It All Starts with the Wizard

Chapter 167: Laughter in the dark

Hearing this, Edmund raised his head in astonishment. He didn't expect that the idea in his heart was so simple that he could see it through, and what was even more unexpected was that he spoke it out so straightforwardly. , For a moment a little embarrassed and speechless.

  Who knew this Merlin seemed to see his embarrassment, he reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This world is the weak and the strong. In the face of danger, you have no obligation or responsibility to protect them. Otherwise, it may be you who replace them as gourmet food. You want to be chewed by a monster in your mouth and then Becoming a lump of unnutritious feces, in exchange for a grateful look from that person, maybe it was completely forgotten by him the next day?"

   was caught off guard by Roman taking a sip of poisonous chicken soup, Edmund's mood was unexpectedly relaxed a lot, he nodded to Roman almost without hesitation, and then said:

   "You are right, my friend, this world is cruel, we should not have extra pity, it will only kill ourselves."

   Roman smiled, showing a meaningful smile:

   "Very good, I hope you remember what you just said."

   Edmund stunned again, did not understand the meaning of Roman's words, but Roman no longer paid attention to him, and walked over the two to take the lead, beckoning as they walked, and beckoning them to follow.

Edmund and Wendy looked at each other and followed them together, but before they could take a few steps, Edmond suddenly smelled a burnt stench. In fact, he just came out of this smell. It smelled right then, but it was not so strong, but now, the stench almost made him nauseous.

Wendy beside    also covered her mouth and nose with her hands, apparently also smelling the smell. The two of them scanned the surroundings, but did not find the source of the stench.

   Merlin in front of him was moving faster and faster, and he was about to walk out of the yard. Edmund and Wendy hurriedly ignored the source of the stench and ran a few steps to catch up.

Edmund felt a little anxious. The figure of Merlin had disappeared from the corner. He didn't mean to wait for them at all. He ignored Wendy next to him, and speeded up his pace again and rushed over. His heart became more and more uneasy.

At the moment he turned the corner, Edmund's body stiffened violently, and the figure of Merlin had completely disappeared, replaced by a scorched corpse that almost filled his field of vision, so strong that it was disgusting. The stench came on his face, but he didn't seem to notice it, just staring at the scorched corpse blankly.

At this time Wendy also chased up, and when she saw the scene in front of Qing's eyes, her eyes widened in horror. The entangled arthropods, the densely packed stomach and feet, and the insect-like head were actually that. A lost person in the form of a centipede!

   What is going on here, why is it burned to death here? Who killed it? Who can kill it?

A lot of questions instantly occupied the minds of the two of them, but before they could think about it, the ground under their feet suddenly trembled. Then, a jagged mouthpart came out from under the corpse of the centipede, and then fiercely. He threw himself at the two people who stood still in place.

The stench and burnt smell mixed with the fear of death filled Edmond’s mind. At this moment, the conversation with Roman just now flashed through his mind. Subconsciously, he reached out and grabbed Wendy next to him, thinking Let her act as your shield.

Then, to his surprise, his hand actually grabbed an empty space. He turned his head abruptly and saw that the woman was looking at him viciously. She stretched out her hand and gave a violent push behind his back. He turned around without looking back and ran away.

   Edmund pulled a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know whether it was anger or fear in his heart. What he wanted to say, but his eyes suddenly turned dark.


Edmund's body was bitten in two mercilessly by the bloodthirsty flower, and then there was the infiltrating chewing sound of a meat grinder. Hearing the sound behind, Wendy's footsteps became more hurried, and she was almost blank He rushed back to the yard, lifted the cover of the cellar hard, and got in at one end.


   The cover closed again, and the cellar was once again plunged into darkness. Wendy shivered in the corner with her shoulders shrunk, not even paying attention to the weird laughter Pike made.


After a while, Parker’s laughter became more and more frequent, Wendy finally couldn’t help it. She looked up angrily in the direction from which the laughter came, trying to see exactly what that man became stupid and why he made it. This kind of childlike laughter.

But in the darkness, she couldn't see anything. Her eyes hadn't fully adapted to the darkness here, so she fumbled and wanted to get up. The lamp of secrets had already been extinguished, so she had to stop Pike if he laughed like this again. Going down, I don't know what kind of monsters will be attracted.

   In the darkness, she suddenly touched something, which seemed like a human hand, she pulled it subconsciously, and then a body fell heavily on her.


Wendy didn’t know where she was. She subconsciously thought it was Ryan’s corpse. She followed the corpse’s arm to his shoulder, and then stretched her other hand to the other shoulder of the corpse. She wanted to Ryan's corpse pushed away Suddenly, Wendy's movements stopped, and a deep chill rose in her heart. On the other side of the corpse, there was no arm! This body is not Ryan, he is Pine! He is dead!

   So, who is it who is staying with her in this cellar now and laughing?

   The fear called the unknown attacked Wendy's reason over and over again. The human instinct to escape was madly instigating her to leave here, but the body ignored the instructions of the brain and still sat on the spot.


The laughter seemed to be moving. It was getting closer and closer to Wendy's position. She could almost feel a vague black figure floating towards her in front of her, like an invisible mouth hidden in the dark. Swallow.

   Finally, the fear overwhelmed her last trace of reason. The woman raised her arms and let out a hysterical scream. The only remaining magic power was driven by spiritual power and turned into her last witchcraft to bloom in her hands.

The milky white light shines in this dark and narrow space, and a small piece of darkness around the woman is dissipated by the light. Wendy's eyes widened and stared at the front. There was a pair of dark eye sockets like a black hole, looking at her with a smile. , At this time, the childlike laughter came again.


   The light went out, and darkness enveloped the cellar again.

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