However, even the Black and Brown Earl has not thought about using force at this stage, and he has been in a hurry recently by bandits who appeared out of nowhere.

At this time, Tan'er stayed in the tavern of Black and Brown City with some members of the den who had relatively clean identities and good training, and watched the tasks issued by the Black and Brown Earl.

Generally speaking, to annihilate bandits, the lord's army cooperates with mercenaries to eliminate the main body of bandits, and then hires adventurers to deal with the scattered small groups of bandits to achieve annihilation.

But now, bandits are everywhere in the black and brown territories, so many mercenary groups have directly received the task of exterminating bandits instead of cooperating with the local army.

Tan'er pinched his chin and carefully looked at the map of the black and brown territory. He was a person who liked to take precautions and make full preparations before acting. Moreover, every manpower in the den was precious.

Now he can name everyone he brings out from the den. He hopes that none of these young men will die and can complete the mission and return to the den intact.

At this time, Rand was dealing with a very serious diplomatic incident. The people of the Torch Church reacted much faster than the leaderless Frost Moon Kingdom. Therefore, the Barony of the Crescent Moon changed hands, and the Torch Church immediately sent people to check the status of the Torch Church branch in the town. Condition.

Seeing that the new owner here did not destroy the branch, the people from the Torch Church wanted to negotiate with Rand, hoping to continue to preach to the free people and nobles in this land.

Rand held his chin. According to Olenna, although he is an envoy of the Mother Goddess, it is difficult for the low-level ritual tools of the church to perceive his pure and huge evil, but the envoys of the Torch Church who came to negotiate may They will carry the same high-end ritual items as Ellie and Olenna.

This is very troublesome. Nowadays, when the chaos in the mainland has just begun, the Torch Church still has a very strong control over the faith, and its influence is at its peak. At most, it feels a little powerless.

Naturally, Rand would not dare to neglect the Church, which is still very influential today. Otherwise, if he really offends the Church of the Torch and the church knights rush over, then the den will be destroyed together with him, Rand.

But he couldn't go directly to meet with the church members, otherwise he would be ruined if his identity as the cult's divine envoy was discovered.

Rand looked at the meeting request from the Torch Church envoy, and then looked at Ellie: "My dear! Do you have any clever ideas?"

"Huh?" Ellie didn't understand the meaning of the words that came out of Rand's mouth inexplicably.

"Is there any way? I don't want to have a superior image to the messenger of the Torch Church, and I can't meet the messenger directly to avoid being discovered." Rand scratched his hair. In his previous life, he was just a college student who was about to graduate. , there is really no superb political thinking.

Ellie thought for a while and said, "Why don't you pretend to be sick? You are ill and it is difficult to see guests. The White King often does this too."

What a great idea!

Although it may be a little late to pretend to be sick at this time, it is still more polite than saying "No! Let's talk to the people below."

Rand looked at Ellie with longing eyes.

Ellie sighed: "Many people have seen my appearance. In a remote place like Crescent Territory, no one may know it, but the envoys of the Torch Church may recognize it. Are you sure?"

Although the White King has agreed to give the den some publicity and support, this kind of support is completely different from the sensation caused by the White King's only blood relative staying here.

At least the current den may not be able to withstand such heavy pressure from public opinion.

Rand looked at Olenna with hopeful eyes again, and Olenna stroked her forehead: "Actually, there are quite a few people who know me, at least a little less than Ellie."

Damn it, no one is available.

Now we can only rely on Taran to help. Now Taran is the sixth most educated person in the den. Now we can only rely on Taran.

At this moment, Rand had a flash of inspiration and came up with a perfect solution: "You said that the messenger of the Torch Church must not know what I look like, and it is very possible that he does not even know my age and appearance."

Ellie and Olenna nodded.

"Then can I let Talan pretend to be me?"

The best of both worlds!

This not only shows respect, but also perfectly avoids the discovery of the cult identity.

It just needs Ellie and Olenna to watch behind the scenes to prevent Taran, who is not very educated, from making any mistakes. There is a wonderful feeling of listening to politics behind the curtain.

And once Ellie and Olenna leave the den and head to the town, the complicated affairs of the den will fall back on Rand.

During this time, Rand's textbook compilation plan had been launched, and with the chores to deal with, the free time was suddenly gone.

For the time being, Rand has remembered this hatred!

Chapter 38 Lysa’s exploration and Taran’s performance

Lysa shuttled through the jungle as dexterously as a butterfly. After she purchased a low-level ritual artifact from the Torch Church, she began wandering around in the more remote areas of the Crescent Territory.

