After this period of rest, Qin Feng's physical strength has recovered a lot. Although he is still very weak, it is easy to deal with these scum.

Strong air currents buzzed around the cave wall, and a huge black shadow followed closely behind Sakyamuni.

Chang Ping looked at the Queen Mother and found that the Queen Mother lowered her head and had no intention of speaking. Thinking that he was not the Queen Mother, how could he dare to speak and force the Queen Mother to plead with the emperor? She was even more unsure of herself, and cold sweat had soaked her clothes.

Zixuan looked at the hydrangea in her hand. She wanted to throw it down but Shui Muxia took it away. Besides, without Shui Muxia, she wouldn't have been able to go there in a hurry, so she hurriedly said, "I'll go to Mother Qin first." "In the room" turned around and ran away with Xue Lian.

"This isn't really a benefit. Doesn't everyone around you receive this kind of treatment?" Ice Demon Bird said disapprovingly.

"Pang Gongbo!" Qing Binghe gritted his teeth, a cold light flashing in his eyes. He didn't even notice that his pupils had turned green at this time.

"Have you finished talking? We should be ready to go, right?" Outside the school gate, Qing Yueling's figure suddenly appeared, and only then did Qing Binghe come back to his senses.

But how did Lan Shiyu, a cultivator at the fifth level of the Fish-Dragon Realm, know the efficacy of the ghost-avoiding pill?

Bat Lei could hardly believe his eyes. I am afraid that even gods cannot use spiritual power to such an extraordinary level.

Chongyang City, which had been noisy for a day, finally calmed down. Most of the people in the city were still ordinary people and had fallen asleep. Only the big families in the city, the city lord's mansion and other large mansions were still shining with bright lights, for this darkness. Add a bit of brightness to the world.

Oh, as expected, Tan Luo stared at the other person with a complicated look in her eyes. In vain, she thought that Bai Meisheng was just a male attendant beside the Demon Emperor. It turned out that he, like herself, was hiding things from each other, even if "Bai Meisheng" "This name is just a pseudonym.

In mid-air, a pink figure was seen floating like peach petals. Tan Luo's figure was slightly staggered, and with the force of her fall, she suddenly pounced towards the demon emperor in dark red robes.

The animal bones at the bottom of the lake were also attracted to the ground at the bottom of the lake by this huge force. If you look carefully, you will find that all the residue on the monster beast has been absorbed by the bottom of the lake.

Even Nian Zun Tianfu was built directly. Mo Qing didn't pay for it brick by brick, but only sent a group of design consultants.

"So, they might be people you know?" Jiang Zhi felt that if that was the case, there might be no need to worry too much.

The blood around Xiao Qianjin had solidified, and there was still a slight stench, attracting many flies. However, he continued to count each gold coin.

"No one is looking for me. Mingzhu, you are too protective. I am not a bad person. Our two families are related by marriage.

Yan Zhihong lowered her head and stammered an apology, and quickly put the pink skull cone back into her red sleeves.

Yin Yang had just settled in the Land of the Strong, and before he had a detailed understanding of the Land of the Strong, he received a mission. The target of the mission was a member of the eighth-level intermediate patron saint sect named Huda.

Chapter 210 Pre-war deployment and Bishop Kahn at the resort

The three of them were immediately surprised when they heard this. At first, they thought that Long Ya was a cultivation genius, and he might have reached the stage of becoming a demon, at least the second realm in the stage of becoming a demon, the Destiny Realm. Otherwise, how could he not even use the demon power? Defeat four experts at the peak of Thousand Dharma Realm?

This one squatted on a stone not far away, opened its mouth and let out a loud roar, and the advanced mutant monkeys around him rushed over like a swarm.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Dapeng stretched out his hands and slightly bent his legs. His body looked like a falcon waiting for an opportunity to catch prey. A large amount of internal force was concentrated in the meridians of his limbs, causing harsh reverberations in the air.

Lin Qi helplessly pushed Li Meng back to the chair and sat down. Li Meng's impulsive character was really not suitable for being the leader of a party.

After entering the city, Long Ya and his party did not stop for a moment and headed straight to the Xiao family. Along the way, the Blood Demon Guards felt that they had never been so prosperous and received "warm hospitality" from the people of Luo City.

For a military blind like Meng Hun, Gatling was very impressive when he saw Arnold take it in The Terminator. In fact, what he didn't know was that Gatling usually just watched it for fun, and the real The power is hard to describe, it is only enough for self-defense, but it is very powerful for ground defense.

Jiang Yao was thinking quickly. Somehow, the mocking face of a mysterious red-haired man suddenly appeared in his mind.

Seeing this, Aren felt a commotion for no reason. However, this thing is of little use to him at the moment, because his strong body does not need it yet, hey! Aren reluctantly put the pill back into its place.

