The conflict with the mercenary group to which Marquis Greenleaf belongs has been going on from day to night. Both sides have suffered certain casualties, but they are still in a stalemate with the river as the boundary.

As expected, there was a truce at night, giving Taner's troops a chance to breathe.

The messenger in the hideout risked his life to bypass the front line and brought a batch of clean gauze and disinfectant alcohol.

After carefully listening to the messenger's instructions on how to use them, Taner began to distribute them to his subordinates, and asked the logistics staff to start boiling water. Tomorrow is probably the decisive battle, so let the subordinates try the juice.

In order to avoid dying in battle tomorrow, they will never have the chance to drink the beverage recommended by the Rand Envoy in their lifetime.

Boiling water is also a special requirement of the Rand Envoy in the doctrine. The Rand Envoy strictly prohibits drinking raw water when there is sufficient fuel. Taner has heard of the principle, but he doesn't quite understand it.

However, this does not prevent him from obeying the will of the Rand Envoy.

After the water boiled, Taner began to arrange for the logistics staff to mix the juice according to the formula. Fortunately, it was already autumn, and there were still a lot of fruits.

After the juice was prepared, they did not ask for any utensils. Those who had bowls took bowls, and those who had cups took cups, and distributed them to their subordinates.

Taner did not favor the soldiers who were transferred by the Black and Brown Earl. Everyone got a little mixed juice.

Such mixed juice could win the praise of Ellie and Olena, which was not easy to achieve.

As a blood relative of the White King, Ellie had been living a life of luxury since childhood, and Olena was not from an ordinary family.

But they still approved of such mixed juice.

As for these soldiers who were originally ordinary villagers or ordinary citizens, they would not have any chance to taste luxury goods from the time they were born to the present.

Because for civilians in this era, the most basic water and food for survival, the clothes and firewood to warm the body, are between luxury goods and daily necessities.

As for real luxury goods, it may be very amazing to hear about them.

After Taner distributed the juice, the soldiers were a little confused, but since the commander said so, they all took their own share, and waited for Taner's order before they tasted it.

In fact, since the blending was made with freshly boiled hot water, the quality of the fruits was uneven, and the logistics staff's juicing and blending skills were far inferior to Rand's.

But this was still the most delicious drink these people had ever tasted in their lives.

Many people were silent or whispered after tasting it, and some even cried.

Human taste buds ranged from 8,000 to 10,000, and these people's taste buds, which had been numb by rough food in the past, were finally partially activated at this time.

Taner sat in front of the campfire, and the light of the campfire slightly illuminated his silver and black armor to reflect the metallic luster. He also took a small half cup of blended juice.

The amount allocated by Rand was actually only enough for more than 100 people, but Taner planned to let everyone taste it, so everyone's share was reduced.

It became a small half cup per person, but it was still no problem to taste it.

Taner was also born a civilian, but he was very talented. He was discovered by the bishop of the Torch Church early and brought to the headquarters for training, but when he was a child, as a civilian, he still tasted some pain and numbness.

Later, he became a paladin of the Torch Church, and never really experienced luxury.

After drinking in silence, Taner opened the "Reference on the Use of War Strategies" again. He had already memorized this strategic booklet of the Rand Envoy, and thought he didn't need to open it again.

Turning to the title page, it was familiar with the words "the best strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy, the next best is to attack the enemy's alliance, the next best is to attack the enemy's troops, and the worst is to attack the enemy's city". This passage was written in words that Taner couldn't understand.

In the subsequent correspondence, the Rand Envoy sent a translation of this passage, but Taner could only say that he understood the superficial meaning of it.

But now, he seems to understand some of it.

With the clean gauze bandage, the mortality rate of the wounded was effectively reduced.

In addition, the juice was distributed and tasted.

Morale seems to be invisible and intangible, but Taner can really feel the improvement of morale at this time.

"Okay." Taner ordered his adjutant: "The night patrols should continue as usual, and the rest should rest. Tell them that these drinks will be available after they win the battle, and there will be more opportunities to taste them in the future."

A night passed, and in the early morning, the morning light illuminated the small stream between the two high slopes. The stream still flowed, but because of the corpses and flesh on it, even after a night, the stream was still stained with blood.

The soil on the high slope was still trampled flat. Taner put on his helmet inlaid with magic rubies and looked across.

The camp of the Green Leaf Marquis mercenary gang had already sounded the horn, and it was obvious that they were about to launch a general attack.

The sky was blue as usual, and the surroundings were lush with green grass, but due to the confrontation between the two sides, there were signs of destruction everywhere, making the natural scenery, which should have been beautiful, stained with the solemnity and blood of the battlefield.

