These few words finally brought Wang Ying out of the lustful ghost-reincarnation look, and barely covered it up.

However, in front of him, there was someone holding the head of the beam with both hands, standing firmly.

The Tuanzi cat didn't know when it came around behind the three weirdos. It was arching its back hard and making a very non-standard cat movement of preparing to pounce.

Li Bin also intended to send a favor to Wei Biao. The smart Wei Biao immediately understood and was grateful to Li Bin.

"However, we were entrusted by the daimyo of Taki country to send troops." Kakashi.

As soon as these words came out, it was Lu Fei's turn to be dumbfounded. He originally just had the attitude of giving it a try, thinking that he could make a little bit of it. I never thought that Jia Ximen would be so courageous and send the entire Wang family away with just one sentence.

Sun Banxian went on to say: "If you don't admire the vast mansions, you will live in a humble house for a long time;" Li Banxian said: "After a meal, you can walk a hundred steps and do the hard work"; Zhou Banxian said with a smile: He has an open mind, no worries and no advantages.

"Wu Ruoyan, if something happens to us, I'm not worried that Brother Luo Fan will smash up your bar." Haozi, with a calm face, raised his legs and stared at Wu Ruoyan's coquettish face. Side face.

A true beauty is probably like this. She doesn't need extra decoration or deliberate display. She can naturally show her beauty in every ordinary move. Butterfly Sword Master Undine is obviously such a person. A classy beauty.

Having seen so many strange things, he could already detect the difference between the information emitted by strange consciousnesses or bodies and that of ordinary people.

In the past two years, the citrus fruit has been unsaleable and cannot be sold at a good price. No matter how hard he forces it, the growers who owe him money cannot come up with any money to pay him back.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Yi reached out and poked her soft cheek in a funny way. Perhaps because the light was relatively dark, he did not notice the suspicious blush on Miya's face.

"Hahaha! Okay! Deal! But what you have to do now is to survive from your ancestor. Then if you die, the deal will be cancelled." Tunhai spit out Snake Nobuko and smiled.

This reason is a bit far-fetched, but the warrior festival of the prairie barbarians does not clearly stipulate that outsiders are not allowed to participate, so Bai Yi can mix in other people's festivals so openly.

"Boom!" During the battle, Rentaro Satomi and members of his auxiliary troops were constantly killing the incoming gastrea animals, but their positions were not at the predetermined combat position. At this time, they were in Behind them, they were killing the gastrula that were airborne by the flying gastrula.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. The mummy is so powerful, but you are here to deceive everyone and make everyone lower their guard. What are your intentions?" Wu Zhu said angrily.

These people know all too well that the Goode family is determined to retaliate. If they rush forward blindly, they will only be blown into cannon fodder by tanks.

Guan Quan cursed angrily. He didn't want to capture Han Lang, so he turned around and wanted to put Guan Cang on his back and run away. He didn't think Han Lang would stop him, but it was obvious that he was wrong.

Holding Zhao Qin from behind like this, Zhao Qin's eyes fell on the scenery in the distance. At this moment, the wind was blowing above the Empire State Building. The wind blew Zhao Qin's long hair. Her long hair was flowing elegantly. On my nose and face, I can smell the fragrance of her hair.

Tang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment and said: "Your Majesty..." The words of resignation came to his lips, but seeing his face of deep sorrow, he couldn't say it for a moment.

The new moon means that we are different. There are many sub-professions. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that there are 360 ​​lines of sub-professions, but there must still be 300 lines of sub-professions.

This man is so hypocritical. He just complained about others, and now he is pretending to praise others.

When I came out of the Master's Guild, it seemed that it was very hot this summer, but I felt cold inside.

Night fell. Starting from the morning, Chen Yu did not bother him again, and Zuo An continued to practice until the evening.

Yunshan can't ignore the overall situation, but he can no longer tolerate his beloved brother Yitian caring about others. She asked Cheng Yitian to walk in front, and asked Zhai Liang and Yu Dongkun to protect Cheng Yitian. She walked next to Ji Ying and Ji Lin.

Chapter 138 Wish List

The next day Rand got up with a sore back. It turned out that taking off the dress was very troublesome.

Olenna helped me put the pants on, and she also helped me take them off.

Of course, Olenna didn't use her hands when taking off her clothes, so it was slower.

Rand didn't know how much willpower he spent before he got up the next morning.

