Moreover, people in this era do not have many clothes. If they are not changed and washed, the clothes will be full of patina. After the coating on the body is washed off, and the patina comes into contact, there is a high probability that you will get sick.

Then back to the previous question, if the medical conditions are not good and the nutrition is uneven, the body's resistance will be very weak, the probability of surviving the disease on its own will be very low, and the probability of getting sick and dying will be greatly increased.

Therefore, the large bathhouse has become a luxury facility. However, with the arrival of high-end adventurers in the resort, luxury facilities can also make a lot of money, but it is a bit of a waste of firewood in the early stage.

"Why?" Olenna asked.

Rand explained the medical principles. The studious Olenna also studied the doctrine, so she quickly understood it and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Rand turn back to look at the construction team filling the hole below, Olenna lifted her brown hair and wrote a few approvals on the document.

Then she recorded some in her notebook. Now she can easily figure out Rand's thoughts, and she is very good at being a secretary.

She is also considered the veteran of the den. From the beginning of the small village to the present, she has watched it come step by step.

In fact, when Ellie asked Rand about his future strategy that day, she also had her own intention. She was curious about where the den would go in the end.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask: "If the second prince's camp wants to win at the minimum cost, what should they do?"

Without thinking, Rand said, "Assassin."

As long as the third prince dies and the fourth prince also dies to be on the safe side, then only the second prince has the right to the throne. No matter how unwilling the other nobles are, they have to support the second prince to become the king.

The same is true for the third prince, so the two princes must be guarded by multiple top-level professionals, and it is unlikely that the assassination will be successful.

"Other than that?" Olenna nodded after hearing this and continued to ask.

"Surprise attack." Rand rubbed his palms. Since he didn't work much in this world, his palms were much smoother than when he was at the Agricultural University in his previous life: "The principle is similar to that of assassins. A sufficiently elite force can penetrate directly into the opposite base camp. To capture the thief, capture the king first.”

There was a scene where thousands of troops avoided the white robes, and the elite troops directly attacked the enemy's headquarters, and everything was over.

If trained enough in the future and equipped with mounts, Rand's magical steel troops would actually have this qualification.

But now, they are still working hard to fill the trenches, and they have sufficient nutrition. It is just a good time to do a little work to exercise and grow fat.

On the other side, Taner has successfully joined Baron Huyuan's team with the Feng Rang mercenary group. He is quite confident in his ability as a mole. Back then, he successfully sneaked into the den, even the wise Rand Even the angels didn't notice anything was wrong.

Been undercover until now.

You know, the more he works under the Archangel Rand, the more he can feel the Lord Archangel's otherworldly wisdom. However, such a wise Archangel Rand still cannot tell his identity as an undercover agent.

It can only be said that the value of his undercover ability is still rising.

But he is a person who likes to take advantage of the situation. Just like when he first joined the den, he blackened his armor and recited the teachings of Feng Rang Church.

Now that he has joined Baron Huyuan's team, he has made several preparations. For example, he has carefully learned some mercenary habits from other mercenaries who volunteered to join the Feng Rang Mercenary Group.

In daily contact with the baron's men, try to arrange real mercenaries instead of people in the den to avoid leaking flaws.

It was this messenger from the Torch Church who found him in trouble and kept pestering him. Looking at the messenger, Taner said again: "I told you, you recognized the wrong person."

The Torch Church messenger sneered and expressed disdain for Tan'er's remarks.

Tan'er finally couldn't help it anymore: "Fenris, I will not go back."

Fenris, the messenger of the Torch Church, sneered again: "You're not pretending anymore?"

"What do you want?"

"Go back with me."


"Then I won't leave either."

Tan'er's thick eyebrows stood up and he cursed: "Believe it or not, I will arrest you!"

The messenger sneered again: "You still want to kill me?"

Tanlton felt tired. Unless he really wanted to kill him, or let his men surround him, he really couldn't do anything to Fenris.

Seeing Tan'er who was staying there silently, Fenris comforted him: "Don't worry, I won't tear you down before you agree to go back with me. I also want to see the reason why you don't want to go back. What is it?" ”

Tan Er could only nod. He was not worried that Fenris would threaten Rand. He had heard that Rand personally defeated a golem as high as a mountain and a giant snake as long as a river. What kind of strength could he have? So scary.

Chapter 68 Conflict, Face

When Baron Huyuan's troops arrived at the road cutoff in the northeast of the Crescent Territory.

Rand still had not completely filled the partition, but in the eyes of Baron Huyuan, it was obvious that he was trying to dig deeper, but was too late.

