"Archers! Shoot!"

The archers followed Rand's command and shot arrows again.

These new archers could not control the arrows accurately, but after training, they could still shoot arrows in a general area.

As long as they did this, they could form fire suppression.

The arrows fell like rain, shooting down these giant monsters that were two or three people tall, but many monsters still rushed to the front row of sword and shield soldiers.

At this time, these new archers were useless, because they could not avoid hurting friendly forces in the melee.

They could only continue to suppress other enemies in the distance, and as for those who rushed to the near, they could only rely on sword and shield soldiers and halberd soldiers.

"Raise the shield!" Rand continued to roar and command.

The monster's huge hand hammered on the shield, but it could only hammer a few shields at once, and the difference in strength was not big enough to flatten people.

Soon, the well-trained sword and shield soldiers raised the big shield again.

"Raise the halberd!"

The halberd soldier raised his halberd and stabbed it into the body of the giant monster.

A few more giant monsters rushed to the front of the formation.

How could there be so many? Rand was puzzled, but he still gave the order without ambiguity. He had experienced a lot since crossing over, and it was difficult for him to be shaken.

"Don't panic! Keep the formation!" Rand continued to roar loudly in the noisy environment.

Although they were new recruits, they could be regarded as religious soldiers. Compared with ordinary soldiers, the morale of these soldiers with religious beliefs was generally higher.

And they trusted their god Rand very much.

So facing these giant monsters running wildly, there were only forests of halberds and mountains of shields.

And with the fall of the last giant monster, the battle was finally settled.

After ordering the believers to clean up the battlefield, Rand was ready to see if there were any suitable captives, just like when he first came to the Feng Rang Sect, many cultists were actually civilians with nothing, not necessarily evil cultists.

Rand was ready to select them and then recruit them.

In addition, his ability to exempt from sacrifice is not only effective for the goddess of abundance in theory. It would be a waste if he didn't fleece the wool of the God of Struggle. I just don't know how many of these surviving and captured believers can remember the prayers for sacrifice.

Rand was still very excited when he thought that the long-lost fleece session was coming again. As for the goddess of abundance, Rand could only say sorry to the goddess of abundance, just once!

Chapter 44 Fleshing the wool of the God of Struggle and the bad neighbors

Sweat dripped from Kanwell's forehead. He was an ordinary villager in the village of Huyuan Territory adjacent to Crescent Territory, until two people in blood-colored robes came to the village and said something to the village chief.

Then, he was taken to fight with other villages.

But now, in Kanwell's memory, there are only fire, screams, blood and internal organs.

Then, he was brought here by these two people in blood-colored robes.

During this time, he knew what the God of Struggle was, and he barely memorized the sacrificial prayer of the God of Struggle.

Then there was blood and screams again. The blood god form that was invincible in Canwell's eyes did not seem so invincible in the face of arrow rain and halberds.

Then, he was tied up, and a young man with black hair and black eyes asked him the sacrificial prayer of the God of Struggle.

He smiled bitterly and roughly understood what the young man they called the God's Messenger wanted to do.

This God's Messenger wanted to sacrifice himself.

The current fighting scene, the corpses on the ground, the blood and internal organs, and the captives obtained after the fight.

Isn't this the best sacrifice to the God of Struggle?

It's just that he has never sacrificed once, and the prayer he just learned is actually used by the enemy to sacrifice himself.

But it's useless to force himself not to say it. He is not the only captive, and they can torture themselves. It's better to be sacrificed directly than to be tortured and then sacrificed.

What surprised Canwell was that after the young envoy asked the sacrificial prayer, he did not send them to the altar, but walked up himself.

Blood poured, scarlet wheels swirled.

In Canwell's unbelievable eyes, the envoy seemed to sacrifice himself.

What was going on? Was this envoy a fanatic of the God of Struggle? He was so crazy that he sacrificed himself directly?

