao Qingshan.

The lawyer came and went, leaving behind the extremely surprised Dai Chenglan, Sara Zhuo who could not see her thoughts, and Zhuo Yue who had just learned the name of her biological father.

After Guan Zong left, Cao Bo said a few nice words and asked Xu Mei to accompany Professor Fang well.

The collective explosion of the mantle creature sea lions and the destructive invasion of the black-hearted warriors were the struggles between different species, which were inevitable.

Now they wanted to snatch people from the magazine, and the conditions were too low, so the author would definitely not choose to cooperate with Zou Weijun.

Although there were some troubles on this trip today, she was still very happy. If it were not for Fu Yuwei, she might not even have the opportunity to leave the palace.

The scenery in the Old Summer Palace was picturesque, and Lin Xianyu specially set up a family banquet and set up two tables of banquets in the Peony Pavilion surrounded by flowers.

I thought there were many undead here, or a wild monster would be fine, but why is it completely different here?

After watching the nine departments, three provinces, and four prefectures under the Nine Palaces, it was like a well-organized central government agency.

After talking, the two packed up their things, dressed neatly, and walked over mountains and ridges. There is an old saying that if you want to find a teacher and imitate a friend, you must walk even if the road is far away. You cannot ride a horse, a spirit beast, or a flying mount. This is piety and cherishment for the master.

Although the supreme physique may not necessarily become the supreme, he at least has the potential. The great era has come, and his identity is not ordinary, so it is not impossible for him to become the supreme.

Thinking of this, Song Li's expression suddenly changed subtly, and the regretful smile hidden in the dark was seen. The corners of Song Li's mouth slightly raised, and a faint smile with a hint of contempt appeared. After taking a deep breath, Song Li's cunning eyes turned maliciously.

"What attitude should I have towards big stars? This is a headache." Dong Chenxi asked Zhao Fusheng. After all, she was just an ordinary assistant. Even if she was named a producer, the problem was that the actors shooting the commercial were Liu Dehua and Zhou Feifei, either of whom was more powerful than her.

At this time on Earth, the power of science and technology has gradually become mainstream, and people cannot help but face it, even for practitioners like herself.

"You???, I won't argue with a country bumpkin like you!" Yun Qilin was about to say something else, but when he saw Xing Yumou looking over here, he hurriedly took his people away.

If it weren't for Gu Feng, they wouldn't have been able to save their own spiritual essence, let alone trying to snatch the spiritual essence from Hu Sheng.

Zhang Lian's mouth twitched, and he wanted to refute Gu Feng, but Gu Feng's words left him speechless.

Showing an expression of confusion, Long Yiming asked back in confusion, and it seemed that he really didn't know anything.

With a sigh of relief, Yin Sha whispered as she looked at the peaks and ridges at the end. However, the cautiousness in her tone made the other people frown slightly.

So he did not come out immediately after being warned by Shi Yushan, but instead concentrated his mind and gathered strength secretly. He thought that he should not be completely exposed yet, so as long as Shi Yushan showed up, he could kill him on the spot with an unexpected attack.

Because Guan Yang was a good student, the teachers were very kind to her and never beat or scolded her, but she was afraid of the teachers, and I didn't know what she was afraid of.

Brother Zhexi handed me the cake, and I put my phone in my pocket. That text message became the most precious draft of this phone.

Of course, this is not a movie, and the characters don't have many actions. After a set of scenes is played, it will be played in a loop, but even so, it is already amazing.

Principal Huang called Lin Di "you", firstly because of the money, Principal Huang was showing respect, and secondly, the people of the imperial capital like to say "you", which is different from the habits of southerners.

"Companion? Sister, did I hear it right? You two have been arguing on the way here, wanting to surpass each other in every way. Now you actually say that there is no Yunchang as a companion?" Lu Chen looked incredible.

"Yes, but you can add it now. The Atredis has sufficient spare parts and manpower." Zhao Kai said and looked at the men in the bridge.

Bai Fan stroked his chest, smoothed his breath, and finally endured the strange looks from Mu Qing and Zhao Feiyan.

What I am worried about is that he is really sick and has really received an IV. It should be quite serious. Should I go see him?

There is not even an interrogation process in the Public Security Bureau, and the court has not filed a lawsuit. All judicial processes are missing. This is not Havana City. My father's influence cannot reach here, so those people can do whatever they want with her.

Chapter 301 Torch Church and Torch Church, Saint and Son

Wu Kai watched Ye Tianchen finish his three cups, and he was unwilling to be left behind and picked up the wine glass and started drinking one after another until he finished all three cups.

If it were usual, Li Xun would have stopped at this time to save face for everyone. But today, he was in a bad mood, and when he encountered the fat man who was making trouble, he couldn't help but burst out with anger in his heart, but his tone became more and more calm.

He was still worried about Mulan saving him. Today at noon, his thoughts were confused. Fortunately, he was discovered early and drank pesticides and was sent for rescue. Now he is out of danger.

"Don't look at it, it's all over. We have to cheer up and we will avenge them." Lin Xue walked to Wang Chaoyang's side, helped Wang Chaoyang buckle his seat belt, sat down next to Wang Chaoyang and said.

The spear was slowly pulled out of Xinya's body. Ye Zheng stood in place and nodded to Xinya lightly.