The sixth elder, Mu Huaiying, had always followed Fu Lan's orders. She would not express any opinions until Fu Lan expressed his opinion.

After Vice-President Ma finished speaking, veteran students from the academy immediately entered the square carrying boxes of bows, arrows and broadswords, and distributed them to those who participated in the trial. Each person had a large bow, thirty arrows, and a broadsword.

Hei Qi was shocked when he saw Ye Mu hiding in the main control room, and immediately sped up to catch up, but the black door kept him out.

These days, Bing Ning has been urged by the demon soldiers to train. If Xing Can hadn't thought that she was still weak and wanted to help her, he took the initiative to ask Miao to go to the training ground alone with her to let Lei Zhu and Youji compete. I'm afraid Bing Ning would have to do it again. It's time to deal with a group of difficult beast officials and warcraft.

Hiss! Payne took a breath of cold air. Five thousand silver coins, the manufacturing cost is so expensive. No wonder it can't be mass-produced. You know, the tax revenue of Kongdu Territory in a year is only more than 100,000 silver coins, and half of it was spent at once.

"She said that the Huangtian seal has been engraved. I saw that you were busy with official business every day, so I took the initiative to come and get it. It just happened to be delivered to you now." Meng Xue said slowly.

Thinking of this, he lay on the ground from the inverted state, and the lovely face began to emerge in his mind.

"Excuse me, is Qian Ling'er short of money? Why does she like to save money so much?" Ye Mu has always been curious about this.

The two no longer have any verbal communication. With a look and a gesture, they know what the other person is thinking, and they cooperate perfectly.

But there are still some remnants of the royal family wandering around, trying to unite and regain the ruling power of Xuzu from the hands of the Church.

Gu Yanhuan began to practice again, and this time the whole practice process was very smooth. The absorbed spiritual elements reached the dantian and then turned into spiritual power.

"Zhou Shen, if we are destined to meet again in the future, don't worry." Qin Fen nodded at Zhou Shen, "Goodbye." Qin Fen gave Zhou Shen a smile, an extremely casual smile.

This temptation is undoubtedly great. That was Mongolia, which had been abused by the Song Dynasty and paid compensation every year. The attitude of every Song emperor towards Mongolia was that I would give you whatever you want, so how could they dare to refuse? As for the idea of ​​sending troops out of Yanmen Pass, it might only appear in dreams.

Lin Hai smiled bitterly and shook his head. This soul obliteration could not be used as long as there was a glimmer of hope.

"Change the magazine!" Jin whispered to Li He and began to replace the spare magazine on his body.

Ma Kuo, who had gradually recovered and showed a handsome face, smiled and bowed to accept the order. He and the new emperor had cooperated many times and had a tacit understanding. The specific matters of the mission could be arranged properly without Li He saying much.

"Boom!" When Qin Yu punched the young man's forehead, the young man's head exploded, and Ku Hai was smashed by Qin Yu's punch. Although his head was not broken, a bloody hole appeared on his face.

"Thank you for your concern." Zhou Shen looked at his watch, "I want to tell you that your Ajian will appear in this yard in five minutes, you just need to wait." After Zhou Shen finished speaking, he pulled Qin Fen inside.

He snorted coldly, and when the sword and gun collided again, Huang Zhong held the knife with both hands and raised his strength, causing Ma Chao to stagger on his horse.

After a noisy and turbulent tossing, it returned to calm again. Seeing that the situation was not right, the gloomy man did not dare to mention calling the police again, and slipped away in disgrace.

"How should I know! I think I saw a ghost!" When my film came out, the doctor began to question himself.

Chen Jin next to him was not angry at all, but responded happily. The way this couple gets along is really impressive.

In an instant, countless earth dragons rolled, the earth cracked, and the hideous cracks devoured buildings and lives. It was bottomless and seemed to lead directly to hell.

Wang Yu went forward to help the old lady feel her pulse. After a moment, Wang Yu nodded with satisfaction. The prescription of the system was still good. The old lady's health was getting better day by day. It was estimated that she would be discharged from the hospital in a short time.

The Wang Mansion and the Wang family had just been beaten to a state of disarray, but the situation turned around overnight.

"Okay! Then it's settled. I'll draft a contract tomorrow. If there's no problem, we'll sign the contract. I'll find the master to make something for you. You hurry up and give me the drawings." Unexpectedly, this time he came here for the right reason. Zhang Laizi was so happy that he almost danced with joy.

Chapter 211 Military Conflict and Concept Conflict

The dark stage lasted for about ten seconds. The scene gradually became completely quiet from the initial noise.

After Lin Jinxiu rushed out of Huai Yanqing's tent, she saw that the soldiers were resting. They were sitting together and lying in the tents, looking exhausted.

