This ring is a lot more shabby than Fula's bracelet, only about one cubic meter, and the contents are even less pitiful. A small pile of the same black ashlar, two bottles of zero-order potions, and no spiritual extract potions, except Beyond this is some dry food and water.

   But what Roman didn't expect was that there were a few well-made short knives in it. Roman took a hand and waved it twice, making a whirring sound of breaking wind, which felt pretty good.

   Although these short knives are sharp, there are no inscriptions on them, and the materials used are nothing special. They are obviously just ordinary weapons.

After putting things away, Roman looked around for a while. He already understood what was going on with the fog and the villagers, but according to Chester’s memory, there should be many apprentices from Harris Academy in this secret realm. Task.

   He hasn't decided whether or not to contact these people, because he can't explain why he appeared in the back garden of other people's homes, not to mention killing their people, although his starting point is good.

But always figure out the approximate location of these people first, which helps him to take the initiative. According to the information he has, most of the people who come in have just entered the second-level apprenticeship, and only a small number of people are close to the third-level. The strength should be considered top among these apprentices.

But after all, hearing this is not true. In other people’s turf, everything must be careful and make up his mind. Roman directly jumped onto the bloodthirsty vine, looked in a direction, and directed the vine to wriggle forward. past.

   In that direction, there should be a small town with a decent scale. There is a high probability that some apprentices will gather to gather the confused during the day, but because of the sudden appearance of the abyss tide, I don’t know if they have been killed yet.

Even if he can't find those apprentices, Roman plans to go there, because in his opinion, those who are confused are definitely a rare ration for the resentful puppets. They may be a bit dangerous, but the word of profit is the priority, so you have to think about it. The way.

   Bloodthirsty's speed is not fast, but it wins in stability. Roman sits on it cross-legged, restoring his mental power through meditation, and at the same time transforming part of his mental power into source power.

   It took more time to get to the small town than he expected, and it was not until the sky was completely dark that Roman saw the fuzzy outline of a small town through the eyes of the crow.

At this moment, Roman's mental power is basically restored, about 430 units. This almost doubled mental power increase means that he can unscrupulously release the existing witchcraft without considering the consequences of mental exhaustion. .

The storage of Yuanli is much slower. On the one hand, his physique has been strengthened again after the fusion, and the capacity of his cells has been greatly increased. On the other hand, the source of energy he obtained before-Razor's Edge is not counted. Well, the conversion rate now seems to be a bit low.

The closer to that town, the more Roman can clearly hear the howling from the town, the already dim moonlight almost completely loses its color under the cover of the fog of confusion, and the dark town seems to be in the dark. There are countless monsters eager for blood and killing.

   While they are killing each other, desperately plundering and drawing the flesh and blood of the same kind to strengthen themselves, while greedily looking forward to other outsiders entering this small town, so that their terrifying and cruel side can be fully revealed.

Roman stopped on the hillside about half a kilometer from the town, because further ahead, there would be some sporadic lost people wandering in the wilderness. At this moment, they are completely alienated, one by one, like jackals looking for food on the wilderness. Those red eyes dominated by hunger searched for all possible food.

A cold wind with thick fog passed by Romain, blowing his broken black hair and dark green windbreaker. The hem of the windbreaker was violently rolled in the wind, and then a large black curtain gushed out from behind him. With the violent wind, it swept away toward the distant darkness.

Roman’s eyes were completely dark for a moment, and a large amount of vision from the crows quickly switched in his eyes. This time he released more than fifty crows. If it were placed before, it would be impossible for him to control so many crows at the same time. Not to mention dividing the energy to switch the field of vision, it will only make his brain directly down in a short period of time.

But the skyrocketing mental power made all this possible. Although it is still a big burden for him, at least he can support it in a short period of time. Before that, he has to confirm the neighborhood of this small town. Are there any other apprentice wizards?

   In the northwest corner of the small town, in a yard that seems to have been abandoned for a long time, the confused man who has been unusually tall is hovering repeatedly in the open space in the center of the yard.

This lost person looks like a huge centipede. The upper body still retains the basic human form, but the arms have become two pincer-like forelimbs dripping with black venom, and its head has become similar. The head of an insect with huge compound eyes like a wasp.

Its lower body is connected to a dark red centipede that is more than one meter thick. More than a hundred gastropods tear out a number of scratches on the ground, driving its huge body to cruise on the ground constantly, sending out from time to time. Xi Xi Suo Suo's voice seemed to be looking for an abandoned cellar at the corner of the yard, four apprentices were sitting in embarrassment on the cold and dry ground. The cellar was completely dark at this moment. A green oil lamp in the center barely provided a ray of light.

   The four apprentices consisted of three men and one woman. Except for the girl, the other three were all wounded and pale. The worst was the man sitting on the outside.

   He looks like he is about twenty years old, his body is leaning softly on the wall, his head hanging limply, he seems to be in a coma, but even in the coma, his face is completely distorted due to pain.

His right body is full of blood holes with the thickness of an arm. These blood holes penetrate his body without exception. The blood is not flowing continuously along these blood holes, and quickly accumulates under him. A large pool of blood.

   The girl was squatting next to the man, her hands pressed out of his wound, a trace of milky white light was radiating from her hand, slowly blending into the man's wound.

   As the white light melted in, the blood in the wound gradually stopped flowing, and the man's frowning brows also eased a little. It was precisely because of the girl's healing witchcraft that the man did not die immediately.

   But the girl's movements didn't last long. Soon, she dissipated the light from her hand, then stood up and sat back to her original position, staring at the central green oil lamp without saying a word.

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