It All Starts with the Wizard

Chapter 357: Experiment 2

In the other case, it is just the opposite, that is, the world will of this world has been weakened to the extreme, unable to maintain the aura that a child of the world should have, because that will accelerate the decline of the world will itself.

The most likely cause of this situation is the invasion of foreign enemies. Just as the Cavaliers World was still under the rule of Suma, and Emperor Caesar was still greedy for darkness in the mines for a bite of food. If it weren’t for the emergence of Egoss, I’m afraid Caesar would die. Can't get out of the mine.

In fact, that situation is still good, and even worse, like now, the world’s will is too weak, and the power to control the world has dropped to the extreme. In order to prevent the son of the world from being maliciously obliterated, this power can only be dispersed. Many people hide themselves.

Later, if the situation improves, you can use other methods to bring these forces together. For example, just like the story of those vulgar dragons fighting the dragon, the brave met many partners during the adventure, and finally united. Get up, finally defeated the dragon and saved the princess.

The brave is the last selected son of the world, and those partners are the instrumental people who also have part of the power of the world in their bodies. As for the princess, it is the will of the world itself.

And now, judging by the power of the world in Lean, there is no doubt that the proper tool man is undoubtedly, through his experience, Roman can probably guess the plot afterwards.

The sister died because of an external god, and the younger brother worked hard and wanted revenge, but suffered from no clues. Then the real protagonist suddenly jumped out and told him the clues of the enemy, and finally said that the other party was too strong and wanted to unite or something.

In short, no matter how the plot develops, anyway, even if the outer **** is successfully eliminated in the end, Ryan will definitely not get the head, and even if it is a harmonious ending, it may be used as a backstop.

What Roman has to do is to jump out and cut Hu before Lean meets the son of the real world, acting as a role similar to the grandfather, allowing him to join the center of the world's vortex more quickly, and even replace it as a real real. Son of the world.

As for how to do it, it’s more tricky. For example, now, after the world will in Lean feels the invasion of another world will, it will naturally explode. This is an instinct, just like humans can’t control the immune system in the body. Similarly, the will of the world will spontaneously erase the will of the outside world.

And what happens when the world will in Lean's body cannot balance the other will? Obviously, the world will help it.

Therefore, when the two world wills began to collide, Roman immediately saw the situation clearly. Unfortunately, Laian deserves to be the spare tire in the spare tire. The world will in his body is so pitiful that he is immediately in the confrontation. Downwind.

Therefore, Roman slightly released some of the blockades of the magic circle, allowing the outside atmosphere to escape a little bit. Sure enough, the world will in Lean's body seemed to be plugged in, and it gradually grew stronger.

In this way, Roman carefully controlled the balance of the two, while gradually strengthening the world will through the opening of the magic circle, while using the potion to maintain the strength of Lean's soul, so that he would not be lost in the collision of the two. .

Once the balance is not well controlled, Laian's soul will dissipate in the slightest, and even Roman will be implicated. When the time comes, Fatty Jin will have to run away.

Gradually, the world will contained in the drop of blood gradually dissipated, while the world will in Lean's body has grown a lot. Of course, this growth is also relatively speaking, after all, what Roman is doing now is nothing to see. Light, the fluctuations it causes may not even be aware of the world will itself.

In short, after the experiment is completed, the world will in his body should be officially upgraded from the spare tire in the spare tire to the spare tire.

Moreover, Roman also used the collision of the will of the world, coupled with the assistance of special potions, and successfully awakened a talent for Ryan. The specifics are still unclear, but after Ryan wakes up, he can test it. NS.

"It's..... is it done? Merlin, I was scared to death. I thought I was going to be struck by lightning again."

Seeing all the dust settle, Jin Fatty stroked his stomach, and said with lingering fears.

"Well, the situation is going well. It seems that this world is worse than I expected. Forget it, his condition is estimated to be sleeping for two days. To adapt to the changes in body and soul, you will take care of it. He, I have something else to deal with."

"Watch him? What do you mean, let me be a bodyguard for this kid?"

Fatty Jin was quite dissatisfied. He had been around for a lifetime, and he was always served by others. How could he serve others? Anyone who had been used to call him was still alive. It is estimated that Roman is alone.

"It's not impossible for you to understand this way. In short, he is a very important part of my plan. If you mess up, I'll let you use the soul-quenching tree as fertilizer."

"Ahem, don't be so serious. Everyone is old friends. Well, let's forget about the fertilizer for Brother Tree. In addition to smoking, that guy needs a fart fertilizer."

Fatty Jin decisively admitted, he muttered, picked up Lean, and squeezed out of the room.

Seeing that the door was closed, Roman exhaled slightly and sat down on the chair. At this moment, his forehead was slightly oozing sweat. The experiment just looked simple, but it lasted more than five hours. The mental exhaustion is even greater. Even with the strength of Roman’s soul, it is slightly The first step of the plan is considered a success. Although the contact with this world is not comprehensive enough, but this situation It is always right to muddy the water first. After all, hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity is the way for a wizard to survive. "

Roman crossed his hands against his chin, his eyes shone thinking.

"However, although there is a good hand like Lean, in the final analysis, strength is the root of everything. Except for the local forces in this world, whether it is the outer **** hidden in the dream, or Solomon, Lego, Veronica and even Rodney are not easy guys to deal with. In order to have enough voice in the final stage, I must also improve my strength as much as possible."

Thinking of this, the black mist rose from Roman's hand, and the Record of Revelation appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Think about it for a while. It's been a long time since you slowed it down. It's time to squeeze some more oil and water out."

Looking at the heavy black book in his hand, the corners of Roman's mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, revealing a look of expectation and greed.

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