Standing by the partition, looking at the smoke and dust around the road, as well as the fertile fields and smoke curling up in the distance, Baron Huyuan felt high-spirited again.

Soon, this land with beautiful scenery and a lot of wealth will be under his control.

The forces in the base hurriedly canceled the construction and left the partition. Perhaps due to overconfidence, Baron Huyuan did not even order the arrow to be fired.

But in fact, it doesn't matter. The rest of the project will be completed by the magic steel armor soldiers, and the damage from the arrow rain will not be very great.

When both sides stood on both sides of the partition, Baron Huyuan did not move forward, but stood behind the team to urge the workers to work.

He failed to attack Crescent Moon Territory last time, but he begged and pleaded for a long time before the creditors stopped being so anxious to collect debts.

If it was Rand, he would tell him that the one who owed money was the boss, but unfortunately Baron Huyuan certainly did not understand this truth.

In short, after losing a lot of face, Baron Huyuan got some breathing space. The cost of hiring the Fengrang Mercenary Group this time was actually not settled, so he was waiting to come to Crescent Moon Territory to plunder.

However, at this time, seeing that there were still only more than 50 people on the opposite side, Baron Huyuan was relieved. Obviously, this group of people had been here in fear, waiting here for him to attack.

Otherwise, how could they block him so well again? This was also the purpose of his threatening letter before. This was a kind of psychological tactic.

Baron Huyuan was actually born into a military noble family. When he was a knight in his early years, he also went to the north to fight orcs and trolls. That was why he could accurately judge the difference in strength and abandon his territory and flee when the Kingdom of Lunsa attacked.

It can only be said that his military strategy is good, but his courage is poor.

But apart from military strategy and shamelessness, the other skills of this Baron Huyuan are very poor. He can't see that Taner, who now has the habit of a mercenary, is actually an insider!

Standing on one side of the partition, looking up at Rand standing on the other side from a distance, the partition here is still as disgusting as before. The terrain on Baron Huyuan's side is much lower, and you have to look up to see Rand.

But Baron Huyuan didn't mind at this time, because he could already imagine the fear in the hearts of the people on the other side.

Before, five times the troops were blocked in this partition, and they couldn't do anything about this group of people in the Stone Age who were playing with slingshots and stones.

But now it's different. Now there are more than eight times the troops, and these mercenaries can be seen at a glance that they have been through battles for a long time and have good combat effectiveness.

This time, Baron Huyuan also thought of a way to deal with the partition. When he came, he pulled more than a dozen carts of soil over. It seems that it is just right now. Once the soil is poured and stepped on, it can be filled up.

It can only be said that the timing is perfect, and there is no chance for the opponent to dig deeper into the partition in advance.

The long-range weapon equipped by the magic fine steel armor soldiers is a crossbow. Originally, this weapon was expensive and difficult to make. However, now thanks to the arrival of adventurers, it is much richer, and it is still possible to equip the magic fine steel armor soldiers with crossbows.

But it is not necessary at this time. The construction on the opposite side is now all strong men and laborers. Baron Huyuan has also prepared a large shield to gather in front. Although the crossbow arrows can still cause damage, it is not worth the loss and wastes arrows.

And these strong men and laborers will become his after the battle.

Baron Huyuan is very satisfied with his orderly construction team and the large shield blocking the construction team.

This idea was proposed by the leader of the Taner mercenary group beside him. Although this Taner mercenary has a strong habit and seems to want money for everything, his subordinates are quite capable and have good ideas.

When the partition was filled, Baron Huyuan drove his horse to the front again, pulled down his visor, and revealed his handsome face: "If you beg for mercy now, you may die more comfortably."

Rand really wanted to spit trash words with him, but Olenna felt that the distance was already very dangerous, so she pulled Rand to prevent him from going to the front.

Now Rand felt that he really needed a loudspeaker, otherwise his experience in quarreling with people on the Internet in his previous life would be useless!

In fact, he could hear the words from a distance, but the sound was not so good if it was too low. Rand decided to ask Serai beside him to help.

Because of his superb archery skills, Serai was equipped with a longbow instead of a crossbow.

With Serai's help, Rand successfully shot a stack of papers to the feet of Baron Huyuan. They were the threatening letters he had sent before. Except for the first two, the rest were not opened.

In short, read but not reply, and not read but reply.

Baron Huyuan felt his blood boiling, his face flushed, and ordered his soldiers and the Fengrang Mercenary Corps to line up.

Rand also ordered to line up, and let the magic steel guards raise their halberds.