Olenna looked down at the hickey on her collarbone and chose a slightly...

Then, Tian Zibai suddenly kicked Feng Linhuosheng, and his body seemed to turn into Feng Linshan, kicking Mo Kuangsheng in the air repeatedly until Mo Kuangsheng was completely seriously injured. Victory in this battle.

The child seal was then passed on to the mother seal, and the mother seal was spit out again, integrated into Lu Yu's consciousness, and turned into Lu Yu's consciousness energy. It was probably close to Lu Yu's level of consciousness energy, which just made up for the consumption of just establishing the child and mother seal.

After leaving the bar, Ye Haochuan was still angry. He found a dark place and waved his magic palm to greet Chiyoko's buttocks.

There was a long sound, and the defense of the giant bronze door flashed, and the bullet flew away without a trace. Looking closer, a finger groove was left on the smooth mirror-like door, and the Liu family and his son were dumbfounded.

Zhang Ziyi's face flushed with embarrassment. When she was painting just now, she deliberately didn't look at his sensitive part, so she was completely imagining and following her previous painting experience. Unexpectedly, he saw through it at a glance after she finished painting.

The fire dinosaur roared angrily, and then pounced on the iron-armed ape. Although the iron-walled ape didn't understand what the other party was doing, it still punched him directly.

If someone has been to Youling, he will definitely find it very strange: that is, from the other end of the tunnel, after coming out of this end, you will feel that these are two completely different worlds, just like traveling through time. I can't say what the specific difference is, it's a feeling.

If Wu Jun can't even take over Qianzhou quickly, but is forced to use negotiation to solve the problem, then what will Liu Yan think? Will he also resist to the end like the people of Qianzhou?

How could Wang Chen not return to what Qin Fei thought in his heart? In terms of strategy and acting skills, he is better than Qin Fei.

In fact, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully. They are blood clans, vampires, and they think they are superior. They usually survive on blood. In addition to fresh blood, they may also eat meat, which is basically beef. As for lamb skewers, not only have they never eaten them, but they have also seen them for the first time.

The fighting spirit in Hall's body attracted the thunder element in the air, and the thunder element quickly gathered between his hands. Thunder flashed between Hall's fists and fingers, and he attacked Adam with an unstoppable momentum.

Next, it was time to wait. During this period, Wu Xiaoyao ran to the tavern to have a meal and bought a huge sky rocket with 3 crystals. He was planning to fly into the sky.

The temple knights behind Mond sneered at the black-robed saint one by one. It was really strange. How could a saint who needed to pinch the divine seal to perform the holy art have the confidence to provoke Lord Mond?

Ye Chenfeng did not stop his action. He jumped from the ring and jumped onto the second-floor audience stand.

Adam's eyesight is still very vicious. Judging from Kate's behavior, silence and other characteristics, Kate is probably a young killer who has not seen much of the world, or Kate has not experienced the ways of the world.

Meng Fan has already thought about it. Although it is not ruled out that Di Jin did not lie to him, there are really no weapons here as he said, and it is not ruled out that Di Jin is really friendly and will send him away tomorrow morning, but they must be killed tonight.

He sneered in his heart, ridiculing these people. Such people would be nameless, powerless and powerless.

Qin Yan buried his face, his shoulders shrugged, and a strange laugh came out of his mouth. At first it was a low chuckle, and then the sound gradually became louder, turning into a crazy look, laughing as if no one was around.

Admitting failure is far better than meaningless courage. Only by deeply engraving this bitter taste of grief to despair can there be a new life in the next fire.

Suddenly, a Fang Tian Hua Ji burning with blazing flames broke through the air and shot directly through Mijia Luo's chest.

The huge pain in his back forced Zhang Dabing to use one hand to protect his back. At this moment, Zhou Yong suddenly reached out and lifted his shirt.

After testing the skills of the two apprentices, Yan specifically asked them to choose the soul crystals they wanted, and then Yan left all the remaining soul crystals in the hall.

This is because the large number of low-level demons that died provided a lot of low-end materials, while the materials in the high-end market were used by the Abyss Legion to maintain the war.

"It's the first time I heard someone compare himself to a pig." Yan smiled but didn't smile, holding the customer and refused to let go.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge eye appeared directly at the exposed hole in the air, and the bloody light instantly enveloped the earth. The boundless murderous aura made the orc god who had fallen into madness regain his sanity.

