Elena's eyes turned, and suddenly she sank, licked her lips, and added in a low voice with a gloomy tone.

He Xiao in the Qinghe team was already conspicuous, and the team members could not hide their pine-like figures. The man walked forward.

An Jinyan did not feel that a disaster was about to happen. She just looked at Yuan Kai, and under her clear eyes, she did not even see the resentment.

Chapter 355 The strategy of the Kingdom of Boren was set, and the Burning Land agreed to move on its own

Lisa, dressed in an evening dress, shook her body in the dim basement.

Rand was a genius sadist, which she had known for a long time.

When vision was blocked, other senses would become sensitive.

The cat's tail in her clothes was still swimming.

There was still a lot of melted and solidified wax on her body.

There were still a few whip marks on her delicate skin.

But Rand left halfway through the whip.

From the sudden feeling

Zhang Xiang and others came to the gate on the left side of the top of the cave under the guidance of Ye Ku.

As his magical power was broken by Kong Ling, Chi Yun put his hands together, and then suddenly slashed through the air, slashing out a red flame blade dozens of feet long, with a terrifying momentum like burning the sky and destroying the earth, slashing on the five-color spiritual light shield.

However, he repeatedly urged his power, but he could not completely collapse the Qianyuan Huntian Gong. His internal force was surging, like a huge sea wave. However, Cheng Yitian, a thin cliff, was about to be submerged several times. The tide receded slightly, and the solid mountain still stood out from the waves.

He had come to this point and had entered the finals. Now he could not move forward, so he had to fight the demon cultivators of the Demon Killing Sect in the finals.

At the end, the two looked at Han Lang with a trace of fear, and even their bodies were shaking. How could they have thought that they would meet the son of the demon here?

At noon, Hua Shuqi hid in her room and refused to come out. One was sad, and the other was that she didn't want to see Hua Shuxuan. But, if you can hide at noon, can you hide at night? Even if she refused to go to the front hall to eat, Hua Shuxuan could not stop her from coming to the back in a rage.

"Okay! Use a check! I am too lazy to bring cash or gold, otherwise there will be a news about a rich man bringing cash or gold back to China as soon as I return home..." Cong Yi hated this kind of rich man who pretended to be cool. Although he also liked to pretend, Cong Yi was not so low.

Cao Cao, Emperor Xian of Han, Liu Bei, Liu Zhang, let the world see who is more righteous, Cao Cao or Liu Bei.

I checked the attributes of the staff and was a little excited when I saw the quality. This was the first blue equipment I had seen.

"I... I am very powerful!" Emilia said this after hesitating for a moment, as if to dispel the other party's worries, but the other party had already walked away.

In the void space, Honglian, who saw everything with the help of Echidna's magic, cried for his friend. Unable to keep calm any longer, it jumped off the tea table and rushed towards the open door without hesitation.

Zhang Song almost couldn't help laughing at this time. He knew Lu Fang's ability very well. Letting him lead the troops to fight was tantamount to leading the soldiers to die. So in his heart, Long Yangjun was also such a idiot, even worse than Lu Fang, because Long Yangjun was more beautiful than Lu Fang.

Yin Jun's accent was not the soft accent of Taiwan, but in this 79 years, many second-generation immigrants still had a local accent, and there was no problem speaking standard Mandarin.

"I am the original author, Qixuan plagiarized!" Cao Chong shouted hoarsely at the empty office, but it was a pity that no one could hear his voice except himself.

"Whether it works or not is not up to you." Shang Xuexiu stopped talking nonsense with him and walked straight into the door.

Shang Xuexiu's movements along with the lyrics looked ordinary and comfortable. She helped "Huo Mengmei" to tidy up her clothes and checked her luggage. When she turned her back, her mouth showed a bit of sadness from time to time, but she always smiled when facing her husband.

A master of the Field family was sniffing hard, feeling the remaining breath in the air.

Chapter 356 Saint Form Karin (5000)

Grand Duke of Thorns and the King of Frost Moon Kingdom came to the holiday villa together.

They left together.

Grand Duke of Thorns was bruised and swollen at this time.

Because when he went to the church school to instigate his aunt to launch an offensive against Rand again.

He was physically attacked by his aunt.

As a member of the Thorns family, Grand Duke of Thorns' aunt was indeed willing to sacrifice some for the family.

But what did the Duke of Thorns say? "

"I didn't expect that the five of you were still alive. It's your good fortune that you survived, but you shouldn't have come to my Zhenwu Sect to cause trouble. Today, I will make your souls fly to the sky." Huolu's voice was like thunder.

"The palm of annihilation, this is the palm of annihilation of Tianmen." Suddenly, a piercing cry suddenly sounded.

Especially after Ye Tian's Mozi produced the witchcraft staff, a second skill "machine heavy artillery" plus a witchcraft staff The enhanced general attack can kill a wave of soldiers.

Feng Xuanyi was silent and looked at Wolongsheng, hoping that the other party would persuade the King of Qin. Unexpectedly, Wolongsheng was silent and motionless!

