"How did he manage to evolve three monsters at the same time?" This was probably the most shocking day when No. 1314 was created.

"You'll die if you don't tell me!" Chen Jiayao blushed with shame and wanted to find a crack in the ground to burrow into.

"Don't worry Yunzhi, uncle's stomach is made of iron and won't hurt." Tang Zhenting said deliberately as he habitually touched Gu Yunzhi's hair.

Ouyang Yihen took Shi Yuzhu and sat down at the corresponding position, and felt a hostile gaze staring at him.

Quan Jinxiu got into the passenger seat and while fastening her seat belt, she secretly glanced at Yan Qi. His mouth was pursed tightly, his eyes were cold, and he looked like he should avoid strangers. He looked a little strange like this.

I just heard Gao Xiang say that the boxing match will officially start tonight, and immediately some people whispered together for a while, but before seeing the boxers, the betting odds could not be drawn, so some people had the courage to perform an oboe with their companions .

"You have been fooled by Greedy Demon!" Killing Demon came back to his senses at this time. He saw Greedy Demon already on the other side, looking at him with a treacherous face. He immediately realized that he had been plotted by Greedy Demon, but At this time, even if you wake up, you can't save it.

The soldiers were forced by their momentum, but at the same time they were unwilling to take action. Yan Biyun bent down and picked up a steel knife from the ground, took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the blood on it, and put it on his white neck. Everyone looked like this. Following his example, he picked up the weapons scattered on the ground and put them around their necks.

"Yes, I am Yang Qi, the Yang Qi who killed countless evil slaves and heavenly soldiers, and the Yang Qi who was against the Emperor of Tai and the Immortal Realm. Moreover, I have now infiltrated the royal family and successfully became the prince of the entire royal family." Yang Qi He didn't hide anything, he sat carelessly and told the truth to Princess Biluo.

When they reached the top of the mountain pass, Su Jin was stunned by the sight in front of him. This was the first time Su Jin had broken through in the Bandit Village of Bagong Mountain.

Yu Xi thought carefully about the people around her, including Yan Qing, whom she had deliberately forgotten, and finally came to a conclusion. Could it be that the nanny betrayed her? That night, the nanny said she had something hard to say and asked her to ask Luo Hao. Later, she was put aside by one thing or another. Until now, she still hasn't had time to question him carefully.

She was secretly remembering this matter in her heart, and the beads gently patted her cheeks one after another. The soft pearlescent light made the faint red clouds loom on her cheeks, bringing her back to the present... These things can be thought about tomorrow. ...Now...at least for today, it seems that we can put it aside.

After all, Yu Xi was a person who traveled through time. After looking at it for a while, she understood the function of this ointment. This dark ointment is probably something like opium ointment, which has a paralyzing and analgesic effect.

After all, once the two sides fight, there will be a powerful Fengdu Emperor watching eagerly, so he has to guard against it. Cooperating with the top ten kings of hell is the best way.

This is a dark forest, with dim light shining through the treetops, and you can't even see how many fingers you have.

Jiang Yining's expression became even colder and calmer. He approached Jiang Jianming step by step and whispered in his ear again.

In the end, it was all spread to the court in the Northern Territory. Officials gradually became suspicious of Mo Ruoli's true identity.

Aunt Zhao's compliments fell in the ears of the princess, and she was very pleased with them. The smile in her eyes deepened. She hugged Wei'er and sat down on the chair. Some servants in the palace immediately came to pay their respects to the princess. .

"Bah bang bang"! ! The lights flashed toward the conference stage again, something a little different. This was not a mobile phone flash, but a spotlight.

The three of them sat down. Li Xiang and Yu Xibai's conversation was occasionally heard in the room. Most of the rest of the time it was quiet. Occasionally Shen Mobei would put some food into her bowl, but Xibai didn't react much. , no matter what he puts in it, she will eat it.

The corners of Qi Xi's eyes couldn't help but rise up, very provocatively. Rong Qian grabbed Ji Ruoli's hand and kept exerting force, her sharp nails digging into his skin. She was completely undecided and could only hold her for a moment. Look in the direction in front of you.

