Beside him, Jin Peng's dark eyes also flashed with unfathomable light, and no one knew what he was really thinking.

"Junior brother, you are the first one to see this 'Xiuyun' sword. You have to pay a price today." Liu Yu sneered. Originally, he did not intend to let others know that he had two of the three swords in the world at the same time. If it were not for the critical situation just now, he would never take out the 'Xiuyun' sword. This is one of his biggest trump cards.

But at this moment, everyone did not care about exploring this space. Everyone's goal was to lock on the mountain emitting colorful rays of light.

It was precisely because this interstellar battleship was too important to them that they could not be easily handed over to them.

Logically speaking, in such a dark night, no one would want to go out. Hiding in the house with air conditioning and drinking a cup of hot green tea was the best choice.

Seeing this, Nami was relieved. As long as he could hold on tonight, Meng Qi should not have any big problems.

The next step was to reward according to merit. Long Tao, Lan Tianxiang, Yiquan, Li Yunlu, Luo Huihuang were all made generals. They had no military power, but they had the privilege of being able to mobilize soldiers from any place in the country. As for Yang Yan and Xun Huan, they were made generals long before this.

It was originally a spectacular thing for a convoy to drive on the road, but this convoy gave people a feeling of both laughter and tears.

The leader opened his mouth wide, and a wisp of smoke came out of his mouth, which made a sizzling sound when it was poured by the rain. He fell down in disbelief, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't even survive a single move under the hands of the thunderstorm until his death.

The Qin family members who were originally shouting were stunned, and many of them were still dancing with their hands and feet, with a confused look on their faces. They didn't know that Qin Lanshan was fine, so what happened?

When he sat on it, he felt that his mentality had changed greatly. It was a kind of open-mindedness, a higher vision and mentality.

When he saw that hand, Yun Xian immediately realized that the scholar was secretly playing tricks. But after the shout, there was still no response.

The higher the realm of the cultivator, the farther away from the mortals in essence; but even if they can overcome it in the end, it is still difficult to avoid the fear that arises in their hearts at the first time - just like what Guimian and Qiao Ji showed at this moment.

Du Ziping stopped talking and nodded, and the two continued to fly forward. Perhaps because of the repulsion of the evil ghost, not only did the evil ghost disappear, but even the sound of the ghost crying disappeared.

"'Lu Qiming'... Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the most famous genius in the whole Central Continent would be hanging around in front of me all day long!" Li Hongyue looked at Lu Qiming from head to toe, and from toe to head, with half shock and half teasing on her face.

At present, there are traces of the Blood Demon Clan and the Thunder God Clan. Does this mean that the other top clans of the Holy Ancient Ten Thousand Clan also have bloodlines left? And will they have traces appearing somewhere on the mainland at this moment?

However, although they have courage, they seem very fragile in front of the fat man who has become a behemoth.

In comparison, when Viken called out, his sister Anna took more initiative to do things, which was related to whether the 400-year-old hatred of her family could be avenged.

In the lower realm, basically 80% of people were stuck here, but Wu Feng only took eight pills and broke through to the sky, and jumped three levels in a row. Of course, the most important thing was the magic of the five elements.

Both sides were very surprised. First, under the leadership of the old housekeeper, humans finally waited for the remaining teams. Although there were some losses, humans had more than 90 talented masters, and there were more than 1,700 subordinates under them.

Xuan Yue was getting more and more excited. She didn't expect that she would be lucky enough to kill a Star God today. Her jade palm glowed, and the energy surged, fiercely falling towards the head of the Star Lord.

Considering that Fengchen's sensing range was much wider than his own, Shi Yu could easily think of whether it was due to external factors.

Taotie roared at Zi Lingtian, who was surrounded by blood-colored gas in the distance, and rushed over in mid-air.

Apparently, she had also activated the formation set by the soul witch, superimposed on the large formation, greatly increasing its power.

The wave force condensed at one point has extremely terrifying attack power and accuracy, which is not comparable to the wave hammer.

"Humph, you have already sold the thing to me." Fu Yan scolded Chen Fan unceremoniously, and Chen Fan became dejected.

Chen Fan picked up a silver needle, his eyes shining, and carefully checked it from the tip to the needle, his expression was full of joy.

It doesn't look like a product of Xingkong Company. It has invested tens of billions of yuan. After it goes on the market, it will definitely make a lot of money, and that's the big money.

I clenched my left hand and planned to use the palm thunder to hit him, but I was worried that this time it would not have any effect. Instead, I lost the only thing that could save my life.

Chapter 132 Moo Moo Moo! Moo!