Just when Baron Huyuan ordered to attack, his front line was in turmoil. He subconsciously turned back, but found that the Fengrang Mercenary Corps was attacking his troops. Unprepared, the front line had been torn apart.

Baron Huyuan looked unbelievable. He did not treat the Fengrang Mercenary Corps unfairly, and the commission agreed was not small. How could it suddenly become like this?

The scene he imagined of making this Rand kneel down and beg for mercy seemed to have become a bubble in an instant.

Now it seems that he will kneel down and beg for mercy, and it seems that it may not be useful.

When Baron Huyuan looked back at his own front line, Rand ordered his men to attack.

The mercenaries of the Feng Rang Mercenary Corps and the soldiers in magic steel armor quickly surrounded the Baron's troops.

Now Taner's hatred value in the heart of the Huyuan Baron quickly surpassed Rand. He drove his horse back and raised his lance. The silver lance reflected a dazzling light under the sun.

The martial arts of the Huyuan Baron have always been pretty good. This time he is finished, but he doesn't want to let Taner go.

Taner was overjoyed!

He was originally worried that the Huyuan Baron would drive his horse and escape. After all, the total number of people in the Huyuan Baron's troops was still larger. If he let his knights protect him and charge, he might still be able to escape.

But now, the Huyuan Baron seemed to be overwhelmed by hatred.

But it's normal. He has never exposed his strength as a top professional in front of the Huyuan Baron.

It's this fatal information gap!

Faced with the galloping horse, Taner was not afraid and thrust the two-handed sword in his hand vertically into the ground.

Taner's tall body was not slow. Just when Baron Huyuan rushed to him on horseback, Taner turned slightly and easily avoided the tip of the lance, then bent his arm and clenched his fist.

His punch was like a flood bursting out and like thunder exploding.

Taner's right fist accurately hit the cheek of the harnessed horse, making the horse's head dented. The horse rushed forward for a distance under the action of inertia, and then fell to the ground.

It took Baron Huyuan with it.

This was something Baron Huyuan could not imagine at all. Why would a professional who could probably reach the highest level be a mercenary leader of unknown reputation?

He just wanted to get up, but Taner stepped on his chest and abdomen, and then knocked him unconscious with a light punch.

Rand in the distance also saw this scene and smiled. Now the war with Huyuan Territory has come to an end.

Now it is time for Baron Huyuan to be tortured!

Chapter 69 God of Struggle and Torture

Baron Huyuan is now tied up in the prison room, which was originally a place for those adventurers who were making trouble to calm down, and it can be regarded as a confinement facility.

At present, there are no prison cells in the den, but it seems that it must be put on the agenda now.

The adventurers who made minor mistakes and were originally detained here have been released, and those who made serious mistakes are imprisoned with the captured Baron's loyal soldiers.

Because the Baron was so angry that he went to fight Taner and was knocked unconscious, the morale of these subordinates dropped a lot, and they surrendered not long after being surrounded.

There are about two hundred people.

The prison room can't hold them at all, so only the Baron's loyalists and the Baron himself are imprisoned at this time, and the rest are outside the den, and a camp is circled out, and Taner and his men are strictly guarding them.

These are all young and middle-aged high-quality populations, and they have received certain military training, which is simply a perfect source of soldiers.

As Rand entered the room, the Lake Source Baron, who was covered in bruises, seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted hoarsely: "I'll tell you everything, let me go."

Rand glanced at Seth next to him. This kid is very talented in torture.

"Tell me, how did you think of robbing Crescent Territory?"

Tell me, why did you dare to rob this time.

Although Rand is still an illegal lord, after the White King's propaganda, the achievements of the Feng Rang Mercenary Group, the Second Prince's faction, at least the Black and Brown Earl has acquiesced to Rand's rule.

And this attitude will definitely radiate to the surrounding barons and viscounts. This is not a hint, but will almost show the sphere of influence of the Black and Brown Earl.

But this Lake Source Baron still dared to attack Crescent Territory at this time.

If he hadn't hired the Feng Rang Mercenary Group by chance, Crescent Territory might have suffered heavy losses, and it might even have fallen into a battle to defend the nest.

"The adjutant told me that you actually deceived the White King and the Black and Brown Baron, and I will expose this." Baron Huyuan answered honestly.

You believe this?

However, Rand did not care and asked Seth to drag the baron's adjutant over for interrogation.

The adjutant was a strong middle-aged man, but his strength was still a little worse than that of the thin Seth, and he was dragged to the baron's torture room.

"So, why did you deceive your baron?" Rand asked casually. He could guess the answer. It was undoubtedly to show himself and improve his status in the baron's heart.

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