The big, well-jointed hands hidden in the wide sleeves clenched their fists unconsciously, and the bones made a "creak, creak" sound.

So she wants to prevent their reconciliation from happening. She can only let the relationship between the two of them continue to deteriorate.

Chapter 306 Engagement Ceremony, Elf

More than a hundred Mohists, plus some farmers recruited from Peixian County who are familiar with the new planting technology, will spend more than half a year teaching the techniques to the people in Tengdi who are organized to build the city wall together.

Cheng Pu, as a veteran general in Jiangdong, was a figure that Sun Quan respected very much. He followed Sun Jian in the north and south and became famous all over the world. He then assisted the two brothers Sun Ce and Sun Quan to secure Jiangdong. Now, in order to protect Sun Quan, he died on the battlefield, which is a sign of loyalty and courage. generation.

Throughout the morning, everyone at Hongda Machinery Factory was talking about dividing houses. In the technical department office, Zhao Guoyang also heard people talking in low voices from time to time.

For example, peanut butter from Manchester, England, Hershey chocolate from Pennsylvania, USA, and some brand-name clothing can only be purchased at Friendship Store.

However, as their good friend, Shi Tao, who is also a great talent, is still unknown today. He is just a county magistrate of a city in Jizhou and cannot get on the stage at all. The main reason is that he has no chance to perform.

The Arabs on the dock only saw the hull of the ship suddenly burst into flames, and then they felt a wave of heat rushing towards them, and they quickly retreated based on instinct.

Is it possible for Liu Bei and Cao Cao to unite? Not to mention that Liu Bei and Cao Cao are currently fighting to the death. Even if the war ceases, Liu Bei and Cao Cao will regard each other as mortal enemies. Unless Sun Quan does something outrageous, forcing Liu Bei and Cao Cao to unite. Come and attack.

Everyone was very dissatisfied with Duarte's approach, but at present, they could only wait for reinforcements from England.

The boss had his mouth wide open, and his eyes had popped out of his eyes in shock. Now he still had the courage to scream, so he turned around and ran away.

Allen looked along their gaze - looking directly at the being that made his blood freeze in his veins and made his breathing almost stop just because of the act of looking directly.

After that, Lu Yu did not hesitate to expend his spiritual energy to explore Zhao's body part by part, and gradually simulated all the injuries in Zhao's body in the spiritual space. After all the injuries were simulated, Lu Yu finally finished exploring Zhao's body. All his injuries actually consumed 15% of Lu Yu's spiritual energy.

However, doing so not only means admitting the complete failure of this battle, but also means that the more than 10,000 defenders led by Li Zhou in Yang Liunan City and the 5,000 elite troops led by Li Siyuan in Yunzhou City will eventually be abandoned.

The next day, the early autumn sun rose, and its light shone through the forest and water in front of the building. The fresh air carried the fragrance and sweetness of grass jelly, and exuded the intoxicating aroma of wine.

The old woman seemed to wake up, glanced at Yin Xirou, and then let out a wry smile.

"Sure enough, he is a man of great luck. Such a hidden method must be unique." The official closed his eyes helplessly, facing two lucky men at the same time, and finally forced himself into a corner.

Ma Tao was stunned. He couldn't believe that Ye Haochuan, a mere doctor, could have such good skills.

The resentful spirits along the way were about to pounce when they saw the door being opened, but when they saw that it was a demon that specialized in devouring spirits, they were immediately frightened and fled - they seemed unable to get out of the door.

"Lin Qianxue was greatly stimulated this time. The cult members almost insulted her, and she saw her family members tortured to death. This girl's psychology has collapsed!" The man came to the door of a ward and spoke softly. said.

There was just one thing that Wang Chen didn't quite understand. Logically speaking, Wu Li was targeting him, and his tent was on the left. If Wu Li wanted to find him, he should have gone to the left. Why did he go to the right instead?

While Princess Jielan was waiting to marry, the envoys of the Han Dynasty came back from the Huns and came to King Jiang's home. After seeing Princess Jielan, they told King Jiang and the princess in detail about the relationship between Zuoxian King Luantino and Jie. Princess Lan's favorite.

