"Wife, you are not good for the harmony between husband and wife." Lu Yucheng looked at Su Xin and spoke helplessly.

Many people shouted: "I want to." And the farther away from us, the louder the voice. There are also many people eager to try and squeeze here.

The 20 million people in Tokyo Luoyang City are talking in a mess, but the court has no time to care about them. The court itself is still arguing in a mess.

Yingyi forced to calm down the floating heart. The more such times, the more you can't panic. If your heart is "chaotic", you will lose the last chance of success.

From the evening to the dawn, from the day to the night, time passed in the search, and the time has come to more than ten days later.

Li Si breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she always had a calm look on her face. At this time, it can be said that she is extremely powerful, and the power she possesses is even more terrifying. It is not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing when he heard the second uncle's question, and continued to drink the rain and mist tea. However, Mr. Lin thought of Lin Feng and Lin Yu's strange behavior just now, guessed some clues, and seemed to understand the source of the tea.

Early the next morning, it was rare for Lin Feng to get up early and go out with Xia Ruoxi. This was also his first time to go to the new headquarters building of Future Technology Company.

In Lin Feng's room on the second floor, when Lin Chuanzhi went up, he pushed the door of Lin Feng's room without knocking, and immediately locked the door after entering the room.

What power and magical use does the dripping blood wind chime have? Can it really be used to control the huge sea Kun, or even take it as the God of War?

Under the immersion of dragon vein marrow washing fluid, the wounds on the body, the internal injuries that are invisible to the naked eye, and the burst capillaries that are difficult to detect with the mind, are all healing rapidly. The body gradually recovered its vitality, but Lin Tian's doubts in his heart have been lingering.

Listening to the arrogant roar of Archer in the eavesdropping device, Tosaka Tokiomi couldn't help but hug his head because of troubles.

"That's right, Lin Feng, why do you need so many weapons? Five hundred thousand weapons can equip several armies!" The Prime Minister also said to Lin Feng speechlessly.

"You really don't like me?" After returning to the dormitory and washing up, Yu Xinyu still didn't give up.

The next day, Liu Tianqing really went to work alone. Although he looked a little pale when he got up early, this couldn't stop a workaholic from going to work. Before leaving, he left some money and a bank card, and asked Ye Li to find a hospital to see his injuries.

We agreed to go together to get the contract left in the Blue Sky Building, but after this incident, we almost forgot it.

"Then, you caught me, what do you want?" Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief. She was not tied up. Although she didn't have any strength, she could always explore the surroundings bit by bit. Very good, there was also a wall half an arm away from her. She could slowly move over and then use some strength to sit up.

Pulling open the curtains, I saw He Mubai running wildly on the beach outside, and He Jiao chased after him and shouted at him slowly.

Xiao Yan's horsemanship is still very good. Although he has never ridden a horse on the grassland, the largest equestrian hall in Ningcheng is where Xiao Yan always rode horses before he and Ji Xinliang met.

"Dust fate?" Old Master Yan glanced at Yan Ya. Could the dust fate that Yun Chi was referring to be related to his grandson?

City A is the world of the Ji family. It is more convenient for Ji Yanmo to do anything than in Kyoto. With Ji Yanmo's help, nothing is difficult.

Zhang Si'er didn't know that his unintentional behavior had caused trouble. He was pulled by Yun Chi and ran all the way into the wormwood.

Seeing that her classmates were full of worry but deliberately told all kinds of jokes to make her happy, Lu Tangtang felt indescribably warm in her heart, knowing that they were worried that she would not be able to get out of the shadow of "miscarriage".

This is not a good thing, and there is still a lot of cold skin. Su Xin quickly asked the cook to cut it and mix it, and then gave Tao Mingsheng and others a bowl each, so that they could eat.

Ye Ling glanced at Jing Chengtian deeply. She was very surprised by his answer and her impression of Jing Chengtian began to change.

"Because of the huge differences in family economics, each student's dining location and food are different. The first floor is for those whose family economics are slightly worse in this school, the second floor is for some noble children, and the third floor is specially for students like us to eat.

Chapter 328 The cold heart of the White King

Northeast, the main attack direction of the orcs.

The White King, wearing a thick velvet cloak, stood on the city wall, looking at the countless orcs, trolls, harpies and wyverns below the city.