Due to Li Mou's notice, the people gathered around Yu Garden were eager to move. Some old brothers even wanted to disperse their troops and go out to be farmers.

The various instruments of the live band began to sound in an orderly manner, playing some relaxing music preludes.

The power of the law is actually impossible to devour. Even if Mo Yu has the Devouring Avenue, the Devouring Avenue is completely useless for the laws of heaven and earth.

"Yes, Master." Hearing Yi Jianfeng's cold snort, the humanoid beasts in the Xuanxian Realm immediately bowed to Yi Jianfeng and accepted his orders.

Jiu Gu cut off his head with a sword, but he was also seriously injured and covered in blood.

In the sedan chair, Fu Qingfeng's eyes were full of light, and he touched the pretty face under the red veil.

Because he had to pretend to be a bunch of tomb robbers who didn't care about their lives. In addition to being aloof and making the other party feel unfathomable, he didn't have much better way.

Seeing Luo Feng's doubts, Tathagata took the initiative to explain to Luo Feng, which also explained why the ancient gods hated humans so much. It was clear that they took humans as immortals for revenge.

Because the strength of the Beijing camp was greatly reduced due to the plague, Chongzhen could only allocate 3,000 troops to Li Jiantai. At the same time, he promised that if the bandits were strong, he could mobilize the border soldiers to support them, and let Li Jiantai quickly recruit new troops to strengthen the defense of Baoding.

Because he found that Wang Hui and the other two had all left the dangerous area, and the seahorse had also walked back with a "tail".

You have to know that he had personally witnessed the fight between Hou Tu Zun and Meng Tianji. Although both sides were only testing attacks, the power was already earth-shattering. Even though he was very confident in his own strength now, he did not dare to have any delusion about killing Xiantian.

"Hmph, there is no good person among the demon cultivators, and Wan Dizi can be so rampant because the disciples of this sect have been ordered not to fight, otherwise this girl will definitely beat him to pieces and see how rampant he is.

When a level cannot be broken through, and time is running out year after year, who can not be anxious? Not looking for external help to break through?

At the moment when the Nascent Soul was broken, countless tree roots suddenly appeared around Tian Xuanzi, entangled with him, but were shattered by the blue light.

"Amitabha, if it was not just Huo Rong Tianzun alone, we would personally go to rescue him, I'm afraid it would be the saints of Xuanmen! "The Taoist Jie Yin said, reciting a string of Buddhist beads softly, his expression changed slightly.

Yang Yi believed that he would become the enemy of all nobles, and he was incompatible with this world. If the right of first night was abolished, he would be even more incompatible, which would be bad if he attracted attention. Besides, Yang Yi only had this little power now, so should he give it up?

Suddenly, a transparent jade belt formed by ice blades and wind blades kept rushing towards Gui Bao, like an ice dragon, surging and trying to hit Gui Bao. If it was hit, Gui Bao would not die but would lose a layer of skin.

However, he did not say anything to praise, but glanced at Yang Ruosheng's room, and after pondering, he walked into the living room.

Ye means the guardian in the night, silently guarding Konoha. His clothes are black coats dotted with stars, with a crescent moon printed on the back.

"Do you know? Just based on the fact that you assassinated me and Princess Wuyou, I can sentence you to death. "Emperor Xuanwu said.

These days, he has been almost closed to visitors, and rejected most of the subordinates, colleagues and disciples who came to express their condolences.

At this time, Zhu Tong pushed the door open. Zhu Tong was a little nervous. After all, he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and he should be beaten.

Jiang Yinrong's voice brought Gu Chenxiao back to his thoughts. She was wearing scheming eye makeup, and now she was looking at Gu Chenxiao with a wronged look. I think no matter which man saw it, he couldn't resist such an attack.

Seeing that they gradually got into the state, Su Chen also walked aside, sat on the ground, and practiced.

When Mr. Tang heard his grandson say this, he became even more angry and glared at the grandson who knew the truth but didn't report it.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be Wan Duzi, and now his realm has reached the peak of the true god realm, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

"I have already surrendered, why are you still arguing with me! "She pouted and muttered aggrievedly.

She naturally knew that as soon as Su Chen entered Luoyun Peak, he huddled in his own residence, not going out of the main gate or the second gate.

When Huang Heng was roaring in anger, a message that excited Huang Heng suddenly flashed on the screen in front of him. It was news from the western border.

The first thing Tulezan did when he left the palace and returned to the mansion was to summon Rehe. Lang Luo led the troops outside, and the camp outside the city was empty. Most of the military forces in Xinyi City were concentrated in the hands of the City Defense Department. The City Defense Department was his eyes and ears, and any movement could be reported to him.

