After seeing the face of Yamada Teruo, Gu Sanniang felt even more furious. She could recognize that Yamada Teruo was the one who brought people to the banquet hall of the Crown Hotel to cause trouble last night.

"You will go to the border in a few days. Are the things ready?" Lan Yi turned his head and asked Ding Zhi directly.

The whole scene was as if the hole separated two worlds. The upper world was a normal world, and the lower world was a purple world.

Hen Changkong said, "He found us?" When he said this, he looked at Wuji's eyes and caught the flash of surprise in Wuji's eyes.

During this period of time, she stayed in the Right Censor's Mansion either sulking or thinking about what happened during this period. Ding Zi suddenly became so smart. Ding Jing felt that this was because of the help of a master. The master old man beside her was Nanny Lin. Could it be that Nanny Lin used some method to make Ding Zi less impulsive?

"Let go, let go!" Ding Jing had long passed the shyness of being seen. She had a deep sense of shame and a desire to hit the wall and die. The eyes of people in and out of the room were getting more and more unfriendly.

"I hope it will be a son, then you can rest assured." Xie Shenyan said and touched Lin Xi's cheek.

Lin Feng also stopped at the right time, looked at Yu Siqing who was panting heavily on the side, and then looked at Liu Ruyin who was sitting there with a frown, and slowly spoke.

Han Feng was slightly stunned. Why did the voice coming from the radio in the spacecraft sound a little familiar?

He was just opening up the situation now, and he was still in a state where he only had status and reputation, but could not exchange these things that could be called foundation for wealth.

"Mengmeng, don't worry about this big pervert. Can we still bully him? It's really shameless." Liu Ruyin said this.

"Of course, it would be better to have a baby sooner. It just so happens that we have nothing to do. Liuyun is not far from Dongdu. We will help you take care of the baby." After saying that, he laughed twice and drove away. Shangguan Qingxin was left alone and messy.

There were a total of six celebrity guests in the square, three people in a group, divided into two groups. Among them, Jin Shengshi and Lu Yi, who are first-line actors, served as the leaders of one group respectively.

"It's not right. I'm your senior brother, you have to listen to me. This matter is settled." Wang Xuance waved his hand and said in a tone that did not allow for any questioning.

Yuan Ying said nothing, and sent out a sword energy with one finger. The demon was immediately split in half, and then burned to ashes by a flame.

These counterfeit currencies have another most obvious advantage, that is, they can be used to purchase various metal resources. To meet their future military needs.

After calming down a little, Lin lowered his head and pinched his eyebrows. I don't know why I exploded just now. Now I want to come back. Although I don't think it's wrong, I know it's too radical.

At least in the Hunyuan Yiqi stick method, he now uses the Hunyuan Yiqi stick method, which is obviously much more perfect than before.

However, now Ding Wan'er wants to reveal her identity to Lin Feng, but she doesn't know what to do specifically. The current situation is really complicated, otherwise she wouldn't run to grandpa to ask him.

That night, the stars filled the sky, and no one noticed that in the middle of the vast starry sky, there were nine bright stars that would never be seen by people under normal circumstances. The nine stars are arranged in nine palaces, and the light shines on everything.

After Lu Xuan opened his eyes, he was confused, and at this moment, a vast message came directly to him, which was the message that Jiu Lao left for him before he left.

As for those spiritual treasures and spiritual fruits, they had no effect after they used them, but for the Yun family, they were simply super tonics.

The data on You Facebook has changed since a month ago. In order to stop people from bullying him, he and Meng Tian established a two-man empty-shell gang.

These people from the Sun Holy Sect have a good plan. Do they think that throwing all the things to the Qingtian Sect will be fine?

Just as Feng Yueyang was guessing, a bright light was absorbed into the depths of his consciousness from a distance, and then a strong energy wave continued to spread. In an instant, a warm wind swept through the dark space channel. In an instant, the entire space channel seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light.

"Our family has not received this news, Yan'er, how did you know about this?" Ling Rui suddenly asked.

After walking about 10 meters, the light in the cave was almost dim, but it was still vaguely visible that three branches appeared in front of us.