And the frost giants and some beast-eared people in the distance.

Sometimes some dwarf races will join the orcs, such as goblins and goblins, but not here.

The air in the city is not good, it is a bit crowded.

The laborers bundled

Last night, an uninvited guest suddenly broke into the Dragon Palace. The visitor's attitude was very cold and arrogant. He broke into the heart of the Dragon Palace and used the sound wave technique to spread the sound throughout most of the Dragon Palace.

The ancestral land of the Cloud Clan was completely destroyed under the attack of countless quasi-emperors, and the space channel leading to the Cloud Clan universe appeared.

"I told you to brag now, let's see how you lose later! "Kang Shifu thought proudly in his heart.

"Second uncle, you are not smoking, you are just eating cigarettes. Smoking too much is not good for your health." I walked to the side of the second uncle, snatched the cigarette that had just been lit in his hand, put it out and threw it into the ashtray.

It is obvious that with his superhuman basic strength, inch-force strength, and internal force burst, Ye Mo's punches are much stronger than his opponent's, and Ye Mo's superb boxing skills are also far superior to his opponent's fighting skills, which can only be said to be pretty good.

Even Tian Qi heard the scream, and then it was like a zombie siege. Wei Liang, Ye Xiaofei, and Ma Gan'er were instantly submerged by the surging "tide of corpses".

After receiving the Jade Emperor's imperial edict, Taishang Laojun ordered people to untie the several immortal ropes on the swordsman and immediately threw them into the Bagua alchemy furnace and locked them up. Taishang Laojun also ordered the Taoist priests and boys who were guarding the alchemy furnace to light a fire and calcine it, and inject Samadhi True Fire into the Bagua alchemy furnace from time to time.

Originally thought it would be as smooth as when he slipped out, but as soon as he reached the "door", he was stopped.

"It's not Tiansha who wants to deal with Gu Bai now, but he took the initiative to attack. Tiansha can't just let him be bullied and not fight back!" Gong Yao explained.

If Zhao Zhu could calmly weigh the pros and cons and study whether he was exposed and how to deal with it after receiving the news that Li Changjie's house was confiscated and the entire mansion was burned, Zhao Zhu was like being struck by lightning out of thin air and stood there stunned after hearing Yin Zhu's words.

Qing Li scratched his head and was thinking of a way, but he didn't know what to do. If they fought alone, of course they could win, but now the Qinyuan birds came out like a swarm of Ganges sands, how could the two of them deal with so many at once.

But in a bamboo forest, the "culprit" just now, Jun Lintian, was standing with his hands behind his back, looking down at a handsome boy in front of him, praising him, but his eyes were still like looking at ants.

On the contrary, Shi Ban, who was standing near the jade steps, was looking suspiciously at Su Quan, the Imperial Censor, who was standing behind him. He didn't know whether it was his suggestion or the newcomers' impromptu idea.

With tears in his eyes, Lu Zian looked at his senior brother tenderly. His senior brother was so affectionate to him, and he would always be the most respectable person.

"Sister, I'm sorry! I'm really not ready yet, so I'll go back to rest first! It's so late, you should also rest early, and have a good dream!" After saying that, Shangguan Hao stood up and gently kissed Qian Ce's forehead.

After Tian Chu finished his instructions, he changed into ordinary clothes, hid his tracks, and went straight to Han's Mansion in Xiuyifang. On the way into the alley, he happened to pass by several people on horseback. The first one was in his early twenties and dressed very ordinary.

It seems that the kind of godhood that integrates the mysterious is very rare. It is still worthwhile to rely on purchasing.

Taking advantage of the Christmas holiday, Dumbledore decided that the Order of the Phoenix would hold another meeting to discuss the final plan to deal with Voldemort.

In fact, it was true. After discovering the Resurrection Stone, Dumbledore, who had lost his mind for a while, wanted to resurrect his sister and mother to make up for his lifelong regrets. In the end, he was careless and was cursed by Voldemort on the ring. In any case, he only had one year left to live.

After finally recovering from the damage caused by the Paladin, she received very bad news.

When he finished the first bean, no one felt anything, but just thought that Liu Suan's movements were clean and neat.

In three years, he became the richest man in China, and in six years, he dared to go to Wall Street to wield swords and guns. What about another six years?