Jason, who was panting for air, was furious when he saw the stupid look of the giant creature in front of him.

Seeing the ramen coupon handed over by Ye Fan, Uzumaki Naruto didn't have too much joy on his face.

Heiji was so frightened that his soul trembled. He changed his previous arrogance and began to beg pitifully for mercy.

"Go in, in your state of despair, you should still have a chance to resurrect." Wu Yun suddenly said.

Therefore, although Han Sui and others coveted the rich Chang'an, they still endured it and did not interfere in Chang'an's territory. They concentrated on Tongguan to defend the enemy. They wanted to capture Hangu Pass and then enter Luoyang and the Central Plains to expand their territory.

Ma Chao was so brave that he did not think that if he were allowed to break through Tongguan and then Hangu Pass, threatening Luoyang, it would be difficult for him.

Ye Shaobei's potential has been rising all the way, reaching 920 points in the blink of an eye, but he still has no intention of stopping.

"Teacher Asuma, I think Senior Ye Fan separated from us on purpose." Nara Shikamaru suddenly spoke and expressed his point of view.

After all, since he came to Yongji Continent and entered Qingcheng College, he has had very few opportunities to fight with others.

Ye Feng's mid-stage strength and the support of Shennong's Zhenqi are enough to be used.

I nodded, 'Brother Hao, you go and do your work first. I'll take care of my silly brother. ’ Although Zhang Zihao asked me to call him Uncle, I still call him Brother Hao when there are many people. I still understand this truth.

I can only report to the Holy Lord to be more careful. Maybe it’s time to sharpen this guy’s edges.

What they were vaguely worried about finally happened. Something happened to these four elders, but what everyone around them didn't expect was that they all died here.

The brothers stopped talking. They went to Zhang Zihao to collect two thousand yuan and then started to smile a little. Lei Gang raised the twenty big red fish in his hand and said with a smile, "This is the first time the eldest brother has earned money from working. The first time." The two thousand yuan, my hard-earned money, was earned with my sweat. ’ After saying that, he kissed the money in his hand.

The two live treasures made the brothers laugh so much that they had a lot of fun. The meal was a breeze and it was very satisfying.

But since the morning, everyone's eyes have been focused on the three major regions, and no signs of retreat were found in the three major regions. After all, it was morning at that time, and everyone felt that this matter was still two days away. .

He was also surprised that Yang Yifeng's aura was not strong at all for him, but it gave him a trembling feeling.

"We can't let him escape, set up a formation." Everyone shouted, and they gathered in the surrounding space and formed seals with each other. Everyone gathered their strength and once again condensed an energy space to seal this place.

Chapter 307 The elf team fights alone for eternity at the engagement ceremony (4000!!!)

There were suddenly more than 200 people at the entrance of Feitian Village, and the originally deserted village became lively, but at the same time, the village's public security and morale also dropped by several points, which shocked Lu Shuang.

An Qi's heart was extremely cold. Zhuo Ling just picked up the suit from the ground beside her without paying attention. Then he walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. Humiliation, shame, heartache, anger. All kinds of tastes came to my heart. Bitterness is unbearable.

Another important point is that although the super guilds or forces are large and powerful, their ways and possibilities to obtain unique skills are not as good as Lu Shuang. Lu Shuang can send emperor-level generals to kill king-level generals, so as to obtain more unique skills.

After relaxing, Wu Qi yawned subconsciously, and then he realized that his head was dizzy and deeply tired, just like staying up all night in high school to finish a set of test papers and suddenly found that the east outside the window was white and his mind was blank. Wu Qi knew that this was the "sequelae" of excessive mental power.

The power of the main gun of the Titan Star Realm Fortress is actually comparable to the super skills of the Tianlong people. In fact, if they really fight each other, Qin Ming has a better chance of winning.

"Humph, Mantian Qingyu must have his method. We must get this method. Then Hailing County will be mine." Yu Bian said while observing the battlefield.