It's a pity that I can't buy high-end ritual items. I'll probably have to order that kind of thing from the Holy City of the Torch Church.

The golden eyes gave her vision far beyond that of ordinary people, and she didn't need to directly discover the dens, she only needed to discover the traces.

As long as they are alive, they will always leave traces, no matter how careful these evil cultists are.

After all, as long as you are alive, you need to eat, drink and relieve yourself, which will inevitably lead to the consumption of materials.

In the past, because of her noble status and lineage, no one had dared to assign her such a difficult task, but that didn't mean she couldn't do it well.

She has never failed to practice her professional skills. The jungle, full of wild beasts and insects, and overgrown with vines, is no different to her than when she wanders around the den.

In fact, there are not many remote places where people can hide, and the crescent collar is not particularly big. She just needs to find them one by one.

The thought of receiving the "reward" when she returned made her body feel hot.

The Crescent Territory is about 3,000 acres. Land of this size can support 12 armored knights under the current productivity. However, due to its remoteness, the baron who died in the hands of Rand and the baron who died in the Lensa army Baron, none of them are particularly good at business.

Today only five villages remain, and one town which serves as the ostensible administrative centre.

While Lysa was trekking through the dense forest looking for clues about the den of the God of Struggle sect, Taran looked nervously at Ellie and Olenna, who had received a letter written by Rand.

Now that Rand asked him to manage this town, he was really flattered. He worked hard every day and his nerves were tense. He was afraid that something would go wrong and he would live up to Rand's expectations. He didn't expect that he was once a bandit leader and would now be entrusted with an important task.

At least managing a relatively prosperous small town was something he had never dared to dream of.

Taran's office was in a small courtyard that he had someone vacate. As for the castle where the baron originally stayed, he did not dare to enter without permission before Rand gave clear instructions.

As for the fact that he joined the den before these two beauties, but now his status is not as good as them, he has no complaints at all. Everything now makes him flattered.

He took the letter, read it carefully, and asked Ellie for advice on the words he didn't understand. After confirming that there was no ambiguity, Taran solemnly confirmed: "The envoy of God wants me to face the envoy of the Torch Church on his behalf, right?"

Ellie nodded and said, "Rand hopes you will play him and don't let the messenger see any flaws."

In fact, there is no flaw. This envoy must not know Rand nor Tallan.

Olenna also said at this time: "If there are really uncertain issues, you can postpone it and discuss it with us after the envoy leaves."

Taran thought carefully about what he could and could not do in order to conform to the image of a qualified ruler of a barony.

Looking at Taran who was deep in thought, Ellie wondered: "Did you misunderstand something?"

Taran bent down a little and asked, "May I have any advice?"

Ellie rolled her eyes: "You're overexerting yourself. Just show your true self."

In the eyes of outsiders, today's Crescent Moon Territory was just occupied by unknown green forest bandits due to war. When the Frost Moon Kingdom frees up its hands, this place will be just a small place that will be breached in a snap.

The envoys from the Torch Church came here just to prevent such robbers from destroying church assets without looking at them.

And such a green forest bandit should naturally not look too much like a politically skilled noble.

It can only be said that Taran is indeed the most suitable to play this role. Rand is too young and does not look like him.

And Taran did work as a green forest bandit when he was young. As long as he plays his true character, there will be no flaws.

Taran naturally followed the good deeds, and he knew very well that these two beautiful women who had been staying with the divine envoy must understand the divine envoy's meaning better than he did.

And after their explanations, he felt that it made sense.

Taran adjusted his robes and supported his men, and soon the messenger from the Torch Church came over.

The messenger wore fiery red robes and red accessories.

A gilt belt was tied around his waist.

Although they are all dressed in red, they look much warmer and gentler than the blood red of those believers of the God of Struggle.

The messenger came to the hall with a wooden staff and performed a more universal etiquette.

He was not surprised that Taran did not live in the baron's castle. It was normal for a greenwood who had never had a noble status to be in awe of the symbols of nobility.

But these are not within the scope of his consideration. He only needs to know how to protect the church's property. After the salute, he said: "Hello, will you interfere with the church's missionary work?"

Taran's face, which was not particularly old, unfolded slightly, and he looked at the envoy with a philistine look: "Is there any benefit in not disturbing you?"

The envoy was still not surprised by this. After all, although such scenes were rare, he had seen them before.