Fang Ting was secretly happy on the side. I just glared at her fiercely and went back to my bedroom, closed the door tightly and put on headphones, and the whole world was quiet immediately.

"Oh, isn't this the Imperial Concubine? I'm fine, Imperial Concubine. It's so late, why are you still wandering around the palace?" The oncoming concubine Jin came over slowly and saluted Yuxiao in a pretentious manner.

Qin Muyang picked up the two shoes, and Yang Jinxin hurriedly said "Ah", and saw that the shoes had already flown far away.

I was very shocked after hearing this. Although I am now deeply involved in the business war and can understand the dangers in it, Xu Zhengyang's vicious method is really unforgivable.

The snow kept falling, the weather was very cold, and the city was in chaos. The order to retreat came suddenly and urgently. Although the time was short, the effect was considerable. Although many people left behind a lot of belongings in the panic, most of the people in the city had already evacuated, including refugees.

Silver lines suddenly appeared on Chen Tian's body, and he unfolded his Jiyun footwork, turning sideways with lightning speed. The sword brushed the nose and slid down, and a few strands of hair floated down from Chen Tian's forehead.

Personally, You Min was his good brother and comrade-in-arms who had been through life and death for many years. He also wanted to give him a chance to atone for his sins.

Almost all the visible injuries on Yunhe's body were caused by Zheng Mo. Tang Zixi was very angry with Zheng Mo. Yunhe was just a little bit nicer to her, but Zheng Mo held a grudge and took revenge on Yunhe like this... Tang Zixi felt that her eyes were really blind before, and she would actually be obsessed with such a man.

Chapter 97 A chance to get chestnuts out of the fire (there is still one in the evening!)

Fan Jiuming was speechless for a moment. He knew in his heart that this was a critical moment and there was no other good way.

Despite this, An Ruoran would not take it lightly. He finally came to Fenglin College, and his memory had not been recovered yet. How could he leave?

Yizhi still leaned on Yayoizhi with a dizzy head. He finally opened his eyes, but saw the gray sky and smelled an unhappy smell.

Lu Bufan was half disappointed, thinking that this guy didn't even know Chang'e. Legend has it that Chang'e was Houyi's wife, and Houyi was a figure in the Yao era. So, this was an era earlier than Yao and Shun.

At night, the family had already fallen asleep. Zhou Dafu sat outside alone, looking at the stars in the sky. There were few clouds in the night sky tonight, and there were many bright stars.

When Gu Lan said these words, there was coldness in his eyes, which was completely different from his usual weak and docile appearance.

After thinking about it, the original plan to go to the Li family was stranded because of Mo Jingyuan's illness, and there was nothing else.

There was no clinic at the foot of the mountain. When Qin Shao rushed down the mountain gate with Ye Qingcheng in his arms, he happened to meet Xiao Yunmo who was still looking for Ye Qingcheng.

Such a result really made me very scared and panicked, and I was afraid that such a thing would become a reality.

The tone of this voice was very calm, without any threat or compromise. It was just stating a fact, but the voice itself contained an indescribable deterrent force.

It took two months for the two to finally teleport directly from the teleportation array of the Demon City back to Xuanwu City in Xuanwu Galaxy.

"Gao Qiuxin came from a ruffian family. Although he has a son, Gao Yanei, he is not his biological son. Moreover, this non-biological son was slapped by Lu Da. Last year, Gao Qiuxin had a son, who was only over one year old and was extremely precious." Wu Yong said.

The so-called "holy water" given by the high priest in the past would make people vomit, but the red spots on the body would not dissipate.

Like Master Song Dan before, because his cultivation was lower than that of the Phoenix, he had no time to use his mental power and was firmly controlled by the Phoenix.

The entire fairy court was shaking violently, and countless black spots were shaken off as if the gods had descended to the earth, and those black spots continued to spread.

"Surrender and you can avoid great damage to your foundation!" Zhen Deshuai shouted, and the golden holy sword formed by the condensation of the Dao rhyme cooperated with the Pure Lotus Art to madly bombard the Toad King!

It almost never happens. In this vast galaxy, he has determined a fact, that is, his demon son Mo Su is the best in the world, with invincible talent.