In the afternoon, when Song Qing interviewed Lin Huan, she wore a black suit, which looked intellectual and capable. Now she wore a fashionable red slim dress, which looked more charming and sexy than before.

Liu Qian nodded and looked at the map carefully. He found that the situation seemed to be more critical than he had imagined. In many neutral areas, Yin Shang had fallen into an absolute disadvantage. Even in its own defense area, it had already shown a trend of defeat.

The fourth-level zombies were also greatly affected and their movements became slow. Even the fifth-level zombies felt fear in the momentum just now.

After all, not everyone can get the red fire grass, and not everyone can buy those potions.

As she went deeper into the way of refining treasures, Su Lan felt that everything she saw that day was amazing.

Strength, endurance, and speed, the importance of these three attributes is similar, but Lin Huan thinks that one force can defeat ten skills, and it is definitely right to increase strength.

But it’s useless to say this now. While there is no movement around, she put away the formation, carefully looked at the topographic map in the sea of ​​consciousness, and judged her location. The direction is correct, but it is still far from the real hinterland.

Li Jianan looked very attentively and carefully. Not only did she look, she also asked about the price. If she met a talkative shopkeeper, she would ask if the rent was expensive. Although she often encountered setbacks, she also learned a lot from her questions.

Surrounded by this momentum, Jax seemed to have lost all his strength. His legs softened and he knelt directly on the ground. The same was true for the others, who fell to the ground with a thump.

Because of the unexpected harvest of Long Kuizi, Lin Yu looked very seriously next. He read every item, including the gossip below, and there was no other news.

There are hot weapons in the world of One Person, but Feng Baobao's country prohibits the carrying of guns. If these illegal factors are not considered, they are basically at the same level.

It appears once every two hundred years. If the goblins can survive four catastrophes, they will be free from the restrictions of plants, insects, birds, and beasts, and the Heavenly Dao will no longer trouble them.

The stars shined, and Jian Xuan's spiritual power soared rapidly. The pure spiritual power like stars emanated from his body and gathered into a coiled dragon.

A giant planet transformed by science and technology. Advanced cosmic technology has wrapped the entire planet tightly, like a copper wall and iron wall. Even a fly can't fly in.

Then, some people who have both military power and talent were assigned to the security department. Except for the top managers who have reached a high level of military power and talent, the lower-level personnel are mainly based on talent. Their military power is stronger than ordinary people, but not too high.

Chapter 357 Various places in the territory

Kalin walked in the countryside of the Crescent Territory.

Now the support from the Torch Church's Beginners to Rand has arrived, and the matter of connecting with Earl Rand has been handed over to Bishop Kahn.

Recently, a powerful beast was discovered in the Crescent Territory, and Karin came to deal with it personally.

A brown bear with one eye blind.

But its size is far larger than its kind.

Karin estimated that the weight of this one-eyed brown bear should be as heavy as three adult minotaurs

But where is Yang Hua? In the moment he turned his head, he didn't even look at the big guy.

Xiao Tang was deeply immersed in the armchair, also stroking his forehead in deep thought. The light of the setting sun shone in from the carved window, shining on Xiao Tang's face, changing constantly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! When the weapons hit the cold flame pond, except for the spiritual treasures, the other 'hole' virtual-level artifacts were melted in an instant. This caused the owners of those 'hole' virtual-level artifacts to suffer certain damage.

Of course, there was a piece of reinforced glass covering the square hole, let alone rain, even people would find it difficult to sneak in from there.

"But if Zhang Chun died because of the excessive torture of the Jinyiwei, I'm afraid it would be difficult to explain to the Five Military Governor's Office," Miao Kui raised a new concern.

An urgent and earth-shaking roar appeared in Lin Xiang's ears from far to near. With the last roar, Lin Xiang found that there was an old man beside him.

"Who said you are useless? I dare say that Lin Xue breaking up with you is the biggest failure of her life." Cui Hui was a little excited. After she saw Lu Qiushi's deep eyes just now, she was sure that she had a good impression of the fat man in front of her.

"Li Si, where is this place? On the boat?" Lu Haoqiang felt a slight shake under his feet and asked.

You are playing this game with me! You are the one who asks me for something, not me. If you want to say something, just say it. If you don't want to say it, get out.

Su He heard Zhang Zhen's explanation and realized that she thought too simply. It is indeed necessary to be cautious about things involving human life. Although she did not explore how the end of the world was formed, she always felt that she could see the shadow of reality here. For a time, she had an illusion that she came to the future.

I saw that as Zu Wanjian's hand rose, a shocking dark cloud filled with the killing intent, shining in all directions. Incomparable horror.

Yang Yan didn't know what was going on, and he cried loudly in fear. He stopped peeing and stared at him with a pair of terrified eyes.

What surprised Wang Lang was that Bai Xinyi suddenly smiled bitterly and asked in return.

As he spoke, Ye Chen poured a strong true energy into the Juque Sword. The next moment, the Juque Sword, which already had a wide blade, swelled in the wind and turned into a giant sword that was more than three meters long and more than one meter wide, like a door panel.

