Historically, it was the siege of Yanmen Pass by Emperor Yang of Sui that made the 16-year-old Li Shimin famous.

Qin Lan thought about it and felt that what he said made sense. In fact, she originally wanted to join, and Meng Bai's words just strengthened her confidence.

Of course, saying that they were close friends is a bit flattering to the Cao family. Perhaps the Wang and Yang families can be called close friends of the Yuan family, but the Cao family is not.

——The huge changes that shake the foundation of the Katielin Empire may happen at any time. The sky over the ice and snow imperial capital, Saint Katielin Castle, is covered with dark clouds.

Chapter 157 Lisa's invention has been completed

"Qiong'er, your father is really sorry for you. You can decide your life and death, but you are not allowed to touch my people!" Su Zhanhe suddenly felt a great fear, "The grievances of the Su family have nothing to do with them. Even if it is your father... your father begs you!" The first plea in his life was only ignored by the young man.

"No leave, their teacher passed away, and today is a holiday," Lao Chen opened a pack of cigarettes and lit it up and said to me.

"You will know after you take a look," Ximen wanted to throw it away, but since Jin Qian asked, he handed the contract to Jin Qian.

Deng Jie was originally thinking painfully. Although it seemed that everyone had been thinking for a long time, in fact, less than a minute had passed, but Deng Jie knew that she couldn't drag it on any longer.

This time there were two sounds. Zhao Beier looked back and saw Shu Qinqin and Hong Wei getting up from the ground, with helplessness in their eyes.

Little did they know that Xu Wei was actually just a tiger skin, and he was still an extra-staff person in his bones. He could only represent himself.

Although Heiyun Town has its own foundry, there are only a few intermediate swordsmiths with average skills. The level of making tungsten steel sword armor is really not good, and it cannot be supplied on a large scale.

"What do you mean?" Wang Kala seemed a little confused. Lin Jie, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said this.

But on the deck, all the people who were still crying and running were frozen there, staring at the young and handsome warrior in amazement.

Zhan Bai was shocked. Since he cultivated to the Xingyuan stage, he had never encountered such a strange sword. It seemed that the black sword did not absorb his rain sword, but was led to another space.

Yi Xiao looked at Chi Xi's slightly clumsy flashing technique, as if every time he stepped on the magic power with his toes and stepped on the tree branches, he felt precarious and would slide down at any time.

Because he knew that with his own Taoism, he naturally could not beat these four old monks.

"Do you know that I am from Zhao?" Li Lianjie said in a deep voice. After many years of acting, although he cannot say how superb his acting skills are, he can still show the emotions he should have.

Shi Jue smiled and was no longer afraid that the Jinding Sect would not come to find him. No matter how great the temptation is, it cannot match the temptation of the elixir. If you don't come to the Jinding Sect again, don't think about getting the elixir.

Zhou Bai had learned a little yesterday, but he didn't expect the situation to be so serious. Even though he had some information in the fragments, he couldn't help but feel frightened when he heard Yuan Yu say it.

After announcing the opening of the Cute God Festival and unveiling the statue, Luo Yi also stepped down from the stage and sat next to the old man of the Church of the God of Knowledge.

Who knew that the Lin family decisively rejected his low-price acquisition, and even when he offered several times the price, the Lin family was unmoved.

This Princess Yuxi is obviously two or three years older than Tang You'er, so how come in the end, she was forced by her mother to compete with Tang You'er?

But at this time, Long Tianci was already a little too excited. Those old guys could no longer restrain him. He would become the master of the Long family and even this city.

Harut devoured the food on the table in big mouthfuls. After a while, the several dishes brought by the waiter had been almost eaten by him.

Upon learning that there might be an epidemic in Xinling, General Wei Yangsheng of Confucianism withdrew his camp ten miles away and set up camp at Mawei Slope ten miles outside the city.

The conference room, which was still in a heated discussion just now, suddenly became quiet as Qin Zhao broke in, and you could hear a pin drop.

With a "boom", a Suzaku handprint lit up, and as the fire burst, the huge rock just now was smashed into a pile of rubble.

Krush hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you okay, Caiyue Subaru?" These were actually two questions, but Hei Shisan didn't hear them at this time.

"The door is closed, and there is nothing wrong around. Am I too nervous?" Guigu Changyang said to himself.