The young master of Xuetian took the storage bag and checked it. He did not ask for the Fire Sun Stone, the real artifact, etc., but only took a herb with rich true energy.

In his opinion, such a powerful person with unfathomable strength must have many talented people under him. From the fact that the old man had been using "we" before, it can be known that there are definitely many predators with the other party, but why did the other party quietly choose him who he didn't know?

Lei Jun was really defeated by Qin Yu. Qin Yu's company is called Huayu Technology. On the surface, it only sells mobile phones, but now it seems that the company's business is like a hodgepodge, involving everything.

"Maybe he wants to make all the money from the concert in a year, but he doesn't want to run around, so he just wants to do it with a concert?" The boy said uncertainly.

It is reported that before the invasion of the alien beasts, Xixi's parents were actually very powerful scientists and the inventors of this kind of translation machine.

"Good guy, you have said all my lines. As a supporting role, don't you have any self-cultivation as an actor?" Mo Fan rolled his eyes and said to himself unhappily.

"Go back to your post. I will make the order later, and you can package it." Liu Suan changed the subject.

At this time, Xiao He found Qingya sliding her wheelchair and quietly moving towards the bedroom.

In fact, no one knew that Wilhena's problem was precisely the 'right forward', because Carlisle didn't let him play on the wing at all.

"I must establish a crown prince when I ascend the throne. I have two sons, Liu Yuan and Liu Huai, both of whom are talented. It's hard to choose, so I'm hesitant!" Liu Fuheng expressed his doubts.

The situation of the Yue Family Army was better, because Yue Jianghong found that the southern forces were just preparing for war and had no desire to fight, so he let the army rotate and rest in the first week.

All we have to do is wait until the Barbarian Bull or the Barbarian Bull Demon is free, and then we can attack the boss together.

Then she decided to help the Xiongnu, and then? This is not a battle that can be ended in a short time. Xinlan stabilized the situation and began to deal with the Western "Crusaders" with a small number of troops to delay them from harming the East.

Chapter 329: The White King's Front and Rand's Front

"Are you still asleep?" Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from behind, without any foreshadowing, and it was abrupt and scary.

I opened my eyes in a daze and saw a tall figure holding the collar of the military doctor and swinging him in the air, shaking and roaring.

Those who left early did not cheer, but took more people to guard the streets.

I didn't care much about the lower-level dragons living in the tree trunks. I just told them to manage the dragon believers well and not to over-exploit them, and then go back to stay - as a dragon, what they should do is to stay well and sleep more.

Therefore, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Bei Ming Yuan Zhen proposed to his father that he wanted to lead the troops to the battle this time.

He knew that Qi Qi had always been soft-hearted, and her request made him a little embarrassed, but seeing her hopeful eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse.

The fishman knew that I was coming, and he was not too excited, and even had no big reaction. He just glanced at me lightly and continued to look at the sky.

The figure of the Tyrannosaurus Rex flashed and returned to my shoulder. There was only a slight sound in the air, and then the air began to heat up.

"Why is grandma sighing again? It's strange that she doesn't deserve this good weather." Zhou Anzhi said to the grandma with a smile.

Xiao Ran turned his head, his eyes were very gentle, and he had transferred all his debts to Tang Yue to his family.

After hearing him say this, the dark guard had to say nothing and had to retreat. After all, Bei Ling's decision was not something he could easily change.

Xia Shuang really fell asleep. His strength was gentle, which made her feel very comfortable. She closed her eyes unconsciously, but she was also woken up by him.

Xiao Ran was very puzzled. Since he had already passed the information to the man, why did he do this? This was a completely unnecessary loss.

When she came out, Fu Yi was still on the phone, with a serious face, listening carefully, and comforting from time to time.

Li Daoran frowned. If we calculate according to the timeline of the Dongwu Dynasty, wasn't eight hundred years ago the time when he just obtained the Dongwu Secret Realm?

Those angry eyes kept staring at Fu Yi, and he finally lowered his brows after a few seconds. After cursing, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Pojun didn't have time to stay. When Gu Nian sent him downstairs, Xiangdong was already waiting by the car.

In order to thank Lingyaotang, Yue Xinghe bought a bottle of Moutai when passing by a high-end tobacco and liquor store. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, he felt that he shouldn't lose his grandfather's face.