After the enemy forces won, the enemy leader died for such a ridiculous reason.

The tied Canwell twisted his body and tried to escape. If the envoy's men found that their envoy was dead, he would definitely not have a good ending.

At least torture and interrogation were inevitable.

Unfortunately, the rope was tied very tightly, and there was no chance of escape.

Just when Canwell fell into despair, he saw the envoy swallowed by the void appeared on the altar again.

What was going on? The insatiable God of Struggle actually let go of the sacrifice?


Gender: Male

Ability: Sacrifice immunity

Blessing 1: Black Goat Mother's Desire (reached limit)

Blessing 2: Desire Sharing (single)

Blessing 3: Greed of the God of Struggle

Will: N] (expandable)

Rand then noticed that Canwell had been watching, and called someone from outside to take Canwell away, who looked shocked and confused, and continued to sacrifice himself.

After who knows how many times, Rand finally stopped sacrificing himself.

Blessing 3: Greed of the God of Struggle (reached limit)

It seems to be a pretty good blessing. The effect is that it can capture a piece of flesh and blood during physical contact. Currently, Rand cannot control which part of the flesh and blood is captured, but it seems that this blessing can be gradually mastered through exercise.

It seems very cool, but in fact it is useless.

Because it is useless to living creatures, it is not that it is completely useless to living creatures, but if the living creature does not agree, it cannot be taken away.

They say that the God of Struggle is greedy. He is indeed greedy, but he can't be greedy even if others don't give him anything!

I feel like I'm being targeted by this god of struggle, and I can't seem to get the wool.

The abominable God of Struggle, Goddess Feng Rang is indeed kind to me, God Rand.

Feeling very unlucky, Rand led the team that had cleaned the battlefield back to the den and threw a few ruby ​​red orbs to Ellie.

"Is it this?" Rand confirmed with a bit of a stinky face.

Ellie nodded. Although she didn't understand why Rand looked so bad, she didn't ask any more questions.

Now that the Ruby Orb is in place, the end of the Iron Golem is coming.

While waiting for the ruby ​​red orb, Ellie has prepared the alchemy experiment table and all the remaining materials.

Now we just have to wait for the dissolving potion to be made.

Just when Rand was about to take some ruby ​​red orbs to meet the Mother Goddess, Olenna stopped him: "There is one more thing."

Rand stopped and looked at Olenna. If she was not holding a sword, she would look like a soft woman. When she was processing documents, she would be a calm beauty.

To be precise, Rand has not directly seen her actually take action, so he has no idea of ​​her strength. However, according to Tan'er, the most advanced professional has the combat power of almost twelve adult tauren.

So obviously, this beauty has a powerful fighting ability that is completely inconsistent with her appearance.

Olenna didn't know what Rand was thinking as he stared at her. She took out an envelope and said, "The lord of Huyuan Territory, which borders our Crescent Moon Territory, Baron Huyuan wants to negotiate with you."

Rand nodded and signaled Olenna to open the envelope directly.

After taking the letter inside and scanning it up and down, Rand knew what the contents of the letter were.

A blackmail letter.

He handed the letter to Olenna and motioned for her to read it too. After Olenna read it, Rand said, "Let's deal with it first. Once the third-stage soldiers are trained, they won't be afraid at all."

In fact, if the most important thing now is to support Tan'er's troops and start construction of the Adventurer Resort, Rand could have given this Baron of Lake Source a "Unreadable" status.

There is absolutely no need to pay any attention to it.

Rand looked at Olenna who was a little angry and continued: "Don't be angry, Olenna, just ignore these disgusting words. Just write a standard diplomatic reply and say that you can give the thing, but you have to delay it for a while. time."

"Maybe it won't last long." Olenna said angrily. The behavior of this Baron of Huyuan was exactly the same as that of the Baron of Crescent Territory who died at the hands of Rand. After knowing that the current ruler of Crescent Moon Territory was not a legal noble, he wanted to be greedy. The ground stretched out its claws.