"I really can't teach this student. You should transfer him away quickly." Liu Duan's teaching qualification is relatively old, and he has a high degree of education, so the teachers in the school respect him more. But he has a bad temper and likes to catch students' attendance.

Just at this moment, Zuiwoqiongtu seemed to have an illusion in his heart, whether he had chosen the wrong enemy, but before this idea gradually took shape in his mind, Feng Qing had already killed him.

Looking at the tank in front of him, the Wolf Tank, is considered a relatively advanced tank in Europe.

As the body expanded, a large amount of blood began to spurt out from the suture marks in the center of Es Nott's body, and the skin on the body began to retreat little by little, hanging on the periphery of the head.

Fortunately, Yutian has strong strength to protect them and arrange them in Yaochi. Yutian even set up the Zhoutian Star Array in Yaochi, just to prevent them from being threatened by others.

The people were frightened by the police's gunshots, but when the police said these words, the frightened people suddenly stopped!

She was able to let go before because she thought Lin Mo was a good man who was devoted to her, but after noticing his unusual [ambiguous] relationship with Alice, she suddenly woke up and realized that this guy was a hidden pervert. This time he took them out to play, and he had no good intentions at all.

However, in this incident, they lost several partners at once! This is not only a loss for the research institute, but also very sad for them.

This time, Haochen was completely ruthless and directly extracted all the thunder punishment sources in the inner world. You must know that this behavior will cause huge damage to the inner world, but Haochen obviously didn't care about this at all.

At the same time, Menyouping, who was sitting in the lounge of the Hilton Hotel and drinking tea, also saw the broadcast of this news through the huge screen in the lounge.

And since the judgment decision just now has come into effect, it means that the dragon's behavior was just unintentional.

"Endless Divine Mansion? Very few, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." Lin Zun's face was terribly gloomy.

Qin Ming sighed softly. It was really too difficult to control a world. If it operated completely according to the normal laws of the Tao, the new world would easily be in chaos, but if emotions were mixed in, all the burdens would be completely on him.

Xie Tian heard this, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to speak again, he was glared at by Wei Jiao.

Because of the war, the buildings in Teonan City were almost destroyed, and there were gunshots and fire everywhere.

The dragon over there also spoke at this time, and his eyes were full of mockery.

Miao Weilan had just arrived here and had not yet checked in. During the waiting time, she had nothing to do, so she opened the browser to surf the Internet.

Hongluan was indeed a criminal, but it was inappropriate to use lynching before her fault was completely determined.

At this time, outside the annihilated void, the old man of time and space and others were all looking forward to it, waiting anxiously.

Who would have thought that Wu Zimeng might have had the experience of last night, and Chen Fan had just jumped on the bed when a jade foot kicked him.

Zhao Baoyu raised his eyebrows. There were 150 places for the finals, 100 of which were occupied by his defective products. Only 50 were left. What was there to watch?

If Leng Youyue hadn't come out to help suddenly, she might have died and gone to the underworld to be reincarnated.

Chapter 98 Blood, Change, Strategy (Fourth Update!!!)

On a cold snowy night, the third prince ordered a night attack.

For most nobles, this was a very unfamiliar thing. Night attacks were never something that noble lords would consider.

This world respects the martial arts of knights, not the Thirty-Six Stratagems.

But facing this situation, if we wait until the 5th Legion arrives, we will definitely fail.

If we don't try to take risks, we are waiting to die now.

Therefore, even if

, I still think that this matter may just pass, and Ye Mingqin did a good job later.

The covetous peers, the newcomers who keep coming one after another, and the companies that will use children as tools at any time.

Something actually emerged from the space crack that opened somewhere. When the silicon-based beast came out, its figure was captured by the radar.

"You two, my flower!" Ye Mingqin was furious when she saw that the two had stepped on the soft soil at their feet.

Fortunately, Luo Rui did not lie, and the confessions of several people matched. This is why the police station personnel were able to withdraw so freely after the inspection results came out.

Before the voice fell, a pair of slender hands had already covered the heads of the two. In just a few breaths, the flesh and immortal power of the two was sucked clean, leaving only the clothes slowly sliding off.

Lu Da performed a junior salute in a proper manner, and the four young people behind him also introduced themselves together.