There were also 10,000 troops under the command of General Zhuangwu Mei Hongmin, but the military discipline of Mei Hongmin's troops was loose, and there were even incidents like Zhou Zongxuan who killed innocent people and took credit for it. Jiang Anyi could think with his heels that if he let these people investigate, they would definitely take the opportunity to extort money and property, and he would be implicated by them.

"Is someone attacking Yunchen's sea of ​​consciousness? "When Qinglong and Ruan Cangqiong heard Lin Chuxia's words, their faces instantly became solemn. They knew that the sea of ​​consciousness of cultivators who did not specialize in spiritual power was very fragile. Once attacked, it would be very dangerous.

Everyone present was stunned by these words. What was this? Was he trying to flatter himself and say that his surrender was also part of the plan?

Without time to think about it, seeing that the outcome was about to be decided, Mu Ziyun immediately blew a breeze, carrying the note to Wangxiang. The note disappeared when it entered the wind and avoided everyone's perception. After it came to Wangxiang's eyes, it only flashed for a moment and immediately turned into nothingness. But Wangxiang could see the handwriting on it clearly.

Yun Chen's voice instantly startled everyone in front, and everyone's eyes immediately looked at Yun Chen.

Yun Chen immediately repeated the plan of the X organization, and Hua Feng and Hua Yao's faces kept changing after hearing it.

Seeing him say this, the merchants were speechless and didn't know how to respond. They were just merchants, the last of the four classes. Although they had some wealth, they didn't dare to be so direct, especially when they criticized the court in front of another official.

Chapter 133 Pure Love No. 1 in the World (Updates may be later in the evening)

Several riders who were waiting for orders looked at each other and laughed when they thought that the trip to Nanbeitong was probably in vain.

Even such a Sun Yi, under the oppression of Liu Bei, was defeated step by step and could only retreat to Wanling to stop the defeat. It shows that the other party has something extraordinary.

But I didn't expect that there were still sixth-level monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden, which means that they had reached the level of human sky saints! In addition, the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden has not been opened for thirty years. Therefore, I am afraid that the sixth-level monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden are not rare, but numerous.

The transport plane had no way to land, so it dropped a few large nets, lifted the fallen fighter plane onto the nets, hooked it under the transport plane, and transported it back to Xueling.

This was of course impossible, the originally deleted record was impossible to appear, but Nanbei Tong spent 10 points, that was different.

In terms of flying swordsmanship and the quality of flying swords, Chu Tiange knew that only the Tianjian Sect was the top, and the others could only be considered amateurs.

Lin Mu was slightly relieved, most likely caused by wound inflammation. Fortunately, he was lucky, after all, in this era, the number of deaths caused by wound inflammation was more than those caused by deaths.

While the two were talking, a fleet of cars appeared at the door. Although they were not luxury cars, the momentum was scary enough.

Listening to the sound of the game in the room, Nanbei Tong still had a lot to ask, so he just waited quietly, wanting to ask about some things about monsters.

With his back to Hua Zhuo'er, he refused. She seemed to not understand and came close to me, leaning against my back tightly, trembling.

Min Weixiu was even happier after hearing this. She was happy, not because she saw the festive red, but because she really felt the difference from her previous life.

Lin Xia picked out a hero at first sight, a support, probably because it fits her aesthetic?

The tomb itself is not an ancient tomb. I guess the reputation is spread by the Gu Clan, just to find me.

The Lingzhu has not been found yet, Yin Shengtian is in a terrible mood, and at the same time he ordered people to leave the village. He really doesn't want to stay in this place any longer. Seeing the village reminds him of the past, and he is very painful.

After the seat was moved, she never paid attention to him again, and even passed by him without looking at him again, as if she really treated him as a stranger.

After Qinghuan returned home, Mu Yunchuan was still wondering why she sent the things back, but the person was still outside.

Rong Jing came, he came to accompany me every day, I lay in bed for more than a month, and I could walk out of the room with Xi Muliang's support.

Ye Ming looked at Su Yuan who was still practicing, frowned slightly, and said softly: "Is it still not possible? If it is not possible, then I will continue to find some exercises that can enhance my combat effectiveness. In terms of exercises, who dares to compete with me." At the end of speaking, Ye Ming smiled cunningly.

I have only seen an old man in his seventies practice this kind of body sound. It is real and there are videos on the Internet.

Because the villagers have blocked Meng Fan behind them, those who are smart and inspired, ran to the bridge to lift bricks, and those who can't lift bricks, look for wooden sticks everywhere, the thickness of their arms.