Since Olenna has been working in the den, she has become one with the girls and boys in the den, so when facing Baron Huyuan, she has completely joined the den camp.

She would take inventory of the den's resources every once in a while, not wanting to give any to others.

In fact, even now that their strength is empty, the den's forces are still not very afraid of this Baron of Huyuan.

Because although all the soldiers who were completely out of work were sent to Tan'er, the villagers in the Crescent Moon Territory were not completely without fighting ability.

If he is really attacked, he can be called up temporarily, but the real trouble is that this Baron Huyuan is a serious noble of the Frost Moon Kingdom.

If Rand starts a fight with him, it will be much more difficult to get other nobles of Frost Moon Kingdom to recognize his rule in Crescent Moon Territory.

Unless...the Baron of Huyuan also participated in the battle for the throne.

The King of White has finished processing the last file. In the Kingdom of White, she is the supreme king. Everyone respects her and relies on her.

Therefore, even though she has breathtaking beauty, no one dares to question her gender directly, although she also knows that her subordinates must have secret guesses.

Now the White King Kalant has encountered troubles. After his sister ran away from home, she got together with a green man named Rand, and Olenna actually supported it.

Although she had also read the "Relics Development Plan" sent to Ellie when she contacted him via letter, and it was quite shocking.

But her only blood relative was still away from home, and there was a high possibility that she would be abducted by a wild boy who didn't know where she was. She was still very worried.

But since Ellie was doing business, after careful consideration, she agreed to the man named Rand using her reputation to promote the ruins.

But you have to find an opportunity to actually inspect it.

Chapter 45 The impending doomsday of the powerful Olenna and the Iron Golem

Baron Huyuan's blackmail was something that no normal person would agree to. He simply asked for food, which would feed 1,000 people for 6 months. If one person eats eight copper coins of bread a day, it would be 144. gold.

A qualified war horse only costs three gold coins.

This can almost buy fifty horses.

But as Rand requested, Olenna wrote a delayed reply instead of sternly refusing.

Rand walked into the office attached to the sacrifice room and said, "We are ready to go."

Seeing that Olenna still had a worried expression, Rand said calmly: "I know very well what this kind of person thinks. I just think that if you encounter a soft persimmon and want to pinch it, the probability of actually hitting him is very low, so No need to worry."

Olenna nodded, fixed the swift sword on the side at her waist, and then put on the shoulder armor.

Rand looked at Olenna's shoulder armor and asked, "So this is the only protection you have for your whole body?"

Olenna smiled, her soft blue eyes narrowed to a slit, then widened again, and said: "It seems that Lord Rand doubts my strength?"

It is true that from the beginning, Rand had never intuitively felt Olenna's strength. Although he had always known that she was the superior, in Rand's eyes, Olenna had always been just a docile sheep.

"Since Lord Rand is worried, do you want to have a competition? Ellie happens to be still preparing and there is still time." Olenna walked out of the office first.

Rand followed Olenna to the open space and drove away some curious believers. Rand did not want others to see the ugly appearance of his defeat.

Olenna did not raise her sword, but just picked up a branch and pointed it at Rand. Then she suddenly remembered something and said with a straight face: "Don't use that perverted ability of yours!"

Rand nodded. There was no point in taking it out when he wanted to share it in the competition.

And he also wanted to intuitively feel the level of this body that had been strengthened by the thirst of the Black Goat Mother.

After carefully picking around, Rand found a relatively straight branch.

"Let's get started."

Olenna moved lightly, and appeared in front of Rand like a phantom. Her consciousness could react, and so could her body. Rand lowered his wrist without hesitation and waved the branch.

Halfway through his swing, he felt his wrist being held down by something. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was indeed Olenna's branch.

After retracting the branch, Olenna commented approvingly: "The response is good, but it's a pity that the skills need to be improved."

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