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged man happily sent the photos he took to his boss who was on the phone with him, but he didn't leave, but continued to guard.

Next time, if the World Government comes to attack again, and the Jiao King is not there, do you know whether the Van Cleave Kingdom can survive?

He was afraid that if they disagreed, the girl would show her short blade and scare the neighbors. Then he would be guilty. Not to mention that he would be punished by his parents to kneel in the ancestral hall to regret his mistakes, the master would not let him off easily.

Han Kui's face turned cold. This stone madman didn't take him seriously at all. He was Han Sheng's son, the prince of the mercenary world, and a senior member of the Dafeng Army. A stone madman really thought he was invincible and dared to ignore him. Han Kui's eyes flashed with coldness and wanted to attack.

In the front was a long list of Wu names, which almost occupied most of the position of the cloth, and some other surnames appeared one after another.

But for some reason, Yunxuan always felt uneasy in her heart, because Qin Yan was too different from the sword cultivators she had seen.

Kiana was very satisfied with her idea. She had wanted to compete with Wang Fan.

Although she had guessed that the past history had been completely affected by her, even the timeline she had not been to had actually been disturbed.

Before there was decisive evidence, even if they suspected that it was Otto and Kallen who did it, they could not do it.

However, Wang Fan originally thought that his performance would scare Kiana and the others.

"From today on, you will follow me! I know your ambition. If you are good enough, I can pass the throne to you." Qin Shihuang said.

These masters who came to participate in the meeting suffered a Waterloo in the rematch because of the poisoning incident. Although they were called masters, they basically played in the first round.

A pair of dark eyes seemed to be worried about Li Jianyi on the roof of the car, and looked at the top of the car from time to time.

But it's always okay to be cautious, just afraid that there are ears on the wall, and it will be troublesome at that time.

But why, when we thought they had walked through all the thorny roads and could be together well, such a problem occurred again.

Chapter 158 The Tide of the Undead, and the Old Enemy is about to meet

I leaned over and began to mutter to Thor about the strategy I had thought of in an instant. Thor couldn't help but laugh several times.

"The question is, how can we trust each other?" Lou Luo did not entangle the two conditions of the exchange, but went straight to the crux of the problem, how to trust each other?

Eleven turned around, smiling like a flower, Anthony couldn't help but slide forward, holding her hand, and drew a beautiful circle on the ice. The young people around blew loud whistles, accompanied by a burst of booing screams.

"Hehe, the 166th Ha is finally found!" Ling'er retracted her fingers and stuck out her tongue, very satisfied with her results.

Datlang sent Yueying to Sally's class and left, while Nia chattered endlessly like a gossip.

He knew that Hasha's power could fully protect him, so he was a little fearless.

Kunwu Sword was slowly put down by Emperor Mu. A fine crack appeared in the middle of the ink painting, and then a zigzag line was slowly torn apart. A painting with a suitable shade of ink was suddenly split into two pieces, and the ink and painted figures were separated.

Those treasures from the depths of the legendary Dragon Desert fell into his hands at this moment. Singh felt the value and power of this artifact with his mature collection skills. The experienced collector's heart couldn't help but beat wildly when he held the artifact.

The clouds in the sky began to boil violently like boiling water. A huge gray-white head poked out of the clouds. There were green lightnings between the two gray horns on the forehead. The two eyes shot out blood-red eyes and two large searchlights, and two huge fangs stretched out of the lips.

There are still many things to do next. It is necessary to turn on the power of this base again to find some residual image information in the base and these natural things stored in the computer. After being unconscious for about three weeks, there must be something to record the reasons for such a major change around him.

So, Ruoyi was abandoned. Apart from his strange academic performance, he did not show anything. Where can he find his special talents? This is a big problem.

"If you don't take it out, this inner elixir will be useless. You big shots don't care about the lives of monsters, but I do!" Bai Yi filled the inner elixir with a jade bottle and sealed the bottle mouth with spiritual power. His tone was full of disdain.

In Fuqing Temple, two arhats were sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, monitoring the movements within a radius of 100 miles. These two arhats have the cultivation of arhats, but they do not have the corresponding combat power. They were born by the Buddha's light. One was wearing golden armor and the other was wearing silver armor, with a majestic image.

