It All Starts with the Wizard

Chapter 251: Jasmine's story

Jasmine didn’t understand what the fertilizer was in Roman’s mouth, but she understood Roman’s meaning by looking at his expression. She looked at her bloated figure, which was completely irrelevant to the hot and **** in the past, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. .

But she quickly let go, and then said with a bitter smile:

"I made you laugh, Mr. Merlin, I am like this. No wonder you can't recognize it. If you are the self from the past, I am afraid it is hard to believe that I will become the way I am now."

After the initial surprise, Roman quickly recovered his calm. After all, Jasmine was just an insignificant passerby to him.

Whether she was charming and charming in the past or overgrowth now, she has nothing to do with him, but the old friend who is beyond recognition in his hometown still makes Roman a little embarrassed.

Jasmine seemed very happy to meet Roman. She put the meat cleaver in her hand on the chopping board, and then took Roman to a restaurant opposite. After ordering some snacks for herself and Roman, she opened the chattering box.

"Speaking of which I became like this, I can’t blame anyone else. Do you remember the night when the thunderstorm sounded? I don’t know why. Many people died after that night, and all the gladiators disappeared. No one knew about them. Where did you go.

Since then, the arena has been sluggish, and the boss later killed the whole family when he was in debt because of too much debt. Naturally, I had nowhere to go.

Fortunately, relying on the savings on Weibo, I have not yet fallen to the point of selling myself to Burg Lane. I originally planned to find a nobleman to be a maid or something. Although life is not easy, it is better than starving to death, but it didn’t take long. , The soldiers of the church fought over.

A lot of people died that day, and even the Blue Dao Knights suffered more than half of the casualties. The residents of the city were dead and fleeing. Since then, Ilot has completely declined.

I managed to escape by hiding in the cellar. I was so hungry two days later that I dared to sneak out to find food. Only then did I know that Lord Misius had already taken the Knights to attack the Suma Order.

However, the homes of the residents in the city were destroyed, coupled with the loss of the constraints of the knights, they have completely turned into cannibals. For a month, they were burned, killed and looted everywhere. A woman like me can only become A tool for venting desires, and then turned into a pot of fragrant broth, but after all, God took care of me and made me meet Boss Jin. "

Roman's tea drinking paused:

"Boss Kim? Fat Kim? So he saved you?"

Jasmine nodded and shook her head, her eyes full of worship, and she continued:

"Well, it's him, but he didn't save me, but gave me a way to save myself."

"The way to save yourself?"

Roman's eyes fell on Jasmine's sturdy body, showing a thoughtful look.

"Well, he arranged me in the arena, which is now the slaughterhouse. At that time, because the Illot economy was declining, Lord Jin easily obtained the right to operate from the nobleman and monopolized Illot's meat. Class supply, I started working there at that time.

Later, the mobs were unable to grab anything, and were afraid to attack the nobles protected by guards. They began to attack the slaughterhouse. Although they were beaten back by Lord Jin’s men, there were still workers returning home from the group every night. The mob dragged into the alley and was never there since.

I was so frightened that I could only stay overnight under the table in the slaughterhouse. In the end, Lord Jin took pity on our poor group of workers and gave us a pill with power. "

Hearing this, Roman's eyes narrowed slightly. Although the word pity is full of links to Fat Jin, he is obviously not focusing on this now:

"Pills? Did you take that pill to become what you are now?"

That’s right, the reason why Roman was willing to sit down and listen to Jasmine’s recount of her past is because he faintly felt a familiar evil in her body after seeing Jasmine. This feeling he had felt in Fatty Jin before. , Now it seems that the problem should lie in that pill.

After listening to Roman’s question, Jasmine nodded. She seemed to be a little hungry. She grabbed a plate of cake on the table, and went suffocated without blinking. Roman immediately lost her appetite. The cake in front of him also pushed forward.

Jasmine cast a grateful look. Without hesitation, she grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth, then tilted her head and wriggled her neck before swallowing easily.

"Hiccup, that's right, after taking that pill, I felt very hungry, as if I couldn't get enough no matter how I eat it. Fortunately, Lord Jin was very generous to us.

He said that he understands our feelings and allows us to eat the meat from the slaughterhouse at will. When we no longer feel hungry, we will no longer feel fear. That’s it, in just one month, I changed. It's what it looks like now.

But fortunately, things are exactly like what Mr. Jin said, I have become fat, and I have also become stronger. My body and fat seem to be full of endless long as I am full, Those indomitable thugs are just as powerless as little chickens. "

While talking, Jasmine also bent her arms and showed Romain her strong biceps femoris.

Roman listened to her closely, and at the same time scanned her body carefully with mental power. Soon he found that the cells of Jasmine's whole body exuded a dark and purple evil aura, which was extremely devouring. Sex, it not only swallows the food energy in Jasmine's body, but also devours her vitality.

A large amount of these energy is stored in the cells, which directly leads to the enlargement of Jasmine's muscle tissue. Although it has brought her certain strength, more energy is still stored in the cells intact.

Rather than saying that these cells have mutated, they are more like carriers of energy storage. When Jasmine's vitality is completely drained, or the capacity of the cells reaches the upper limit, Roman believes that it is time for Fatty Golden to harvest.

Jasmine, and all the people who have taken Golden Fatty Pills, are the pigs that Fatty Golden really cultivated. Fatty Golden Slaughterhouse, haha, maybe it is not the livestock that are really waiting to be slaughtered, but Jasmine’s group of nothing. The hapless one known.

However, even though he understood Fatty Jin's purpose, Roman didn't mean to confess like Jasmine. After all, it didn't do him any good, and Fatty Jin was also a potential partner for Romans.

Knocked on the table, Roman threw a gold coin to the waiter who came, then stood up, picked up the top hat placed on the table, put it on his head, tidied his clothes, and then looked at Jasmine, a gloomy flash in his eyes Shining, said softly:

"Then, Jasmine, I think you must know the whereabouts of Fatty Jin, right? I also want to stop by to visit this old friend. Could you please lead me down?"

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