"Are there any other strategies?" asked the King of the Kingdom of Bolun, "For example, let our fleet attack from the coastline?"

"You can try." The Minister of Military Affairs replied, "But at present, there is no port for landing in the Earldom of Moon Phase. When the fleet reaches the coastline, it needs to change to a small boat to go ashore. During this distance, it may be caught in a loophole."

Generally speaking, the opportunity for war is always fleeting.

The probability of this loophole being caught is not very high.


The soldiers guarding the city in front of the Great Dian Kingdom are really like frightened birds, and they all look very uneasy.

In this way, people from all over the country of Jinfeng know that the emperor is looking for a doctor who can treat the stubborn disease in the country, but this stubborn disease is incurable. Not to mention the doctor in Jinfeng, it is difficult to find a doctor who can treat the stubborn disease even in other countries around.

Since the master has handed over the entire Huashan Sect to me, I should try my best to revive the Huashan Sect, so as to be worthy of the master and the ancestors of the Huashan Sect.

"You are the number one in the underground no-rules boxing world. I will know if I can really withstand your iron fist after a fight. There is no point in a verbal fight!" Chen Chumo said.

"I just gave him a long vacation and let him go out to relax. You can go to his dormitory building now and maybe you can meet him." Yu Chongguang pointed to the dormitory building and dormitory number on the right side of the teaching building.

"Uh--" Chu Ning, who was confused and fascinated, didn't understand what Lin Yuhao meant. She felt her body was in the air, and she was so scared that she quickly hugged Lin Yuhao's neck.

"It's good to have a backer, don't miss it." Chen Shufen certainly understood that Wu Hua was being modest. Anyway, she was optimistic about Wu Hua. He had strength, money, ability and background, and it was just smooth sailing.

"Then go." Wu Hua didn't even raise his head and snorted coldly. He was really a guy who didn't know right from wrong. I don't know how he got the position of the president of the student union. He was a brainless idiot.

Hongjun was tired and thirsty, leaning against the damp cell wall and dozing. Du Hanqing came in through the crack of the cell door, curled up in Hongjun's arms, and closed his eyes.

"Maybe I can go ask my father!" After a while, Chu Ning looked at Lin Yuhao who was sleeping soundly, wiped her tears and prepared to get up, but her hand was suddenly dragged by Lin Yuhao again.

"Oh! It's bad, I forgot, I'll go now." After saying that, she strode away in a hurry, took two jars of wine and walked towards Liu Laohan's house.

A few days passed, and An Ruoying tried to help Feng Wuhuang break the mental confinement, but she failed every time. There were assassinations again and again in the past few days.

Seeing that Sun Ao had not spoken for a long time, the leader of the Meng family spoke again in a domineering manner, mentioning the name of the elder, and the threat in his words was self-evident.

Su Xiaoting couldn't sit still. Seeing that the sun had set, leaving only a faint afterglow, she simply dressed up and walked out of the house.

"Back then, I stabbed the Ghost Eye Killer with a sword, but he still took the opportunity to escape into the secret passage. After so many years, he seems to have completely disappeared from this world.

After the disappearance of the ancestor Yu Lingyun Temple, several sects tried to seize many dragon-slaying cannons for research. But until the end, they were not able to copy them successfully.

After taking the subway to the bus, more than 40 minutes later, the honest monk got off the bus in front of the Hongyan Company. He ran to the office building at the speed of a 100-meter sprint and appeared in front of Gu Qingcheng.

However, his shock was only a moment, and his body rushed towards Mo Xiaotian again.

The disciples in the audience could never imagine how the elder would confront the master of the house. They stared at the sudden scene in a daze, not daring to breathe.

"Brother, if you really have a girl you like, hurry up. I heard from my mother that she has recently asked the matchmaker to find a girl for you and your second brother. Don't wait until the time comes, it will be too late for you to regret it. After all, it's the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. If my mother agrees, it will be too late. "Qing Yan said seriously.

