It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 731: What is she?

Little pear blossom.

Chu house.

Chu Heng nestled comfortably on the hot kang and gnawed delicious roasted sweet potatoes. On the kang table next to him was tea soaked in goji berries. If he choked, he would take a sip. He could also gnaw a goji berry, which quenched his thirst and strengthened his yang!



At this moment, Silly's voice sounded outside the door.

When Chu Heng picked up his wife yesterday evening, he went to find this guy specially and asked him to cook for him today, and all the food expenses and so on will belong to him.

Originally, Sha Zhu owed him a favor, even if he had no money, it was impossible for him to refuse, so he agreed immediately.

At this time, Chu Heng was lying comfortably on the kang, and he was not willing to leave the hot kang. Hearing the movement of Silly Zhu, he didn't move a bit, lying on the kang like a dead man, shouting at the outside Said: "At home, come in!"

Silly Zhu, who was blocked by two dogs at the door and did not dare to come in, shouted helplessly again: "I know you are at home, so hurry up and get these two dogs away, you are going to bite me!"


Chu Heng sat up cursing, put down the sweet potatoes, reluctantly got down from the kang, pulled on the mille-soled cloth shoes, wrapped in a military overcoat, went to the door, pushed the door open a gap, poked his head out from inside, and rushed to the door. The two grinning dogs shouted, "Go back to the den!"


The two dogs turned around obediently, and ran back to the kennel happily, continuing to sleep.

"Good guy, you dog is really a housekeeper. As soon as I opened the door, I saw these two beasts squatting at the door and baring their teeth. If I hadn't been able to hide quickly, I would have been hit!" Silly Zhu walked in eagerly.

"That's right, if I keep a dog and don't look after the house, I'll hang myself on a tree and eat dog meat!"

Chu Heng smiled at him triumphantly, and then thought that there would be people coming later, so he could only walk out of the house wrapped in a coat, ran to the kitchen to find a few corn buns and threw them into the doghouse, and took a wooden board to throw them into the kennel. The door of the kennel was locked and blocked with bricks, and then he took Shazhu back to the house.

"Hey, you are really good at this! This!"

When he came to the warm spring-like main room, Silly Zhu rushed to the heated kang without seeing anyone, took off his shoes and got on the kang cross-legged, and even grabbed the small half of the roasted sweet potato on the table and took a bite.

Finally, he hummed with a relaxed face: "Hey, the kang is still comfortable. I will get one later. My daughter-in-law is afraid of the cold, and it will be used in winter."

"Isn't it your daughter?" Chu Heng walked over with a mean smile on his face.

"go away!"

Silly Zhu's face turned dark immediately, he turned his head and glared at him viciously, and asked, "Let me ask you, on the night of my wedding, did your kid lie by the window too?"

"Don't insult people's innocence. I, Chu Heng, have always acted upright and sat upright. How could I do such despicable things!" Chu Heng immediately looked indignant, as if he had been humiliated, and then grinned again, Said: "I just happened to look for you, and I heard a short section called Dad."

"I'll whip you and me!" Shazhu became furious, dropped the sweet potato and rushed over.

Laughed for a while.

The two lay on the kang, one east and the other west.

Chu Heng turned over like a maggot, turned his head to Shazhu and said, "Hey, brother Zhuzi, when you can cook, make more sweet and sour mouthfuls. Foreigners like this."

"Don't worry, I know what these grandchildren taste like. In the early years before my father left, he led me to cook for foreigners." Silly Zhu waved his hand indifferently. He didn't dare to say anything else, but If he wants to pick up and cook, he has no time to shudder!

What kind of foreigners, and non-foreigners, don't they all have one nose and one mouth, and they still eat and drink.

And those people are very ignorant, they yelled and yelled and shook their heads, as if they had never eaten in eight lifetimes, and they could call the gods if they made some slop.

Chu Heng saw that he was full of confidence, so he didn't say anything more, he didn't doubt the employing person, and the suspicious person didn't need it, it would be a bit too much for him to talk nonsense.

So, the two of them changed the subject and talked about the recent major events in the city. They talked about the Xidan bathhouse, and after a while they talked about the Bada Hutong, and then some of the more famous half-covered houses in the city. In the end, we talked about Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law, what a big butt, open-minded and so on...

Men are all like this, and they can talk to women when they talk, this is called not forgetting the original intention!

"Hey hey hey! It's so round!"

"Hey hey hey! Also curled up!"

The two of them smiled wretchedly, gesticulating with their paws, as if they were hysterical.

"Is this Comrade Chu Heng's house?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded from outside, like misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Hearing this bone-crunching voice, Chu Heng, who was thinking about Yu Li's swollen chest, sat up in shock, frowned and said, "This is not nonsense, is it! Why did you send the little jujube stone here? "

At this time, the control over foreigners is very strict, and they have to go to special restaurants and hotels for meals and accommodation. He takes people home, which is more or less regarded as foreign affairs activities, so he reported to his superiors yesterday and allowed It is allowed, but a special person must be sent to accompany and supervise.

It's just that he didn't expect that Li Jiangqi would be sent here!

The two of them have enmity, don't mess around with this bitch!

"Who is this? It's beautiful to hear the movement."

Sha Zhu also sat up curiously, not because he had any ideas, but because of male instinct.

"People are beautiful too!"

Chu Heng put on his clothes without a word, and came out of the room carelessly.


Opening the gate of the courtyard, I saw Li Jiangqi standing in the doorway.

Holding a white oil-paper umbrella, she has a beautiful face, flushed cheeks, and rippling almond eyes. of.

Classic beauty!

Chu Heng looked at this woman unscrupulously, and these four words suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Have you seen enough?" Li Jiangqi looked at him coldly, feeling a little flustered inexplicably at the aggressive look in his eyes.

Stinking rogue!

"It's so rare to see you!"

It's not that Chu Heng can't move when he sees a woman. He didn't shy away from his dislike at all. He curled his lips and turned around and walked in. At the same time, he said obstinately: "The group of people will come over at about ten o'clock. When the time comes, you will be there." Just watch it while watching, don't do superfluous things presumptuously, if you ruin my business, you will be guilty of a serious crime!"


Li Jiangqi raised her chin lightly, with a cold and proud expression on her face, ignored him, and followed him all the way into the main room.

When the heat wave hit, she came from the unit on a bicycle, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth subconsciously curved into a beautiful arc.

She pedaled the bicycle all the way her buttocks were numb from the cold, and at this moment she suddenly had a feeling of returning to the mother's body.

So comfortable and so warm!

She turned her beautiful eyes, glanced at the antique furnishings in the room, a flash of appreciation flashed in her eyes, and finally fixed on the kang.

When Shazhu saw the beautiful woman, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he hurriedly got down from the kang and said, "Then it froze? Hurry up and sit on the kang, it's warm!"


Li Jiangqi nodded politely to him, walked gracefully to the edge of the kang, turned around and sat on the edge of the kang, her thick buttocks, which were not inferior to Ni Yinghong's, were instantly squeezed and deformed, taking up a large area!

"Drink some water."

Chu Heng also walked over at this time, kicked off his shoes and got on the kang, and got her a cup of tea.

If you don't wait to see you, you don't want to see them again. There is still a way to treat guests.

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