I’ve already cleared Naruto, you let me travel through Douluo

Chapter 192: Proposals that are constantly rejected, Qian Renxue's thoughts

Such top leaders of powerful forces gathered in an ordinary secret room in Wuhun City. If the outside world knew about it, it would probably cause an uproar.

Normally, people like Yu Tianlong, Di Tian, ​​and Bi Ji would definitely have a lot of eyes watching them.

Their every move was always watched and monitored. It was okay for one or two people to escape such surveillance, but it was wrong for so many people to escape surveillance at the same time.

The real reason for the current scene was that they could come here to attend the party through the ability of the Samsara Eye - the illusion body technique of the derivative ninjutsu.

There was no way, Su Chen's goal was too crazy, challenging the authority of the gods with a non-god body!

Before Su Chen, no one had ever done this, and no one had imagined such a thing. Before Su Chen really stated his purpose, others did not know.

However, they were already members of the Akatsuki organization, and they believed in Su Chen sincerely, so they felt that Su Chen's idea was too crazy, and they couldn't help getting excited.

If they succeed, it means that they can fight against the authority of the gods with their power. In that case, the gods will no longer be a lofty existence in their eyes.

This attack on the vast sea of ​​​​universe is a test and an attempt of the Akatsuki organization founded by Ye Chen on the gods.

Before the action, the preparations must be foolproof, and the actions must be extremely solemn.

In order to prevent their plan from being known in advance, Ye Chen did not even let their real bodies come over. There is also this seemingly ordinary basement, but in fact, there are many back-ups outside the basement to ensure that the things here will not be known by the outside world.

"We work together to sweep across the entire continent, but we still can't fight against the gods."

"We can't fight hard, we have to think of other ways and take it slowly."

Old Ma was the first to speak out and reject the possibility of a frontal attack.

Unfortunately, his words were completely nonsense. Except for Su Chen and Gu Yuena, who among the people present did not have awe for the gods?

If Su Chen hadn't been the leader this time, they would have run away long ago.

However, even if Su Chen was the leader, they didn't have the slightest intention of confronting each other head-on.

So as soon as Lao Ma finished speaking, Du Wudi, who was sitting next to him, immediately said in a weird voice, "I thought you could come up with some constructive topics, but it turns out that you have eliminated an option that has been eliminated for a long time!"

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Lao Ma was not angry when he was confronted, he just turned his head and asked Du Wudi. He really didn't think of a way. If he hadn't seen that the atmosphere in the meeting was a bit dull, he wouldn't have stood up to actively liven up the atmosphere.


Du Wudi stared at Lao Ma, unable to get off the stage for a while. If he had thought of it, could he let Lao Ma speak first?


Bibi Dong raised her hand and tapped on the table with her fingers. She moved her eyes from Lao Ma to Du Wudi, and then turned to others. She didn't say a word, but all the whispers disappeared quietly after she spoke.

Su Chen's words can also have this effect. Originally, he would have spoken even if Bibi Dong didn't speak. Now that Bibi Dong spoke, Su Chen naturally hid himself. It's better for Bibi Dong to come forward for this kind of thing.

Not long after, perhaps seeing that there was no sound in the meeting, Bibi Dongfang spoke.

"The Vast Sea Universe Cover is the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire. Although it is not very useful, if you want to directly attack the Tiandou Empire or exert external pressure, it will attract the attention of the gods."

"So the best way to deal with this matter is to start from the inside and get the Vast Sea Universe Cover in your hands."

"This is the first step, and it is also the easiest first step to do."

As Bibi Dong spoke, her eyes fell on Qian Renxue below, "Is it okay to leave this matter to you?"

"I guarantee it will be completed."

Qian Renxue has been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now that she finally has a place to use her skills, how could she have any objections?

She quickly responded, and Qian Renxue took the initiative to take over the topic, so that the atmosphere on the scene would not continue to be silent.

"It's not difficult to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover, the main thing is how do we get it away from the Sea God?"

"This should be the difficulty we need to think about."

"Just gather all our strength and attack!"

Yu Tianlong was full of fighting spirit, and his eyes swept over the participants one by one, "We can't achieve the condition of joint strength with our strength, after all, each of us has different strengths."

"But it's different with the young master, the young master will definitely have a way to gather our strength together."

"Quantitative change will eventually lead to qualitative change!"


As soon as Yu Tianlong finished speaking, Biji immediately spoke out to veto, and she looked at Yu Tianlong with obvious resistance in her eyes.

"The Sea God is a god, and her power is no longer based on quantity. If it can be successful so easily, why hasn't anyone succeeded in all these years?"

"If you ask me, it's better to take it step by step to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover away from the Sea God."

Biji kept her eyes on Yu Tianlong while speaking.

"Just like how we got the Vast Sea Universe Cover, we can find a way to attack from the inside."

"How to attack from the inside? Do we have to enter the body of the Sea God?"

Emperor Tian asked back calmly. As his voice sounded, everyone's eyes fell on him again. As if noticing this, Emperor Tian sat more upright.

"If you ask me, why don't we develop a soul skill, a soul skill that specifically separates this kind of connection!"


A sneer came out of Qian Renxue's mouth. Looking at Emperor Tian's gaze, Qian Renxue waved her hand to signal him to continue.

But the proposal made people laugh, how could Emperor Tian continue?

"It seems that you have a better way, why don't you tell me."


Everyone was discussing heatedly at the meeting. Although this "heat" came from the plan of attacking each other, it was much better than the silence at the beginning.

Su Chen's original purpose was to let everyone make a voice of condemnation, let everyone participate, and arouse excitement in everyone's hearts.

He knew very well that the people present always had a high and invincible perception of the gods.

If this image did not dissipate in their hearts, Su Chen's subsequent plans would not be able to unfold.

Su Chen had no intention of getting the Vast Sea Universe Cover. He chose it only because of the connection between the Sea God and him.

Su Chen wanted to tell everyone through this incident that the so-called gods were just stronger soul masters and there was nothing to be afraid of.

His sight came to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue never knew Su Chen's plan. She had always obeyed orders to transform into Xue Qinghe and stay in the Tiandou Empire. At first, she thought Su Chen was plotting against the Tiandou Empire.

Now that she heard Su Chen's real plan, she was really excited. No wonder Su Chen didn't tell her the plan. It turned out to be like this!

It turned out that Su Chen's goal was much crazier than she imagined, but if this thing really succeeded...

Qian Renxue forced herself to calm down the tension in her heart and planned to complete the first step of the plan.

That was to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover in her hands! (End of this chapter)

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