Taner picked up his sword, went down the high slope, and came to the river bank.

At this time, the command of details was no longer meaningful. Facing the general attack of these mercenaries, Taner decided to face them personally with these soldiers.

Taner didn't know why the morale of the other side had not collapsed under such bloody consumption.

In the previous tug-of-war, although there were casualties on both sides, Taner's side, as the defender, also had the advantage of the river, so the losses were naturally much less.

The other side lost at least a quarter of its soldiers in this bloody war of attrition, which conflicted with the "Reference for the Use of War Strategies" given to him by Rand, which stated that if the army's casualties reached 5%, there was a probability of retreat.

Their morale is supported by the belief in the Mother Goddess, Rand's humanistic care, and the advantages of the terrain. Why is the other side?

Is it because if they don't complete the mercenary mission and can't get the commission, they and their families will starve to death?

Taner retracted his thoughts. No matter what, he must defeat these people.

And he believes that his side will definitely win.

As the horn was blown over and over again, the melodious and majestic sound echoed in the sky.

The mercenaries on the opposite side, who only had the most basic weapons, once again stepped into this slightly cool, bloody stream.

There were long spears like a forest on the other side, and they needed to use flesh and blood to try to break through this line.

Taner also held a long spear at this time. He didn't intend to stand out and use a sword to chop during the positional battle.

As the main general stood with them, Taner's morale was further improved.

And the positional battle like a meat grinder is to compare which side has more morale, which side is more afraid of death, and which side collapses first.

When these people walked to the center of the stream, arrows began to be thrown at them sparsely.

At this time, there were not many arrows left, and it was estimated that this was the last share. After the archers finished shooting, they all picked up their spears under the command of the grassroots captains and joined the front line.

Soon, the mercenaries of the Green Leaf Marquis who were walking in the front crossed the stream and faced the forest of spears.

What Taner and the soldiers around him had to do was very simple. They just had to keep stabbing the people in front. When the people in front fell, the people behind would make up for it until one side of the battle formation completely collapsed.

Chapter 60 This person felt that he was deadly strong just by standing there

After the loss, the number of people on the opposite side was still more than twice that of their own side. Now they all pressed forward. Taner stood in the crowd and still felt that he was being shaken.

The people on the opposite side waded in the water, as if they had merged with the stream and washed their own front line.

Now Taner's armor has been deflated in many places, and many places have been pierced, leaving wounds on Taner's iron tower-like body.

Taner's blood is also bright red, but compared to others, it is much hotter.

As the battle becomes more intense, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Taner is the highest-level paladin of the Torch Church. After baptism, his body is far superior to ordinary people, and the blood flowing in his body can even turn into flames.

After the front line was torn apart and the two sides were in a melee, Taner drew the two-handed sword behind him and began to swing the sword at close range.

If a person faces dozens of soldiers, then the highest-level professional will also be at risk of falling.

Facing arrows and spears, although the highest-level professional can no longer be regarded as a mortal body, it is still a flesh and blood body after all.

The strength of the body is definitely not as good as gold and iron, and it will bleed and die.

But in the battle, when the two sides are in a melee and cannot focus their fire, the effect of the strength of the highest-level professional will be magnified.

At least these soldiers, facing Taner, who was like an iron tower and wearing high-level armor, would be killed in an instant.

As the battle continued, Taner's silver-white and black armor had been completely stained by blood, and his own blood was already emitting steam as it dripped.

Some of it even turned into orange-yellow flames and burned before it hit the ground.

But it was not eye-catching, at least Taner himself did not notice it.

Since he became the highest-level paladin, he has been sitting on the bench because he has always questioned some doctrines of the Torch Church.

He was not short of treatment and was treated well in all aspects, but he did not have anything to do, so he had the idea of ​​going undercover.

Now that he has been undercover successfully, although he is not sure whether he is an undercover.

At least before going undercover, he had never thought of fighting in battle, but if he said he regretted it, he certainly did not regret it.

Blood oozed from the wound and flowed along the lines of the armor until it dripped into the stream.

There are nearly two thousand people bleeding here like him.

Taner had never felt that he lived so realistically.

Avoiding the sword blade, Taner's two-handed sword jumped quickly in his hand, cutting the enemy in front of him from the shoulder, to the chest, to the heart, and then to the waist, cutting it in two.

Just when he wanted to find the next enemy, he found that the opponent had already fled.

Taner looked at the soldiers around him who were also covered in blood, and ordered lightly: "Don't chase."

Chasing will also cause losses. The lord will not pay more commissions for expanding the results of the battle, and the previous agreement was not calculated by head.