"Are you going to send someone to verify my statement? As long as we continue to search along the road where the wheel tracks disappeared, we will definitely find traces of the bandit carriage." Avel said.

Xi's body suddenly emitted lightning, and then it seemed as if his whole body turned into such light.

"Haha, what do you think of Dan Taijun?" Some people looked at Dan Taijun as if they were watching a play.

Let's talk about her ability! Even in the machinery factory, she can do better. It's not something that only Ho Chi Minh can do.

Chapter 139 Blast Furnace

Chen Tian thought that he had invited him to join the forces of the Rich Empire. He was rude to his officers, so why not meet and talk directly. Maybe one or two words can solve the problem.

The white-haired old man took a quick look, then put away the spiritual medicine and the Wanzai Lingquan with a smile on his face, and turned to walk off the stage.

"It still hurts!" Yun Xuan said in pain. Although it was still painful, it was not so exaggerated.

Hou Tu was a woman of great virtue. Fei Lian could already roughly guess what she was thinking from a slight change in her expression. He also knew everything that had happened recently. In many cases, Fei Lian was in a very passive state, and he couldn't help but feel a little entangled.

"Go away! If it happens again, you know what the result will be. If no one pleads for you, you will be dead!" Brother Hu waved his hand.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed, and a piece of gravel under his feet fell off. "Retreat" He was very decisive, and threw the scimitar in his hand towards the ruins in front of him without hesitation, and his body retreated reflexively.

Murong Xiao quickly hid in the muscle tissue of the fire dragon's neck. Before he could make more moves, the hot magma poured down. The wound on the fire dragon's neck was carbonized due to the extreme high temperature, and the blood loss stopped.

"Why are you coughing? If you are a man, just stare at Taeyeon's eyes for three seconds!" Yoona glared and argued with Yunxuan.

As for Zhao Min, Zhang Wuji just sent a communication talisman to notify her. He believed that as long as he received his communication talisman, Zhao Min would definitely attend as scheduled.

I was also stunned, and it took me a long time to react. What? What Prince Yu wanted to do was not to assassinate, but to force the throne openly? Is he crazy? Isn't he afraid of being branded as a usurper?

It turns out that I am not that important in his heart. It turns out that he would also lie to me, then who else in this world can be trusted?

Prince Huai made a symbolic introduction and said no more. He ordered the housekeeper to clean up a separate courtyard for Miss Shen to live in, and then waved to everyone and said, "It's getting late. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest." He was already quite tired after running all the way, and he didn't want to say more. He turned around and left with the princess.

At this time, Lang Baiyan coughed even more, his face was flushed, and he was out of breath. Suddenly, his throat moved and he spit out a mouthful of blood. There seemed to be a mass of yellow and thick stuff in the bright red blood.

Han Youhe suddenly realized a problem. He didn't know these people at all. Whose car did they take?

The hatch opened, and three people in black cloaks walked out. The leader walked in front, with a wide hood and robe covering all the skin. He was tall and thin, and his followers followed closely with their heads slightly lowered.

Several experts also came forward. This time they were experts in the medical field. They described the virus as extremely terrible, highly contagious, extremely harmful to human health, and could cause aseptic inflammation of tendons throughout the body. What can be done now is to reduce the infectivity of the virus, and research on the virus is being increased.

Shangguan Yuexiu: Go to hell! Jimo Xu, I have a lot of black material about you here. I don't know what will happen if the old master of Jimo knows about it.

Lu Daina's seat in the classroom was empty, and Li Weitong always looked back at her empty seat from time to time.

Perhaps their lives have been soaked in power, calculations, money, and blood for too long, and they have lost their original color and the courage to live a plain life.

Helan Yao got up from the ground in a daze, and ran towards the Green Water River in the moonlight regardless of everything.

These imperial doctors in the palace now refuse to believe anything the Su family says. They would rather believe the arrogant Doctor Yan! At least this person diagnosed You Laihe after taking Su Ruhui's pulse, and predicted many reactions that Su Ruhui had not noticed before.

"Your Highness is the head of the four concubines, with the same status as the vice queen, kind and benevolent, and all the palaces know it!" Su Ruhui flattered.

Obviously, in her previous life, she was kidnapped and sent away by Qin Sheng, and he knew it clearly, but he remained indifferent.

But it was obvious from her slightly frowned eyebrows that she obviously had some ideas.

Su Ruhui then realized that Siyan would not let her in no matter what, not only for Changtai's life and themselves, but also because Gan Mei was inside.

