It All Starts with the Wizard

Chapter 170: It's you

   In the strong sound of breaking through the air, this sudden figure was like a falcon slaughtered high in the sky. The distance of one hundred meters was instantly shortened, and only then did the apprentices behind see the figure clearly.

He was slender, covered with a layer of pale yellow scale armor, his hind limbs were bent, his sharp nails flashed cold even in the dark, and his slender tail fluttered unconsciously behind him, making him extremely vigorous. Leaped towards the back of the little tree.

   "It's Master Rashi!"

   "Is it finally shot? Could it be that form?"

   "Well, you can't go wrong, Master Lassi activated the bloodline of the Golden Scale Leopard."

   "I really envy it, it is said that this is an advanced bloodline that can support the transformation of a first-level wizard."

   "Nonsense, Master Rashi is a descendant of Lu Sien's tutor, and his blood is naturally extraordinary."

   A group of apprentices looked at Lacy's figure enviously, and discussed again and again. At this moment, an apprentice suddenly asked a little hesitantly:

   "Since Lassi-sama has transformed, you should be able to catch the slippery guy, right?"

  Another apprentice immediately answered:

   "Don't worry, the golden scale leopard itself is known for its speed. The speed after transforming is almost the limit that the apprentice can reach. Although the tree is not slow, it has been forced to the front by the adults, and it must not run!"

Lacy ignored the discussion of the apprentices behind him. His eyes flashed with the ambition to win. He stared at the back of the soul-quenching tree not far away. As long as the tree was caught, the soul-quenching fruit on it was enough for him to reach three. The pinnacle of the first-level apprentice is definitely a great achievement.

   Seeing that the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, the soul-quenching tree also seems to feel the crisis, and the two pairs of feet are actually a little faster, almost becoming a rotating wheel.

   "Damn it, can you speed it up?"

Lacy looked at the distance between the two sides and couldn’t get closer. He couldn’t help being impatient. He had chased the tree for two full days. Although he had gathered a large number of apprentices to help with it, the tree was like a cunning tree. Like a mouse, it can slide without leaving a hand. Now it can be said that it is the closest to success. Say nothing to let it run again!

Thinking of this, Lacy no longer hesitated, his eyes narrowed, and a fierce breath burst out suddenly. He let out an inhuman roar, and his hind leg muscles swelled up like an inflatable piece of soil. , Lassi's figure directly turned into a yellow lightning and rushed forward.

His speed was so fast that he rushed behind the soul-quenching tree almost instantly, and he stretched out his claws and grabbed its trunk. The soul-quenching tree was attacked suddenly, and he immediately bounced from the spot as if it had exploded its hair. When he got up, his legs split into a horse in the air, and he escaped the attack dangerously and dangerously.

But Lacy obviously has a good control over himself. After a miss, he hardly stopped. With a violent kick on the ground with his legs, his body rushed upwards, his arms opened to quench his soul. The tree was in his arms.

At this moment, the soul-quenching tree is in the air, and there is no way to dodge it. A piece of bark in the center of its trunk looks like a human face. The position of the human face’s eyes is now staring at the boss, looking at Lassi, who is approaching him. The fear in his eyes is exceptionally vivid.

Seeing the extremely anthropomorphic expression of the soul-quenching tree, Lacy couldn’t help flashing a trace of joy in his heart. After these two days of chasing, they were often played by this tree, and what’s even more hateful is that this tree is always going to be confused. Running at the gathering place, they had to fight a large number of awakened lost people, and several apprentices died during the period.

   Now that he was finally catching this bastard, Lacy decided that as long as he caught him, he would immediately pull out the soul-quenching fruit on his head one by one, and then fertilize him well.

Just when Laxi’s hand was about to touch the soul-quenching tree, a smirk was squeezed out of the tree’s face, and the panic in his eyes turned into sarcasm, regardless of how Lacy saw it. The face is indeed so vivid.

"not good!"

  Raxi immediately understood that the situation might have changed, but he was so close at hand that it was impossible to give up. He roared again, and his outstretched arm flashed a yellow light, and it turned into a leopard claw completely.

But after all, he failed to achieve his wish. He only heard a loud noise of "Puff!", and then Lacy's vision was obscured by a black mist. At the same time, his brain suddenly felt a burst of intense dizziness, even when he was around. It's not clear where.

   groggy, Lacy felt something step on his face, and then a force struck him, his head was stepped back, and the whole person began to fall downward.

   The apprentices in the distance stared at the scene just now with their mouths stunned, and for a while they even forgot to pursue them.

In their vision, Lacy was about to catch the cunning guy just now, but he didn't know what was going on. A thick black mist suddenly burst out between one person and one tree, which instantly covered two of them. Human figure.

Then, I saw that thin, thin tree jumped out of the black mist, patted his **** and ran away in smoke, while Lacy fell out of the black mist a little later, and it seemed that he was even a little unconscious. Qing, didn't make any response in the process of falling, just fell straight into the ground.

   "Damn, what's going on, why did Master Rashid let it run away?"

   "Why look familiar to this picture?"

   "Damn it, isn't this the trick to stun Morton? This **** is farting again!"

   "No, it was just a small group last this time this time..."

   "Go and see Master Lassi, he must not have an accident!"

Hearing this, a group of apprentices rushed over and pulled Lassi out of the soil with all their hands. Rashid hadn't fully recovered at this moment, until an apprentice released one for him. After the sobriety technique, he shook his head violently and jumped up from the ground.

   "What's the matter? Where is that tree? Have you caught it?"

  Raxi came together and questioned the other apprentices fiercely. Then, as if remembering what had happened, he gritted his teeth and hit the ground with a fist.

   "Damn! That guy, actually, dare to, huh! Don't let me catch you, I must take your skin!"

  Looking at Lassi, who was in anger, the apprentices kept silent, and they didn't dare to go up and touch his brow at this time. At this time, one of the apprentices suddenly said:

   "Master Lassi, don't have to be angry. This time we are very close to success. I think that tree is already outdated, and I will definitely catch it next time."

   After hearing this, Lacy's brows eased slightly, but before he could respond, another voice sounded in the crowd:

"That's right, Lord Lassi, it’s you who ate the big fart of that tree head-on, and recovered so quickly, unlike Morton’s waste, who only took a small bite and still foams at the mouth. Woolen cloth."

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