"He is under the care of Sister Xiaoyun. I can't control him, so I have no reason to ask where he goes." Ruosu shook her head.

The luxurious decoration style, but there are several Chinese paintings hanging on the wall, exuding a kind of incongruous atmosphere.

The skilled and daring Banmian Qingmian certainly would not let it go, and he quickly followed.

The King of Glory outside quickly spread to everyone's mind, and the internal test qualification of the new game also appeared.

"Why can Zhao Ziqian do it!" Linglong was venting, and instantly shouted hysterically.

Zhang You was terrified, so he made up a story, saying that he found out that Queen Mother Feng Yuan cursed the current emperor Liu Xin and Queen Mother Fu, so he came to report. This word reached the ears of Queen Mother Fu, who thought that she could finally take revenge, so she sent Ding Xuan to investigate, but it took dozens of days and there was no progress.

This roar, like thunder, exploded in Yangze's ears, and the contract power in Princess Nianhua reached its peak, gushing out of her body, and rushed towards Yangze with great momentum.

Mario stretched out his thick arms and forcibly grabbed the blue-haired boy's head, making him look up and look directly at Adam.

Although Fang Qiuyao was at a disadvantage this time, he was able to attack and defend, and was no longer as embarrassed as he was at the beginning. If a stranger was watching the fight, he would think he was a master who had practiced swordsmanship for several years.

"Following?" Huiyuan, who was walking beside Qianyu, couldn't help but tremble violently and turned his head to look at Qianyu.

However, with the promotion of ox-drawn plows and the use of iron tools, the previously uncultivated ridges, earthen hills and swamps have become easy to cultivate. After the nobles and princes cultivated these lands, they became hidden fields. These lands do not need to pay taxes because they are not included in the land register.

Adam looked at the slaves on both sides of the street. These foreigners were not his target. It was difficult to educate them after buying them back, and most of them would only add burdens to Black Stone Town.

To be honest, he was still quite resistant to the newly discovered living sacrifice. Because this trick was too cruel, it would not only drain people, but also make people suffer.

In response to his voice, a figure appeared from the dark, the place he was staring at, covered in blood, it was the Yintang killer who had just disappeared.

The huge eye-catching headline was hung on the front page, and even Lin Yumai, who didn't care much about the news, was attracted by the huge headline.

On the second day, the captain strengthened the number of spies. On the one hand, they went to find out the real situation of Zhao camp and didn't fall into Pang Cong's plan. On the other hand, they also arranged personnel on the road that Zhao army had to take to the north to make sure that Zhao army had already gone to the vicinity of the Great Wall, and not to attack back.

"Is Yaya going to give birth soon?" Yuchi Mingxi rushed back immediately. He was nervous and excited, but still a little worried.

"Child, what's wrong with you? What grievances have you suffered?" The kind voice of an old lady sounded in Yan Yue's ears. Everyone was speechless for a while, and Yan Yue finally wiped away her tears and tried to open her eyes.

"Take my ordinary thrust first." Qingyun said and swung the Locking Heaven Sword, and a dark gray air blade flow quickly flew towards Locking Heaven. Locking Heaven easily broke this thrust.

Ye Ge looked back and saw that Chunyu He had clenched his teeth and had fainted at this time. He turned back to look at Yu Zhu and lost consciousness in an instant.

Chapter 159 Enemies Meet

After waiting for too long, Hua Tuo, who had his hands free, came to Liu Ye and asked Liu Ye about his purpose.

"What do you think, Alpaca? Are you going to miss this event? You have to know that if you miss this event, you will have to wait for three years. Three years is really precious for a talisman master!" Jiang Yuan continued.

Unfortunately, her father Cai Yong followed Liu Bian and went to an unknown place. He could not come to preside over the wedding, nor could he see her wedding with his own eyes.

Everyone was trying to hold back their laughter until they were hurt. Listening to this guy's nonsense, they felt weirdly cute.

This is a society with a developed Internet. Once there is a little movement, it will be known to everyone in the world. What's more, she was captured by a monster in public. Such an incredible thing is estimated to have spread all over the world and even made it to the hot search list of major news media.

Wang Chongyang and Lan Xinjie followed the waiter and sat down near the window.