Mo Fan didn't care, sat down, and started to talk about this and that, but he was the one who talked, Ran Yuan just said please at the beginning, and then he remained silent, the scene was very weird.

The venomous snake stared at the sky-piercing monkey with unkind eyes, and was also afraid of these monsters. They are a powerful helper, but also a powerful crisis factor. These monsters did not really surrender, but just followed temporarily, but the venomous snake could not think of a solution, so it could only endure it for now.

Perhaps it was too long since he had spoken to anyone, Hun Ji talked a lot, and Lu Yin also heard a lot of people, some of whom he had heard of, such as Pan, but most of whom he had not heard of.

Feng Xiaoxiao's idea was very good, reverse publicity, but no one expected that someone would actually ask about Lingzhi.

The morning sun was bright, the birds were singing, the flowers were fragrant, the trees in the forest gradually became sparse, and the road became wider. Sergeant Yan led more than a dozen soldiers on horses and walked in front, some baggage and food followed the end of the team, and Li Tianqi and the other three were behind the baggage and food.

There is another legend: "At the beginning of the universe, the chaos was not opened, like a chicken egg, there was a giant in it, named Pangu, also known as Hun Dun, who slept for about 18,000 years and became the 'first awakener', and since then began the feat of creating the world.

"Captain! What happened today seems very strange? "Su Nan thought for a long time before asking.

This morning, Ziwei Emperor was practicing martial arts as usual when he heard that Gonggong wanted to see him. The Emperor secretly wondered why Gonggong was here. He missed him after not seeing him for a long time.

By the end of July, the project team had met with government representatives from four first-tier cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, from being nicknamed "Gaiyuanzi" to being truly named "Gaiyuanzi".

The flood-like large number of dreamy colored ribbons was the power of the peak treasure of Mengyaoyu. The silk ribbons were overwhelming and oppressive.

Everyone sighed that this era would "die" a group of geniuses, but it would also create a group of strong people, a group of divine pattern people who had no chance to become strong.

Yin Ji's face changed greatly when she saw this. His powerful attack was easily broken by Tang Chen, which shocked her.

Chapter 134 Scientific research on the power of the Mother of Black Goats! (Successful on time!)

As soon as he grabbed the basket, the strong muscles on Qin Yan's arms suddenly rose up, and he stabilized his body.

"It seems that you really succeeded in taking over the body of that old guy." Lin Xiu looked at Qiongqi, and his face became unusually cautious.

After all, with his current realm, the space barrier he condensed can at least withstand the bombardment of 200 times the power of the real dragon.

This person must be very powerful, and he should also be a great emperor-level figure, and he is about the same level as Lin Zhan.

Chi Tong blinked her ruby-like eyes and stared at the sea water below. Her strong eyesight allowed her to see the fish swimming in the turbulent sea water, but none of them wanted to bite her hook. Instead, a sea fish opened its mouth and bit Su Yuan's hook.

In the area covered by the explosion range, countless fire ants were hit and scattered, each one was extremely helpless, and then they were directly blown to pieces.

"This apple is really a treasure. It is worthy of being a fruit from the fairyland. I wondered why it was so bad. It turned out to be a surprise." Fang He ate the apple in two or three bites, and then set his sights on the pear.

He was baptized by the earth, wind, water, fire, thunder, light and darkness, and then was swept into the secondary energy explosion. If the blood clan had not had a great advantage in recovery, he would have died in the previous wave of bombardment.

This scene made the warriors present stunned. They had a better understanding of Huangfu Feiyun's methods and were amazed.

"Goodbye, Brother Yue, Brother Yue, you can tell me if you have anything." Yan Lun left, and the others followed Yan Lun.

Her pair of watery eyes rolled around, and she stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Yuan on the lips.

The Southern Kingdom has been in chaos recently. Jun Ping's return to Anyang disrupted the Southern Kingdom's deployment. The Southern Kingdom's army was suddenly stationed in front of Fuyang Pass. Jiang Ning and Jiang Xingzhi had dark circles under their eyes, and they were arranging troops all day.

On the other side, Su Yin tried to rush to the supermarket, and at the same time thought that there was an earthquake on the island, and there might be other disasters on the sea, and the ships transporting supplies might never come.

"I am immortal, and even the Pure Yang Sword Immortal can't do anything to me!" The response to Nezha was the arrogant words of the Holy Lord.

There was news that the target would appear in the north today, and there would be other people to assist.

Because he did not avoid anyone when he left, someone brought the news to Qin Youjia as soon as Yu Chen left.

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