Chapter 348 The Burning Land of Despair

Rand used his perception ability to look at the list Fenris gave him one by one.

The list Fenris gave was quite accurate, and basically all of them were people with some problems.

The total number was not large, and there were not many people with particularly big problems, so it was not hard for Rand to investigate and interrogate.

Rand even had time to use Crow Vision.

It's a pity that this Crow Vision seemed to really just transmit what the crow saw to Rand's eyes.

Instead of Rand's soul

In this movie, most of the Eyebrow Sect are sword immortals, and all the swords are spiritual swords. They don't have much mana, and they only need a sword to fly with the sword holder, but It is easy to imagine how happy people in this world are. If they have a powerful magic weapon, they will be very powerful.

"Lord Richard, Odin's strength is really..." Primadis stood behind Richard. In the face of strong strength, any strategy was useless.

Looking at the oncoming fatal blade, the skateboard player didn't even have time to cry, and his last blood was taken away.

The crossbow buzzed for more than ten minutes, and finally, with a "shu" sound, Terrasil caught fire. After all, it was a piece of wood. The burning started from the inside and quickly spread to the whole body, crackling non-stop.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me." The voice of the prison guard changed all of a sudden, and Chu Yun was very familiar with that voice.

When Bluebeard said this, he actually glanced at someone, as if he was worried about being attacked by someone.

Fina sighed. From that day on, her life also changed drastically.

"I just miss my brothers and sisters at home, as well as my elderly parents. I beg the emperor to let me see them for the last time. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the Kingdom of Jin. I am afraid that I will never be able to reunite with my family again in this life." At this point, Yuyan couldn't help but cover her face and cry.

"Ah...ah, let's watch the big brother perform magic..." Several lively boys cheered and ran to the backyard.

After the cooperation with Yahoo, some things were also brought forward. The famous investment capital Sequoia Capital took a fancy to Google and hoped to invest in Google. So far, Google is still a private enterprise.

And a family like ours, a person like me, as long as they are not completely killed by others, there is definitely a chance to turn over.

Sooner or later, I feel that this is still very credible, but men still like beautiful women, and Wei Xiao will never be an exception.

He raised his hand, rubbed his cheeks hard, looked into the distance, and tried his best to calm himself down, but how could he be calm after such a thing happened.

Lin Yang was always soft-hearted towards Lin Cha. He knew she lied, but he still agreed.

That's right. But it's better this way. Since I can't go with her, Yunluo is even less likely to take the opportunity to harass her.

The empty hall on the first floor was left with a cold-faced man, a dull-headed robot, and a wronged white cat.

Shu Wushuang got up early in the morning. He looked at Ai Li sleeping soundly, with no sign of waking up. He had no choice but to open the curtains. The sunlight shone on his face, and he frowned as if he was uncomfortable.

"Please don't embarrass Zhuge Wu. I have some friendship with his elders, so I want you to not embarrass him!" Zhang Fei said. Now his tone is still that of an old man, so it's not strange for him to say this.

The king was satisfied. The cold muzzle of the gun was against the bite mark on Wu Jin's neck that had healed, and he leaned over to entangle with his lover passionately.

In the past few days, there have been constant letters from Wei State, all urging her to return home. Qin Yuxun also asked someone to ask Qin Jinyu several times, and finally Qin Jinyu said that she would leave after Su Heng completed the ceremony of crowning the crown prince.

Yan Lan blinked, and the blush on her face spread rapidly-she really didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Chapter 349 Move on your own, and the cooperation between the Saint and the God's Messenger

Rand felt relieved to leave the matter of the Burning Land to Fenris.

After holding a banquet in the military camp, he set off to return to the Crescent Moon Territory.

Although Rand is actually closer to the White King, Rand is still a God's Messenger of the cult.

But under the existing aristocratic system, Rand is essentially a noble of the Frost Moon Kingdom.

A formal event like a wedding needs to be held once in the Frost Moon Kingdom.