Later, Mo Yun was forced to return to Qinzhou to take over the Mo family after his cultivation was abolished and he was expelled from Muxi for Xiang Ling. The two rarely met.

"No! This is not a legend. There is such a sword! This sword is made of copper from the Gods' Caishou Mountain. It is golden in color. It is definitely a peerless sword. It contains infinite power to slay demons and monsters." The gray-robed old man said and stopped talking.

Nanny Su, who was trembling on the side, didn't expect Yan Xin to say this. Didn't the lady make it clear to her just now?

When Li Zi'an was talking just now, Yin Zhen had already switched the page, and the introductions of the two dramas were all displayed on the wall.

He might have been stunned by what I said, but he didn't make up his mind for a long time.

The good news is that with Li Mingcheng's strength, as long as he takes action, he will definitely be able to avenge the fact that a money-making machine was poached.

It is normal to say that in the morning after being drunk, you will always have a headache, but this time Li Zian's head did not feel any pain or discomfort, but felt particularly energetic.

Xu Pingan smiled, it was really a pillow that met a sleepy head, it was too timely, "Stina, send their information to my email, take them to my manor at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will meet them," Xu Pingan said directly.

The restaurant was arranged by Xu Pingan, a restaurant not far from home, newly opened, talking about the past and the present, big bones, brothers eat a big bowl of bones with meat, it is definitely delicious, and there are many cold dishes for free, for drinkers, it is the best choice.

"Is this... the doctor's residence?" At this moment, Strange and Joss were just outside the gate of the Ancient One Field, outside the old house that looked shabby.

"Besides, they dare not come to Earth in person. By the way, Your Majesty Gaia, do you know the aliens who have appeared on Earth recently?" Maya suddenly asked.

Forget it, I can't think of it anyway, I don't want to think about it, it's a headache. I picked up the mobile phone on the table. To be honest, the invention of mobile phones by humans has really made things much more convenient, and it has also ruined many people.

Joss's strange rebellion has long been accustomed to people, but no one pays attention to what he is doing, but they are all lost in thought for Tony's words.

Hearing Laura's words, the boss laughed dryly, and a fierce and fierce look appeared on his flattering fat face.

"That makes sense. Then I'll go in front, Gugu will follow me, and you will cover the rear." After a brief deliberation, Wen Renchu ​​made the final decision.

Because Tang Zhenhua came back from the army these days, Yang Jingping took the ticket to exchange meat and vegetables, so she didn't have to go to the town to buy vegetables at noon.

At the moment when Liu Qin and Zhang Di poisoned him, the burden that had been suppressed on Xiang's father for many years was suddenly unloaded.

She just couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart, and for a moment she didn't know how to deal with the gap between them.

Xu Qiu sneered at the corners of his mouth, his five fingers were like eagle claws, and there were layers of ghost shadows in his nails, which made people feel creepy at a glance.

But he was so good, even if she was wrong, could she try to redeem him in the future? This time, could she be a little selfish and not let go of his hand?

But even so, the young Chu Dongtian still trudged for more than a month! In this month, Chu Dongtian didn't know how much suffering he had suffered! He had chewed tree roots, drank sewage, been chased by wild beasts, and been beaten by evil people... If it weren't for the obsession in his heart, Chu Dongtian would have been unable to support it a long time ago.

"Uncle, I don't dare to say it. I'm afraid you will be angry after hearing it." Qiao Mingshan said with some worry.

See you again after five years. Seeing that there is another him beside her, someone has replaced him by her side. He can finally leave with peace of mind.

At dusk, when Chu Dongtian returned to the errand yard, there was no trace of blood on the ground, but there was still a trace of blood in the air.

Under the glazed stairs, there are all kinds of gold stalls woven with gold embroidery threads, and all kinds of shell decorations are overwhelmed. It can be said that they are dazzling, but they are also well organized.

Lin Xia nodded. When she left the ward, her mother accompanied her out. After hesitating at the door, she still called her.

Yu Qingtong herself has requirements and concepts for her performance, which is of course different from the evaluation of people outside, because she knows her own business in her heart.

Although Sun Shouchao agreed straightforwardly, the fact is not like this. The two black-robed men who just came out look more powerful than the mummy. And among the many disciples of Tianlongmen, there is no one as powerful as Crazy Bull Zhou Dao.

Although they were all prepared and knew that Chen Yu would do this, they really didn't expect Chen Yu to be so bold and make the decision on the spot. Didn't he know who was behind the "Asus Group"? Isn't this declaring war on the other party? At present, your people are unstable, is it appropriate to make such a big move?