Mr. Taran is very proud of himself for not directly robbing the Torch Church's property.

The messenger saluted again. It was perfectly acceptable to give the Tallan bandit some assets, otherwise he would become angry and suffer even greater losses.

So he replied: "Our church is willing to donate all the church property in Crescent Collar."

The church has quite a lot of land in the Crescent Moon Territory, but it is completely okay to donate it all to Talan now. After the Frost Moon Kingdom frees up its hands and destroys this group of bandits, it can naturally be taken back.

Nowadays, there is no need to talk about big principles against the robbers for the time being, as long as the core assets of the church are preserved.

Taran adheres to Rand's will, and naturally does not want to provoke the Torch Church now. Seeing that they are willing to make such concessions, Taran also accepts it.

The income from the church's real estate is considerable. In the past, I didn't dare to mess with it because I was worried about the church's accountability. Now I accept it, and it is enough to feed many villagers.

It's so good.

As for the issue of preaching, only freemen and nobles are qualified to believe in religion.

And the faith of the Goddess of Plenty will only be spread to the most loyal members of the den.

At least at this stage, as for how to develop the sect in the future, it is decided by the Lord of God, and he has no right to interfere.

After the Lord of God left, Ellie and Olenna came out from behind the scenes, approved of Taran's performance and prepared to leave.

Before they set off, Rand pitifully asked them to go back quickly.

Although they felt that they would be exploited if they went back, they did not want to stagnate the development of the den due to the slow handling of affairs, so that the plan could not be advanced in time.

After leaving Taran's yard, the messenger of the Torch Church did not intend to return to the Holy City of the Torch Church immediately to reply.

He came here for another mission, which was to find someone.

The Torch Church headquarters lost a very talented top paladin. According to the original words of the bishop in charge of the paladin: lost.

Although he did not know how an adult top paladin could be lost.

But since the church had assigned him a task, he would not neglect it, so he decided to explore this Crescent Territory, maybe there would be clues.

Chapter 39 The Land of Turbulence

Originally, Rand was going to quietly handle the affairs of the den while Ellie and Olena were going to the town to deliver instructions, and then finish compiling the teaching materials he was going to provide to the believers to prove his strength.

But in fact, it was impossible to do it. As expected, once a person has experienced a leisurely life, it is really difficult to adapt to a busy life in a short time.

Before, perhaps he had exploited Ellie and Olena too much and pushed all the things to them, so that Rand temporarily lost the ability to handle miscellaneous matters. Now he picked it up again, not to mention being confused, but also in a mess, so that he could only stay up late to work overtime.

Starting today, stop being lazy!

Just when Rand was eagerly waiting for Ellie and Olena to return.

The two looked solemn at this time.

Ellie and Olena were surrounded at this time, with ten horses exposed to the field of vision, and there might be some people hiding behind the bushes in ambush.

I didn't expect that the baron had just been killed, and not long after the peaceful days, the Crescent Territory had bandits.

Ellie raised her cane, while Olena fixed a shoulder armor on her shoulder and then drew her sword.

The two of them were back to back, surrounded by ten bandits.

The bandits were not in a hurry to see that they were two weak women, and even laughed triumphantly.

When they got closer and saw the faces of Ellie and Olena clearly, they were even more shocked. Their greedy eyes were as real as if they wanted to eat them alive.

The leading bandit rode his horse and walked in front of Ellie and Olena, smiling with a fierce look on his face: "Two beauties, smile?"

He did not continue to get closer, but returned to the bandit team, and then allowed his bandits to come forward one by one to watch: "Serve me well, maybe I will let you go, hahahahaha."

This is of course fake.

After confirming that there were only so many of them, Ellie and Olena were still on guard, but their expressions relaxed. They were not angry about being treated as ornamental animals. They were just dead people.

Ellie observed these horse bandits instead, and even had the leisure to whisper with Olena: "Olenna, don't they feel strange? Normally, which woman would wander around outside by herself?"

Olena responded in a low voice: "Maybe they don't have enough experience. Be careful, Ellie, otherwise it would be bad if you get hurt because of carelessness."

Seeing the two women chatting by themselves, ignoring them, the horse bandits were a little angry. They actually looked down on them.

In a moment of humiliation, one of the horse bandits bent his bow and shot an arrow directly at Olena's feet.

Because she was a beauty, even if they were very angry, they did not intend to hurt her immediately.

Olena was unmoved and watched the arrow shoot at her feet.

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