Le Wuyu couldn't help but smile with his head down. Maybe these two people have been with Fenansha for a long time, and they naturally have the breath of Fenansha on their bodies. This breath is very familiar to him.

He knew that some of his actions just now would indeed cause dissatisfaction among these soldiers. There are too many rules and regulations in this army.

"Yes, after all, there is a child. I don't believe she can be so cruel!" Yu Daming looked at Doudou on the side and pretended that he didn't care.

Although the robots he made before have reached the pinnacle, they have never gotten rid of the category of "tools". Their thinking and behavior are all set by programs.

Huan Chun didn't say much this time. She waited for the master to lie down and arranged for the smart maid to serve. She also thought about taking a rest at this moment, and said, "Come and call me when the master wakes up." Then she left.

"My king, our Red Shrimp Clan can only rely on the Four Seas Dragon Palace now. Our Red Shrimp Clan has already discussed with the North Sea Dragon King, and our Red Shrimp Clan's demon king and leader have also participated in the demon king banquet of the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

"Could this be..." Nian Sheng heard it and felt a little nervous. Does this mean that the emperor is the one who arranged all this?

Everyone felt relieved. Although they wanted to watch the fun, they didn't dare to touch the tiger's butt when Zhu Di was angry. In order to avoid getting into trouble, they all retreated. Xu Yunhua hesitated for a while, and finally didn't say anything, and retreated by himself.

Who said that his cooking skills were good just now? Duan Xuchu didn't want to tell Yan Qiao Seeing that Yan Qiao was really hungry, this fence-sitter gave Yan Qiao a large portion of the noodles in his bowl.

At that time, the Fifth Master hesitated. If he didn't come, he would be fine, and it would be bad to be too different. If he came, he would be tortured by the Ninth Prince, the demon star, every day. Finally, he gritted his teeth and followed the Third Master and the Fourth Master to come early in the morning every day, and wait until the Ninth Prince and the others finished their classes before leaving.

Even in the worst case, Zu Lan and Wang Jiaer's drumsticks were taken away. First of all, regardless of whether the points were enough or not, whether they could be placed in the dustpan sadly, everything depended on Xia Mo.

"Damn ants, it's like this!" The Fear Puppet said wildly in his heart, and then helplessly watched Totoro and Ye Xiangchen rush into the boundary wall.

Dong E Miaoyi suddenly held the Ninth Prince's hand and said, "Master, are my eyes still swollen? If the child sees it when he is born... " He was about to cry again.

Bai Shu was a little scared now. After all, Bai Shu knew that he was no match for Ying Ba and Niu Fen. Even if he and the six elders of the sea monster clan were added together, they were still no match for Ying Ba and Niu Fen. Moreover, Bai Shu didn't know whether the six elders of the sea monster clan were willing to go with him.

"I can't say it now. I have to make sure whether you are really helping me. Otherwise, we will all die if something goes wrong. "Zi Huang turned around and looked at Jin Wuque and Zi Feng.

So, when the people in Taoyuan knew that the two people in front of them were Qingfeng Fumo God Jiang Ling and Mingyue Zhuxie God Ye Wuchen, they were no less shocked than Jiang Ling and Ye Wuchen when they saw this barrier space, so both groups were shocked in their hearts.

The people in Bright Heaven were only concerned with resisting the counterattack of Chi Hua and Ouyang Haotian, but they didn't notice that there was a sudden sound of wind behind them, and a huge ball crashed like a train.

"Brother Xiao Yao, don't get me wrong, Zhihui is used to being willful and capricious in the clan, so I want Brother Xiao Yao to teach Zhihui a lesson. "Zhu Shaoyu said. They were all helpless against Zhu Zhihui, and Long Xinglin was the right person.

Of course, Jiang Qiuge certainly didn't know what the word "Hongmeng" meant at this time.

This Hua Dashuai was simple in nature, loyal and filial. What kind of thing made him fall to this point?

The person who knows you best may be your enemy. This sentence is fully reflected at this moment.

Obviously, the old charlatan's strength is really unpredictable. He has a mysterious sky eye that can see through the falsehood and look directly at the origin. At a glance, Jiang Yu felt that he was seen through by him, which made him a little scared.