Rand is not a small noble now

"Who the hell hit my brother? You don't want to live, right? Stand up!" When Gang Ge's arrogance broke out, the waiters in Fei Niu City were scared. Gang Ge's reputation is much greater than that of Xiong Ge. The red-haired guy next to Gang Ge just yelled.

Will Feihong City deliver it to each meritorious soldier, or will they go back to Feihong City to get it? It depends on how Feihong City decides.

Lu Zhishen threw the wooden stick he had taken aside and walked towards Hong Tao, who was already scared.

"Why don't you act according to the routine? You actually have a gun!" Triangle Eyes was dumbfounded. He would never have thought that the guy in front of him had a gun, and he actually shot him.

It would be fine if it was just a basin of water, but it was actually vegetable washing water. Vegetable leaves, garlic peels, etc. were all stuck to Wu Yang's hat and clothes. A few garlic peels even got into Wu Yang's collar. Don't you think this is unlucky? Such a big hat couldn't stop the invasion of garlic peels.

It seems that in this battle, only one gourd and one sword can be used, two life magic weapons and the unity of the five elements! Fang Huairan sighed in his heart.

"Everyone, I'm not here to dig a hole for you. Everything I said just now is true. If you don't believe it, you can kill me now!" Clark's face suddenly changed when he saw the situation in the field. He saw that the brothers Xiang Zuo and others were a little suspicious of him. If he didn't explain it properly, his head would move immediately.

But no matter what the predecessors did, in this era, Jiuzhou is completely the era of the human race. What the predecessors did. Li Hengxuan just sighed, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"What is it?" He Jingxuan picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and sipped it slowly.

Phalaenopsis arrived at school, changed her usual coldness, and introduced herself to her classmates with a smile.

"If possible, I would rather not marry." Feng Liuwu said, turned around and sat down, looking out the window, lost in thought.

At this time, Lin Shuran came in from outside with a plastic bag containing two lunch boxes.

"Manager Zhang, let's start with security? Let's take a look at the surveillance first." Chen Shanshan stood in front of us in a professional suit and led us to the monitoring room of the security department.

The grievances that I had suppressed for half a year broke out at this moment. I collapsed on the mooring pile on the deck, hugged the railing of the bulwark, and began to cry loudly.

"Come again!" Su Mu rushed up again. He wanted to use the martial arts fanatic to practice the sixth slash of the Seven Rotation Slash.

"Sorry, Mr. Jin, I have something to do later, contact me?" I tried to pull my hand out.

Now that everything was settled, Lang Xingtian was extremely irritated. It was a rare trip to the capital, and the capital was brightly lit at night with tall buildings everywhere. Lang Xingtian suddenly wanted to go out for a walk.

Luo Jun used the Great Sealing Technique to seal Kui Ju, and Arthurati hid again. Hidden in the core of the black hole crystal.

"Wait, there is no other way except to wait and see. Besides, they don't look like they are coming for us." Ling Tianqi said, opening his eyes that were originally closed, and looking out through the door with a sharp gaze.

Wang Ling himself relied on the five elements skills most of the time, and this physical attack was almost never used. He planned to try whether this attack that did not exceed the defense was effective.

When it came out again from a place ten miles away, it found that those humans were still fighting and cursing at each other loudly. It was so scared that it continued to drill into the ground and continued to move forward, leaving only a leaf exposed on the ground.

Shangguan Lingzhi was indeed still hesitating. After all, Zhao Hongsu's WeChat told her that Ye Shanghan's sister Mu Jin really wanted to keep the child, otherwise it would not be possible to say that she would come to the hospital for a prenatal check-up tomorrow.

Their heads, which had been drooping in frustration, also raised up one after another with Lando's roar, and the gloom in their eyes was slowly replaced by heat.

"Lin Jue, great, it's our people. Liang Qi, you know him, the brother from my village who came to the island with us." Gao Muqing whispered to Lin Jue.