Baldy hugged Li Jing and started to walk upstairs. I followed behind them. Li Jing's miniskirt just covered her round buttocks. She twisted and turned when she went upstairs. Every time she raised her legs, I felt itchy in my heart. I thought that this Li Jing was really sexy, and suddenly I felt that I had a bit of evil psychology.

Two white shadows hit Brandon's soul shield, and the soul shield just trembled a few times, but the eyes became more indifferent.

It's just that Sima Zhaoran was too conceited and didn't discuss this matter in detail with Dongmen Feng. He didn't know that a particularly key figure in this matter also joined the battlefield-Hua Ye.

After communicating with several guild presidents, there was really no other way. Unless we retreat, we can only fight like this.

"Xu Ran, the spring concert of the Cicada Band at Twelve Beech will be late this year." She was looking for him for a serious matter. She had no right to care about the troubles of people who had entered society and become stars.

Chapter 212 Who is the orthodox of the Torch Church? And the conflict continued.

For example, if the people who tried to attack Su Chen just now attacked him, he could solve it with just a casual move, although he did not master the method of mental attack.

The Holy Lord glared, and Jackie Chan was about to make a move, but the floating force of the chicken spell made him fly up involuntarily.

There was a cry of surprise from the base, and then gunshots rang out. After 30 seconds, the base suddenly became quiet, and the iron gate was just completely opened.

Seeing that many people's eyes were cast on the main podium, Meng Feifei's expression also changed for a while. Obviously, she did not expect that his step would cause such a big reaction from Yang Fan.

The threat from people disappeared temporarily, leaving only three groups of flames burning on the water surface surrounding the Wolf Run.

"If you are willing to help me, I can help you make an appointment with her..." Luther said with a smile.

The bandage on his shoulder was untied and was pulled, blood gushed out of the wound, quickly staining the bandage red. The doctor staggered back and saw the situation here. He opened his mouth to stop him. Someone nearby had sharp eyes and covered his mouth and led him back.

Analyzing from Luo Jinbao's words, it seems that Luo Jinbao didn't know that all the family members except Li Weiyi were dead, but Jiang He couldn't tell whether Luo Jinbao's words were true or false.

"Huh~" Hearing that it was only when the bottleneck was broken that it would hurt so much, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also a little disappointed. After all, this time the power was increased so much, who wouldn't want to become stronger?

But all along, after Ye Lin's demon dragon clone restrained his breath, and then lurked in the dark and suddenly appeared to hit him in time, most of the giant beasts would be swallowed by the bloody mouth of the demon dragon clone and become a delicious meal for the demon dragon clone.

Looking at the vixen who was out of control, Mo Chen felt a little confused.

"The devil danced wildly." Luosha suddenly waved his hands, and countless black demons condensed by the devil flames swept towards Murong Nuo with fangs and claws.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Did I misunderstand?" Xing Zhan's face did not change at all.

Qinghuan Tower is different from other brothels. It is not built in a very lively place, but in a very quiet and remote place.

Seeing Zhao Ge and Zhao Guo actually picked up the hammer used for blacksmithing, Mo Chen's calm heart was a little throbbing. If he was hit by the hammer, he would either lose an arm or a leg. It seems that these two people are going to kill him.

"Su..." Lin Wan'er wiped away her tears and looked at Su Chen with tears in her eyes, but before she noticed Su Chen's considerate smile, Su Chen interrupted her.

It was spread that a large amount of energy crystals were purchased, and they were really taken away, but the food was not in place. How would the commander report it?

The mountain is not high, but it is famous if there are immortals. The water is not deep, but it is spiritual if there are dragons. This is a humble room, but my virtue is fragrant.

"There is a problem with the soul... trouble, it is like an empty shell." She whispered.

The three of them began to grope around, not leaving any place. They touched the cave ceiling, walls, and the ground.

Leng Yue pointed at the white fungus soup on the table and said, "That's it." Wei Jurui brought Zuo Mudan here today, and this soup was made by Zuo Mudan herself.

Lu's calculations were all disrupted. Now she had to hand over all the power of the inner house affairs. This was definitely a blow to her. It meant that her status in the mansion would be greatly reduced in the future. If the servants were taken in by Mu Xinping one by one, her status as the main wife would be in jeopardy.

When he saw Gu Zhaoxi, his eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't know what he thought of, and he smiled faintly. Suddenly, he saw Gu Zhaoxi's brows getting tighter and tighter, wrinkled into a Sichuan character, and his face became worse and worse.

Snap, snap, snap, suddenly the stick flashed, and several flashes flew over. Ying An was instantly whipped countless times, but the next moment, it disappeared again.

Concubine Liu was a smart person. She naturally knew that Leng Yue would not seek status in the harem. If she did, it would be the whole world. Therefore, she put in her utmost effort and managed all the affairs in the harem in an orderly manner.

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