Jie sensed it a little, and after being more certain, Jie said that in fact, he didn't feel the fluctuation of Pansheng Fruit at the beginning. The only thing that could prove it was the seeds of Pansheng Fruit.

Kong Yingda looked at Gao Yang's malicious look, and quickly covered his chin, and his vigilance became even stronger.

In front of him was an empty valley, with a strong force of rules surging. Gu Qianqiu's eyes were bright, and he looked hungry.

At this moment, Fang Yi was galloping all the way, like a wounded beast, but his speed was getting slower and slower.

The Xie family's kitchen was comparable to the kitchen of a hotel. In addition to the chef Wu Yimeng, there were three chefs, four waiters, and two big sisters who did odd jobs.

The three of them could be indistinguishable from the real ones. It was impossible to tell who was the real Chang Biyun with the naked eye.

Lu Shi did not expect Tang Ming to propose a competition, and more beads of sweat appeared on his forehead in an instant.

Chapter 308 The prototype of the Rand artifact

Chen Erpao is now a deputy captain anyway. In addition to staying outside the security room, he has to patrol around the school most of the time.

Wang Hai did not expect that Li Jushi would hand it over to his private lawyer before his death, and asked to return it to Wang Hai after his death.

I can only say that Feng Yexi feels very good. After coming to Hengyu Continent, Qingyou has the habit of protecting her own shortcomings. As long as the people she recognizes are hurt, she will never show mercy. Over the years, Qingyou has also done this. Her subordinates not only admire him, but also truly care about him.

"Asshole, I am talking to my mother here, when is it your turn to be a dog slave?" Yin Huan said with dissatisfaction.

However, the six people of Qi Gutian deliberately distanced themselves from them. In this melee combat mode, it is very disadvantageous for these phantoms. They can easily be slapped away and turned into powder.

Yuan Yi's pupils shrank instantly. This sentence made him more certain that Ming Lao Er had encountered something in there.

But leaving their two children to fight to the death, while the three old men were living in a cowardly way, this was a bit too unreasonable in terms of emotion and reason.

Moreover, their hall masters usually have a close relationship, so the disciples below also get along well.

A three-edged military bayonet appeared in Chen Erpao's hand. He flew up with his feet, and then the bayonet fell down in horror, like a blade of death that pierced through space. The man in front of him had pupils that kept shrinking. He raised his head slightly and wanted to resist, but he felt so powerless.

"With Su Meisheng here, he should be better, right?" Yin Huan tried to ask. Whenever he thought of him, he felt guilty.

Liao Chen stared at Zui Qingcheng's beautiful face in a daze. There was a bright light flowing in those breathtakingly beautiful Danfeng eyes, like the stars in the sky, dazzling and attractive.

"Big, sister-in-law, are you sure you can practice here?" Mei Yingxue was burned to a skeleton, and she looked at Wu Qingying, who was in a green dress and intact, and confirmed.

The corners of her mouth twitched violently, and Jing Yin's expression contained an expression of disbelief on her face. She kept rubbing her eyes for fear that what she saw was an illusion.

Sun Yan lost his mind again when he heard this, and when he came back to his senses again, the figure was gone. He opened the doors and windows, and it was pitch black all around, with only the whistling of the wind, nothing else.

"Haha, whatever, I can't get through anyway, so I'll fight you!" Guan Chun smiled bitterly and quickly gathered all his strength, wanting to burst out a martial arts skill.

When they said this, they had already said it very seriously on the side. If it weren't for this matter, how could he have stayed there all the time before? Everything was not easy.

"Xuan Ying!" Wei Xu shouted, and a gust of wind blew around him. There were sharp blades in the storm. If an incompetent person was swept by this gust of wind, he would feel painful all over his body like a needle.

Zhang Ren rushed out of the west gate, and not long after he went forward, a gong suddenly sounded, and a group of people rushed out from both sides of the woods. The leader was Zhang Liang, who made Zhuge Liang heartbroken, and beside him was Mr. Mighty Dian Wei.

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