The moon rose from the edge of the poplar forest, emitting a cold light, illuminating the sand sea and making people feel even colder. Tens of thousands of stars were like night pearls scattered on the sky, shining with silver light.

This was not fear, but a kind of oppression by majesty, which was the majesty that only God had.

Then, Yukinori Shinohara, who was unwilling to compromise, took a breath, and immediately became serious, intending to ask the last key question.

Nalan knew that Wanyan was worried about him, so he turned around Wanyan a few times to show that he was fine.

Nalan shook his head, and it was hard to tell whether his expression was happy or distressed. He was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, do as I say. The strength of these people is not enough to kill us.

Hua Weiluo looked at Zhao Qingcheng's gradually receding figure with a pair of eyes reluctantly, and a trace of loneliness appeared on his face.

Unless someone finds out the source of the infectious disease and prescribes the right medicine, these people will be finished.

"If you say it's my fault, it's indeed my fault. Nianxi and I shouldn't have come at this time to disturb the good things of the second brother." Qin Aotian stated with a smile, and the sneer on his face really looked like he was asking for a fight.

Air Combat Maskedi turned on the spot, and the huge light blade moved with it, and a clear huge mark was cut on the robot's body.

Chapter 350 The Evil God's Envoy's Bewitching

"In theory, the power of the evil god has a price, and it will not lead to good results. "Kalin said.

This sentence was not said to Rand, but to warn himself.

There are apostate knights in the Torch Church who joined the cult.

Not all the people in the Torch Church are strong-willed.

There are also people who are bewitched by the cult, defect, and then join the cult.

But the result of these Torch Church believers who joined the cult is often

And it is these two, plus the assistance of other true gods, who really brought a lot of trouble to Ouroboros.

Ruoli smiled embarrassedly, "I have bothered you for so long and delayed your business. Ruoli will take his leave first. "After saying that, he put his palms together and said goodbye to Ruxi.

Suddenly, a voice that struck the heart came from the hall, as ethereal as the echo of a valley, and it was even more calming than the Sanskrit sound, which made Ruoli's heart tremble. It seemed that he had heard that voice somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

This was the first time he came to this place. In a sense, it was the place where he was born, but he was born evil. After turning into a spirit, he could only escape from this place full of divine blessings. In four thousand years, this was the first time he stepped into this divine land again, and he felt a little depressed.

In a private room in the casino, "Dagang, is this more than 1 million sure? Don't do it all? The casino owner asked with his legs on the mahjong machine, smoking a cigarette. Sitting opposite him was the young man with earrings and the middle-aged man who had just played cards with Erlinzi.

"Okay, thank you, envoy!" Li Chengqian felt much more comfortable, and happily picked up a piece of vegetable with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

The old turtle, who had originally said that he was sure of the result, no longer shook his head, and his heart skipped a beat.

Chen Chikang on the city wall saw that Monobe had fled, and he was so angry that he jumped up and down, shouting, "Soldiers, the time to serve the country has come, defend the city for me, and don't let the rebels attack!" After that, he ran away from the city.

She was really stupid, and she actually believed Ruoli's clumsy lies. She couldn't swallow this bad breath.

Chu Yunlian was still upset and shook her head. Jinfeng's eyes dimmed and turned into the dense forest.

I have never seen so much money, but huge sums of money can't move me. Now, I don't like money, and there are only two words left in my mind: "Tang Wan".

Obviously, there is a mysterious big hand controlling these white bone creatures to fight against the golden skeleton and its skeleton army.

"Report to the squad leader, the lieutenant's pistol safety is on, and there is indeed one less bullet in the magazine." Another soldier said.

"Hello, Eunuch Shang!" The two guards outside the Qiankun Hall greeted Eunuch Shang respectfully.

"You should be almost there." Huang Hai looked down at Xiao Yang lying on the ground and frowned.

"Song Wen, if you don't agree to me today, I will kneel here and won't get up!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiang is a sticky person, very clingy, he said with a rogue look.

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