Jiang Shishi and Pei Xuanling looked at each other. Could the princes and nobles that the man was talking about be the prince?

Now I have to look further ahead and emulate Darkseid and Uncle Da.

Tzeentch doesn't like waste or nonsense. After saying everything he wanted to say, blue feathers grew back from his back, covered his body, and disappeared without a trace.

Shen Xingshan didn't say much, and said a few words to a confidant beside him. The latter ran back to Shen Xingshan's room and took out a bundle in a short while. It was the one Chu Ye brought back from the marriage camp.

The use of robots has indeed improved work efficiency and reduced costs, but the increase in the number of unemployed people and newborns has added a lot of burden to them. The proportion of dark-skinned people is also increasing. Who can stand the parade every day?

Damn, if it is the first judgment, the fifth-level combat power can only be regarded as average or even average combat power in this world.

When the barbarians were about to get out of control and attack him, a loud shout came from the end of the stairs.

"Kill it, kill that beast for me" Luo Yan pointed at Chen Ping and asked the three followers around him to do it.

Ma has served Ouyang for many years, and Ouyang's two sons were also raised by her.

The fish that were scared away by the explosion returned again. They devoured the sudden food, and then followed the North Equatorial Current to explore the new world after eating and drinking.

"Wait! What do you think of these creatures from other worlds?" Li Haoran called Ouyang Tianzong.

"Hiss, is this boy a genius in alchemy? He can make an elixir by putting in the spiritual medicine at one time. It's unheard of." Yang Qingyun took a breath.

After listening to the words of Concubine Liu, Xiao Xuan didn't know what to say in response for a while.

The five major races have been established, and the city has also been established. There must be conflicts between them. It needs to be adjusted slowly. After the dynamic balance of the five major races, they will unite together to overthrow the gods and let the world return to orthodoxy.

"So, you don't like Qin Cang, and you are afraid of him?" Xia Rong seemed surprised.

After quickly sorting out the cause and effect relationship here, Tang Guo took the time to contact various branches. After about forty minutes, a feedback message caught her attention.

But Daxiong saw the densely packed four-winged Tylenol inside the war bug, all neatly fixed on a device like a shelf, and each Tylenol was connected by a tube. I don’t know if they are sleeping or hibernating.

Chen Youyou hurriedly shook hands with Zheng Xiaojie, but he was quite uneasy in his heart. Fortunately, Zheng Xiaojie didn’t say anything. If she was jealous, he would really have to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Sometimes he wondered, if she knew that he was the murderer behind the destruction of her family, would she also kill all his family members like she did to Jing Lingcang?

The crowd in the audience finally dispersed. Those who bought the bikes were in high spirits. The wide square outside the carriage and horse shop became a place for people to practice riding. Although people kept falling, everyone was very excited to see those who successfully sped up.

The pile of things on the ground was the fragmented Xiao Yadan. She turned from a human back to the ghost tribe. Her body parts began to slowly combine. After opening her eyes, she began to cough violently again. I hurriedly picked her up and asked her how she was.

Xia Zixuan reacted by himself, sensed the danger, and casually used the thunder magic. The ancient beast Suanni held a huge thunder and rushed straight into the sky, shaking violently in the sky.

"Me?" Nan Kerui couldn't help but wonder at this moment. He really thought that there was something that the Mo family needed him to do.

When Han Tai saw the messy secret land and the five corpses on the ground, his expression paused, his face was full of anger, and a murderous aura roared on him, full of the breath of destruction.

The ultrasonic waves that he could not bear rushed directly into his ears. The large amount of noise also made him cover his ears subconsciously, but he knew that even if he did so, his pain would not be reduced at all.

Although Kang Mangang has recovered his inner world and his Nascent Soul has recovered, his original Nascent Soul has been dispersed. If he wants to recover, he doesn't know how long it will take and how much time and energy it will take.

But the two of them couldn't hear him at all, otherwise the first goal would be to unite and fight Nan Keyui. Although they are not Nan Keyui's opponents, they don't know Nan Keyui's true strength. Uniting has become an inevitable trend.

Chapter 99 Everyone is caught off guard ()

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