It must be said that this Berserker was indeed a man. Even with such a degree of physical damage, he still kept his promise to let the Four-Handed Rock Bear be buried with his brother even if he died.

As this man laughed, many guests laughed even harder, but Wu Daoxuan was unmoved and didn't say anything. Instead, he took the portrait back from Lin Qinyin's hand, bit his tongue again, and then tapped the eye sockets of Lin Qinyin's portrait.

The bearded man was about fifty years old, wearing a sheepskin coat, holding a large green machete, with tiger eyes, revealing a strong power.

Liu Hai did not have any negative emotions in the face of the heavenly tribulation, and was very calm, but some people could not be calm.

The three boys looked at Lu Lala again, with a little more admiration, a little gratitude, and... a little thirst for knowledge.

The Demon Emperor had already prepared for war in the starry sky. There were not many demon warriors under the Demon Emperor, but they were all handed over to the Demon Emperor's son for management.

The four tigers at the edge of the passage couldn't help but look down the one-meter-wide stone road. It turned out to be a dark place with unknown depths. Under the bright light in the stone room, cold lights caught the four tigers' eyes. The four tigers knew that the cold lights must be sharper than knives. Zhang Hu couldn't help but say with lingering fear.

Chapter 358 Stag Knight and Wild Boar Knight

After entering the village, Karin dragged the giant bear to the butcher in the village.

After paying the butcher, the butcher began to skin and cut up the giant beast.

The butcher was very efficient. When Karin came again in the afternoon, he had already skinned the bear with several apprentices.

Valuable internal organs such as bear gall were specially cut out for Karin, and useless offal was piled together.

Then there were the fine products such as bear paws.

Tong Youyu, who was exerting the power of secret magic at this time, immediately found that the gentle aura around him actually refused his control. The ruthless strangeness made Tong Youyu feel abandoned.

He found himself in a room. The room was very empty and there was nothing, but there were a few tables at the edge of the room.

"If you get the first place in the exam, you can take a photo with her!" Xiao Yunfei said with a smile.

Although Tang Feng admired iron and blood in his heart, and he was also an iron-blooded man, the people of his era had a weak pursuit and firmness for such beliefs and ideals, so he could not imagine this oath.

"Then can't you guess who I am? Or who is the ancestor of our Yun family?" Yun Ting asked with a smile.

Tang Feng rarely felt nauseous because of the smell of blood, but now he felt that the smell of blood could be so disgusting.

However, the terrible thing is that before she met Ye Feng, she could vaguely sense the malice in the hearts of her fellow disciples and family members around her, which made her have to be on guard, and even dared not to believe it.

Fed saw that the vulture on the flag had particularly large and sharp claws. It seemed that the claws of the eagle were intentionally highlighted when the flag was made.

Turning his head to look at Chen Li under the stone slab, he was dying and unable to move, but his pair of joyful eyes were filled with bright hope.

"There was a commotion outside, and I ran over when no one else was paying attention. Husband, how are you?" Li Juan wanted to pull out the silver sword that was deep in the wall.

"Didn't I tell you that the spotted dragon python has been destroyed by me?" Li Bufan frowned when he heard it, looking at Liu Qingqing, and asked in confusion.

"Paradise?" Erza's eyes were sharp at this time, as if she had thought of something.

"Wan Qingqing? Not to save her relatives but to kill her?" Qin Ming's doubts were clearly revealed on his face.

It was originally adjacent to Mozhou, so the reputation of Yuanye also spread to Xuanzhou, which undoubtedly reduced a lot of trouble for him to lead immigrants to establish a country there.

This can be regarded as squeezing out their surplus value. It is unknown whether Hong Haoxiong will be cut into pieces in hell, but his body will definitely be carefully dissected by Yuan Ye to study the essence of the spiritual essence.

After repeated setbacks, except for the few copper coins that Su Tie brought back every day, the two of them could not even fill their stomachs, let alone the most basic expenses. Seeing that Su Tie had lost weight, Wan Ying felt ashamed.

"It's all my fault that I didn't take good care of the young lady. But the situation is more critical than I thought!" Su Tie answered honestly.

When many media wanted to interview Su Dong again, Su Dong disappeared again. Where is he? He is in Chikan, where the movie has not been finished.

Of course, after waiting for endless time, he will definitely meet heaven at some point in the future. However, time has passed, and when he meets heaven, he no longer needs heaven to appear, and heaven will not appear again.

After listening to Yu and I finished talking, I felt uncomfortable and my nose was a little sour. Thinking of the girl who had been with me for many days and nights, who ran away from home secretly for me and had a quarrel with her family because of me, my tears fell.

Ruyi looked up and looked at the clear blue sky outside the window, thinking secretly that this was a good way out for Ling Yunche. Of course, it depends on him in the future.

Chapter 359 Familiar Digging Tactics

There are two castles at the border between the Moon Phase Earldom of Rand and the Kingdom of Bolun.

The two castles are located at the border between the Moon Phase Earldom and the Kingdom of Bolun, showing a trend of mutual help.

On the other side, there is a large area of ​​completed or incomplete defense lines.

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