Long Yinxie's words only attracted Long Yinxuan's cold sidelong glance. He flicked his sleeves and strode away. Long Yinxie shrugged his shoulders. Although he looked indifferent, a trace of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

"Proof." Wang Ping still did not relax his vigilance. Perhaps the gray monster became humanized after digesting Tai Sui?

Although the mountain 'cave' is not big, its location is very hidden. Outside the 'cave' entrance, weeds are dense, and dead branches and leaves are scattered in between, just covering the 'cave' entrance.

Han Gang rushed up and made a long pass to meet the ball, but no teammates grabbed the first point. Paraguayan defender Muzul received the flying ball. The two teams' playing styles all leaned towards the foot. For some reason, both sides played long passes and lobs.

If Lingzhu's weight was still a little insufficient, then when Mingji said this, even Li Xun, the person involved, couldn't tell how much truth and how much falsehood there was in it, not to mention the onlookers who were watching the fun.

At first, Lin Xiu wanted Changsun Wuji to use the matter of Mobei to contain Hou Junji so that he would not bother him again.

Others first asked her what the new project was, and then began to question her in a startled manner.

Qi Yechen stopped Shen Qingqing behind him. Although Shen Qingqing had some skills, she had no martial arts after all, and it was very dangerous under the joint efforts of many people.

Ye Xiao swallowed his saliva. He couldn't be sure of what Nalan Chaofeng said, but he couldn't refute it either, and the other party had no reason to deceive him.

Even when refining these pills, she could take and use these low-level materials at will, and it really didn't cost money.

Even when fighting with the upper ninja, they didn't feel so powerless. Everything about them was seen through, and they were completely powerless to resist.

Moreover, he did gain a lot from this experience, and some of it even needed him to slowly settle and digest it after he returned.

Qingmang was a little impatient, but he still obediently moved his body and followed them lazily.

War is a war of attrition. Without the power of decisive suppression, it is difficult to end in a short time.

Qin Yi was still a little worried. He felt that he could, but he didn't get it, and he was still uneasy.

Tang Zhiyun nodded, "I can do anything for him." Including giving up his favorite art major and joining the army.

As long as he lets Qin Ting go abroad for a period of time, it will be enough for him to deal with the situation in the capital. Qin Ting's appearance was too sudden for him, and now is a critical period. He really doesn't have much experience to deal with it.

However, after an unknown period of time, the Three Pure Ones came out, Laozi held the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower in one hand and the Tai Chi diagram in the other, and four Hongmeng purple air was suspended behind him.

Liu Yihan also took out a walkman he brought with him, a full white head-mounted closed stereo headset that Liu Yihan bought himself. Jin Zhenhe also took out the camera he had prepared from the car. Because he was going to see the venue, Jin Zhenhe also brought the camera with him.

After thinking about it, these causes and effects were all created by himself. In the end, he still had no way back and could only go all the way.

Emperor Hongxuan came out from behind the screen wearing a black-bottomed gold-threaded dragon robe. The dragon and clouds on his chest were embroidered vividly with dark gold threads.

What's more, now he can't even enter the formation hall, and the place is heavily guarded. It is impossible to force or sneak in. The only way is probably to try it on these three people to see if he can buy them off.

Now she is also gradually refining the scattered true qi in her body into a thick and condensed mercury slurry, preparing to break through the innate realm in one fell swoop.

"You bad guys" Xue cried, tears falling down, pear blossoms in the rain, pitiful.

I comforted this guy helplessly! First of all, her crying disturbed my study, and seeing her crying made me feel inexplicably sad.

"If that's the case, then... everything is as you wish." As expected, her response was the same gentleness and pampering as always.

Even if someone who doesn't know how to cook at all cooks meat much more delicious than before. People on the grassland don't spray perfume on their bodies, but they will definitely spend money for basic living conditions such as food and drink.

So he began to approach her car, rolled down the window to signal her to stop the car, he must tell her the news, definitely.

She blinked her soft eyelashes and opened her eyes. The moonlight bathed her figure and a bird with colorful feathers and a wide mouth next to her head, staring with green eyes.

Mu Yunzhi didn't want Jian Yiyang to go back to the Jian family. She wanted to take Jian Yiyang and Chuqi back to the Yin family.

"Why do you sound so rich?" Shu Mo picked up the towel hanging around his neck and continued to wipe it, looking at him with a little joking.

Although Eunuch Li didn't know martial arts and probably wouldn't be curious about the faint smell, he grew up in the palace and was a real human spirit.

So, he turned her over and pressed her down again, and integrated all the tenderness in his heart into her body.

"How is it, are you okay?" He whispered in her ear, his tone full of warm concern.

There were a few ghost-attributed elves in Wutong's belt, but none of them were as emotional as this Haunter, so he just left them alone.

Chapter 302: Blood Flows Like a River

What these robbers didn't expect was that it would be so smooth. Although this method is one of their common methods, they are still the first to be so impulsive. Just a casual word of stimulation and they immediately took the bait.

Seeing that he was getting lower and lower, Gokawa Shidao was mentally prepared to stay in the hospital for half a month, but he saw a red and black figure with a long suffix flying from a distance at a high speed.

The rest of the people were a little timid at first, but seeing Zhao Zhuan so brave, they couldn't help but boost their morale and raised their knives to fight fiercely with the enemy.

"To be honest, I admire this person's courage. He dared to accept Gao Li's challenge so calmly." Qiu Shi said with his face covered, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

He had already made up his mind, and quickly showed a flattering look on his face, looking at Charles with a charming face.

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