When we got to the door of the house, Fourteen got out of the car and turned around to reach out to me, wanting to hug me. The spring breeze was bleak and still had a chill. When it wrapped around my body, I felt cold.

The lady seemed to have endured enough. Although her voice was not loud, her tone was rare and harsh, even with a hint of dangerous coldness.

If he can't agree, I will still ask him out to meet, and then I will act according to the situation. I have my own plan.

"If we take Chaisang, we will have two more enemies, Yuan Shu and Liu Biao." Sun Ce said with his chin in his hand.

Waves of energy exploded, sweeping across the eight wastelands, erupting from the abyss, and the range was hundreds of miles.

I saw a line of blood flowing from Haoran's nose at this time. He reached out and wiped it, and it seemed to have no effect.

"My disciple is incompetent and let my master suffer this ordeal. Please punish me, master!" Mu Lianyi knelt down again. Although Xiao Yu didn't say it in detail, she could fully hear that Xiao Yu had a hard time in this life.

After taking care of the child, Claudia took a bath and lay next to Varian to talk about what happened during the day. Varian's attitude on the issue of Theramore was the same as Claudia's, and he did not want to start a war.

"Let her go." A man's voice came from the front, and the black shadows in front of him made way. It was none other than Du Zhong.

"Okay, everything is over. Sorry to trouble you all." Yang Ling turned around, and the three heads laughed at the same time.

Yun Tao said with an embarrassed look on his face. Although the three of them were the focus of attention, Yun Tao was the focus of the focus, absolutely the center of attention.

Under the volcano, all over the ten states, everyone who saw this scene was stunned at this time, as if in a dream.

Claudia encouraged herself. In fact, she was already exhausted. Jaina was right. If she continued to run with her in her arms, Claudia would lose the strength to resist, and Jaina didn't know how long she could hold on. She could die at any time.

If you look from the sky at this moment, you can see Claudia is like a silver line, quickly crossing the dark battlefield, leaving a blank space.

The living nine-color rainbow fish is the purest energy and one of the delicacies of Shengchao Continent, but the dead nine-color rainbow fish is the most difficult to swallow! It is also poisonous!

He raised his hand and touched the smashed head, and his fingertips were stained with blood. The anger in his chest burned fiercely like oil.

Dong Zhanyun thought about it and took out the power of the world and the burning dark earth flame to prepare the top-grade elixir and the top-grade spiritual weapon. After thinking about the steps, Dong Zhanyun planned to refine a Tianshui Xiluo pill and the Tianhe Baiyu Ding appeared in his mind. Apart from anything else, the quality of these two things is incomparable to anything else.

Peng Mo looked at him, took it with a smile, opened the brocade box, and inside was a piece of fine white jade pendant, the jade was crystal clear and warm, pure and flawless, and the touch was smooth and delicate.

"It is most suitable to build it in the 100,000 mountains in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. We can also build the naval arsenal there, which is hidden and convenient for us to protect and use," Sa Zhenbing suggested.

The whole Haimu City trembled, and countless people looked in the direction of the Yesheng Family. With such a terrifying power, which A-level peak shot?

Yan Feiyan saw the man she missed at that time, but the emotion could only be concealed in the deepest part of her heart. The group went down Mount Emei and separated.

After that, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at Sima Tianci. The whole body was full of determination. There was a faint and indescribable light, which belonged only to him.

This was the aerial performance of Xiao Menglou and the Star Crusher that the soldiers of the First Fleet saw with their own eyes at close range.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get started, and remember not to fight!" Lu Tong instructed the man.

"In other words, whoever has the token can mobilize the elemental army?" Qin Yu's face sank, pretending to be solemn.

So, he came back suddenly in the middle of the night and tortured her like this just to tell her what playing is?

Xi Xueyao let out a shrill scream, which cut through the entire palace and scared away countless birds on the branches.

Although he had vaguely guessed this possibility when the election results came out, after all, there were very few factors that could change the election results, and there were even fewer factors that could make their people change their votes.

"She has hemorrhoids!" Xi Xueyao said shamelessly. Anyway, it wasn't her who was sick, so why bother about face.

After returning home, Mrs. Gu called Gu Tingxuan and called him back to the old house. In front of the old lady, Mrs. Gu scolded Gu Tingxuan.

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