The mercenaries of the Marquis of Green Leaf who survived and escaped may remember this morning for the rest of their lives, facing an army with only a little more than one-third of their own number.

Arrows rained over and over again, and the spearmen on the river bank would never retreat.

And this knight holding a two-handed giant sword like an iron tower.

This knight stood there like a city wall.

At least now no one would think that Taner was a paladin, except for a certain Torch Church messenger who was hesitating whether to come and recognize him.

The messenger of the Torch Church had followed the leader of the Paladin Taner since he heard that he had come to the Black and Brown Territory. After arriving in the Black and Brown Territory, he asked around again and then joined the Feng Rang Mercenary Group.

He could recognize the Torch Church's leader of the Paladin's armor from a distance. Although Taner had cleverly painted it black, there were no other changes.

Although as an ordinary member of this mercenary group, he didn't have many opportunities to test Tan'er, but he could still confirm that Tan'er was probably just lost, rather than betraying his faith.

After thinking about it, he was ready to step forward and ask. He had met Tan'er several times when they were in the Torch Church. He really didn't want to believe that such an upright and kind-hearted paladin would betray the Torch Church for no reason.

other side.

Earl Black and Brown's strategy was only half successful. In his vision, since a conflict had occurred and peace could not be restored, the opportunity could not be missed.

Originally thinking that he would send a small force to block the main body of Marquis Luye's army, he led his troops straight into Marquis Luye's base camp and captured him alive.

Unexpectedly, the Greenleaf Earl actually hedged his bets. After sending a large number of mercenaries to the front line to confront Tan'er, he also kept elite cavalry with him. Although he could not defeat the Black and Brown Earl's troops, escaping was not a problem.

In this way, Marquis Greenleaf's cavalry troops protected him and fled, while Earl Black and Brown chased him, but in the end they failed to catch up.

After all, Marquis Greenleaf was more familiar with his own territory, and after a lot of detours, he successfully escaped from the pursuit of Earl Black and Brown.

As a result, in the end, the Black and Brown Count could only retreat with a large plunder. He could not directly occupy the territory of the Greenleaf Marquis. This would directly become the trigger and lead to the outbreak of a full-scale war, although it was almost to that point now.

But as the second prince's brother-in-law, the Black and Brown Count still couldn't be the first to start the war.

However, through robbery, a lot of losses can be recovered. As for what the villagers and citizens who were robbed think, that is not within the consideration of the Black and Brown Earl. All the nobles in the world do this.

Now that he has paid the commissions of those mercenaries, he still has a lot of surplus.

The Black and Brown Earl, who was in a good mood, took the battle report from his subordinates. He was a little surprised and almost couldn't take the battle report. Those mercenaries and conscripts who could be considered abandoned and used to delay the main soldiers of the Greenleaf Marquis actually won the battle.

It seems that we must re-examine this Tan'er and the crescent leader behind him. The combat quality is so exaggerated. If it really enters a full-scale civil war and lets him lead the army, the army's combat effectiveness will definitely become much stronger, or even doubled. .

And according to Tan'er, he is not the leader yet, there is someone else who leads their Crescent Territory.

If a civil war really breaks out, the Black and Brown Earl feels that he can seal off the Crescent Moon Territory.

In peacetime, the number of nobles needs to be strictly controlled, because there are too many monks but too little meat, but now, the Black and Brown Earl feels that the Crescent Territory is fully worthy of the value of Tan Er and the people behind him.

The premise is that the second prince can really get the throne, and then all he needs to do is mention it.

The aristocratic system in this world is very magical. To newly ennoble a noble, and to be an actual aristocrat, requires the consent of both the king and the noble council. However, after the ennoblement, the noble will only be responsible to his or her own lord.

At least that's the case on the surface. If the Crescent Moon Territory newly ennobles a baron, it only needs to be responsible to the Black and Brown Earl, and does not need to be responsible to the king.

Classic My vassal's vassal is not my vassal.

In the Crescent Collar and Den, Rand is supervising the production of disinfectant gauze and alcohol. It is possible to develop distilled alcohol with the current technology, but the efficiency is very low and the yield is also very poor.

I don’t know when he will be able to recruit some alchemy apprentices and have his own alchemy workshop.

Olenna walked in, looked at Rand, and said, "Baron Huyuan sent another threatening letter, saying that if we don't bring our belongings to beg for mercy, he will gather an army to destroy us."

"What is he going to do?" Rand frowned, why is this baron still lingering?

Olenna explained: "You may want to unite with nearby nobles, or hire mercenaries."

Rand frowned. Now that the den is about to harvest, the training of those magic steel soldiers is still in progress. If Baron Huyuan comes, it will be really difficult to deal with it.

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