After the seven people appeared, no one knew who was the real Shi Yan, because the seven were exactly the same, and only one of them was the real body. After using the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, the seven "Shi Yans" suddenly shouted, and the seven people immediately rushed in different directions to meet the crowd.

The next day, Shi Yan got out of bed, washed his hands and face, opened the door, and walked out.

The body was thrown violently, and then blasted out of the box, and then fell violently on the first floor. In an instant, the originally lively first floor was completely silent.

It was useless to think more. Wang Xuanlong shook his head, tidied the bed slightly, made breakfast, and went out.

"This is the mood of a brave man. Gentlemen, it is good for you to think so. Maybe one day, your wish will come true." Yu Ruotong showed a gentle and expectant smile on her face.

Qin Lie was also quite complacent, but he also knew that if it were not for Lu You to help him deal with those complicated government affairs, the Tianyao Sect would never be so strong.

Fei Liangyan, who was about to enter the school gate, looked up and saw the scene of Shi Yi getting off Yang Linxiao's motorcycle. Fei Liangyan took out his mobile phone and found the photo sent to him by a strange number last night. It was indeed this man.

"I plan to use it to build a fortress, similar to your Qingdao Fortress, but you know that I am very poor, so..." Chen Ning smiled.

The three people behind him opened their eyes wide, and the palms holding the Hongmeng Qi turned pale, with veins bulging, obviously in a state of high tension.

The mouth of the Carp King slowly opened, and a step stool extended out and directly rested on the boat where Nami was.

"Tianxinggong, come out! Let's fight one-on-one, don't attack from behind." Someone suddenly floated behind him, and Mu Yuncheng turned around suddenly and shouted to the left and right.

Although the Amazon Lily Kingdom has a good national strength, it is located in the windless belt and is surrounded by famous monster nests.

In previous battles, although most of the demon soldiers were brave and good at fighting, their minds were surprisingly simple compared to their strength.

Wang Yarui never knew that because of An Qi's final kick, his identity was temporarily preserved, and he also spent this unforgettable happy time.

He fell to the ground and kept swinging his body, then returned to the water, and jumped out of the water again, and so on.

Lin Yannan had suffered too many blows today. She didn't believe it. She even thought that what she saw just now was a nightmare.

Qin Ming took this fire tongs from the kitchen. It was just a piece of ordinary iron, not even an ordinary weapon. After the fight, it was immediately shattered by Xia Yuhe's sword intent. A sword intent even quickly passed up along the broken fire tongs.

Chapter 330 The aphrodisiac blade worked again (additional update)

Usually, because the servants cooked, no one paid attention to this matter. Sometimes when Lin Kai cooked for extra meals, no one did this.

Because this teacher would never ask you to sit down, this has formed a kind of tacit understanding in the class, that is, to sit down consciously after answering.

Hundreds of thousands of Hades released their divine power and life with painful expressions, condensing into a huge phantom of the Hades, and with the continuous injection of divine power and life, the phantom became more and more solid.

The sword energy shield held up by the six-fingered black knight was like a blown-up balloon, and Wei Zhuang advanced into it little by little.

However, he never expected that the gods would join forces to create two major killing weapons, and seriously injured him at the cost of collective demise.

A deafening roar suddenly sounded in the sky, the sun was blocked by dark clouds, and the strong wind rolled up the huge waves, giving people a feeling that the end of the world has come early.

Tang Su hurriedly put the phone to his ear, and Xia Yuxi also cooperated to turn off the volume of the microphone.

Jun Chenhan did not ask them to keep a low profile. This time he sent out thousands of disciples. There are still Feng Jingyi's people in the dark, and it is clear who Feng Jingyue will go with.

"Rin, I'll take Itachi and Sasuke home first." Shisui rubbed Sasuke's head and nodded gently to Itachi beside him.

Bai Yueyang propped up his head and looked at her. He was shocked by her behavior and summed it up in two words: "sinister and mean".

Fortunately, after the award ceremony, everyone began to disperse. After all, the competition was completely over at this time, and everyone had no reason to stay.

When he said this, Zhu Jiuyin's mind moved and he grabbed with his big hand. This power of faith was directly destroyed by him, without any nostalgia, and he didn't care about this power of faith at all.

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