Mao Leyan looked up at the queen mother and wanted to say something, but her heart was full of bitterness, and she couldn't say a word.

The person in front of him was not Helan Yao. Long Shaoyan was not vague at all. He directly used his skills to condense ice water and poured it on Ji Tong's head.

She couldn't bear to wake him up. She hoped that he could sleep a little longer to get rid of some fatigue.

"What does my sister mean? I don't understand..." Han Shuqian pretended to be confused, after all, these words came from Feng Suyuan's mouth. If there were any changes in the future, she would have to shirk them completely. If everything was calm, she would have held her handle, which was not a loss.

A closer look seemed to be different, because Lin Feiyu had stopped howling, and his voice was more like the roar of some beast. His charred black skin fell off piece by piece with every roar, revealing the new skin inside, which was white and red, with a faint purple light, and crystal clear.

Feng Qiwen said all the words in her heart in one breath, step by step forcing Yang to sit on the chair, her face still stunned.

The magic sword was undoubtedly the most suitable for Lin Tianxu, but he just stared at it, but did not reach out. Just looking at the luster and the momentum that was not released, he knew that this was a rare good sword, even not worse than the God Killer hidden in his body.

After a long time, even if passers-by didn't have any bad feelings, they would be bombarded with visual fatigue and annoyed when they thought of Gu Xuewu.

And if I persuade her, she will think of ways to do it. It's better to let her feel that he is angry with her, and she will be a little considerate in her heart.

Mo Huangnian looked up at the snow, and squinted his eyes slightly. Another year is about to pass.

After saying that, he took out his hand from his trouser pocket, looked at his watch, and walked towards the elevator.

But Huangnian's blood type and n are different from before. Why can she be sure that he is Mo Shiche?

Inside the Chiyang Forest, tens of thousands of fierce beasts kowtowed in one direction in unison. There was a black throne there, and a boy sat on it. Although the boy looked like a human, he had dense red fur on the back of his hand. Not only that, he also had a pair of wings on his back.

Chapter 140 The hideout where Rand was not there, Lisa's little invention

He took a deep breath, forced down the rolling murderous intent in his chest, and took out the things in the envelope.

"I heard that Jiang Yinglian joined your team?" Although her tone was calm, Xiao Jin could not help but hear her dissatisfaction.

In their hands, they both held a bloody double-edged giant sword! As if they had entered a state of rage, the two figures exuded a palpitating aura.

The school had just started, and the two had been recovering from their injuries for a month, which made them unable to raise their heads in the academy.

This was the first time Wang Dawei had encountered such a situation. Shouldn't it be a matter of seconds for the system god to take action?

He Shuishui's aunt glanced at Zhang Chu. Although Zhang Chu's face was calm and he didn't bring anything with him. She still looked at her husband with some worry, fearing that Zhang Chu would get impulsive and beat her husband up.

Originally, she thought that if the other party didn't agree, she would directly take legal means to solve the matter, and the bigger the matter, the better.

As he said, in this year, he put all his energy into the war record.

"Funds, funds, without money, even practicing will be slower than others." Du Bixing thought that the tens of thousands of yuan he spent as a sparring partner in the fighting training ground was not enough for his current expenses, so he had to find a new way to make money.

But at this time, Dong Hui, who was still yelling angrily just now, suddenly became quiet. He lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was asleep. Guan Shan looked at Dong Hui's changes, but did not react at all, just looked at him quietly.

"The only long-handed Urgot, his ultimate move is to replace himself. Facing five melee fighters, it is easy for U Clockwork to pull out a perfect big move.

Before the existing avenue could react, the space-time area where he was located became illusory, and his body began to disappear bit by bit.

Ikebukuro District is a relatively large area in Tokyo where there are relatively many Yanhuang people, so there are still many Yanhuang restaurants here.

Li Congke didn't expect that this time he let Shi Jingtang go and he actually let the tiger go back to the mountain, and the Later Tang Dynasty fell in his hands.

This senior sister is more comfortable than the one yesterday. Yesterday, she said goodbye directly after hearing that Lu Yan had prepared everything.

Beside Ye Guan, Gu Hao and Xi Zhong looked at the light pillars with solemn expressions, but at this moment they were no longer afraid.

That hot summer night was the last night that Teacher Abdullah left this home. He and Ennai were on the rooftop terrace enjoying the cool and saying goodbye.

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